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19602631 No.19602631 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you got any good books on suicide? Just remembered that it was an option and need to read the pros and cons

>> No.19602635

Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
On Suicide by Emile Durkheim
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

>> No.19602657

Horseshit copes

Emil Cioran is the answer, read the Trouble with Being Born. If you want ancient wisdom then see Stoics. Seneca and Epictetus. Here's an interview of Cioran

>But you do consider these single encounters important. Are there others?

A few years ago, there was a friend of mine who told me that he’d met an engineer, twenty-five, who wanted to meet me. Finally I said all right, we’ll go stroll around the Luxembourg Gardens nearby, it was a summer evening. We spoke about one thing and another, literature and such, and finally he said to me, “Do you know why I wanted to meet you? It’s because I read your books, and I saw that you’re interested in suicide. I’d like to tell you about my case.” And so, he explained to me, he had a good job, earned a lot, he said, “In the last two or three years, I’ve begun to be obsessed with suicide. I’m in the prime of life, and this idea has taken hold of me. I haven’t been able to get rid of it.” We talked for three hours about suicide, circling the Luxembourg Gardens. I explained to him how I was, I am still, obsessed by it, I consider suicide as the only solution, but, I told him, my theory is this: that suicide is the only idea that allows man to live. Suicide gives me the idea that I can leave this world when I want to, and that makes life bearable. Instead of destroying it. So for three hours we discussed every aspect of this problem, and then I suggested that we not see each other again, because there wouldn’t be any point.

>In an encounter like that, have you had the feeling of saving him a little?

Yes, a little. That’s happened to me several times, with girls particularly. I’ve always prevented them from committing suicide. I’ve always tried to tell them that, since one can kill oneself anytime, to put it off. But one should not abandon this idea.

>But you do feel a certain responsibility to such people.

Yes, I can’t avoid it. Because my theory of suicide is that one shouldn’t kill oneself, one should make use of this idea in order to put up with life. So, it’s something else, but they’ve attacked me, saying this fellow makes an apology for suicide and doesn’t do it himself. But I haven’t made such an apology. I say that we have only this recourse in life, that the only consolation is that we can quit this life when we want to. So, it’s a positive idea. Christianity is guilty for having led a campaign against this idea. One should say to people, If you find life unbearable, tell yourself, “Well, I can give it up when I want to.” It’s that one should live by way of this idea of suicide. It’s in the Syllogismes where I wrote that phrase, “Without the idea of suicide, I would have killed myself from the start.”


>> No.19602669

How is Durkheim a cope? It's literally a sociological analysis.

>> No.19602689
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Read the guidebook to shoving ~200 ketamine hcl into your system via your veins, muscles, or anus, then go do that a couple of times in spa-like conditions... you will learn more about your own suicidal thoughts/feelings in the following week than any book that could ever be written. Not memeing you anon, do it.

>> No.19603098

This sounds a bit overboard.

However, everytime I see a suicidal post here I wonder why the OP doesn't at least try a heroic dose of shrooms. If death is the last resort, then a shroom trip shouldn't be that scary. (It's not scary at all. It's eye-opening.)

>> No.19603106

already a thread about it faggot.

>> No.19603138

Hey anon, bumping because suicide is not something to consider or have in your "back pocket."

There was a time in my life where continual suicidal ideation was my way of self-therapy. Glad I got out of that.

There are no pros.

Read Demons by Dostoevsky, whatever version includes the typically omitted chapter about Stavrogin and the girl he drives to suicide.

>> No.19603305
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it's less overboard than an heroic dose of shrooms I promise (although hard to compare) ...ketamine seems to work its magic directly on the physical structure of the brain: the experiential effects are more of a by-product. A huge amount of research has been done over the last decade and I urge any anons who are feeling suicidal to look into this, it saved my life last year

>> No.19603321

Have to seen some cool shit? Like flying angles, deities, stepping out of time like cool supernatural shit?

>> No.19603591

Yeah stuff like flying through massive expansive landscapes, visions of a Being composed out of every animal experience ever constantly updating itself, the feeling of travelling backwards through my own genetic information, falling between giant complex structures like the pillars of creation and so on. Very very hard to describe, but like I said the benefit comes mainly from the neurochemical effect and not so much the nature of the experience itself.

>> No.19603598

Braxton McCoy The Glass Factory

>"an option"
meds now op

>> No.19603608

What are your views on death and suffering now?

>> No.19603623

if I take all meaning out of it, it's just an option, just like deciding to eat chocolate everyday

>> No.19603644

read Plato. definitions are important, and kys because of sloppy thinking enticing you into believing suicide is something it isn't would actually be tragic.

>> No.19603683

The most prominent effect is the radical softening of the harsher parts of the ego, the parts most responsible for those self-destructive and self-fulfilling negative schema that lead to suicidal thoughts. That and a real desire to re-forge broken connections with people and to form new ones, to actually participate in the world. Going rapidly from feeling like life is not worth living at all to feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for being alive, suffering and all. A blowing away of the cobwebs.

>> No.19603702

Thanks for answer my questions. But I was lurking on plebbit's pessimism board there some anon who said that they had absolutely terrifying trips which fucked them up. So I am not sure.

>> No.19603725

sheeeeeit negro that's all you had to say.

when is big pharma going to put out soma. first worlders need it, demoralized by propaganda as they are.

>> No.19603809

Ketamine is a strange drug for many reasons, one being the very wide ranging contexts in which it is used. I have accidentally taken too much in a 'party' environment years ago and yes that was scary. There are clinics popping up now all over the western world who will provide an intravenous infusion with a therapist there and so on. I can't afford this but I set up similar conditions in my own home- safe comfortable setting, eye mask, ambient music and so on. Go in with the right intention and with the foreknowledge that initially it might feel like dying. It's also a great benefit that most 'street' or dark web ketamine is basically medical grade, and it is an extraordinarily safe drug.

>> No.19604445
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Just get in the pod. You need to show your vaxx certificate before you are let in tho. Don't want to infect the dead.

>> No.19604556
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>> No.19604581

Don't listen to ketamine dude.

Do shrooms, and just read up on how to counter a bad trip. Also read Dune before you do so. I was going into a bad trip, but I knew how to ride with it, and it ended up being a great, very healing experience.

>> No.19604586

seriously GTFO with that. Anyone encouraging or enabling someone to suicide is fucking evil.

>> No.19605242
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There is a much greater quantity of rigorous and reliable research into the antidepressant effects of ketamine than there is for psilocybin, because the former has already had a widespread use in medicine for 6 decades now whereas the latter is mostly anecdotal and underground. I wouldn't discourage using mushrooms though. All anons: do whatever you think may work for you to stay alive and never ever give up hope.

>> No.19605307



>> No.19605313
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>Anyone encouraging or enabling someone to suicide is fucking evil.
Why? You are preventing them from experiencing decades of suffering if they go through with it.

>> No.19605315

K-hole is not funny desu

>> No.19605329

>by train
>18 minutes
>no agony

>> No.19605370
File: 51 KB, 3000x3161, 4-HO-MiPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-MET > shrooms

>> No.19606453

The Holy Bible