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/lit/ - Literature

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19607605 No.19607605 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19607619

my diary

>> No.19607624

his diary

>> No.19607628

The most borings books I read were history books from like the 1920s. They just go on and on about the most uninteresting parts of history written in the most bland and uninspiring way. I couldn't even get through a chapter. Most of these are out of print like Gutenberg type books

>> No.19607629

I mean interesting parts of history*

>> No.19607677

You have nothing else to read?

>> No.19607679

The Swiss Family Robinson fuck that shit they just kill animals for 500 pages and there is literally zero conflict whatsoever

>> No.19607692

This is why zoomers are stupid

>> No.19607706

bible desu

>> No.19607708

Tragedy and hope

>> No.19607731

anything by j*ne aust*n

>> No.19607750

Authority, Book 2 of The Southern Reach Trilogy.

>> No.19607762

Most boring book I read this year was definitely To the Lighthouse. Do not read it.

>> No.19607803


>> No.19607849

I don't know if it's THE most boring but I've just finished Mike Tyson autobiography: what a pile of crap. It's 600 pages of
>I fucked X women
>I won that match
>I did drugs
no knowledge whatsoever, nothing about sport or boxing techniques. It was a waste of time.

>> No.19607853

What did you expect anon?

>> No.19607863

Anna Karenina

It seemed a soap opera, I couldn't stand it

>> No.19607872

Ulysses, which was a disappointment. My expectations were high after the Portrait. Sad.

>> No.19607952

Disliked both books

>> No.19608154
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>too highbrow for slapstick

>> No.19608167

the bible

>> No.19608175

>too highbrow for banter
>27 At noon Elijah started making fun of them: “Pray louder! He is a god! Maybe he is day-dreaming or relieving himself, or perhaps he's gone off on a trip! Or maybe he's sleeping, and you've got to wake him up!”

>> No.19608182

Parts of it yeah but other parts are absolutely amazing. Genesis and Exodus minus the begats and instructions for the tabernacle was awesome.

>> No.19608241

t. filtered by the Pentateuch

>> No.19608395

well, yeah...

>> No.19608438

more moral depth and more boxing knowledge

>> No.19608447

>And the mule which WAS under him went on.

i am laffin

>> No.19608458

it's just to show that the word wasn't there in the original text

>> No.19608467

Thus far, the prior analytics

>> No.19609434

Any Oxford Handbook as a textbook

>> No.19609437

i am well aware of that but it's still funny when read another way

>> No.19609454

Aristotle's Prior Analytics.

>> No.19609477

Melmoth the Wanderer past the first 50 pages is the most monotonous bullshit I've ever put up with, particularly the section in the Spanish monastery. Real bummer since the first 50 pages are so are spectacular.

>> No.19609488
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>> No.19609492

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.19609807


>> No.19609839

There are definitely parts if it that just fucking drag on but after watching The anime I'm having a great time with it.

>> No.19609956

Oh yeah, this too. But the good parts are quite good.

>> No.19610583
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This steaming pile of shit. I had to read it for my 18th-century brit lit class. It's an epistolatory novel and the whole point is to teach 'good manners'. It's also like 500 pages long and reads like what you expect a book from the 1700s to read like. The only redemption for it was getting to read Joseph Andrews which is a book that came out around the same time that satirizes the ever living fuck out of it.

>> No.19610858

falling asleep while reading a boring book is a pleasant experience

>> No.19611635

Don Quixote comes to mind. It's just the same premise repeated for way too long, I couldn't finish it.

>> No.19611642

you feel no shame admitting this?

>> No.19611661

From what I have seen of it, THE TALMUD.

>> No.19611668

I had to read that for school. It was a rural religious private school hosted in a church. I did not read one text of consequence excepting the Bible and I still believe my education was vastly superior to that of (American) public school. My grammar curriculum was superb and that was all I really ever needed from school. In my first English class in college I was the only student that could write anything properly or correctly. Much of the class lectures were devoted to teaching elementary grammar and punctuation. Fuck school.

>> No.19611686

You need to stop reading a shitty translation and for God's sake stop imposing Christology on the Old Testament. I'm so very sorry but it was not designed for that shit. I got a JPS Tanakh an immediately my opinion of the Bible elevated to the highest echelon of literature. Finally we can all appreciate the musical sweetness of Hebrew prose poetry. You can take it from this secular nonbeliever that he likes the Bible more than you. You can throw the new testament in the trash tho.

>> No.19611765

So you are a genius but unable to understand the point of freshman comp?

>> No.19611946

18th century log tables.

>> No.19612131

Gives me a chuckle every time.

>> No.19612139


>> No.19612142

The case about the woman who injured herself with a dildo cast from her husband's penis so "he" could satisfy her sexual needs while away on business, brings him before the Jewish court for the injury, and they side with him was funny.

>> No.19612479
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If you suffer from insomnia just put this book on your nightstand and read some in bed. You'll be cured in no time.

>> No.19612482

Wrong one btw, had to post the analects.That one is only a few pages.

>> No.19612486 [DELETED] 
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Love fantasizing about girls like her who saturate their panties with fart particles!

>> No.19612497

The Bible. Its two good books (Job, Ecclesiastes) aren't enough to remedy the utter tedium and desert-simpleton vibe of the other books. It's not the word of an omniscient and omnipotent being -- that much is clear.

>> No.19612678
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>> No.19612721

Is this what yer readin'? Jane Austen by Emma?

>> No.19612798

are you me? except I haven't read Joseph Andrews. Pamela is a great example of how too simple of a plot with obvious plot-twists and shallow characters really triggers the thirst for realism.

>> No.19613984


also this and War and Peace. both absolute shit, though I'm sure it's the fault of the translation.

>> No.19614016

For the life of me I cannot finish Great Gatsby

>> No.19614022

The Waves

>> No.19614026


>> No.19614039

I tried to read Ulysshit with all the references. It just doesn't work even with all the trivial references. The book is basically a random number generator for references that serve no purpose

>Wohoo here's a reference to an Irish poem about oceans or something
>Hey here's a random Bible reference
>Insert random Latin or Greek phrase here
This for 1000 pages. Joyce is the biggest hack in the world for convincing shills his work is not complete shit with no substance.

>> No.19614069

The Brothers Karamazov and The Idiot were hideously boring and I could not give the slightest fuck about any of these allegedly profound ideas embodied in the characters.

I'd say Gravity's Rainbow but I refuse to read it. Post-modernists just need to stop. You're not transgressing anything, you're boring as fuck and you're being published by crusty AWFLs.

>> No.19614076

Try reading it on shrooms

>> No.19614083

Not literature

>> No.19614088

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. A cyber thriller that goes into excruciating detail on the bureaucratic hurdles of opening an IT company in the Philippines.

>> No.19614113

I haven't read Ulysses but Dubliners and Portrait were beautiful. Joyce was not a hack

>> No.19614563

I can see your case for the Idiot, but Brothers Karamazov was great. Rebellion, The Grand Inquisitor, and the Life of Elder Zosima were some of the best chapters in fiction and all come one after another.

>It seemed a soap opera
Have you never read a russian before?

>> No.19615974

Heart of Darkness

>> No.19615987

Among the Hidden

>> No.19616377

It does have that character, but that doesn't make it bad by default. To be fair though, I did enjoy the harvesting grain and hunting trip chapters the most. Anna and Vronsky's drama kind of drags on.

>> No.19616534
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its so fucking boring

>> No.19616549

Tales of the Arabian Nights bored me pretty early on since part of its gimmick is a roastie required to end all her stories on a cliffhanger lest the king marry her, fuck her and have her executed as part of his vendetta against his ex wife. I may try to read the rest of it at some point but it's unlikely.

The Pale King by DFW bored me. I made it halfway through the book before it lost the bits of charm I enjoyed of it at the time.

>> No.19616557

I'm glad I wasn't the only one. granted I didn't really like Annihilation all that much, it was just way too dry. I was excited for Book 2 to get into the bureaucratic inner workings of the organization, but I couldn't make it a quarter of the way through. It's a shame because I bought all three books in the trilogy.

checked and that's the kind of shit I enjoy with Stephenson.

anyway for me, I think Dune is good but Children of Dune is god awful boring.

>> No.19616578

I don't think Pynchon was trying to transgress anything with GR. The book reads like its entire writing process took place under the effects of LSD. I like it, if only for the based schizo storyteller feel.

>> No.19616585

Can you spare us your sophomoric drivel please? If you must, frame your comment in such a way that it reveals your awareness that you are an illiterate and are approaching something that contains multitudes you aren't equipped to recognise.

>> No.19616914

95% of all books.

>> No.19617011

Is it that in today`s world you have become accustomed to fast paced entertainment and plot unfolding in every medium so it has become harder to appreciate art works that made >100 years ago or is it that we are just plebs anons?

>> No.19617033

>It's a shame because I bought all three books in the trilogy.
Book 3 was better but yeah overall a very dry and cumbersome read

>> No.19617692

but anon, it's SUPPOSED to be boring

>> No.19617750

I love when pseuds like you write in such an overwrought manner to compensate for your utter mediocrity. See how easy it is to do that?
You're nobody to me.

>> No.19617824

Blood Meridian

>> No.19617902

this thread is the big YIKES.

>> No.19617915

I can see why someone would find then boring but for me, Dostojevski is peak comfy

>> No.19617926
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Hyperion by Holdrelin, prose varies from absolute cringe to god tier but in the end its a book written by a teenager larper who just wanted to be fucked in the ass while complaining how is he so much smarter than everyone else. Truly a /lit/ book

>> No.19617953

only author i ever fell asleep to was dostoyevsky. but i would not call his books boring

>> No.19617958

It’s not the translation, trust me. His writing was highly accessible. I tried multiple translations of W&P, and though sometimes the names were different, it was the exact same writing. Soap opera, vapid as fuck, terrible caveman like dialogue. Epitomizes histrionic characters.

>> No.19617971

All books put me to sleep if I read them around 3pm-6pm, regardless of whether I enjoy them or not, so you’re lucky.

>> No.19618410

Pale King? Yeah, it's true boredom was a theme DFW really wanted to write about, I knew about it back when I tried reading through the book. I'm not sure what he intended to do with it in the end but if the intended effect of the novel was for the reader to desire to put down the book and seriously pay attention to their lives he did an amazing job achieving that effect. I still wonder what it would've been like as a finished manuscript.

>> No.19618772

Journey to the End of the Night sucked absolute dick. The first chapter was actually good and interesting, but after that it was abysmal.

>> No.19618800

Found GRRM
Theodore Dreiser is considered to be the most boring fiction writer who ever lived (not sure why). I think Johnathan Franzen is there as well.

>> No.19618811

Late era Henry James

>> No.19619015

A Christmas Carol. Could have been 20 pages

>> No.19619348

Wuthering Heights is the most boring book I've ever read in my life

>> No.19620812

Asimov’s nightfall

Why expand upon what you already said in a short story?

>> No.19620820

>93 replies
>no mentions of Infinite Jest

>> No.19621106
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I win.

>> No.19621117

How the fuck is my comment overwrought? I can only imagine an ignorant saying such things. Find a minumum wage job, a much better usage of yout time.

>> No.19621130

Being and Nothingness.

>> No.19621159

Agree about the idiot. Stopped reading in the first chapter of three guys on train just lifting off russian names and relations with zero effort to actually make it seem interesting. By the 5th page I couldn't even figure out which one of them was speaking
Maybe I was the idiot the whole time

>> No.19621473
