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19628170 No.19628170 [Reply] [Original]

Just realized the girl at the coffee shop is NOT impressed by what im reading and is kinda creeped out by the fact i come in everyday

>> No.19628179

What were you reading?

>> No.19628186
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>> No.19628189

It's because you read the wrong books, I read Evola at the coffee shop and I've gotten laid twice there

>> No.19628201

Gary Glitter's Autobiography.

>> No.19628447

War and peace….

Please be gentle im a /lit/let i know :/

>> No.19628479

Bookish nerds think reading is impressive to the nonreading public; that sort of hypervaluation indicates an unpleasant disposition.
>Bitch, I know you don't read, but I do. You should be into that.
Why would anyone want routine association with that sort of performative plebianism?

>> No.19628512

Exactly. Nothing bad about reading, but when you are obviously using as some kind of 'tool' to impress other people, yeah, it is bad

>> No.19628883

Everything is performative

>> No.19628962

3 girls approached me in an hour in a campus Starbucks when I was reading Justine by De Sade. Lol

>> No.19628970


>> No.19628986

I wish i was handsome

>> No.19628987

Destroy all women

>> No.19629157

If you were hot you could read any stupid pop lit shit and women would think you're a genius

>> No.19629195

I wear a fitted sand button up, beige pants with a light brown belt and light brown boots with big fluffy white socks. I've been flirted with by many women when I read at my local pizza shop. I'm currently dating someone, though, so I explain that to them and let them leave. I read The Ego and It's Own, some autobiographies of people I find interesting, and I'm getting the writings of Caesar even though I'm told it's full yet interesting

>> No.19629211

Man... If it's meant to impress, you should go to different coffee shops so that you amplify your chances and aren't everyday in the same one. Be a rare bird, not a creep.

>> No.19629860
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On the tables or behind the counter?

>> No.19629878

I'm 6'1 and quite handsome and the women at my local cafe like me. Just be above average height and good looking bro.

>> No.19629888

I've said this before here, but I once picked up a stripper in a coffee shop while reading Husserl. We dated for 6 months after. She was so insanely good in bed it kinda broke me. Hard to find girls that much into hatefucking.

>> No.19629890

Last week I was there reading Christopher Dawson's 'Progress and Religion', and when the gril asked me what I was reading she replied with 'I'm quite spiritual myself'. It was very cute.

>> No.19630145

And we didn't believe you the first time desu. What makes you think we believe you now?

>> No.19630300


You guys are delusional if you think women are into bookish little nerds....

>> No.19630340


>> No.19630358


>> No.19630369

Good thing I'm not a 'little nerd' then.

>> No.19630373

Indeed, but you are also delusional if you think it is repulsive to them. What matters is how handsome you are, and how neurotypical you are.

>> No.19630460

Usually preformist posers don't out themselves this easily.

I'll strip the sarcasm from this next part, suspecting that someone as ego sensitive as you would curl up into a defense mechanism like a passive aggressive armadillo otherwise.

Not everything is performative. Most people do not care how what they're doing would (or even does) look to others most of the time. You have a fixation that is probably not good for you. If you're a teenager, this phase will probably pass, and if you're not, you ought to reflect on some things, buddy.

Wishing you the best, motherfucker.

>> No.19630469

>she doesn't crush on him
>he didn't ask her out because he could tell she liked him
>they didn't date and fall in love
cringe. ngmi

>> No.19630474

Great response

>> No.19630598

Call of the crocodile

>> No.19630916

just lower your pants and show her your cock. impression guaranteed.

>> No.19631160

sumerian literature

>> No.19631169

I don't care.

>> No.19631175


OP "frequent customers" at any retail establishment except maybe Starbucks are usually weird freaks. And she's been fucked before, or at least it's expected. Just be a sociopathic pussyhound lol, that's also expected. Get with the program

>> No.19631651

>going to a coffee shop
Just brew at home, retard.

>> No.19632298

My diary desu

>> No.19632776

we all can grow and we all can learn

>> No.19632984
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>make mutual eye contact with a ginger woman with big round blue eyes ive fallen in love with on public transport
>stare too intently and scare her from the non verbal intercourse
>leave two stops early

this is why i lift

>> No.19632990

oh shit this isn’t /fit/

>> No.19633022

Larper hands typed this post

>> No.19633224

you have no idea of psychology and sociology then. And your post was performative as well. Xou somehow needed to prove to yourself that you could bash this kiddie that thinks everything is performative.

Fuck of you absolute imbecile

>> No.19633271

>Not everything is performative.
>Writes an entire performance including an armadillo with a complex emotional state

Lmao hope you get aids my good friend

>> No.19633310
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kek wonderful post

>> No.19633546

>ust realized the girl at the coffee shop is NOT impressed by what im reading
Why care?
>is kinda creeped out by the fact i come in everyday
Not your problem, you're a paying customer and you have every right to stay there.