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/lit/ - Literature

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19633067 No.19633067 [Reply] [Original]

Learning to appreciate art with different political leanings than your own is an important part of being a normal human being.

>> No.19633074

>political leanings

>> No.19633082

phew, thanks for the warning
had no idea that was a normalfag thing

>> No.19633108

politics in art is not left, right or center.
it's more political in the literal sense, the need for progress, getting taboos out of the way and addressing such issues.
Ezra Pound bros

>> No.19633112

>learning to tolerate your enemies is part of what makes you human lmao
Well I guess the west got HUMANED.com

>> No.19633116
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I am not a human being

>> No.19633128
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>being a normal human being

>> No.19633135

>appreciating art for art's sake means tolerating your enemies

>> No.19633138
File: 68 KB, 431x595, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Normal human beings don't really read much at all.

>> No.19633140

The twitterfag is not your "ENEMY" in the nemesis sense, you watch too much anime and you do not know what a true enemy is

>> No.19633141

Separating politics from identity is anything but normal these days. The real normies are the ones who get so caught up in their puerile ideological tribalism that they let it delineate their preferences with respect to art. Choosing to see every single thing through the lens of politics is the most braindead normie mentality you can take in current year. Throughout human history, the arts have been dominated by outsiders to normie social dynamics. I'm talking about genuine outsiders here, who possess an independence of spirit such that allowing the influence of anything external is as allowing dirty feet to trespass upon some holy inner sanctum, whose entryway is jealously guarded. Only the deepest, dark gorilla nigger normies actively seek out membership within someone else's temple, or permit more than a few within their own.

Left or right; establishment or otherwise; it is subscribing to the group mentality in and of itself—it is this act, purely in its own right—which makes you a normie, a retard, and a nigger.

Get the FUCK off my lawn.

>> No.19633142

Yeah well apparently you neither because you didn't read OP's post. He said art not reading.

>> No.19633145


What board are you posting on?

>> No.19633147

Last part sounds subversive. Probably just addressing taboos that ought not to be in the open, while suppressing anything that should absolutely be in the open and addressed, like crime statistics.

>> No.19633149

Thank you, based.

>> No.19633151

Normal human being =/= normies

>> No.19633153

Meaningless retort since half the shit discussed on /lit/ has nothing to do with /lit/ and more to do with /pol/ or /r9k/, with "I hate niggers" and "How do I get a girlfriend? Books for this feel?". /lit/ is not /lit/ and it's because of you faggots.

>> No.19633786

Yes I can appreciate that the artist was wrong, it's interesting to see someone write a book to a warped lens it's quite a novel form of entertainment to read something from someone who fully believed in their delusional view of reality.

>> No.19633869

I'm not going to appreciate modern art. I'm just not going going to do it, is all, hahaha

>> No.19633878

Most people aren't that great, what are you talking about?

>> No.19633922

It's really interesting to see the copium in display here.

>author makes astounding masterpiece
>but a character was racist and the book denounces racism as bad