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/lit/ - Literature

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19624315 No.19624315 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books about Jesuits or sacrificing yourself to spread Christianity?

>> No.19624383

kiku's prayer was better desu

>> No.19624773
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>> No.19624791

I haven’t read it but Fathers and Crows by Vollman was about the French Catholic missionaries in Canada and New York State and their encounters with the Iroquois

>> No.19624947
File: 26 KB, 306x513, Charles_Spinola_(1565-1622).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnum opus of czech author Jaroslav Durych Služebníci neužiteční (in english it would be Uselless Servants, most likely will never be translated into english though) is 800 pages long tome about the most famous Jesuit missionaries into Japan (it follows blessed Charles Spinola). The language is beautiful and it's used to describe the violence commenced against jesuits, in one part one of them gets castrated and his penis put into his mouth. The beauty, shocking violence and adoration of christianity is in exact opposite to then (and still) popular literary direction - the humanist and simple language of Čapek (author of R.U.R. - the play that created word "Robot" for first time), his civility and his atheism. Funnily enough Durych and Čapek were throwing shades at each other, becouse of Spanish civil war - Durych openly supported Franco.
This one seems interesting.

>> No.19624964

thank you for the recommendation, czech anon

>> No.19626115


>> No.19626116

>most likely will never be translated into english though

>> No.19626153

translate it nigga!

>> No.19627110
File: 563 KB, 1253x1750, Jaroslav-Durych-PFO1100-2014918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author uses intentionally rather high version of czech (beautiful language contrasting with the extremely violent descriptions, together with the characters intentionally seeking and wanting to meet violent end actually reminded me of Mishima), that's why it won't be ever translated (along with it being niche even in Czech republic) and if it would be translated I am afraid the beauty of words would be lost, not sure there is high form of english you could translate it into without it becoming parody of itself.
Time to learn Czech anons! Come on - It's only one of the most difficult european languages, you can do it! The literature is worth it, becouse it is filled with niche gems that were not translated into english.
By the way, even if there are some czech anons who would enjoy the book - you can't get it anywhere here either (except the commie version of first part). :) Durych as a whole is rather underrated author, becouse of his catholicism (Czech republic is the most atheistic country in the world and people generally ridicule catholic church) and his language is difficult.

>> No.19627199

At least in the movie the Jesuits completely fails. And apostates. Absolutely trash.

>> No.19627208
File: 2.28 MB, 1952x2952, SaintDominic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jesuits suck and the Dominicans will always be superior.

>> No.19627302

This is /lit/, superiority is equal to superiority of literature written about the order. In your post there is exactly zero (0) books mentioned.
Does Blatty's Exorcist count? The movie is far better psychological analysis of crysis of fate than horror.

>> No.19627325
File: 698 KB, 1200x1798, St-thomas-aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dominicans have big daddy Thomas, better than any literature ever written about the Jesuits, and better than any literature or philosophy the Jesuits will ever write themselves.

>> No.19627328


>> No.19627927

christ's samurai

>> No.19627940

>out of print
What are some other good Durych books? Never read anything from him.

>> No.19627983

Rekviem (The smaller Valdštejn trilogy) is good starting point - three short stories about end phase of thirty year war in Bohemia. The stories are short (about 30 pages each) so you can gauge if you like his style, the language is difficult and you may not like it (reading Durych takes me twice as long as reading normal prose kek). If you like it, you can go right into Bloudění (The bigger Valdštejn trilogy). Haven't read any of his other non-historical books (Sedmikráska and Boží duha seem good). But as I said Služebníci Neužiteční is his best work (but his last I believe and it was finished only thanks to his notes), but I found the first part (which you can get in used books) to be weakest of the four.

>> No.19627997

Do you happen to know where I can find a pdf?

>> No.19628019

epub of Služebníci (only the first part, commie edition - not sure what they changed) is on uloz.to (Search durych or služebníci neužiteční). So is Rekviem (pdf file) and couple files of Bloudění. Also some of his other books are there. Too bad the guy running CzT cucked out and turned off the servers, used to find lot of books there.

>> No.19628023

Can christcuckeroonis go 5 seconds without contradicting themselves?

>> No.19628100

Thanks. What are your favorite Czech books overall? I haven't read many so any suggestions are welcome.

>> No.19628219
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My favorite author overall is Hrabal, but to not be normal fag, I consider his best book to be Městečko, kde se zastavil čas (City, where time has stopped). It's Hrabal's memoir book of sorts (real story about his father and his uncle, Hrabal himself is side character). Incredibly heartwarming and he hits his writing peak in it.
Secondly I'd recommend Adelheid by Korner. Weird love story in post-war Sudetenland. Atmosphere similar to True Detective or Twin Peaks.
Thirdly I'd recommend Utrpení knížete Sternenhocha (Sufferings of count Sternenhoch), reading that book gives the same feeling like taking that first shit in the morning after night out drinking R10 and borovička. You will love it.
Another good one is Kalibův zločin (Kaliba's crime) by Rais. Tells a story about guy who is stupid but has good heart, he marries terrible but beautiful woman and trouble ensues. "We live in a society" kind of book.
I disliked Zbabělci, and found Ať žije republike (Long live republic!) to be much better and much more adult, even though it is considered book for children. Possibly best display of the last days of WW2 in Czechoslovakia and greatly written characters.
Other favorites: Cizinec hledá byt, Myši Natálie Mooshabrové, Lvíče.

>> No.19628293

>two different things are ... le same
How about you stick to watching Vikings? Seems more on your level.

>> No.19628298

Are they really different though? Suicide is a termination of one's own life, sacrifice is a termination of one's own life but instead of something like a depression or terrible disability you use a pretentious excuse, like fighting for hecking jeebuserino

>> No.19628347

The Jesuit order was actively dissuading it's young members from seeking sacrificial death, becouse it was so popular among them. They had to persuade them that serving for whole life is more important than going out in flames. Majority of sacrificed jesuits didn't seek out the sacrifice, they just wanted to spread christianity and culture. but shitskins chimped out and killed them. Even though they didn't seek the sacrifice doesn't mean they did not accept their fate and died with smile, becouse they knew they did their best and will go to heaven. They didn't decide they will die, somebody else decided it for them and they would rather die than give up their faith.
However you personally should definitely kill yourself.

>> No.19628428

Cool, thanks. I will check them out. I have seen Vlacil's films based on Adelheid and it was really good although not as great as Marketa Lazarova.

>> No.19628441

Yeah, dying for a righteous cause and knowing you’ll die beforehand is completely different than offing yourself out of despair. Samson basically does a suicide attack against the Philistines in Judges when he topples the temple on himself and takes thousands with him, and Jesus himself says that those who persevere and face hardship for their beliefs are blessed.

>> No.19630824

Can't think of any

>> No.19631415


>> No.19631422

>pagan larper doesn't know the difference between those two things
Come on, nigga

>> No.19631455 [SPOILER] 
File: 396 KB, 1100x2127, 1640490384242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit big headed so take the the next sentence aS straight...I AM not a human.

>> No.19631521

You have a bronze soul, good day.

>> No.19631545

But that's exactly what happened in the book. One of them drowned, the other apostated and the guy they came looking for apostated years before their arrival.

>> No.19631691

Endo's "The Samurai" is more about Franciscans, but it's still well worth reading if you liked "Silence."

>> No.19632146

The Samurai from Endo, too. To this day, it is the only book that has made me cry.