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1960587 No.1960587 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Words dumb people use to sound smart.


>> No.1960592


>> No.1960595


>> No.1960600


>> No.1960599


sacha grey claims to read nietzsche to sound smart. but that seems to be what everyone who wants to seem smart claims. even the guy in the tron movie was 'reading nietzsche' while not doing his zen thing.

these people seem to be all hipster herpderp-nihilists, who dont really understand him except he was an edgy atheist, like themselves.

i guess sasha grey thinks claiming to read nietzsche makes up for being gang-fucked and cummed on by 20 niggers.

>> No.1960603

Objectivist / Objectivism.

>> No.1960622

i thought people stopped doing that at like 16

>> No.1960623



>> No.1960627

>mature, intelligent, sane

pick one

>> No.1960628

first time on /lit/?

>> No.1960636


Non-native speaker here, aren't those 2 just perfectly normal words?

>> No.1960638

Like the average age in /lit/ isn't 15.

>> No.1960643

Yes. Which is why the idiot deleted his post.

>> No.1960644

marxist if you live in America

>> No.1960646

"for all intensive purposes"

>> No.1960652


>> No.1960655

why did she quit porn again?

>> No.1960657

She made a pact with herself. "Okay, Sasha. Do some porn, but after the 400th dick, give it up. That's the limit, the old 400th dick."

And she kept that pact. What integrity!

>> No.1960661

anything beginning with post-

>> No.1960671

You know, most of these seem fairly normal. Golly, I guess all them folks that raised me up was just trying to sound all smart. Armed with this knowledge, I will excuse myself from further dictionary use.

Thanks, /lit/!

>> No.1960687

The words themselves aren't a problem at all. They're all normal. It's just that to stupid people, they aren't.

>> No.1960696

Hipster nihilists...ugh

If people were really nihilists they'd stop breathing.

>> No.1960706


>> No.1960710

if nothing matters what is the point of not breathing

>> No.1960721

Oh god you remembered me why I hate people.

>> No.1960723


Or exploring philosophy in the first place even. There something to be said of positions that attack themselves.

>> No.1960728

Lol that just reminded me of this angry basement dweller I used to talk to.
"Marxist sheep" was a favourite of his.

>> No.1960735

>mfw almost all of these are valid and essential words

>> No.1960745


not when used by hipsters like Sacha Grey

>> No.1960759

i find it hard to believe sasha grey has actually read any of those books, or at least read them and understood them.

she probably just claims to, trying to sound intelligent.

>> No.1960786

it's people like you who give her her powers. She could have read any number of books and understood them as well as anybody. The point is that it doesn't matter. I'm not more impressed by her beacuse she sucked dick and licked toilets on camera and happens to enjoy intellectual pursuits as well.

>> No.1960888
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>> No.1962017

except that sartre et al tend to be the kind of intellectual pursuit people engage in to boast, or seem intelligent.

>> No.1962024

"clinically speaking"

>> No.1962028
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> pretentious

The irony!

>> No.1962318


>> No.1962332

plethora, egregious

>> No.1962335

You'll often hear people say "quite" to sound smart

>That drink was good
>That drink was quite good.
All of a sudden mensa-tier

>> No.1962337 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 720x741, 1302837180857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a loaded word. Whenever you read an essay written by a dumbass they probably use the word "unique" whenever they compliment something. Quit putting this word into your essay's children.

Quite is another loaded word. It doesn't quite mean anything and you can put it quite easily into any sentence. The only reason people ever use "quite" in a sentence is because they think it makes them sound quite smart-- especially when they don't quite have anything intelligent to say.

The next time you see a thread about Harry Potter expect someone to say something among the lines of "Well I quite enjoyed the books" or "I found the story quite engaging," or some shit like that. You're not fooling me, buddy.

>> No.1962341

Quite a hivemind you got there

>> No.1962342

disconnect as a noun

>> No.1962343
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It's such a loaded word. Whenever you read an essay written by a dumbass they probably use the word "unique" whenever they compliment something. Quit putting this word into your essays, children.

Quite is another loaded word. It doesn't quite mean anything and you can put it quite easily into any sentence. The only reason people ever use "quite" in a sentence is because they think it makes them sound quite smart-- especially when they don't quite have anything intelligent to say.

The next time you see a thread about Harry Potter expect someone to say something among the lines of "Well I quite enjoyed the books" or "I found the story quite engaging," or some shit like that. You're not fooling me, buddy.

Anon beat me to the chase, though.

>> No.1962346

>marxist if you live in America

And it's almost always used to mean the exact opposite of what it actually does. The Soviet Union wasn't Marxist, so why do people insist that it was?

>> No.1962350

in art:


in politics:


I stop listening the moment I hear someone use those first two in the politics section. It means they've decide to stop debating and start preaching.

>> No.1962352


>> No.1962354
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>mfw I haven't found a single word I use here

actually I don't care, it's the face I've had all day

>> No.1962360
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>> No.1962364
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They're fucking words, you pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.1962373

We're psuedo-intellectuals for becoming irritated when people use filler words? Most of these are valid words, but people often use them in place of an actual thought that they would be able to elaborate on.

>> No.1962381

Any word with the prefix pseudo.

>> No.1962384
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everything else so far has just been words that some people (usually morons) abuse.

this is now about words dumb people use

>> No.1962386

You faggots are doing the same thing. I can't even understand half of your half-assed post

Unless they're doing the what that Miss Teen USA bimbo did, I don't see a problem. And when people use words in the wrong context or confuse meanings.

Now discuss some literature, please.

>> No.1962387

"human condition"
"human" as a descriptive word for some kind of emotional resonance.

>> No.1962388


>> No.1962394
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>> No.1962431

Lulz, I thought I was the only one with that picture

>> No.1962568

>OMG this book is so edgy and dark man. It tells us so much about the human condition! How? Um... did you even read the part where graphic violence occurred? And the part with the twist? If that isn't edgy and dark and deep and enlightening and unique I don't know what is.

And they don't. That is the issue. How was that not clear from the rest of this thread? We don't like people using words they can't back up with fully-formed ideas, especially when they think that using those words makes them clever.

>ITT: Words dumb people use to sound smart.

This is not rocket surgery, dude.

>> No.1962576

cultural marxism...

I guess that is a phrase, not a word.

>> No.1962580
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>The Soviet Union wasn't Marxist, so why do people insist that it was?

Because the soviet union went about the revolution in the manner Marx described, and went to the step of Socialism like Marx predicted. And then they were left with a dictatorship of the bureaucrat instead of one of the proletariat.

The point is. Except from being Global in scale. The revolution went exactly according to Marxist theory, except fell apart during the final step.

I'd say the method to ACHIEVE Communism in Soviet Russia was Marxist.

>> No.1962602

Marxism working in an agrarian country

>> No.1962619

Ok, point taken. That was off as well.

But they went into the revolution with a Marxian outlook on the world and Communist ideal as the endplan

>> No.1962620

>with a Marxian outlook on the world and Communist ideal as the endplan
Industrial Society is a fundamental element in Marxism. It's part of how the universal class is formed, for one. So, at best, the manner in which the USSR came about is only superficially Marxist.

>> No.1962621

It wasn't marxist. It was Marxist-Leninist. The whole Vangaurd party was completely Lenin's idea. Marx never said anything about that. That was quite frankly why the whole soviet experiment was doomed to start from the beginning anyway.

The soviet union was not marxist. It was for a time Marxist-Leninist and then Stalinist and then back to something inbetween those two.

>> No.1962622

excuse my english. *Doomed from the start anyway*

>> No.1962624


Fuck that shit.

>> No.1962627


>> No.1962668


USSR was doomed because it was a totalitarian state, and every totalitarian state is doomed, regardless of the ideology.

>> No.1962676

Any old idiot can learn long words.

>> No.1962797

Hey now! Lets not discriminate. Experience has taught me that young idiots are just as good, if not better, at learning to say long words they don't understand!

>> No.1962827


I love that word, but I hate it when it is used. Weird...

>> No.1962831


Actually it is criminally underused. It's my favourite word, and I just love saying it.

Enfeeblement, enfeeblement...

>> No.1962883
File: 117 KB, 388x720, 165646_10150161550183902_39074448901_8363591_6080339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is proof that you are all 'dumb'