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1960515 No.1960515 [Reply] [Original]

As the bowstring bit into Bran through the vambrace, the arrow took flight, traveling through the air into a barrel half a dozen yards from the mark. Robb gave a smirk, but Jon strode to his brother.

“Go on, father’s watching, and your mother,” Jon said.

Bran glanced up at the solar to find Lord Stark’s solemn face looking on in pride. Bran sighed and returned his attention to the range, wondering how long it would take before he could shoot like Theon. He plucked another arrow from his quiver, pulled back his bow as taut as a boy of ten could, and released with a grunt when the string whipped at the skin beneath the glove. Bran sighed with disappointment as the arrow sailed past the wall and into the woods, and while Jon and Rickon broke into laughter, Robb turned away, smiling at Bran’s sad excuse for archery.

“And which one of you is a Marksman, then?” His father shouted from above. “Keep practicing, Bran.” I’ll just miss again, Bran nearly said before his father told him to go on.

Robb observed intently as Bran brought his bow back for another try.

“Don’t think too much,” Jon said.

“Relax your bow arm…” Robb began, but then an arrow hurtled through the air to land straight on the bulls-eye, interrupting Robb’s advice.

>> No.1960519
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When Bran searched for the arrow’s origin, he found Arya bowing with shortbow in hand, giving a lady’s courtesy. Bran cast aside his bow and climbed over a wagon to give chase to his older sister as mirth filled the courtyard, the sounds of laughter in the air.

“Catch me if you can!” Arya taunted, running with her hair in the wind.

“I can, and I will!” Bran answered, defiant and bold.

Bran once heard Jory call his sister ‘Arya Underfoot’ because of her speed, but Bran was going to catch her, because as swift as she was, Bran was the surest climber in all of Winterfell. Arya was hurrying towards Mikken’s smith when Bran was ascending the side of the Raven’s towers and onto the roofs. He peered down to glimpse Arya departing the smithy through the other side by the kennels, daring a fleeting peek behind her to see where her brother went.

“Where is he?” Bran heard Arya mutter.

“Right here!” He leaped down ten feet from the roof to land on top of his big sister. They squealed with laughter as the two tumbled down the slope of the kennel to the entrance of the godswood; Bran ended up on top, pinning Arya to the ground.

>> No.1960522
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“No fair, you were up on the rafters!” She complained.

Bran just laughed which couldn’t help but make Arya give a giggle as well. After a moment once the laughing subsided, Arya lifted her face up towards Bran’s, and Bran responded by lowering his towards hers. He could feel his heart pounding, but he couldn’t tell if it was from the chase or the catch. My heart’s racing, he thought, and then he thought he could hear Arya’s just as loudly. For a moment their lips brushed one another, and their eyes met. Bran closed his, only to have Arya shove him off and dash towards the Heart tree in the Godswood.

Bran was on his arse, wondering what had happened. Arya’s pretty… he found himself thinking until Arya yelled from the Godswood.

“What are you waiting for? Catch me!”

Bran regained his footing and began the hunt once more, but Arya simply stood there waiting as he charged ever closer. Bran tackled her, and soon the two of them were wrestling in the mud by one of the hot springs. In the end Arya had pinned him underneath her.

>> No.1960524
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“No fair, I had you the first time.” Bran wheezed, out of breath and content.

Arya leaned in close, her hair brushing past his face, and she whispered in his ear, “But I have you now.”

Her hair smells nice, Bran thought, ignoring the words coming from his sister’s mouth; he was too tired to do anything but lie there. Arya herself felt just as tired, too tired to keep him pinned beneath her, so she let her arms go limp and collapsed on top of Bran with her head resting on his chest.

“You’re warm,” Bran heard himself say. What am I saying? He wondered.

“And you’re covered in mud,” Arya replied whilst gazing up into his blue Tully eyes. Bran looked back at hers, dark, brown, and pretty, he thought.

“So are you.”

She chewed her lip and stated, “You’re cute.”

That irked Bran a bit, boys aren’t supposed to be cute. Without thinking, he grabbed hold of her sister and threw her aside into the spring as Arya shrieked in surprise.

“Bran! I’m sopping wet!”

“At least now you aren’t covered in mud.”

She clutched onto her brother’s arm and dragged in him into the water with her. He wasn’t surprised; he was half-expecting his sister to retaliate because she was Arya. When Bran surfaced he saw Arya pulling off her dress and smallclothes, and he decided he should do the same. The clothes should dry before they went back.

Soon the two were naked and playing in the pool by the heart tree. She splashed at him, and he splashed at her. They were wrestling in the water, dragging each other under the water, making bubbles, laughing, and playing as children do. After a long while, vigor finally left the little ones, and they were lying together on the bank of the pond, Bran’s head resting in Arya’s lap.

>> No.1960527
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“Yeah, Bran?”

“You’re pretty.”

Arya chewed her lip. “What are you saying, dummy?”

“You’re pretty.” Bran said again. He noticed a smidge of mud still on her cheek, so he sat up, dipped his hand in the water, and wiped the dirt off his sister’s face.

“What are you doing?”

Bran didn’t respond, he just gazed into her eyes and lost himself in the dark pretty brown. Arya stared back, just as lost in his.

“You’re really pretty.” Bran found himself saying, just below a murmur in his sister’s ear.

“And you’re really cute.” Arya whispered back. She lifted her arms to put them around Bran, and Bran put his around her. Bran closed his eyes and leaned in, and Arya did the same. Their lips met for the briefest of moments, but feeling her soft lips brush against his sent his heart aflutter. They opened their eyes and looked at one another. Arya put her hand on Bran’s chest to feel his throbbing heart, and then Arya took Bran’s hand, placing it over her own. She’s just as nervous as I am, Bran noted.

She chewed her lip. Their eyes met once more, and then they kissed again, passionately. Arya let open her mouth, and Bran followed suit as her tongue darted towards his and struggled for control. Their tongues grappled with one another, pushing each other back until they finally had to break away for a gasp of air.

Bran looked at Arya in confusion because he never kissed a girl before. Jon and Robb always said that kissing was fun, but Bran wouldn’t have called kissing Arya fun. It was more… he couldn’t think of a word for it, but it was definitely better than fun. Then they shared another kiss, more passionate than the last, and when they broke apart to breathe, Arya made for Bran’s neck, nibbling and suckling, so very gently. Bran gasped.

>> No.1960529
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“Arya…” He muttered under his breath.

“Bran.” She whispered in reply, chewing her lip, until Bran leaned downwards and made for her lip himself. He grazed her lip with his teeth, chewing on it slow and gently to make sure he didn’t hurt her, while Arya’s tongue went wild in Bran’s mouth. They broke apart, and as Bran leaned down to kiss her again, Arya lost her grip on the bank and fell into the water. Her eyes went wide in surprise, but lulled back into comfort as Bran dived into the water after her and met her kiss again. There they were, kissing as naked as their name day beneath the water in the Godswood of Winterfell in sight of the Old Gods.

They were like that for what felt like an hour, Bran held on for as long as he could, but soon the world began to fade to black. Arya began to fade to black. Wait, where’s Arya going? Bran asked.

When the black took him, all he could think of was Arya. It was all he could do to call out for her. “Arya...” he wanted to say, but when he opened his mouth to loose the words, the air escaped from his lungs and the water came rushing in. Arya watched in horror as she saw her Bran losing his breath. Immediately, she pulled the both of them back up to the surface. Bran coughed some water and swallowed air before he latched back onto Arya, hugging her in a tight embrace.

“I love you.” Bran said, with his head resting on his rescuer’s chest.

>> No.1960531
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She smiled and said, “Seven hells, Bran…” She kissed him on his forehead, and Bran kissed her on her chest. He suckled her nipple while the two of them floated in the water, Arya’s legs paddling to keep the both of them afloat. He grazed at her nipple with his teeth, grinding it tenderly while the two of them drifted towards the bank again. Arya gave the weakest of whimpers as Bran took her body. The thought of seeing his tough older sister act like a little girl for once excited Bran and encouraged him to take charge.

He began by kissing her lower and lower, moving from her small growing breasts down to her navel. Arya was at Bran’s mercy, moaning every second, and since she couldn’t find the strength to remain in the water any longer, she lifted herself onto the grass while her legs dangled in the water and Bran’s arms held onto Arya’s bottom to keep him adrift. By now Bran reached Arya’s privates, his head between her thighs. He’d never gotten a good look at one ever before. When Bran stopped to marvel at Arya’s privies, she took notice.

“Why’d you stop?” Arya asked, her cheeks flushed and voice barely above a sigh.

Bran blushed, “I’ve never seen a…” he stopped, not wanting to call it pee-pee but in lack of a better word.

“You’ve never seen a pussy?” Arya asked, giggling a little at the dirtiness of the word.

“A pussy?”

“Jon told me it’s what girls have between their legs.” She said, with a mischievous smile on her lips.

>> No.1960536
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Bran looked at it; it was really pretty. He sent a hand to touch it, to feel the smooth skin below her waist, to feel its warmth. It was small and pink, and it looked almost like a flower, almost, but it was certainly pretty.

“It’s pretty.” He said.

Arya blushed, embarrassed, “Shut up, stupid.”

Arya gave a gasp as Bran ran his finger down her lower lips. She gasped again even harder when Bran stuck a finger in. How tight it was and how hard it was to wiggle his finger in surprised Bran. After he pulled it out, he noticed a clear watery slime coating his finger. He looked at it, curious of the juice’s origins. First he guessed the water, but then he realized that it came from Arya’s pussy. He smiled dirtily when he realized that.

Curious, he sucked his finger clean and it tasted strange: a little sour like lemon, a little salty like fish, but it tasted mostly like water. What she just viewed astonished her; she wondered what it was that Bran just sucked. When Bran looked up, he saw Arya’s surprise and thought she wanted to try some too. Arya sucked in her breath, wincing with pain as Bran stuck in two fingers this time, worming around, exploring the folds of her cunt. It felt like they were there forever before Bran pulled his hand out.

>> No.1960537

You are the cancer that is killing /lit/. Along with all the other cancers.

>> No.1960538
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He lifted it up to her, offering her own nectar. She blushed bright as beets as she sucked down on one finger and Bran sucked on the other. Even after she had lapped up all her juices, she continued to suck on Bran’s finger, stroking it with her tongue, sucking on it, and letting the taste of Bran’s salty skin linger in her mouth with the taste of her pussy.

Bran’s face flushed red as well as he saw how meek her strong sister had become. His attention returned from Arya’s lips and his fingers to her other lips down below. The flower had blossomed and her lips had parted, leaving a world of glorious pink exposed to Bran’s curious eyes. The warmth from Arya’s pussy radiated onto his cheeks, which didn’t help the fact that the both of them were already very hot and flustered.

Then suddenly Bran had an idea. He kissed Arya’s lips, treating these lips as if they were her others. Bran’s tongue darted in and out, wrestling with the folds of her pussy as Arya had done with Bran’s tongue. Arya cried out in pleasure, screaming like the little girl she rarely is. Her thighs clasped down around bran’s head, her legs twisted behind his back to lock Bran in his kiss, and her fingers came down on Bran’s luscious hair and lost themselves, tangling themselves within his auburn locks. All while Arya cried out in pleasure and ecstasy as Bran made short work of Arya’s pussy.

>> No.1960541
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Bran’s tongue explored every fold, every twist, and every secret that Arya’s body had to offer. He lapped up her juices while her musty odors wafted down to his nose, urging him on like the squeals of bliss that rang in his ears. Soon, Bran found a spot that made Arya cry out especially loud when he chanced it. He attacked it again and again, making Arya moan and shudder like she never had before. After minutes going by like this, Arya gave one final quake, greater than any before. Her whole body trembled, she twisted the hands in his hair to the point it hurt, she tightened her legs together until Bran nearly choked, and then she fell over backwards, spent and content.

When she opened her eyes, the sun was setting and the moon was rising, and she saw Bran still in the water and his eyes surveying all over her body, his head resting on top of his crisscrossed arms, smiling and happy. When Bran saw that Arya had noticed him looking at her, he blushed a deep red, but continued anyways.

“What are you looking at?” Arya asked.


“Why don’t you come over here and get a better look. She hinted.

Instantly, Bran hoisted himself out of the water, dripping all over, but it was when Arya saw Bran’s member that she blushed herself. It was a good five to six inches long and raging hard; it was massive for his age. She turned her body away because she was so embarrassed, but she found herself turning back and glancing at it again and again. Bran took notice.

>> No.1960542
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“What are you looking at?” He asked.

“You.” Arya said.

“Why don’t you come over here and get a better look?”

The thought excited Arya, just seeing bran’s member stiff and hard like that made her pussy pulse with blood and made her wet again.

“I think I will.” She explained, her bold manners returning to her. Her arms shot out and grabbed at Bran’s legs, pulling them toward her and bringing him down on his arse. He landed with a thump on the soft grass and his hard cock in Arya’s face. Arya knew what to do from here; she overheard talk of these things from Sansa and Jeyne Poole in their gossip.

Bran groaned and shivered as Arya engulfed his sensitive member within her mouth, starting with a kiss at the head and working her way down to about half of it in her mouth. Bran wanted to shout a little from the way Arya’s teeth scraped against his shaft, but the warmth, tenderness, and moistness of her mouth made up for that. Arya couldn’t take the whole thing in her mouth; before she even got to the base, the tip was bumping against the back of her throat. She nearly gagged, but she didn’t.

>> No.1960543
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Down below, the fact that Arya was sucking on a part of Bran made her so hot and itchy that her hand went to there without even thinking. Her fingers began schlicking as they pumped in and out of her sex, pleasuring herself. She began to moan at the release she was giving herself, and knowing that she was also pleasuring Bran made it all the better.

Bran’s eyes shut tight and he moaned with a joy that his ten year old self could never have known as Arya’s head bobbed up and down his shaft. Her mouth was so hot, wet, and soft. Bran was lost in ecstasy. The blood was rushing to his cock faster than ever, and Arya could feel the pulsing in her mouth, the throbbing of her brother. Her tongue was working up and down the shaft like it had with Bran’s finger before, but now she could feel the blood flowing through her brother’s veins; she could feel him inside of her, reaching for the back of her throat while her fingers reached for the spot Bran found that drove her mad.

Arya’s fingers searched for that spot in vain as they slid in and out of her pussy like Bran’s tongue had done earlier. Soon she gave up and instead began furiously rubbing her clitoris while her head bounced up and down bran’s shaft, tongue dancing all along the way.

As pleasure racked his body, Bran felt a tension mounting at the base of his manhood. In preparation Bran let a moan escape and grasped at Arya’s hair, twisting it in his fingers, letting them lose themselves in her silky copper hair. When his sister’s tongue had swirled around the head of his shaft, Bran shoved his sweet sister’s head down to the base of his member, and he exploded.

>> No.1960545
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Bran gave a cry of joy, and all at once Arya’s head went flying to the stem of Bran’s shaft, his balls stroking against her chin and her nose buried itself in her brother’s flesh while his cock threw itself against the back of Arya’s mouth, pounding at her throat like the fingers pounding at her clit. Then Arya felt something moving up through the cock as it trembled, thrashing about inside her mouth; first it came up from the bottom and swiftly made its way up Bran’s cock until it reached the head… then it erupted. It came gushing out all at once, splattering the inside of her mouth, coating the walls of her cheeks, her tongue, and even down her throat with something sticky, salty. She nearly wanted to retch, but after she heard Bran grunting in the cute way her little brother did, it started tasting sweet in its own salty sort of way. The taste drove her wild, her fingers began stroking as fast as they could move, driving her nearly to the edge.

After a moment, it stopped then came again, and again, and again. She could feel it moving throughout Bran’s cock in the intimate way only she could know as the juice came pulsing through her brother’s manhood. Soon her mouth was full with cock and juice; it was all she could do to swallow, letting Bran’s sweet nectar run down the walls of her throat like slow porridge, but there was too much.

Bran could hear the wet schlicking as Arya pleasured herself along with the gulps and gags as she fought to keep him in her mouth, but she lost that battle. Arya pulled her head back, swallowing what was in her mouth to gasp for air, when she saw globs of white stuff coming at her. Bran watched as Arya’s eyes went wide with surprise when it kept coming at her from Bran’s sex and sprayed her face with the sticky white. Robb once told Bran that this was called his seed, but Bran thought it looked a lot more like milk.

>> No.1960547
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Arya saw the milk coming at her face, but that didn’t matter, she was coming again. She screamed in pleasure as Bran groaned after the last of his seed went flying from his member. Her legs went out from under her, and she fell, face first into her brother’s stomach while his cock began to shrink.

Bran himself fell back as Arya’s face landed into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him onto his back. He looked up as Arya’s tiny body quivered in the most endearing sort of way while she whimpered and cooed and shook like a new born pup. Bran put a hand on her head to pet her while she continued to moan as her orgasm took its course.

Once she was done and quiet, she looked up at Bran with the biggest eyes and the biggest smile on her cum covered face. Bran smiled back and he wanted to say that he loved her more than anything in this world, but he remembered he was nearly a man grown and he didn’t want Arya to think he was a wimpy little babe.

Arya held onto Bran and cuddled up beside him, her face resting on his chest with their legs entwined. Bran combed his fingers through her hair and wiped the cum that she hadn’t already licked off, away from her face. Then they stared into each other’s eyes, losing themselves in each other.

Then Arya chewed her lip and said, “I love you,” for the first time. The words came as a shock. Bran never thought his sister would act so timidly, soon the both of them were blushing, but their eyes never broke off. Instead Bran loosed his fingers from Arya’s hair and hugged her as tight as he could. Then the both of them were in a loving embrace as bran rested his forehead against Arya’s, and they nuzzled their noses against each other’s, smiling and gazing into one another’s eyes.

Then Bran rested his chin on his sister’s shoulder, turned towards her ear, and whispered, “I love you too.”

>> No.1960550
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Arya twisted her neck to face Bran and they stared longingly into each other, and then they kissed. They kissed long and hard, holding onto each other and neither intending to ever let go. They stayed like that for a long time, to Bran it felt like it lasted forever, but he was fine with that. He wouldn’t mind being like this with Arya forever.

The wind whistled through the leaves on the tree, sending a chill through Bran, but Arya was warm and soft and all he ever needed. When their tongues let one another go, they simply looked at each other and closed their eyes and went to sleep cuddled up beside each other in love.

>> No.1960551
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When Bran woke, the moon was high in the night sky and Arya was still lying on top of him, her head resting on his chest, as if to listen for the sound of Bran’s heart against her own soft breathing, but she was moving. Her privies were sliding up and down against Bran’s. Then he realized he was already stiff.

“Arya, what are you doing?”

“Just wait.” She said, while continuing to stroke his privy with her own, but her head lay still as can be on top of Bran’s heart. Arya listened to the sound of it. The soft thump-thump, as the blood coursed throughout his body. It comforted her to listen to it; it made her feel warm and safe. Arya lifted herself up as her pussy continued rubbing against Bran’s cock so as to sit astride him. Arya was getting hotter and hotter as Bran’s manhood slid along her lower lips faster and faster.

Bran was getting hotter as well. Once arya had straddled Bran, he sat up himself, bringing his face to Arya’s chest. He plunged. He went face first and sucked at his sister’s nipple while his hands caressed her bottom to hold her steady. She’s so soft… Bran thought, then he heard himself say it out loud.

“And you’re so hard.” Arya puffed seductively, referring to the rock hard prick that was sliding against the folds of her pussy. Lust overtook her as Bran fondled her ass and rubbed her pussy while he sucked like a babe at her breast. Arya needed to go deeper. Arya needed Bran inside of her.

>> No.1960552


but I hope there's a "stick me with the pointy end" line.

>> No.1960557

I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.1960558
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“Arya!” Bran shouted as he felt himself come. The stuff shot up between the two of them, covering their chests with a sticky white.

“No!” Arya yelled as she felt Bran’s manhood shrink beneath her. Bran looked up, curious as to what went wrong.

“Did I do something bad?” Bran asked his elder sister. Arya chewed her lips, thinking how adorable her little brother was.

Without a word Arya pushed Bran onto his back and got on her knees, lapping up the pasty milk that had painted her brother’s chest. When she was done with that, she headed towards Bran’s shriveled member in hopes of returning it to its former glory, but she could feel her own sex growing colder. In an instant, she swiveled around and plopped her rear end onto her brother’s face.

Bran looked on in awe. It was hovering just inches above him. He stared for what seemed like hours, looking at the pretty pink flower that was floating above his face. In a little bit a drop fell from it and onto Bran’s nose. He blinked in surprise and then he gasped with pleasure when he felt Arya going down on his cock.

First her warm breath was on it, rousing the life back to it. Then she swallowed it with her mouth, and he could feel the wetness of it as it bobbed up and down his shaft. He lost himself in pleasure simply lying on his back and enjoying Arya’s beauty until she pulled her had back and broke his reverie.

>> No.1960559
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“Lick.” An irritated Arya commanded, and Bran did as he was told, not wanting to stir his older sister’s ire any further. His hands found their way to Arya’s butt as Bran’s tongue did as before when they were in the water. Soon enough, Bran was hard again and Arya was once again at her brother’s mercy. While Bran’s tongue wrestled with the folds of her pussy, his hands kneaded her cheeks like dough, and Arya squirmed with pleasure as if to get away from Bran’s hold, but she stayed where she was.

Bran followed on the control that was coming to him. When Arya broke off his cock for air, Bran slid out from under her and got up to his knees while Arya was still on her hands and knees like a bitch in heat. He took his member and guided it towards Arya’s. Once the head was rubbing against the lips, Arya turned her head and chewed her lips.

“Put it in!” She half moaned half cried, the words coming out in shudders.

Bran instead took his manhood and traced Arya’s lips with the tip of his shaft as if he were applying a balm.

“Please Bran!” She begged.

Bran looked at Arya’s pleading face and complied. She’s so cute when she gets like this, Bran thought, but she never gets like this. This was the first time he’s ever seen such a bashful Arya. He stuck the tip in, it was tighter than he could ever imagine. Bran heard his sister gasp as he entered her. He moved his hands to her arse again, fondling her cheeks. They were really soft, softer than the down pillow, and that was the softest thing he ever felt until he felt his sister’s bum. Then Bran took his cock and wedged it in an inch deeper, and then another inch, and another until he found himself rubbing against a thin wall like a bubble waiting to burst.

>> No.1960561
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“Bran, be gentle.”

This is going to hurt, Arya thought. Sansa said it would. Most girls lost their maidenheads to horses, and Arya rode more often than anyone else at Winterfell. Surprisingly, she still had hers. She shut her eyes tight and gritted her teeth to brace herself for what was coming. When Bran didn’t make a move, she grimaced and figured she would need to do it herself. She chewed her lip, and then she smashed her bottom straight into her brother.

It all happened at once. Bran heard Arya scream from the pain as he pierced her maidenhead, taking it from her forever. At the same time Bran had the wind knocked out of him when Arya rammed her bottom into Bran’s crotch. For half a heartbeat he thought he was going to fall over into the water, but he held on thanks to his grip on Arya’s cheeks. Then all of a sudden they were pumping away at each other. As Arya’s pussy swallowed up Bran’s manhood, a dozen thoughts came rushing to his head. She’s so tight. She’s so warm. She’s so soft. She’s so moist. She’s so lovely. I love her. Soon the thoughts came rushing from his head to his mouth. He heard the first one escape.

“You feel so good,” Bran heard himself say, the words simply rolling off his tongue.

>> No.1960563
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The words flew right over her because while Bran was thinking all this, Arya’s mind had turned to fuzzy white. A jolt of pain shot through her body at first, but once that passed nothing but her Bran’s sweet embrace and pleasure awaited her. Bran was so big inside of her, so hard, so fast. A wave of bliss washed over her body with each and every thrust. It drove the little girl crazy. She could feel the blood pulsing through his cock again, but against the walls of her pussy, the pulse of Bran’s member made Arya’s whole body pulse. They were moving as one. Soon Arya’s entire world had shrunk down to Bran’s cock thrusting in and out of her like clockwork and his gentle caress upon her bottom. The only thing that mattered anymore was the itch between her legs and her Bran relieving it.

Bran was half lost in his lust as well when he saw the pure heaven on Arya’s face. As he pumping away at his lover, his sweet Arya, Bran doubled over and released his grasp on Arya’s arse to clutch at her breasts. Bran had mounted Arya like a stallion mounts a mare. From his mount he heard a cacophony of sounds, whimpers and shudders and moans and groans and cries and screams and squeals, all in a symphony of joy.

Arya felt disappointment when Bran released her hindquarters, but she was much more overjoyed when she felt Bran’s chest against her back and his loving hands groping at her chest. But all of that was nothing compared to the gratification overwhelming her body as Bran worked away for the both of them. She could feel her Bran twisting her nipples, as they cried out in pain and pleasure. She could feel Bran nuzzling and biting at her neck, her mouth sucking and licking, and doing anything and everything. But it was when Arya heard Bran’s voice, sweet as honey, did she lose all hold on reality.

>> No.1960567
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“I love you, Arya.” Hearing her name coming from her brother made her fall from this world and into an ocean of nothing but pleasure, lust, bliss, and joy. Then he said it again and again.

“I love you, Arya. I love you” Over and over, until it became sweet nothings in her ears, all while her pussy was lost with Bran’s wild love.

“Bran! I love you, Bran!” She cried out in reply.

Bran felt the walls of her pussy contract around his cock, squeezing it, as if begging for his seed, but Bran was nearly a man grown and he could last a little longer. Arya was so tight that every stroke took effort, but he was tireless as he was in love with his sister. Every time Bran said Arya’s name, the muscles of her pussy clenched his manhood harder, and harder every time. When Bran pulled back, the shape of his member’s head kept him from falling out, and when he pushed back all the way to the base, the force of the impact shook Arya’s body every time. And every time he slid his shaft up and down his sister’s love canal, the wet sopping noises of their love making echoed in his ears.

Bran was kneading his sister’s breasts like he did her ass, but these were smaller and softer, so he had to be gentler, not that he would ever treat Arya roughly. He loved Arya. Bran’s head was hovering just besides Arya’s, their hair brushing against each other like Bran’s nipples brushing against his sister’s back. Then he turned his head and whispered into her ear, “I love you,” one more time.

>> No.1960569
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That’s when Arya completely gave up trying to stay above the water in her ocean of pleasure, lust, bliss, and joy, and simply drowned in it. That was when biggest orgasm she had ever felt, a massive storm of delight, ravaged her tiny, young body. Any strength she might’ve had by then left her; all her limbs gave out and she could see nothing but white and hear nothing but her Bran’s beautiful voice. Then she fainted.

>> No.1960574
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When Arya collapsed from underneath Bran, he collapsed on top of her, his limb deep within her. Arya’s little body gave a trembled furiously, shaking everywhere all at once, her sex no exception. Once Bran had fallen on top of his sweet sister, he had stopped moving, but the walls of Arya’s maidenhood trembled ferociously with spasms and contractions, sending Bran over the edge and into Arya’s ocean as well. His seed came like deluge, coating the walls of her pussy and filling her up to her womb. When Bran thought he had let out more seed than was possible to be inside of him, he continued coming. And when he thought he was done then, he came again. Arya couldn’t contain nearly half of all that within her, her pussy was overflowing with Bran’s seed as it his member continued to sputter out more. It came gushing out of Arya’s pussy like running water and covered the grass. Bran gasped and gave moans of his own as he drowned in the ocean as well. Once he was finally done, Bran looked at his sister’s face on last time and whispered her name. Then Bran Stark fell asleep atop Arya Stark while he was still inside her, and the two of lovers lost themselves in love.

>> No.1960576

And then all the major characters with the exception of Hodor die. Whoopsie xD

>> No.1960593

For a fanfiction, this is surprisingly good writing.

>> No.1960624

What the fuck is this shit? How could you be sick enough to put incest into ASoIAF?

At least make it JON/Arya...

>> No.1960647
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will save it and fap to it later when masturbation time is

>> No.1960660
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>How could you be sick enough to put incest into ASoIAF?
it's already full of it

>> No.1960725

>All the fucking Targaryens

I don't think Bran/Arya was too bad.

>> No.1960734


>> No.1960740

Then Jon fucked Arya up the butt while needle was making its way through Arya's cunt. She screamed in lust begging for lust as Jon's cock fucked Arya up the butt while needle made its way through Arya's cunt.

>> No.1960747


>> No.1960752
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>> No.1960760

Lannisters like to keep it in the family

>> No.1960767

masturbating to it now

>> No.1960768


>> No.1960775

I thought more people would be complaining that it was Bran and Arya who are like 13 and 14 right now.

Then again, Jaime and Cersei did it for the first time when they were 8.

>> No.1960780
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>> No.1960783


>> No.1960789



>> No.1960800


Oh god, I lol'd.

>> No.1960807

OP, winter is coming, and so am I.

>> No.1961095
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>> No.1961825
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A Bran-Arya Wincest Fanfiction??

I've been waiting for this for years. YEARS.

>> No.1961856

Jon's a cousin, so that's legal, I guess...

>> No.1961926
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>> No.1962110
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>Bran Arya CP Wincest

>> No.1962250
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Jared, how do you feel knowing that my words gave you multiple erections?

>> No.1962275

asha/victarion? wat?
tommen/myrcella? wat?

OP decent read, though id prefer a jon/arya story too, since arya totally looks up to jon and would do anything he said. also its totally unrealistic how these kids know more about sex than the whole of /b/.

>> No.1962308

But Jon would never take advantage of Arya like that... it's... not Jon.

>> No.1962311

The very most literature related thread of the month. Seriously.

>> No.1962322

jon wouldnt take a baby away from its mother and send her away from the wall without it either

maybe arya comes onto him cos she has a crush, that wouldn't be far off from the way she jumps into his arms after he gives her needle.

>> No.1962340

>“And which one of you is a Marksman, then?”

If you were trying to recreate the scene from the TV show the line is "And which one of you was a marksman at ten?"

>> No.1962732

Yeah, I was wondering that...

Wait a minute... so this means that when the screen cut off after Bran went chasing after Arya... they had sex in the Godswood?


>> No.1963140


>Not Bran/Robb/Jon

How dissapointing