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File: 103 KB, 1246x308, leftbankbanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19618648 No.19618648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Left Bank Books is a collectively operated business. ... The core staff is composed of roughly six paid members. ... We also have approximately twenty weekly volunteers who work at the store ... History as a Left Bank volunteer is required to be hired for a paid staff position.

Is this the future that you advocate for? You don't believe in wage slavery, so you just don't pay the people that work for you?

>> No.19618672

As a leftist most modern leftism is just an exercise in branding, see breadtube. Considering the OP though you’re still arguing that wage slavery is bad though which I guess is something we can agree on and leave it at that

>> No.19618684

who cares

>> No.19618685

I think we can agree that slavery is bad.

>> No.19618708

Yeah. Voluntary easy work, and every benefit of life provided. We don’t have that economy right now of course, so a little mom and pop has to subsist on tactics that big businesses use, the “internship”

I know? Aren’t there other anarchist bookstores out there? Lit has mentioned LBB before

>> No.19618709

I know you’re being sarcastic (is that the right word since you believe what you’re saying but the joke is how obvious it is?) but my point is that thing you’re complaining about is a part of capitalism

>> No.19618722

The bookstore isn't about building leftism, it's about using the image of anarchism to sell books and get free labor. I feel like you're underestimating the corruptive power of the profit incentive

>> No.19618734

Anarchists: what if we operated like an NGO

>> No.19618746

Why are you on every thread reflexively doing pilpul for everything remotely leftist

There are lots of independent bookstores that don't need 20 unpaid interns to survive

>> No.19618747

I didn’t get into it.
It sells lefty stuff, spreads the word and makes a little living in this stupid set up. You wanna talk corruption, bring up REI “co-op”
I get what you’re saying though. No genius organizing going on out of there.

>> No.19618754

Because I don’t want to go back to work.
Have a nice last day of Saturnalia

>> No.19618756

I know many mom and pop book stores that don't depend on waves of interns to run their business. I also don't know many places that have interns but are allowed to not pay them if they're made to do work. But I get it, you live in a society.

I just think it's interesting that an anti-capitalist collective is utilizing some of the most exploitative capitalist tactics for a profit.

>> No.19618790

>I just think it's interesting that an anti-capitalist collective is utilizing some of the most exploitative capitalist tactics for a profit.
Because they can since they've branded themselves as working towards a grander cause which makes volunteering easier to swallow. I feel like you're trying to make a political point but since you haven't said it yet I'm waiting to say anything more specific other than grifters bad

>> No.19618813

>In the late 1990s Left Bank Books became registered as a federal corporation. This transition was made namely so that in the event of financial difficulty at the store, individual employees would not be held financially responsible. Left Bank Books is not federally registered as a non-profit.

>> No.19618859

It's just a hobby for low iq millenilols hyped up by college to believe they have more to contribute to society than stocking shelves Buttertroon even admits it's escapism >>19618754

>> No.19618866



>> No.19618886
File: 102 KB, 814x578, society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to facebook or twitter

>> No.19618926

If you don’t separate business from politics you’ll compromise politics for business. If you quit your job for a career as a breadtuber for example you’re suddenly much more constrained in what you can produce because your livelihood depends on your videos and the project becomes about branding and presentation instead of education or praxis

>> No.19618945

good thing a mail-order storefront for anarchist books isn't like making youtube videos

>> No.19618966

They aren't actually organizing anything, looking at their catalogue they're just a leftist themed bookstore which would be fine if they weren't shitting where they're eating and conflating running this bookstore with praxis

>> No.19618976

Working for free to own the capitalists, I'm spreading the word!!!!

>> No.19619006

In Seattle this type of anarcho-business is somewhat common. Even though I don’t agree with the politics, it was fun living somewhere where people actually tried to live by their radical ideas instead of just whining about them at Starbucks. The slavery angle you’re trying to push is nonsensical. Are volunteer firefighters slaves? Are soup kitchens slave opperations? Is community service slavery?

>> No.19619017

What could they possibly need 20 volunteers for? Maybe that high amount is their way of limiting each volunteer's workload so they aren't doing much and the lack of payment isn't seen as a burden. Bookshops really do not require much help. I've see many which do well with one or two employees.

Also your premise is that those who reject the current prevailing system must never participate in it or if they do, they must have the means to live up to their ideal system independently. There is no sense to the latter idea, because their ideal system is not independent, but collective and socialized. And furthermore, in order to have the means, they would still need to participate in the capitalist system. With the former argument, there is some integrity to it, but if your aim is to see a world with that system, you will do nothing to help it by abandoning the current one.

>> No.19619047

You shouldn't combine your livelihood with your political activism because if you do your activism will be subject to perverse incentive that will impair your praxis

>> No.19619054

typical petty bourgeois socialists. just use catchwords about abolishing capitalism to get free labour power for your small business. the only difference between people like those and Stalin is that the business operated by Stalin was much larger and that he only used the lie of "trust me bro, you're working for socialism" to make workers work for cheaper, never to make them work for free (he did use gulags a bit for that though).
lol having a small business is very radical. did they also dumpster dive and wear che t-shirts?
>The slavery angle you’re trying to push is nonsensical. Are volunteer firefighters slaves? Are soup kitchens slave opperations? Is community service slavery?
first, OP was talking about wage slavery while you're talking about doing shit not even for a wage.
second, yes, instead of organizing and making the bourgeoisie pay for fighting fires or for feeding the homeless you're doing this shit for free. it's not literal slavery but it's definitely literal cuckery (and metaphorical slavery).
there's a difference between just living your life doing what you have to do and using the pretense of socialism to boost your small business. a genuine socialist with a business uses it to fund socialist activity, but here we're talking about basically the reverse situation where empty socialist rhetoric is exploited to "fund" business activity.

>> No.19619107
File: 34 KB, 334x393, 1445502441168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a faggot in 2021