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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 454 KB, 1248x1017, clickbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19602202 No.19602202 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/izens. Rules are simple. I write a passage of a story, then another anon tags me to write a passage that continues the story. Then another anon tags that anon, writes a passage, and so on and so forth.

It's 2:57 in the morning. This is the fifth night in a row that he has stayed up so late, in spite of the pleas of his mother. Diurnality is for the normies, those apes who fling shit at each other. He scours the internet like a post-apocalyptic scavenger, scrounging in a vapid haze for even a drop of real emotion. Adumbrate in the light of his monitor, he chuckles to himself infrequently, scrolling down a board humor thread. A schizophrenic whirlwind gibbers behind his eyes. Ten-thousand-faced Anon speaks. "(You)" "Tranny" "fpbp." He swears that he will get to those PDFs he has downloaded, his intelligence his redemption against his alienation. Picture of some white chick in a bikini. Webm of a hamster in a hamster wheel. Thread about an obscure philosopher, derailed by a waifu roll-chart. "Roll" "Roll" "bait." Someone posts triples and gets five replies, a nugget of dopamine gold. His index finger rolls his mouse wheel.

>> No.19602225

There! Nope, gone. Had he imagined it? Something had called out to him, between the based retards and tranny stats, the schizos and enablers, something. He thought he saw his name, not his full name, but not just his first name. Eerie but who gives a shit, I'm going insane haha.

>dap me up anon

>> No.19602309
File: 19 KB, 235x278, 1572d7111a67dfa0159f45d741b7684b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks through his porn folder. 1200 videos, all WEBM format, all tranny anal fisting. He wonders how he became such a goddamn degenerate, then remembered self-evident answer: "Naruto... those damn AMVs fucked me over!" He stared at his treasure trove of fap material, half-tempted to press "Delete." He hesitated, "Maybe one last coom would be in order." He knew that he was lying to himself, there would be no "last coom," and he would repeat this cycle again. Like clockwork.

>> No.19602352

Then he saw it again, the comment with his name

>Frederick Snibbleberry, i saw you looking at this website on your phone in our Gender and Sexuality in 14th Century Literature class. I'm sure the Dean would be very interested in some of the posts on here ;) If you want me to keep it a secret, then meet me after next Friday's lecture and we can talk terms.

Frederick's heart rocked his chest as his gut went into freefall. Fear banished fatigue like a plunge into icy water. Who? How? his mind groped for stable ground in his vertigo of anxiety. He had taken every precaution to hide his power level, there is no way anyone could have saw him? Yet the comment in front of him proved that to be a lie. The lecturer? no, they wouldn't blackmail him. Who...? It dawned on him that he didn't know the names of any of his classmates. If he was expelled, his dreams of being a literature professor would be over. He had no option left but to face his anonymous blackmailer.

>> No.19602393

He pondered his options. His reply box read
>reveal yourself at once, you scoundrel
But he had not the heart to press send. Would he have to take a weapon with him and threaten his way out? Risk becoming a pariah, getting expelled, being made a persona non grata to every future employer? What could he give to that villain who called him out? Was it... no it could not be, was it a girl? Was there an autismo anonette on campus trying to shoot her shot? He refreshed the page, and alas the post was gone. Had he imagined it? No it was there, he saw it, saw the invitation. He had to go.

>> No.19602449

Just then, anon interjected. "Do not put pornography on my literature board. Not even anime stuff that doesn't even show nipples, big anime boobs in tight clothes counts as porn. I am trying to cut down on viewing porn and masturbating, I've been convinced it's bad for me in excess." He had protested to the best of his literary ability.

>> No.19602830

But his protests fell on deaf ears
"bump" anon said, "lmao"

>> No.19603159

Someone repost the pic on catbox or something I didn't have time to save it

>> No.19603627
File: 504 KB, 500x281, B56CFA8B-1674-49AC-AFB1-87B24DB2E92E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new?
It was just Kiryuin Satsuki in a clingy T-shirt

>> No.19603666

God I want her to spit in my mouth

>> No.19603711
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, D017746E-7815-48BD-A679-A3E782DA0C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a hot little character isn’t she

>> No.19604240

"Let the thread die," cried out the thousand voices from the depths of the archive. "A philosophy thread had to die for THIS?"

"Yes," anon replied, smiling.

>> No.19604502

"N-N-No" an alternate voice hisses "bump! Bump! Bump!"
The Janny faggot superego had done its best to eviscerate the thread, removing the clickbait anime girl, but it would *never* die. OP's cock was 10 inches long from stem to shaft, and had a mileage of 10: 10 miles of pipe laid in the mothers of faggot Jannies, a municipal sewer system erected in the sultry mothers of neckbeard sons. OP has threatened to withhold his divine penis if his thread dies, so that the jannies will keep the thread alive on the threat of their mothers destroying their goodboy points. The thread was *immortal.*

>> No.19604732
File: 964 KB, 720x1000, Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast forward. It's Friday, he attends the lecture after having his lunch alone. He sits by himself, as per usual. Frederick Snibbleberry is not a sociable individual. Today, he sits on a high seat in the lecture hall so that no one can see him browsing 4chan. The professor is late, so he has time to scan his fellow students, wondering who his "secret admirer" could be. Nobody returns his look, or else their eyes flinch away when they meet his. Even the mere acknowledgement of Frederick's existence would send them careening down the social ladder.

Professor Mattel arrives. A plain-looking hook-nosed woman, she begins the lecture by talking about the evils of racism, condemning the recent murder of an unarmed black man by a police officer in Houston. Ten-thousand faced Anon churns behind Frederick, infographics and statistics flash through his mind. Frederick suppresses an outburst that would relieve him of his last shred of social recognition. Then the lecture really begins. They are analyzing Galawain and the Green Knight from a transgender perspective, and it sounds to Frederick like the professor is spinning her lecture out of thin air. Since her second class, Professor Mattel has completely taken off from reality, using terms that to Fred have little-to-no meaning. He has still managed to come up with an A-, however, because he is an astute bullshitter. He pretends to be taking notes while on /lit/, roleplaying as someone who has actually read the book the thread was made about. He enrages another roleplayer, and they fight over what they think the book is, a war between simulacra. Finally, it's 11:20 on the clock, and the professor's droning is whittled to a whine. Students file out, somnambulant, such is the effect of the class. Frederick joins them.

He waits outside the door to the lecture hall for a minute, coming dangerously close to pulling the mental muscles that determine his attention span. He's in the middle of pulling out his phone, when he hears a derisive feminine voice.


>> No.19604849

OP i saw pic related in catalog but i see it has been mopped up by a janny. im gonna have to ask you to post it again so i can see all of them pixels.

>> No.19604899
File: 454 KB, 1248x1017, clickbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could've at least bothered to have contributed to my thread. Here you go, coomer.

>> No.19604955
File: 941 KB, 500x463, 81DB3CE2-7F4B-41EE-8F81-31ADB4274EB3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I linked it even

>> No.19605203


mmmmmmmmmmnnnggggghhhhhhhhh milkyyy
i wasnt paying attention butters i immediately posted cuz i wanted to see the clothed boobies

>> No.19605214
File: 24 KB, 308x479, 19A270A2-25FA-4180-8C01-B75699AD8758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19605718

They're called jezebels, get with /lit/ culture

>> No.19606892
