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File: 265 KB, 827x1499, Sapkowski writer's block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19608027 No.19608027 [Reply] [Original]

Sapkowski on writer's block

>> No.19608036

Yes. Writers exhaustion is more accurate.

>> No.19608094

I disagree. Writer's block as I understand it is not the inability to make words appear on your screen or paper, but the momentary difficulty achieving that flow state in which we all produce our best work. This is perhaps not true for writers who focus more on events and stories and such. But for writers whose work has ambitions to mastery of the form itself, I think writer's block is very real.

>> No.19608104

>the momentary difficulty achieving that flow state
Ah yes, this is called starting

>> No.19609666

I agree with that, but I don't have much respect towards Sapkowski. He is a butthurt boomer and midwit, almost like Lech Wałęsa of fantasy literature.

>> No.19609708

>competition's books

>> No.19609720

We all know that writer's block just means the writer being afraid that whatever he is going to write will be shit, which will mean his ego will be bruised and the time he spent writing wasted. Writer's block just means you don't want to be hurt, because the process of writing something good is actual painful work with no guarantee of results.

>> No.19610228

>Lech Wałęsa

damn lol

>> No.19610277

Writers block isn't even real, it is an excuse for established, comfortable people to not write

>> No.19610295

kek he's probably right, it was just a meme cooked up by lazy authors to avoid publishing deadlines then normies took it seriously and thought they had it when they were actually just retards. most people who have "writers' block" really have "writers' never seriously started"

>> No.19610300

So that's why his books fucking suck and even the games are much better.
t. Pole

>> No.19610304

This sums it all up rather well. Good post.

>> No.19610308

I have writers block because no imagination, simple as. But I actually do write a lot daily, it's just that I can't think of anything good to write. So I do a bunch of purposely shit writing but then when I try to write something good I can't think of anything. I'm not worried my writing will be shit, I just have an NPC koala bear's brain.

>> No.19610769

>Not to steal
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.19610809


>> No.19611364

Wtf I thought all Poles worshipped him

>> No.19611385
File: 376 KB, 1485x2048, VIDAL1-obit-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“That famous writer’s block is a myth as far as I’m concerned. I think bad writers must have a great difficulty writing. They don’t want to do it. They have become writers out of reasons of ambition. It must be a great strain to them to make marks on a page when they really have nothing much to say, and don’t enjoy doing it. I’m not so sure what I have to say but I certainly enjoy making sentences.”

>> No.19611875

He's neither Dukaj nor Lem.

>> No.19611987


>> No.19612052

Is there an inverse relationship between the quality of a writer and how much he has said about the craft of writing?

>> No.19612078

There's some truth to that but I don't agree completely. I dislike the metaphor of a blockage, as if there is some obstruction interfering with a flow. When I experience what people call writer's block a more apt metaphor for me is like a flow drying up. I don't have any ideas, my mind is dull and depressive. I'm apathetic and the world feels dead to me. Even if I want to write I can't because of my desiccated imagination. It's not that I have forgotten how to write, it's that some vital source from which the inspiration streams has dwindled down to a trickle and at last run out. The skillset that involves the syntactical mechanics of writing still remains, and sometimes even the desire to write. I just have nothing in the tank.

>> No.19612082

Great post. This is exactly how it feels for me. The sure tell-tale sign is when I'm reading a favorite book but can no longer feel any pleasure from the reading.

>> No.19612084
File: 78 KB, 451x512, walter b gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in hypergraphia

>> No.19612107

But have you ever had that stream of creativity that you feel has dried up, overflow into actual writing? I don't really understand this concept, my mind is always full of ideas and imagination. My issue has always been with motivation, "why bother" and so on. The river is always there, but beavers have made a dam across it.

>> No.19612129

Sapkowski makes some good points but it is surely possible to overcorrect a work. Writing isn't like a physical discipline, there is no monetary budget limiting your work like what engineers or architects cope with and nobody's life depends on the end result of your manuscript like with a patient in need of a surgeon. Better to realize when you feel lost than to create more problems for yourself by making corrections for the sake of keeping busy. Either way, he lists some good alternatives off for staving off a true writer's block.

>> No.19612607

Not gonna lie, while he said this I would reach to his face with both hands and pinch and scramble those adorable plump cheeks.