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19626252 No.19626252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do people read in public?

>> No.19626375

they have no shame. they believe their identities are real and want other people to see it. or maybe they just want to read. but i read on my phone so nobody knows

>> No.19626753
File: 86 KB, 994x663, BCC5CD39-5A5C-4184-A317-6C089C4C8DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left to right

>> No.19626807

That bitch on the left is not holding a real book. Tale of genji is like 1000 pages long it would be breaking her fingers

>> No.19626816

Her fingers seem to be struggling to hold at this stupid angle

>> No.19626822

Because I enjoy reading.

>> No.19626835

>they believe their identities are real and want other people to see it
Projection. I always read multiple books and one of them is a book I only read when I'm outside. That way I manage to read more. I couldn't care less what some socially anxious autists like you think, I have my own system and stick to it.

>> No.19626862

I use an ereader in public so the plebians wont know what im reading

>> No.19627107

I don't go outside.

>> No.19627118

>not plebian

>> No.19627121

You must be really stupid if you dont have an e reader for ease of use. I'm not carrying my vast library everywhere i go.

>> No.19627122

poorfag cope

>> No.19627125

Ok /g/ tards

>> No.19627126

Find a place to sit, open book, read left page, then right page, then turn the page and repeat until you reach your destination.

t. mentally ill people

>> No.19627131

>gatekeeping what you read in public
beta male moment
I bet your phone is always on silent as well

>> No.19627282

I personally read them aloud.

>> No.19627300

Same way you piss in public, forget about all the people and enjoy.

>> No.19627313

I read significantly more when I took the train to work. It was either that or doomscrolling on my phone.

>> No.19627339

>two hours of lunch break. Can either use it to read some of my ever increasing stack or have a walk to get some much needed movement and sunlight
>fuck it, I'll just do both
>start reading while walking, take the same route more or less every day
>people in the area start mocking me saying stuff like yo check out the professor, hey look here comes the poet, maybe he always comes here because he is in love with you
Why are people so mean?

>> No.19627385

Dress the part. To truly btfo them, hit on that "likes you" person.

>> No.19627390

Ditto, also start carrying mail letter bombs with you and pretend they’re your poems when you hand them out.

>> No.19627437

Kek, that sounds great.
Also, go into academia for real just to spite them.

>> No.19627444


Don't let it get to you, brother. Sounds like a lunch break well spent. If it does get to you, though, you could always listen to audiobooks instead.

>> No.19627455

Dont go the audiobook route tho, the book aesthetic is better. Also how the fuck do you pay attention to where you're walking and the book at the same time?

>> No.19627463
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People being bitchy about me reading only boost my ego.

>> No.19627511

By using Sony WH-1000X-M3. It has the best Active Noise Cancelation. I combine that with an MP3 I made out of this vid:
...this is how I read in public.

>> No.19627515

...on my phone, tablet or Kindle..

>> No.19627626

Nick mullen??

>> No.19627680

>two hours of lunch break
walk for an hour then read for an hour. Doing both at the same time compromises both activities

>> No.19627682

Andrew Vanwyngarden

>> No.19627722
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>walk onto train
>sit down
>spread my legs over 3 seats
>open up my copy of Mein Kampf

>> No.19627726

this is why you should recover your books in featureless brown paper dust jackets for public security

>> No.19627736

frick, i have the perfect pic for this feel. It's the crestfallen warrior from dark souls manspreading like he usually does, but in a train. But i can't find it.

>> No.19627761

I'm an anxious wreck in public. Constantly on edge and looking over my shoulder just waiting for someone to do something. I can't even imagine reading anything out and about lol.

>> No.19627786

read on my cheap phone, e-readers are a scam

>> No.19627810

When you consider the fact the average consoomer spends $1000+ on a smartphone, a $100-$200 e-reader doesn't seem like much of a scam

>> No.19627824

Eh, I used to be the same but in got over it. At least I'm not on my phone, amirite

>> No.19627842

>never bring phone along (getting mugged is common here)
>nowhere to look on the public transport besides the ceiling, the ground, the people, or the windows
>read to at least have something to do while I get to my destination and to finish my stack
In fact I can't quite read at home. Too many distractions

>> No.19628067

Ereaders are for poorfags who can't maintain and store and move a large library

>> No.19628082

Ride bicycle to and from work, read during break. Thus you double your time reading while also gaining much needed physical exercise, and you'll save a shitload of money on transportation.

>> No.19628104

>read in public
>coworkers make fun of me for reading
>some of them try to strike up a conversation while I'm reading which always distracts me and causes me to have to restart the entire section
I have very limited personal time and I just want to read mason & dixon in peace please stop bullying me

>> No.19628110

there's nothing more comfy than reading kafka in the tram and missing your stop so you have to take the line all the way to the end loop to get back

>> No.19628124
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Why is it so common for people to make fun of or even be offended by people reading? It's such a strange reaction to have, surely it can't just be a simple superiority complex, right?

>> No.19628173

This must be an American thing, I live in France and I have never in my entire life seen or heard about people mocking others for reading a book.
I do snicker when I see people read some really retarded shit on the subway, but it's not because they're reading, it's because they're reading retarded shit

>> No.19628177

Just like that. Look at them.

>> No.19628185

>Why do you faggots love to look at me? Wanna be my boyfriend?

>> No.19628195

That seems so comfy

>> No.19628859

Class of '26, I take it?

>> No.19628889
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>> No.19628923

I place my real reading material inside a sports magazine because I don't want to look like some pseud who's book signaling.

>> No.19628942

>the professor
>the poet
wow how cruel

>> No.19629117

Kind reminder that it's the lion's wife who hunts. But, nice citation, I'll go back to reading actual stuff instead of memeing around.