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19632378 No.19632378 [Reply] [Original]

Read Gore Vidal.

>> No.19632390

Sorry, I don't read capeshit.

>> No.19632421

He’s nothing of the sort. What’s the matter with you?

>> No.19632478

He was concise and trenchant. Highly recommended.

>> No.19633152

No thanks, I'll read Mailer instead.

>> No.19633214

I've read Kalki and it was shit.

>> No.19633226

I'm reading his comments on the national security state right now, he's a retarded schizo.
Is his fiction any good?

>> No.19633249

I'm a faggot but I still refuse to read faggots.

>> No.19633275

girls, lisa. boys kiss girls.

>> No.19633511

Try Burr and Julian. It's his best fiction work.

>> No.19633570

You guys won't believe how horny Buckley makes me

>> No.19633768

Why do you call it schizo?

>> No.19633882

The City and the Pillar was good. His historical fiction was okay. Myra Breckenridge was one of the most abhorrent pieces of trash I've ever read. After that I'm wary of touching another of his works.


>> No.19633914

Read his essays.

>> No.19634003

Julian is literally what convinced me reading was worthwhile.

>> No.19634082

None of these people will be remembered in 50 years. They were pointless American attention-whores, the equivalent of shit-for-brains internet celebrities like videogamedunkey, gametheory, the game grumps, etc.
Nothing any of them wrote is worth reading and their works will be out of print as soon as the last boomer/boomer-suckup is dead.
The time you spent thinking about them was wasted.

>> No.19634110


>> No.19634120


>> No.19634280

The last time someone read Mailer, Bush was President.
The last time someone read Buckley, Reagan was President. /lit/ reads Vidal with some frequency

>> No.19634310

That's not fair on Norman, I consider him the best writer of the three.

>> No.19634340

Okay. Not many talk of him here though.

>> No.19634357

People only really start talking about Buckley and Vidal here after their Documentary, Best of Enemies was on Netflix. I knew Vidal and Mailer before I even found this place. I have never known anyone who unironically reads Buckley.

>> No.19634392

Vidal fans consist of:
- Middle-aged heterosexuals who wish they were bisexual
- post-wall millennial females like butterfly who masturbate to Burr
- trannies

>> No.19634418


>> No.19634427

The only thing that's wasted is my penis after jerking it to Billy

>> No.19634428


>> No.19634434

No one reads Gore Vidal now. The only reason he’s remembered at all is for talking shit on tv. You think anyone will care about him in 50 years?

>> No.19634442

tell that to the trannies who have been spamming him recently (see this thread for example)

>> No.19634567

Buckley is pompous as fuck, but he fought actual Nazis in WWII Vidal is a pygmy in comparison.

>> No.19634592

>he LITERALLY fought the freakin' NAZIRINOS.
Heckin' badass. No cap. Keep those fascist creeps out of our country.

>> No.19634609

Nazis aren't based. What's based about being an autistic pagan LARPer obsessed with an imaginary past? What's based about forever tainting the very idea of European nationhood?

>> No.19634619
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>> No.19634633

>Anonymous 12/26/21(Sun)16:10:56 No.19634609▶
> >>19634592
> Nazis aren't based. What's based about being an autistic pagan LARPer obsessed with an imaginary past? What's based about forever tainting the very idea of European nationhood?
>Anonymous 12/26/21(Sun)16:12:28 No.19634619▶
>File: baf.png (213 KB, 599x740)
>213 KB
> >>19634592

>> No.19634639

I have no reason to believe that paganism was a significant element of Nazism outside of some leading figures' personal lives. The idea of European nationhood was tainted by the people who defeated the Germans, not the Germans themselves.

>> No.19634640

I'm not wrong though.

>> No.19634678

The whole Hitlerite project was insane; take the Strasser pill.

>> No.19634720

All governments/societies are insane. Insanity doesn't spoil a country; the degree to which insanity compliments depends on context. What Strasser would you recommend?

>> No.19634795

I'll take a look at Julian, an historical novel about a misunderstood Roman emperor seems interesting to me.

>> No.19634960


>> No.19635415

Gore Vidal was a pederast. A child molestor. He should have been executed.

>> No.19635428


>> No.19635458

Based and truthpilled

>> No.19635475

cringy jew

>> No.19636705

Buckley literally stayed in America throughout the war.

>> No.19637602

I just checked warosu. They seem to have been talking about him throughout and well before the documentary.

Show me the Wikileaks of the flight log proving this, or stand corrected.

>> No.19637692

Vidal or Buckley?

>> No.19637836
