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19609349 No.19609349 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts? the "disabled by living" idea creeps me. I haven't read it (yet) though.

>> No.19609374

>disabled by living
What does this even mean?

>> No.19609383

mental illness

>> No.19609507

>After all, there are times in most of our lives when we are “disabled by living,” times when we are deeply disturbed by an event, or have an occurrence that triggers memories and feelings related to a childhood trauma. In either case we may suffer emotional distress. In Szasz’s view “mental illness” is a metaphor because there are no true illnesses of the mind. Illness suggests cure, and from his perspective offering assistance, through psychotherapy, to the “disabled by living” enables them to “learn about themselves, others, and life.”
found it online

>> No.19609543

Why did the masons let this book be published ?

>> No.19609571

Mental illnesses don't exist in tribal societies, they are product of modern era.

>> No.19609587

I think anyone who is in the ball park of thinking about mental illness as social constructs (Foucault), healthy reactions to sick societies (Szasz), or some manner of noble savagery to cast off the shackles of stifling bourgeois morality (Deleuze and his entire ilk of epigones) should take a casual stroll through the schizophrenia ward of a mental institution. I find Deleuze and his ilks takes on schizophrenia to be particularly vulgar and disgusting.

Speaking of mental illness categorically is foolish. I am sure that there is a point to be made that diagnoses of depression and anxiety are medicalizations of normal and adaptive reactions to gravely sick societies, but going from there to insisting that madness isn't real is profoundly misguided. Feeling anxious because you live in a shitty existence with no prospects for the future is not illness, it is reason. Thinking that your toaster is inserting thoughts into your mind is illness and madness.

I would love to hear how Szasz would assist the living of a schizophrenic man in the throes of florid and acute psychosis who is currently slicing his face open because God told him it was needed for purity.

>> No.19609623

It's always fascinated me that nobody born blind has ever developed schizophrenia. Makes me think its a developmental disorder and wonder what aspects of modern society make it more prevalent

>> No.19609688

I was not aware of that, but I found the study and that is very interesting. If you have a special interest in modern society and schizophrenia in particular, I'd highly recommend Madness and Modernism by Louis Sass if you haven't read it already.

>> No.19609749

Your nose is showing.

>> No.19609846

OP here, I've been to a psychiatric ward (not as a patient though) and even though the person I hate the most in my life is my Aspie cousin I really don't like how (((science))) treats psychiatric patients as "others"/nearly human. Also I cannot stand how (((science))) labels something as ADHD as "illness" and pumps tens of thousands of kids with medicines.
Is Foucault book about madness worth it?

>> No.19609901

Kierkegaard did a better job and a heck of a lot earlier than this, but he's not taken seriously in scientific circles due to his theological beliefs.

Most of the mental illnesses within man stem from the fact that we live in self induced repression and that our "defence mechanisms" used for coping are not efficient enough to handle the task. I will also argue that the smarter the individual the harder it is for him to cope compared to say a typical normie, nigger, npc or other type of subhuman whose brains hardly work in the first place. You hardly ever see a subhuman in a crazy house who's actually there for real. But you see plenty of individuals who had a head on their shoulders who over the years gone done it by society thanks to their inability to cope and acquisition of faulty mental models.

Here's how Kierkegaard put it:

"He holds on to the people who have enslaved him in a network of crushing obligations, belittling interaction, precisely because these people are his shelter, his strength, his protectidn against the world. Like most everyone else the depressed person is a coward who will not stand alone on his own center, who cannot draw from within himself the necessary strength to face up to life. So he embeds himself in others; he is sheltered by the necessary and willingly accepts it.

But now his tragedy is plain to see: his necessity has become trivial, and so his slavish, dependent, depersonalized life has lost its meaning. It is frightening to be in such a bind. One chooses slavery because it is safe and meaningful; then one loses the meaning of it. but fears to move out of it. One has literally died to life but must remain physically in this world".

Who's the closest analogue to this discription? It's the repressed modern individual.

>> No.19609920

so you’ve read the book in the op? what’d you think of it on the whole? I’m interested in the “reality/existence of mental illness, and have bought the book myself, but I have not read it yet. I am also interested in reading Kierkegaard. In which book(s) does he talk about “mental illness”?

>> No.19609937

Good post.

>> No.19609954

Opinion discarded before reading

>> No.19609969


Seethe faggot

>> No.19609985

test >test

>> No.19610087

Yeah, they're just those guys you send out to die in the wilderness.

>> No.19610997

Technology (including medicine) lending to feelings of inferiority and over socialization has stripped man of all acknowledgements to any divine order involving humans or nature. Without this necessary connection to contemplative metaphysics humans are susceptible to chaotic thoughts and tendencies (notice the technological drug acid putting people in a mystical state of mind without any preparation can cause schizophrenia). The blind are not as corrupted by modern technology or media consumption and without physical sight can only focus inward, forcing introspection and reliance on others and this leads to healthy morals and values such as empathy and humility.

We need divine order, it is in our nature and only relatively recently have we replaced spirituality with technological entertainment and pleasure.

>> No.19611058

Truth. Steinbeck knew how to treat them.