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19617535 No.19617535 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of trying to achieve greatness in a world where the deeply established powers can il/legally wall you out of trying to resolve societal and other world problems for the sake of their profit?

>> No.19617540

Name one single example?

Rich people aren't le evil.

>> No.19617543

>le rich jewish lizards control everything and prevent me from achieving greatness
You have to be mentally ill and retarded to believe that. You cannot resolve societal problems by yourself. You are not the factor between utopia and current state.

>> No.19617546

I recently discovered that Islam is supposed to teach ethical business practice and guide fair income and I realized that's one of the reasons they can't coexist with our western cultures, it's antithetical to our advocating of aggressive global economic control

>> No.19617550

Society is a spook, a concept used to malign and control free human beings. Society is to the atheist as god is to the theist - a thought experiment used by one to mystify another.

>> No.19617557

>religion made by bandits, for bandits, justifying and glorifying banditry
>b-but it's against le interests, so I can consoom without worrying, so it's le based and ethical!
You should kill yourself, NOW!

>> No.19617561

Typical Bootlickers

>> No.19617562

My concern is that this isn't something like the sun coming up and going down, these are man-made issues. If mankind doesn't wipe their own ass, who'll do it for them? As pessimistic as my worldview is, I'm still unfortunately idealistic, and that's what makes it so hard for me.
The only thing that's keeping me from the noose is my compartmentalization of said concerns. I've been a loser my whole life, and I'll probably remain so. Why live indeed? It keeps me from wanting to even make a living, because I know that if I start becoming successful, I'll want to use my successes to make moves toward my ideals, but I already know that I'll be shut down.

>> No.19617572
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Yeah just go to Dubai and witness their superior wealth distribution!

>> No.19617575

Don't post messages like this. Just bad

>> No.19617583

>My life depends upon saving the entire world... why live indeed? Deep...
Read something fun, go outside for once and stop thinking about politics and muh doomerism

>> No.19617586

It's what you do when you read something that hurts your feelings but you lack the intelligence to refute it

>> No.19617587

Society exists because telepathy and the unconscious exist, because free will is an illusion.

>> No.19617593

Intellectuals today are complete pussies.
How come intellectuals in totalitarian dictatorships were willing to risk imprisonment, torture and execution while intellectuals in liberal democracies are unwilling to rock the boat because they might lose tenure?
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.19617612

Because people were on the side of those intellectuals. Now people just want to consume products and maybe chant some slogans to feel good about themselves.

Now if you come up with something new then you'll get the reaction
>Oh how is that your business? Like bro dude just get a STEM degree, make some money, get some good feeling in your penis, smoke weed and microdose some magic shrooms and buy some sports car

There is no alternative after capitalist realism.

>> No.19617619

Intellectuals are the biggest lapdogs of the system they pretend to fight against

Read Uncle Ted

>> No.19617631

Thats the trick, give em just enough crumbs that they feel they have something to lose

>> No.19617638

>>Oh how is that your business? Like bro dude just get a STEM degree, make some money, get some good feeling in your penis, smoke weed and microdose some magic shrooms and buy some sports car
What more do you need?

>> No.19617646
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>ugh, your argument is bad because...
>it's just bad, OK!?!?!?!
Eat shit, muzzie.

>> No.19617654


Stop calling them intellectuals. They are the pseudo-elite middle managers of society.

>> No.19617658

A purpose and meaning in life.

>> No.19617663

eat, have kids, feed kids? what else?

>> No.19617667


>> No.19618130
File: 316 KB, 1723x1721, Eric Clopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Clopper


>> No.19618201

Hope your bank sees this bro. Maybe they'll increase your credit points

>> No.19619104

>yeaaaah I was gonna be a great writer, but I figured the government would just shut me down when they saw how great I was so I think I’ll just play vidya and shut post till I die alone

>> No.19619144


>> No.19619153

The fool tries to change the world, the intelligent only wants to manage it, you are the problem, not the deeply etasblished powers, it's people like who keep ruining the world.

>> No.19619170

people like you are the reason the universe and the collective unconcious will their own end

>> No.19619179

>hmmm yes I know what's better for the world and people, I'm a messiah! Let me impose my will unto others, it totally won't turn into a tyranny and eventually lead to catastrophes.
You are a walking cancer. Ever heard the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Well it doesn't even apply to you, because usually a desire to change a world is nothing more but a badly disguised desire to rule. End it, I mean it, people like you are demons.

>> No.19619187

Way to completely ignore the content of my post and seethe about something irrelevant.

>> No.19619203

I didn't ignore anything faggot you're just retarded, read OP again and you'll realize it was relevant, but you're too retarded to realize the same way you're too retarded to realize that you're worse than the so called power that be. Refrain from replying to me ever again.

>> No.19619205
File: 133 KB, 620x330, 25.Ted-Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello absolutely pathetic, I'm dad

>> No.19619209

(You) are a faggot.

>> No.19619222

t. Sperging retard.

>> No.19619227

Right-wing intellectuals have been utterly crushed, and only exist outside of the traditional academic structure. Left-wing intellectuals won, and this society is what they want. And when it's not, they say it's dialectics and to trust the plan. No one who wants to challenge society has the means to do so.

>> No.19619228

>no argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.19619229

It's truly a testament to how unethical Western society is when even a society of bandits think we take our greed too far.

>> No.19619232

Kaczynski is the exception that proves the rule, he even calls out intellectuals for being tools of the system.

>> No.19619235

I'm not here to argue with you. I can feel your autistic euphoria from here.

>> No.19619242

>I don't have anything to say but I have to keep posting because I'm insecure.

>> No.19619243

What does left-wing mean to you? All the left-wing intellectuals I've read are horrified by what society has become. You think they approve of techno-feudalism?

>> No.19619266

It's not spoken of often in the west, but I think that in places where Islam is, the believer of Allah must always struggle not to return to his nature which is one of idol loving and cupidity. Much in the same way those of the south must always grapple with their vices of gambling, drinking, and false-prophet loving, those of the north with their nature destroying and people enslaving, and those of 4chan with their cock sucking and AIDS swallowing.

>> No.19619383

>What does left-wing mean to you?
Everything from Marxist-Leninist communists to neoliberals. Right-wing is everything from neocons to ancaps to fascists to monarchists.
>You think they approve of techno-feudalism?
I think they all see modern life as part of a grand plan which will lead them to their socialist stage of development, not "techno-feudalism". Read their own works. Leftists all think the excesses of capitalism are part of the plan, that one day things will get so bad (and capitalism will have built up "productive forces" so much) that a socialist society will happen. Everyone from Deng Xiaoping to Zizek believes this. It's why they don't oppose the system: They want it to reach what they think will be the natural conclusion.

>> No.19619394


>> No.19619423

Greatness is subjective. Disregard others and achieve greatness for yourself, however you define it. You don't have to live for anyone but yourself and people you choose to.

>> No.19619435

>just be antisocial dude we're not social creatures
Underage cope.

>> No.19619437

>You don't have to live for anyone but yourself and people you choose to.
>and people you choose to.
Are you illiterate or something?

>> No.19619439

>You don't have to live for anyone but yourself and people you choose to.
>and people you choose to.
Are you illiterate or something?

>> No.19619462

>So butthurt he replies twice
You don't choose, you don't select, that's not how it works, he who thinks he can without others is deluded, secluding yourself from the group is a form of anti-social behavior, totally not what OP is striving for.

>> No.19619483

The doublepost is due to a connection error. Jesus you're a fucking retard and a newfag.
You can live perfectly fine for your wife, kids, and friends, put in minimum at work to pass by and work on yourself and your loved ones. It's how I'm living and outside my kids, my wife, and a couple of friends, I don't give a shit about anyone - or their opinions. And we're doing very, very well. Let's say in the top 5% range of my country.
You just sound like a loser, too autistic to navigate the society without actually caring about it.

>> No.19619487

Didn't bother reading a single letter.

>> No.19620929

Why do commies love this word so much

>> No.19621008

>Do nothing just manage the world for us goy