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/lit/ - Literature

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19628400 No.19628400 [Reply] [Original]

Am I going to make it, lit bros? I have just gotten into reading over the past 6 months and have only read beyond good and evil + Mein Kampf so far

>> No.19628415

yea, it's a good start.

>> No.19628430
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my haul
I'll try reading all of them this year<span class="fortune" style="color:#fc2d53">

Your fortune: Happy Hanukkah![/spoiler]

>> No.19628480

You are definitely going to make it, bro. That is a great start.

>> No.19628589

Why are you reading Nietzsche in English?

>> No.19628595
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Rate mine

>> No.19628598
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>> No.19628731

>not in italian

>> No.19628736


>> No.19628832
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this is mine, mostly from my mom

>> No.19628898

>Nooo you have to read in a language that you are not familiar with so every little detail goes straight over your head

>> No.19628959


Don't worry, fellow /lit/bro. Everybody's going to make it. In a way, we're always already making it. Good job on not hauling more than two books. Whenevery I buy more than two books there are some books that I undoubtedly not read to completion.

I like the recognisability of the left cover design. They say that I should not judge a book by it's cover - and I am not doing that, I am just liking its cover.

Good job on reading Mein Kampf, or good job on reading it to completion - I could not get past the fact that my version was printed in German and that my skills in the German languages are 'nicht so gut'. Try to not be bothered by people who say what you can and can read, or are even afraid of what you read. I am reading BIJBEL now and I have the weird small feeling that people where I am are afraid of me reading it, although I have read two other different versions already. I am fine.

Sorry, I'll start a blog when I have the money. Have fun reading these wintery days and beyond! Warm greetings from an Anonymous reader and noob writer from an Alocal place. Merry Christmas.

>> No.19629014

Where did you get that copy of Moby Dick? Looks beautiful.

>> No.19629043
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Mom got me the books I asked for during the pre Thanksgiving sale.
I must have been a good boy

>> No.19629064

>Good job on not hauling more than two books.
I just have an understanding that I will complete minimal recreational reading during my academic semester, so I intend on finishing Notes from the Underground by the end of my holidays and then having Crime and Punishment prepared for the end of the semester. I don't want to get too ahead of myself and begin stockpiling books endlessly.
>Try to not be bothered by people who say what you can and can read, or are even afraid of what you read.
I seldom read in public places, but occasionally I will be asked about my reading from a friend/colleague/date. I have sufficient confidence in articulating precisely why I am interested in reading what I read, paired with the charisma to subtly redpill whoever I am talking to more often that not. From my perspective, if somebody is put-off by my reading, they almost certainly are not the type of person that I would enjoy spending any time with.
Merry Christmas, anon. Enjoy your holidays and hold your loved ones near!

>> No.19629090

Nice Mishima

>> No.19629112

not him but I think it's the Penguin English Classics range

>> No.19629139

What gave it away, was it the picture of a penguin on the spine?

But yeah, it's this line:

>> No.19629155
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I'm very happy
Merry Xmas friends

>> No.19629177

>Edith Hamilton's Mythology
Nice one. I've looking out for the 75th anniversary edition one.

>> No.19629178
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No haul for me, I was gifted an ebook instead
Guess I'll just fall for the meme too
At least reading will be dramatically cheaper now

>> No.19629186
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Yi Jing with commentaries,
I'm very happy.

>> No.19629207

>it's all gay fiction
Does your Mom know?

>> No.19629218

>Tarka the otter
Am jelly, merry Christmas<span class="fortune" style="color:#d0aa01">

Your fortune: Krampus is coming to your house![/spoiler]

>> No.19629222

Ebook or ebook reader?<span class="fortune" style="color:#ec117e">

Your fortune: Happy Kwanzaa![/spoiler]

>> No.19629360
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if she does, she never brings it up or hints at it

>> No.19629377

Tarka is my first pick. As soon as I finish Snow Country

>> No.19629422

>I was gifted an ebook instead
why would your family spend money on a book tell them to refund it since you can download it for free

>> No.19629875

I meant a kindle my bad. I'm new to this<span class="fortune" style="color:#01d0aa">

Your fortune: You're on the Elf Watchlist.[/spoiler]

>> No.19629947

Hallo, mein Bruder. Was ist dein Lieblingsbuch von ihm?

>> No.19629964

I don't speak German. I was wondering why that guy purchased Nietzsche in German when he plans on reading Bertold Brecht, among others, in German.

>> No.19629973

Maybe his German is not so good. Brecht is more easy than Nietzsche.

>> No.19630564
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Merry Christmas /lit/

>> No.19630574

Mum got me John Donnes complete poetry, Ted Chiangs "Exhalation", Nikolai Leskov "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk," and Guido Morselli "Dissipatio H.G."

>> No.19630600

Nice haul friend, merry Christmas to you also.<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.[/spoiler]

>> No.19630603

Also got my parents Don Quixote and a collection of H.G. Wells novels

>> No.19630616


>> No.19630667
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Christmas haul 1/2

>> No.19630669
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>> No.19630692

Wait a minute
Are you german or anglo? This makes no sense

>> No.19630746
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>read beyond good and evil + Mein Kampf so far
Good start, reading a tranny and a divinely inspired political leader. Now try a good book too.

>> No.19631201
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What I got<span class="fortune" style="color:#7f11ec">

Your fortune: You're getting a lump of coal in your stocking![/spoiler]

>> No.19631212

have you read any jung before?

>> No.19631223

That is a nice edition of C&P. Can I ask which one it is?

>> No.19631235
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>> No.19631237

Nice. I would like to get into Patrick Suskind.

>> No.19631240

Why notes from the underground is bigger than C&P ???<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list![/spoiler]

>> No.19631241

I loved the collector<span class="fortune" style="color:#fc2d53">

Your fortune: Happy Hanukkah![/spoiler]

>> No.19631380

Does Penguin not make or ship the modern classics for the US? I never see them here.

>> No.19631418
File: 26 KB, 360x640, 266700893_455193016059420_2793820786270467820_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mom!!!!!

>> No.19631424

I love moms so freaking much

>> No.19631425

Yea I have read man and his symbols and am finishing memories, dreams, reflections soon.

I already have psychology and alchemy and am probably going to read that prior to Aion.

>> No.19631427

Nice. I have that edition of Baudelaire.

>> No.19631436

You can get them easily on Amazon or book depository in the USA. They do say Penguin Random House UK inside

>> No.19631443
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I asked for a couple of them but my mom tries really hard to surprise me. She usually just looks up top 10 lists and picks from there

>> No.19631472

Is that the screenplay for Le Samourai or are you trying to slip a DVD in with your purported haul?
If the latter, did you really think that /lit/ would fall for such a ruse?

>> No.19631489

yagmi. Merry Christmas anon

>> No.19631514

Yes, those are life changing books, and I would recommend NFTU immediately before CAP

>> No.19631523

Man travels with charley is fucking superb. So much heart, and a lot of depth that I didn’t expect

>> No.19631562

> Mom sees book cover
> "Oh gee, my anon seems to be into some hardcore shit"
> Mom randomly flips to a random passage from Meltdown
> "uh ... 'Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.'"
> Mom knows you're gay now

>> No.19631707

it's a DVD. I also have another DVD in there. Le Samourai is basically literature

>> No.19631716
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Bretty good, loving The Bible and The Holy Fathers so far.

>> No.19631719

>Mein Kampf
Were you as bored as I was? It was insufferable. I hope the editor got Zyklon Omega for his work.

>> No.19632299

Tőkei Ferencnek van egy három kötetes kínai filozófia szöveggyűjteménye kommentárokkal. Érdemes lehet beszerezni. Egy ezresért vettem meg anno mind a hármat.

>> No.19633175

Should probably read the archetypes and the collective unconscious before aion as well. They are 2 parts of the same volume

>> No.19633231
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Bottom 5 on the right were gifts, rest things I ordered for myself.

>> No.19633246

I got Goddesses by Joseph Campbell and The Hunter Gathers Guide to the 21st Century by Brett Weinstein and his wife.

>> No.19633247
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My 2cents

>> No.19633266

You should get the Spawn comics while you're reading go to hell and back books lmao

>> No.19633273


>> No.19633280

Bill and ted 2: hyperted

>> No.19633321
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New translation, I'm going to reread War & Peace

>> No.19633366

Perhaps in surface area, but accordingly, C&P is > 700 pages and notes is 126 pages

>> No.19633659

>I am reading BIJBEL now and I have the weird small feeling that people where I am are afraid of me reading it,
Nobody cares

>> No.19633680

Just stopping by to shit on der Richter und sein Henker. Why it that a classic.

>> No.19633726
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Yea good point - ideally I also want to read a bunch more scripture/ biblical analysis before Aion as well.

>> No.19633731
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Tell me I'm cool and intelligent. I'm American btw

>> No.19633783

>implying a one-balled sadomasochist is different from a tranny

>> No.19633801

>cool and intelligent
You fucked up something as simple as a stack photo

>> No.19633809


>> No.19633826

Should he have posted the picture right side up so we'd have to read the titles upside down? I think anon did a good job.

>> No.19634247

Why did he put the books upside-down in the first place?

>> No.19634544

bilingual citizen of USofA (born) and Kingdom of Bavaria (live)
anyways, anglos are germanic
checkmate chud

because I like the covers
simple as

I could [should] have gotten German versions of Homer but 'Ilias' instead of 'the Iliad' sounds like a gay romance novel so no

gift poison

Happy Julfest anon!

>> No.19634784

>Kingdom of Bavaria
The Mad King ist tot

>> No.19634807
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Minor update

>> No.19634887
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First time in /lit/ No bully plz

>> No.19635000

Post something from dnd cookbook or pdf link

>> No.19635029
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>> No.19635041

Kösz a tippet anon, de már rég megvan. Az egyik első könyvem volt a témában.
t. Kínabuzi

>> No.19635092

You read shit literature, faggot

>> No.19635159

im not taking pics, all of those are in polish.

i received:
proust - in search of lost time vol 1 & 2,
bronte - wuthering heights,
conrad - heart of darkness.

bronte i almost bought for myself like 2 days earlier, so it was a great gift. currently reading it. proust i already had vol 1, the same translation even, by tadeusz "dat boi" żeleński, so i guess ill give it to my local library.

i gifted:
st. irenaeus - adversus haereses,
faulkner - absalom, absalom,
faulkner - light in august,
mario puzo - the fourth k,
mario puzo - the dark arena,
olga tokarczuk - journey of the people of the book,
a book about pedagogy for me mum.

i bought most of those from a small used books store in my town that is unfortunately closing down soon :( they had a "1 pln (~0,25 usd) for every book" sale going on but i found out too late and most of the good stuff was gone already.

>> No.19635304

>my town that is unfortunately closing down soon :(
I know that feel
>they had a "1 pln (~0,25 usd) for every book"
I know that feel too
Piwo kurwa zubrowka dziekuje
I was in Krakow 10 years ago, loved the place

>> No.19635595

That is the thickest volume of Republic I have ever seen.

>> No.19635706

Ted Chiang is based

>> No.19636051
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20211226_170741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to put on an amazon wishlist so all that's on there are books
>inb4 2 copies of Animal Farm

>> No.19636068

Alot fo forewards, and also large typing, its thick to make you feel smart :)

>> No.19636614

Because he took the picture upside down.

>> No.19636819
File: 3.46 MB, 6488x2412, FHf311vWUAUJdv-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in other thread, here is everything I got, some artbooks in the first pick and I am absolutely so happy with my stack, glad the people around me know what a degenerate I am

this is a wicked cool copy, is it just inferno?
forbidden colors is easily my favorite mishima, hope you enjoy
your mom is very cool, good taste
that videodrome blu ray is really good

>> No.19636856

>Jens Peter Jacobsen - Niels Lyhne
>The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross
>The Poetry of Rilke
>William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience
>Confucius - The Analects
>Don Quixote
That is all

>> No.19636891

Not him, but the covers says divine comedy

>> No.19637510

Am I retarded or something? What am I missing?

>> No.19638866

U r retarded

>> No.19639465

But the books are on the floor upside down

>> No.19639611

him, its the whole thing, with paradise and purgatory, some commentary, limited edition

>> No.19639705

holy shit, that edition looks amazing and even has annotations
i think i'll buy it too, although it is quite expensive for me
anything i should read beforehand?

>> No.19640212

Wonder how much that cost the person who got it for you

>> No.19640549

You can find a price online but the person is a family friend wealthy so I think for him it was just something he thought I’d maybe like

Needless to say he was very right

>> No.19640563

Was meant for >>19640212
Phoneposting is a chore

>> No.19640581

yeah youre gonna make it, just read what you want and ignore faggots shoving guides down your throat

>> No.19640939
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not that many this year.

>> No.19640964

forgot to put the names in English (even though they're all quite obvious):
>The Lost Steps, by Carpentier
>The Petty Demon, by Sologub
>The Book of Monelle, by Schwob

>> No.19640980
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Boxing Day

>> No.19641276

Nice picks, that's where I started with Russian lit as well. I would intersperse these with other Russians so you get some different perspectives rather than just going on a Dostoevsky marathon. I started with those two books, but then read some Tolstoy, Turgenev, Goncharov, now I'm back to Dostoevsky, reading Demons.

As for Christmas gifts, all I got was a book about growing mushrooms at home from my sister-in-law. I was happy to get it but its not really /lit/ material.

>> No.19641866

I'm getting paid on the 30th, so I'm getting my books on January 3rd at most.

Planning to get:
>Lord of the Rings trilogy + the Hobbit
>Full Lovecraft Collections
>Books about astronomy
>Demons by Dostoyevski
>Full poetry from Nicanor Parra or Neruda.

>> No.19642181

>someone decided we should do secret santa this year
>finally my turn
>aunt hands me my present, i can tell it's a book
>as I'm opening it "Well anon I know you like to read and I think this book could really help you!"
>finish opening it
>"How to win friends and influence people. Thanks aunt...."
>Can feel everyone laughing

>> No.19642218

Macmillan collectors library. They’re tiny and the pages are a bit thin but the quality is decent

>> No.19642297

Currently reading NFTU, will begin CAP when I finish the winter semester - thanks!
The other anon is correct, it is Macmillan

>> No.19642306

In some ways, yes. Although, it is difficult to not be fascinated by the man's thoughts and ideas. I view it as more of a collectors item than a great literary work, I have a few copies of Mein Kampf actually.

>> No.19642362
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The Flaubert has essays from Baudelaire, lukacs, and others

>> No.19642867
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admittedly not just Christmas, but all from within a week of the 25th

>> No.19642877

My condolences on the lame books, after all, we all know that Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.19642900


>> No.19642906

>Book has penises on the cover
Hell no, nice try, fag

>> No.19642937

Piketty's Capital is very good. Lots of well supported observations on the trends of wealth and money in a globalized economy. His prescription's are "left wing" in the eyes of Americans, so /lit/ mostly hates him, but he's actually very based.

>> No.19644052

only /lit/ gift was $25 card for amazon, not really sure what to get with as my backlog is just tremendous already and im otherwise quite poor so i will hang on to it for a rainy day i guess

>> No.19644103

Crime and Punishment is a fucking BANGER

>> No.19644178

>Got £50 from my nan

Tempted to get Pelicans complete Shakespeare

>> No.19645457


>> No.19645739

>she doesn't hint at it
uh... she just outed you. She knows.

>> No.19646405
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>The Iliad


>> No.19646840


>> No.19646932

I only read on my Kindle nowadays so I can't participate in this thread with pictures.

>> No.19646961

>not blake's illustrations

>> No.19648312

They got you a shitty translation