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19613333 No.19613333 [Reply] [Original]

what are your favorite books you read during the winter? I have enough coffee, bourbon, and cigarettes to last me a few days and I want to stay inside and read nonstop so when I go back outside I am overwhelmed by beauty of the season.

>> No.19613738


>> No.19613741

Is that the title of your diary desu?

>> No.19613998
File: 105 KB, 601x768, R (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First book of GR is winterkino

>> No.19614068

The conquest of New spain
The Viceroy of Ouidah
Post Captain

>> No.19614149

>my reading choices are influenced by which season is outside
Are you a woman or something? Do you also consult the horoscope to see if the stars align for a reading "sesh" today?

>> No.19614804


You are out of touch with yourself, the world, reality, and all possible codes of ethics

>> No.19614836

>Hong Sang-soo
I like how history and politics seemingly don't exist for this guy

>> No.19614898
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I reread Growth of the Soil most every winter.

>> No.19614909

based hotel by the river poster
>what are your favorite books you read during the winter?
long ones. finna read demons this winter

>> No.19614911

Are you really so disconnected from nature that the seasons have no effect on you?

>> No.19616152


>> No.19616296

Sounds comfy.

>> No.19616766
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Nothing, something, somanythings.

The head prognoses (foreknows) the weather, and prepares the season; the formative seasoning of the imagination supraordinates, and exalts, the ambient impression received from the biological seasons; the internal accordiates the external.

One is perpetually striving to match the cordiological with the chronological; the processive atemporality of the former ever comes to terms with the successive chronicality of the latter, without ever necessarily getting used to it.

>> No.19616834

>ugh are you even in touch with your inner goddess, incel? Yikes, go outside, touch snow

>> No.19616971
File: 308 KB, 296x579, unitedinflames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The principles of nature are limited to, and the facets of nature terminate in, primacy; the stranded biospirit becomes syntheotically accordiated by the strong logosmind —which culminates in ultimacy—, not vice versa; this does not, nor should it, preclude the due benevolent influence of bios through one's symbiosis with nature.

Incidentally: moderate climate lends itself to ampler secernment of biotic subtlety within nature, and is therefore optimal for influencing creative diversity within all ambits of life; regardless of this, the exterior of life is meant to be/remain cold, regardless of climate, and especially so closer toward the end of the world.

>> No.19617057

>hotel by the river
holy based. I love that fucking dog faced actress (Kim Min Hee)

>> No.19617174

>...[theological] primacy...
>...[theological] ultimacy...