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19628157 No.19628157 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit reading this Christmas? I’m 30 pages into pic rel

>> No.19628163
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Aeschylus' Persae.

>> No.19628420

How do you like it so far?

>> No.19628856

Oblomov, he's so lazy!

>> No.19629240

im reading kennedy's fauci book and getting MAD as HELL

>> No.19629254

Blood Meridian

>> No.19629259

I'm reading comics because I'm lazy. I finished Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant this morning and now I'm working on Himawari House.

>> No.19629260

Aristoteles' Topicos

>> No.19629270

Switching back and forth between Blood Meridian and Jane Eyre.

>> No.19629620

>kennedy's fauci book
Is that written by an actual Kennedy?

>> No.19629639

RFK Jr is a lawyer that specializes in cases where the government or pharmaceutical companies knowingly allow people to get sick and die. Guy has been an activist all his life basically.

>> No.19629663

I think it's pretty good, but I feel like I'm probably missing out by reading that instead of the Oresteia. I felt sorry for the Persian queen.

>> No.19629816
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81 pages in.

>> No.19629944

Yeah, although many of his family members have disowned him because he publishes correct information about vaccines.

>> No.19630016

Stoner. I'm at the part where Katherine resigns and leaves Columbia and Stoner becomes a morose middle-aged man. The last chapter was really sad, especially the end.

>> No.19630079

Reading "Amusing Ourselves to Death". Really enjoying it so far.

>> No.19630133
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Currently reading and it's really great narrative history, reads like fiction

>> No.19630141
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Snow Country
Should finish either tomorrow or Monday
Pic related is next on the list.

>> No.19630202

>snow country
without getting into the plot, what do you think about it? I've had it for some time but haven't gotten around to reading it yet

>> No.19630218

Just finished ch.11 of The Sun Also Rises, and I've also been reading some of the short stories from Cathedral by Raymond Carver

>> No.19630220

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, i'm reading the Introduction which I almost never do because of the introduction of Snow Country coincidentally enough. It's a wonderful introduction about James Agee's life written by John Hersey and I want to check out his book Hiroshima sometime.

>> No.19630250
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Halfway through this. A great novel of place so far, with the fictional town vividly created.

>> No.19630480

I read Augustus having already known the history of Rome and coming directly from studying epistolary works of Seneca. Williams tackles the story with such style and elegance being one of the most entertaining works I've read. Displays the ambition of Augustus in such an incredible journey: enjoy anon

>> No.19630500

Just starting the Glass Bead Game by Hesse.

>> No.19630837

Thanks anon godspeed

>> No.19631001

A bit of Chateaubriand and the Screwtape Letters

>> No.19631141

some short Chekov stories.

>> No.19631811

Sounds great. Kind of unrelated but does anyone know what the painting in the cover is?

>> No.19631866

It is by Felice Casorati and titled Silvana Cenni.

>> No.19631892

Sun's out guns out

>> No.19632693
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Just staring out, doing a presentation on Gothic and Weird Fiction so I picked it up
Next I'm going for Castle of Otranto

>> No.19632720
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I'm reading the Brazen Head, it's about Roger Bacon.

>> No.19632729

I finished the thief's journal on Christmas day, now I'm reading the odyssey.

>> No.19632738

For My Legionairies and The International Jew. If I manage to finish these quickly I might try and read another Goethe work before year's end.

I finished that the other day, it was quite interesting but it didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. Its message is glaringly obvious today to anyone who puts their phone down for a moment.

>> No.19633102

hello, based department?

>> No.19633219

It's Me, Eddie by nazbol gang. First 2 chapters are one of the most sad things I've ever read.

>> No.19633406

QRD? Its description kinda reminds me of Tropic of Cancer

>> No.19633415
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Reading this to my girlfriend. Last time I read her Euripides' Medea. She said that so far she liked the Greek stuff better.

>> No.19633416

>I feel like I'm probably missing out by reading that instead of the Oresteia
But you can read Oresteia later too? You're missing out by not reading Herodotus first maybe if you're not familiar with the Persian war. Also Persians is believed to have been written before Oresteia.

>> No.19633459

Caesar's Civil war.

>> No.19633473
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>> No.19633497

Right now I'm mostly just rereading the Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe. This year I'm going to be focusing on Arthurian literature and learning Old English because I want to be able to read Beowulf. I picked up the grammar and reader by Robert Diamond and it looks relatively easy compared to Greek.

>> No.19633507
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Comfy but the fourth chapter reminded me that I was reading pynchon with all the jumps

>> No.19633712
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>> No.19633829
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I know this is normie-tier but I started reading this yesterday. I'm about 100 pages in and it's very comfy

>> No.19634130

Should I read this or the Myth of Sisyphus next? I’ve just finished the Stranger.

>> No.19634581
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>> No.19634723


>> No.19634786

My mom gave me Augustus for Christmas. Looking forward to reading it.

>> No.19634813

I'm reading Wurthering Heights. It's really fucking boring about 80 pages in, need some anons to tell me its worth it

>> No.19634822

Not worth it.

>> No.19634828

I just finished reading Pale Fire this Christmas. I've now started reading a couple of chapters from The Potrait of a Lady, it's been great so far. It's my first Henry James novel, he often gets mixed reviews here but I wanted to find out for myself and the physical copy was one sale.

>> No.19634834

I dropped it 150 pages in but do regret it

>> No.19634860
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I am nearly halfway through, shit just got started to be real

>> No.19634972
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I'm about two-thirds of the way through Billy Budd, I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.19635151

Guns Germs and Steel

Joy of Living

>> No.19635162

Delillo’s Underworld
Death and Co cocktail book

>> No.19635180
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I am reading The Name of the Rose and enjoying it very much. I have a general interest in history, with pre-modern times (middle-ages and the iron age) being my more particular favourite. Makes me want to read more on the recurring conflicts between the pope and the emperor and all the heretical movements that were formed in that time.

Augustus is fantastic, by the way. If you want more like it I'd warmly recommend Memoirs of Hadrian (which I enjoyed even more).

>> No.19635608

Thanks anon