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/lit/ - Literature

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19617477 No.19617477 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /lit/, is this true?

>> No.19617483


>> No.19617485

It is not a very difficult book, his easiest by a long shot, the language is pretty simple and direct.

I always wondered why they so often use a bugle for the post horn instead of a post horn.

>> No.19617579

people get filtered by the dream near the beginning but otherwise it's pretty straightforward. some of the le wacky sequences (like with the pop band) and maybe the play could confuse people as well.

>> No.19617639
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Our girl

>> No.19617803
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I wish this anime had gotten a second season, it was pretty funny.

>> No.19617834
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Truly /ouranime/

>> No.19617849

It's probably his easiest work to get into.

>> No.19617855
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Mayve I'm just uncreative, but I don't see how much else you could get out of such a simple concept. Reading is a pretty boring hobby all things considered

>> No.19617909

What’s the anime?

>> No.19617920

It's exhausting but gets really good by chapter 4 and chapter 5 and 6 are amazing. Chapter 1,2 and some of 3 is total filler. Should've been a short story.

>> No.19617927

Is this the correct way to do tasks anons? At work and when I was in school, I would genuinely read the whole thing of whatever I was assigned. Is this chump shit? Do the winners just cheat?

>> No.19617938

Sure if you want to have an opinion ready??
You know, if you read the book yourself, you would be able to form an opinion of your own. AND you might have fun.
But honestly I unfortunately don’t know about any circle where you would score points by giving an elaborate opinion on Moby-Dick or whatever. Outside of /lit/ literally no one cares anymore.

>> No.19617955

Bernard-jou Iwaku. Merry Christmas!

>> No.19618029

>you know, if you read the book yourself
I literally just told you I read them all the way through though? More than I can say for your comment.

>> No.19618090

>Is this the correct way to do tasks anons?
For what purpose?
If reading is your hobby of course you have to actually do it, unless the thing you get out of reading are pseud points to show off with friends and acquaintances
If we're talking homework you have to cheat, but if you end up using the time you'll save to play vidya instead of doing something productive or just hang out with people than you might as well go ahead and actually read the thing

>> No.19618094

Perfectly captures all BookTubers, particularly Cliff

>> No.19618119

I feel like 80% of posters here do this.

>> No.19618168

Yeah I meant required tasks. I read for fun all the time.

>> No.19618271
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Pynchie's pretty easy you just need to follow the references.