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19629296 No.19629296 [Reply] [Original]

The Great American Novel

>> No.19629305

>not the ambassadors
close, but no cigar. i'd put Absorp Absorp in 3rd behind Ambasses and Recognoiters

>> No.19629316

After the fifth different version of the same story but with a different perspective, or new twist, I began to tire. It has some of Faulkner’s best writing, but TSATF and AILD are much better IMO

>> No.19629320

>Henry James

>> No.19629323

i'm sorry your mother drank while you were in the womb.

>> No.19629331

I'm sorry you have to read Henry James.

>> No.19629338

sangria and gin? tsk tsk

>> No.19629346

*reads dogshit awkward prose for pleasure*

>> No.19629350

why would you do that, anon?

>> No.19629355

Because I'm masochistic enough to read Henry James.

>> No.19629385

If they made a sequel they would have to call it "Absalom 2, Absalom 2."

>> No.19629386

but henry james is an amazing author! it doesn't hurt you to read him, does it? maybe you just need to work harder to understand it!

>> No.19629418
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Get the fuck outta here

>> No.19629448

The Great American novel is not a singular thing, not a work which over shadows the rest, it is a work which embodies the time and place of the nation and it's people. There are a large number of these works and they tie us to our past in a way which historical documents can not, make it more than just events and great leaders of the past, speaks of the people as more than just a mass. Individuals with unique experience and insight into the events which define the nation, it is not that the people suffered or prospered, they lived and had lives. This current trend of turning the idea of the Great American Novel into a pissing match is rather depressing, it reduces it to historical data instead of the life of a nation.

>> No.19629538

Absolutely the Great Southern Novel, Gravity’s Rainbow is probably the greatest American Novel over all though.

>> No.19629571

Nah, GR doesn't ran here. Moby-Dick is the greatest American novel, but not the Great American Novel. That title goes to something Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Faulkner etc.

>> No.19629703

>it doesn't hurt you to read him
Yes, his prose is painful to read.

>> No.19629716

>Moby-Dick is the greatest American novel, but not the Great American Novel. That title goes to something Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Faulkner etc.
what do you mean?

>> No.19629718


>> No.19629737

the Great American Novel should be concerned with what it means to be American - i.e. set in America, describing American society - while Moby-Dick may be the best novel written by an American (definitely a defendable position), it isn't the best novel concerned with what it means to be an American.

>> No.19629763

Isn't the Pequod an allegory for the US? A bunch of immigrants and lowlifes working together for a purpose?

>> No.19629775

It's a bunch of immigrants and lowlife, plus some natives who have to donate their own blood in order to assist a madman pursue his delusions of Whiteness.
The Muh Great American Novel is a shitty discourse, implying America is some dazzling sui generis country which requires great literature to comprehend.

>> No.19629783

Too much Blarty Hongo, not enough Farty Mongo.

>> No.19629792

Honestly one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read

>> No.19630096
File: 95 KB, 1000x1515, 9781447289456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*clears throat*
>*drops mic*

>> No.19630105
File: 312 KB, 1517x2323, 81HSlY4fJCL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside peasants.

>> No.19630107


>> No.19630117

CIA trash i bet you listen to UV too LOL

>> No.19630142

Such a great book. This, Henry Miller, Winesburg Ohio, Look Homeward Angel are my shill books

>> No.19630144

>t. slkdf vias; visd a;lkdjfi

>> No.19630195

Just curious, did you read it, or are you prejudging based on reputation (i.e., whether it made the lit top 100 or not)? Just trying to judge if you're too retarded to form your own opinions or too retarded to recognize literary merit.

I also have no idea what those abbreviations stand for.

Nice. I bought Winesburg Ohio recently, will move it to the top of my list for when I finish my current reads (sailor song and dead souls). Look Homeward Angel is also on my reading list, I'll make sure to get it next time I buy a haul.

>> No.19630225

do you not know about Ken Kesey anon?

>> No.19630344

Forgot about his whole MK ultra thing, don't tend to care too much about the author regardless, just about their works. Still don't know what UV means.

>> No.19630353
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that was a typo

>> No.19630378


>> No.19630414

t. fell for le BM is shit! meme

>> No.19630492

>if you don't accept it as the greatest thing ever written that means you never read it and are larping
why are Cormac fags such bipolar retards?

>> No.19630503

I don't think it's shit, it's really quite good, it's just not in that league.

>> No.19630914

what is it about Cormac that causes this seethe

>> No.19631034

His fans, love his writing. It is not really seethe, more an annoyance like one of those big dumb flies which buzz loudly, endlessly smacking into the window's glass unable to figure out that the window is open, they just need to fly a foot lower and out the window to freedom. They never even try to fly lower, never give up on a failed tactic, just vainly repeat their mistakes in hope of success.

>> No.19632027

It absolutely is. You don't have to short change a book because it shows up your favored choice, anon.

>> No.19632042

Fuck no.

>> No.19632062

They can't understand him, despite being able to read him cover to cover. If they ever even read him. There are a few here that hold completely irrational grudges against him for no reason at all or for the pathetic reason that they were made to look retarded in Cmac thread. That's my observation.

>> No.19632079


>> No.19632083

Here he is. one of the few.

>> No.19632114


>> No.19632118


>> No.19632125


>> No.19633661

It's Faulkner's best. Good pick, anon.

>> No.19633665

>/lit/'s annotated version
>crumbs all over carpet
That tracks.

Anyways, anon, go get your vacuum.

>> No.19633670


>> No.19633671

Based. Kesey is the Faulkner of the Pacific Northwest. "Notion" is tremendously good, and rarely read these days.

>> No.19633992


>> No.19634225

you guys know harold bloom holds that view? right?

>> No.19634234


>> No.19634236

got this for christmas, what am i in for?

>> No.19634330

It is a prevalent view in modern criticism, not just Bloom's.

>> No.19634374

nah m8 iss Augie March

>> No.19634412

A great fucking book. It kinda starts near the end, goes into a flashback, and it has some modernist style writing in parts that can take 20 or so pages to get used to. One of the most nuanced books I’ve read. I’m not even sure what Kesey’s views on unions and such were because points on each side were very valid

>> No.19634456
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>> No.19634514
File: 442 KB, 844x559, eeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like BM, but Bloom is a fucking idiot

>> No.19635229

lol. Bloom just translated the academic world into laymen terms and used it as qualification for his unsupportable opinions.
LOL. proof, now. Link journal papers.

>> No.19635247

You haven’t read O Lost, fuck off.

>> No.19635349

You the first edition anon? Lol

>> No.19636126


>> No.19636652

>link journal papers
Just google search. Every modern essay on Great American novel mentions it. Almost every essay on BM also mentions it.
Stop being so obsessed, retard. You are completely ignorant of the critical opinion on the book. Your ignorance doesn't make your fantasies true. You fags are embarrassing.

>> No.19636668

>le Bloom this that
And who exactly are you? You are a laymen with delusions he is trying to pass off as true. How are you any better than Bloom? At least he read and knew ins and outs of criticism at large. Meanwhile you are so oblivious you are asking for journal papers as proof on something widely accepted, for better or worse.Behave, newfag.

>> No.19636690

Bloom might be problematic but you have obviously never read him. You are just parroting a notion you took from this place. And don't talk about unsupportable opinions when your "opinions" are hot take fantasies.

>> No.19636699

or you could be a broken retard whose brain is so fried by dopamine surges from pornography that you can't concentrate on written words for more than five seconds, much less comprehend what they mean

>> No.19636708

Or he sucks and there are better authors. The simplest idea is often the true one.

>> No.19636714

>it's another episode of an emotionally unstable teenager trying to look smart
LOL! How fucking embarrassing! Meanwhile Bloom had written pages upon pages on his "unsupportable" opinions.

>> No.19637557
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>> No.19637573
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>> No.19637865

Moby Dick is the great American Novel and I'm not even Bloomposting.

>> No.19637876

right, the one that you're retarded seems the simplest here.

>> No.19637959


>> No.19638318

You have nothing. As usual.

>> No.19638328

I like that you personify yourself as the wall because that is about how dumb you are. You are ever going to back up your hot takes? or is everybody else in the world just stupid because they like this book? You can atleast read about its critical reception before rushing head on like an overly hormonal teenager too taken with his delusions.