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19637461 No.19637461 [Reply] [Original]

List good fantasy novels/series

>> No.19637521

A Comprehensive List of Good Fantasy Novels:

>> No.19637526

But have you considered:

>> No.19637552

His Dark Materials

>> No.19637684
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You dropped this, king

>> No.19638056

Tolkien wrote more than enough there's literally no need to read anyone else.

>> No.19638622
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the Cold Fire trilogy was amazing

>> No.19638629
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The Edge Chronicles

>> No.19638645

he didn't write that much

>> No.19638658

I... Umm ummm... I... I don't know

>> No.19638666
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>> No.19638690

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I really don't understand the appeal of getting into a sprawling fantasy series. I'm not a fantasy reader, but I can fathom why someone would read a fantasy novel here and there and the enjoyment they could derive from it. However, trudging through 10+ installments of generic pseudo-medieval narrative, padded out without any artistic justification, just to keep pushing out sequels, that's beyond me. The Song of Ice and Fire seems impossible to start for the same reason.

>> No.19638703
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>> No.19638719

The Biography of the Life of Manuel, specifically:
Jurgen (1919)
Domnei (1920)
Figures of Earth (1921)
The Silver Stallion (1926)
The Music From Behind The Moon (1926)

>> No.19638722


>> No.19638756

I like epics. I like stories that incorporate big time frames, nations, families, characters, multiple plots all interlocking in a complex pattern that when you pull back from and look at as a whole makes a complete picture. I have read most of the historical epics from many different civilizations for this reason, and while a 12 book fantasy series isn't going to measure up to the profundity of something like the Mahabharata they do both appeal me for their scope.

I should be clear that this only applies to series that can be viewed as a complete work, and not something like OPs picture which are purely episodic.

>> No.19638771

vampire academy

>> No.19638783

Once a stand up comedian has tried his fluffier stuff, he moves on to his dark materials.

>> No.19638790

I find racial humour to be played out.

>> No.19638946

This; War and Peace is 587,287 words, and The Lord of the Rings has 525,414. When you step back and look at what those two novels were able to accomplish in a mere half-a-million words, you realize there is literally no reason for a novel to be longer than that. All these fantasy hacks writing 1,000,000+ word doorstoppers need to realize that almost all of verbal vomit they spew out isn't worth reading; condense it down as much as you can and polish that shit, no self-respecting person is going to read all of that.

>> No.19638954

The Bible I & 2, the Koran

>> No.19639130

Worst books I have ever read, and I read 1000 fantasy and YA books from age 6 to 16.

>> No.19639161
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>> No.19639201

Try Gormenghast.

>> No.19639205

Read Earthsea

>> No.19639226

based Chris Riddell appreciator

>> No.19639239

>I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but I really don't understand the appeal of getting into a sprawling fantasy series.
I don't read much genre but I particularly I hate these endless book series. Tolkien could get away with a trilogy since his world is massive and he's very descriptive, but everyone else isn't Tolkien. Finish your stupid fantasy book and move on to another story.

>> No.19639289

Some stories take multiple arcs and decades in universe to tell the tale. Usually this isn't the case and there is a bloated trilogy and a series of companion books that follow, making use of the same world. The truth is that people merely want more of the same and a sprawling series allows for that, fans are heavily divided over the issue and the two camps of "Epics" and everything else rarely overlap in conversation.

>> No.19639310

So you can assume that anyone who writes more than 3 books is a hack, because he's giving in to the public, who as we all know, has SHIT taste.

>> No.19639322
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that's some tipping

>> No.19639337

I once had an internship at a publisher. I was responsible for communicationg with certain authors. Low-key stuff, like when meetings were, possible conventions to attend, that sort of stuff.
R.A. Salvatore was one of the authors I communicated with. His emails were like a poorly-educated 6th grader on a Thunderbird bender. Just rambling, incoherent mutterings full of bad spelling and no grammar. One of the editors confirmed that his manuscripts were largely the same and that about 70% of his books were re-writes by the house staff, the rest heavily edited by a team.

>> No.19639368

I'm surprised they're not just written by a bunch of interns and signed by him afterwards.