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/lit/ - Literature

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1963370 No.1963370 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ my dumb dad is making me write a 3 page paper. One page on discipline, one page on self control, and one page on attitude. I am supposed to use some references from the Bible. The paper needs to be about the general concepts and how i can apply them. I would appreciate any ideas, good one liners, or sections of any old papers you have. Please help me, my dad is insane.

>> No.1963379

for attitude just make up stuff about how you need to be more respectful and not complain and be more thankful

>> No.1963382

>on /lit/

>> No.1963384

who are you again?

>> No.1963387

How old are you? If you don't lie I will write you up some stuff, but there is no way in hell you are older than 16. If you are you have some real issues that this thread probably can't even begin to address.

>> No.1963390

>DON'T LET ANYONE LOOK DOWN ON YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE YOUNG, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 (emphasis mine)

Tell him to read "The Kingdom of God is Within You" by Leo Tolstoy, and inform him that by paying taxes he's an accomplice in murder.

>> No.1963392

lol 16, i'm not a 45 year old man living with my parents haha. But my dad will grade this paper harshly and i'm not that good at writing.

>> No.1963394
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>pic related
give this to your stupid dad

>> No.1963400

hes a pastor and he reads like every freaking book so he has proly already read it.

>> No.1963404


Why is your dad making you do this? and Why don't you leave and go to a friends house and tell them your dad is being a psycho and stay there, what is he going to do if you don't?

Why don't you have a car yet?

Why is your dad making you write this shit? What on earth did you do to get him pissed?

>> No.1963407


Unless your dad is a philosophy major he has never heard of the dude.

>> No.1963409

my dad wont let me go anywhere until i finish this paper, and i dont have a car because yesterday was my birthday. and he is making me do this because he feels that i do not respect him, and that i am to concerned with having fun and playing games

>> No.1963410


There is no way you are 16, if you are then you need to learn how to fucking type you moron. What grade are you in?

>> No.1963413


What did you do to disrespect him?

Also, are you atheist?

>> No.1963415
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tards a plenty itt

>> No.1963417

hm, well either way i still gotta write a paper and my dad won't read a book just because i tell him too

>> No.1963418

Hey op and /lit/, I'm seriously not trying to troll, but let's for one moment forget we are atheists, that religion is fucking horrendous and everything we think we know about pastors or whatever they are called.

Reading, and, specially writing, is VERY good for you. The ability to put words together to say something you want to say is very goddamn fucking useful.

Maybe the "use bible references" is bullshit, yeah, but just think about it, is your dad a psycho for making you do this? why can't you be called a retarded psycho for not wanting to write 3 fucking pages? is it a fucking crime to make your son get off his lazy fucking ass, turn off the fucking vidya for 30 minutes, stop him from fapping 7 times a day to japanese cartoons?

You should be fucking thankful your dad is not literally fucking you in the ass. Really. Literally.

The only advice I can give you op: go to a good fucking university and study whatever the fuck YOU want in 2 years. That's the only way you'll be free, by being more educated than your father. Until then... it's only 3 fucking pages goddamn.

>> No.1963419
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haha oh god this thread is shit

>do my homework /lit/
>but I'll disguise it as something else

>> No.1963421

Perhaps he has a point.

>> No.1963422

no im not an atheist and, i don't freaking know! he just goes nuts every time i forget to do some simple task like taking out the trash and it just transfers into his mind as "i an evil teenager that hates you"

>> No.1963423


You are nothing but a big baby OP the guy has no power over you. Don't write the damn paper. Just fucking tell him that you don't respect him at all and then spit on him.

I hope like hell this is a troll.

>> No.1963429

I forgot I wanted to include the fucking keywords discipline, self control, and attitude.

These are not bad things either, they are very fucking useful and honorable as well.

>> No.1963431


Pastor dad, not an atheist.

You are clearly a retard, just leave, nobody is going to help you out.

>> No.1963435

yes in most circumstances you would be right, but i am just being a normal teenager and my dad practically hates me for it, i am not complaining about the paper i was just trying to get some help because if i screw up on it he will just get even more mad.

>> No.1963436


Sounds like you are not giving us the whole story. Until you do I call bullshit, and troll.

>> No.1963444

If he gets mad it's because you're a dumbshit that can't write a fucking 3 pages paper correctly. He loves you and doesn't want you to be a "normal" (see: fucking retard) teenager, how can you not see it?.

>> No.1963450

im not a troll, he gave this assignment to me and my sister because he thinks we are becoming lazy and disrespectful towards him and my mom

>> No.1963459

by asking some anonymous dudes on the internet you are just proving him right


>> No.1963460

I sympathize op. My gf's dad is just like this, cept she's atheist so it's even harder on her.

And to the people sayin "hurr just leave fuck him whats he gonna do" it shows just how you were raised.

>> No.1963461

I know that he loves me, but i just wanted to not screw up this paper

>> No.1963472

The bibble says to honor thy parents

>> No.1963489

Why does everybody think that i hate my parents, i'm just saying that they don't understand people as much as they think they do. And im not trying to be emo and crap, i just want to get this dang paper done, and done correctly and it would have been nice to have some help from some fellow 4chaners

>> No.1963509

Write it yourself and then post it here. I'm sure people here will be glad to check it and correct it before your dad does.

Until then, kindly gtfo.

>> No.1963530

Sorry mate but your dad is trying to engender you into the power game of authority and submission. Either write 3 pages of horseshit hero worship or tell him to go fuck himself, that man is weak and that he (your father), is not god, does not know best and needs to stop fantasizing about turning you into gay jesus.

>> No.1963538

Tell your bible-thumping father to go suck a cock.

>> No.1963549



>> No.1963878
File: 146 KB, 225x300, 1300332522677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most creative, elaborate, genius troll threads I've seen in some time. Well done, sir. 10/10.

>> No.1963883

Will doing poorly on this assignment affect your GPA and hinder your ability to get into the college of your choice?

>> No.1963888

Page 1: Jesus was a cunt.

That's all I've got so far.

>> No.1963901

Those who've not read the Bible have this conception that Jesus was a Gandhish, passive guy who went around preaching amicably with a bunch of good-natured people and lambs and shit.

The Bible depicts something entirely different. Jesus is very antagonistic and (to use the parlance of our times) a total shit-stirrer. The first chapters of Luke detail how people wanted to throw Jesus off a cliffside, and almost did.
He's also pretty snotty to his parents. We all have been, of course, but this runs contrary to this image the illiterati have of the guy.

>> No.1963908

itt: people not realising this is a tired old /b/ copypasta.

>> No.1963933
File: 8 KB, 285x249, 1311283468399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Today, I self-controlled putting the Bible in my ass because I don't think God would like that, unless it is a form of prayer. In that case, my attitude towards God is that he is gay lol.

> also the Bible implies I should not write the first page but instead draw a big x on a page as in the story of moses.

>> No.1963943 [DELETED] 

>3 pages
>bible quotes

Nigger, really? This would take like 20 minutes if you weren't dumb. You can easily google bible quotes, slip them in, say how it means you should be a good son and blah blah cuz jesus hurr durr and you're done.