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File: 119 KB, 1024x683, Tolkien - Lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19600755 No.19600755 [Reply] [Original]

>The story was largely finished by the end of the Christmas vacation in 1948. Two months later, Jack (C.S Lewis) read it to Tolkien. Jack had always been constructively helpful and sympathetic with Tolkien’s writing, and he probably expected similar treatment. He was hurt, astonished, and discouraged when Tolkien said that he thought the book was almost worthless, that it seemed like a jumble of unrelated mythologies. Because Aslan, the fauns, the White Witch, Father Christmas, the nymphs, and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver had quite distinct mythological or imaginative origins, Tolkien thought that it was a terrible mistake to put them together in Narnia, a single imaginative country. The effect was incongruous and, for him, painful. But Jack argued that they existed happily together in our minds in real life. Tolkien replied, “Not in mine, or at least not at the same time.”

>Tolkien never changed his view. He so strongly detested Jack’s assembling figures from various mythologies in his children’s books that he soon gave up trying to read them. He also thought they were carelessly and superficially written.

>Jack had a high opinion of Tolkien’s judgment and was distressed and disconcerted by his harsh response, especially since he himself had little confidence in the merits of his story. Were it not for friends who praised it highly, he might never have published it.

>> No.19600765
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>The lady is quite right to refute what she thinks bad theistic arguments, but does this not almost oblige her as a Christian to find good ones in their place: having obliterated me as an Apologist ought she not to succeed me?
CS Lewis on Elizabeth Anscombe (The Collected Letters of CS Lewis, p. 35)


>> No.19600771
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Anscombe was /ourgirl/

>> No.19600778

Honestly, if Lewis was a good friend of Tolkien's he should have realised that his mythology scholar autism would have made him a bad judge.

>> No.19600787
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>I will by no means join in the modern depreciation of Wagner. He may, for all I know, have been a bad man. He may (though I shall never believe it) have been a bad musician. But as a mythopoeic poet he is incomparable.

Wagner > Tolkien

>> No.19600791
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>Tolkien was bothered by this scene because Lewis was distorting and sentimentalizing the myth ("Narnian Exile" 41). He suggests, "[I]f Lucy had really met a faun--that is, a satyr--the result would have been a rape, not a tea party" (Christopher, C.S. Lewis 111).

>> No.19600793

Why does every anecdote about Tolkien’s personal life makes him seem insufferable?

>> No.19600815

I never knew Anscombe and Lewis were on bad terms. I always thought their views were pretty similar, like in Abolition of Man

>> No.19600816
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>"So far I have felt the normal feelings of a man of my age—like an old tree that is losing all its leaves one by one: This feels like an axe-blow near the roots," Tolkien wrote to his daughter Priscilla four days after Lewis's death.

>> No.19600817


>> No.19600839

They weren’t on bad terms, personally. Anscombe just presented a paper at the Oxford Club defending the philosophical viability of naturalism (which nevertheless she didn’t believe in) against Lewis’ ‘argument from reason’ as presented in ‘Miracles’.

>> No.19600842

Didn't Tolkien basically rip off Norse mythologies (the ring, the dwarves, dragons) and mix them with Christian bullshit about father god, good and evil, the messiah, etc? Maybe he just didn't want any competition from Lewis

>> No.19600846

Narnia was the first shitty YA fantasy book, it just predated all the others by several decades.

t. doesn't even dislike Lewis/Narnia

>> No.19600856

What a fucking autist, but a funny autist.

>> No.19600859

undiagnosed autism

>> No.19600861

>you can't just like the aesthetic idea of something and want to present it in a way your young children can enjoy OK!? It HAS to have the same rapey and sadomasochistic undertones it had when the Greeks wrote about a vaguely similar being 2500 years ago!!
Tolkien sounds kind of autistic here ngl

>> No.19601330

Yes, Tolkein had standards, unlike the manchildren of today. He studied mythology, he knew his shit. And it's true that Narnia as a mythological/fantasy story is inferior to Lord of the Rings. I enjoyed the books a lot as a kid, but even as a kid I could tell that the story lacked teeth.

>> No.19601353
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The space trilogy>Narnia
Imagine not being a Lewischad

>> No.19601408

I like Lewis but I understand the point of view of Tolkien perfectly here. I have a similar feel while reading some stories and wonder if the writers are not bothered by the implications certain figures have in their stories.

>> No.19601416

>hates Narnia
>hates Dune
Tolkien was a surly faggot who hated authors who dabbed on his shitty ring delivery quest book

>> No.19601423

Lewis was his friend, though.

>> No.19601434

Tolkien was just so lost in his own autism that he would have hated anything

>> No.19601436

Honestly his nonfiction is better than any of his fiction. He's at his best as a philosopher and apologist. The Abolition of Man is fucking prescient, Lewis saw what we'd be going through now more than half a century ago.

>> No.19601445

pretty sure Tolkien was a raging piece of shit and probably absolutely insufferable to be around. Pure unbridled autism

>> No.19601455

Tolkien was based and spanishpilled.
>For instance I dislike French, and prefer Spanish to Italian – but the relation of these facts to my taste in languages (which is obviously a large ingredient in The Lord of the Rings) would take a long time to unravel, and leave you liking (or disliking) the names and bits of language in my books, just as before. (1958)
>Auden has asserted that for me 'the North is a sacred direction'. That is not true. The North-west of Europe, where I (and most of my ancestors) have lived, has my affection, as a man's home should. I love its atmosphere, and know more of its histories and languages than I do of other pans; but it is not 'sacred', nor does it exhaust my affections. I have, for instance, a particular love for the Latin language, and among its descendants for Spanish. That it is untrue for my story, a mere reading of the synopses should show. The North was the seat of the fortresses of the Devil. The progress of the tale ends in what is far more like the re-establishment of an effective Holy Roman Empire with its seat in Rome than anything that would be devised by a 'Nordic'. (1967)

>> No.19601458

>Didn't Tolkien basically rip off Norse mythologies (the ring, the dwarves, dragons) and mix them with Christian bullshit about father god, good and evil, the messiah, etc?
mmm no

>> No.19601463

>Holy Roman Empire
Absolutely based

>> No.19601467


>> No.19601473

Voltaire can cope all he wants, but it was Holy, it was the new Rome and it was an Empire.

>> No.19601476

sounds like you're the one coping

>> No.19601478

Behold the power of English Catholics. No wonder there are so few of them, if there were too many the world couldn't handle it.

>> No.19601479

>The progress of the tale ends in what is far more like the re-establishment of an effective Holy Roman Empire
Somewhere in Paradise Charlemagne and Charles V are smiling.

>> No.19601485
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>No u
You can do better than that

>> No.19601492
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I mean, Gondor and Arnor as Eastern Rome and Western Rome is kind of obvious. Arnor, the fallen outpost of the great empire of Man in the West, brought low by evil forces. Gondor, the empire in the East, which has seen severe diminishment and now faces a final, desperate siege for survival.

Gondor even has a city that spans a river, like Constantinople.

Oh, man, this means Sauron and the orcs are the Turks. Kek, based Tolkien.

>> No.19601496

the city on the river was also the old capital

>> No.19601533
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>Tolkien voiced support for the Nationalists (eventually led by Franco during the Spanish Civil War) upon hearing that communist Republicans were destroying churches and killing priests and nuns.[116]

>He was contemptuous of Joseph Stalin. During World War II, Tolkien referred to Stalin as "that bloodthirsty old murderer".[117]

>> No.19601551

One of the most /lit/ things it's possible to be is a Catholic reactionary.

>> No.19601601

Absolutely based

>> No.19601641
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>he might never have published it.
And the world would have been better for it. Gay ass useless books. I swear we would be better off as a species if 95% of the content that is produced just wasn't.

>> No.19601843

yeah, like your post

>> No.19601858

Manly tear.

>> No.19601903

I was flipping thru his letters and he called the Powys brothers the "enemy", called Llewelyn a "lunatic" and thanked his friend for warning him about their cursed, unwholesome literature.

>> No.19602101

Wow, maybe Lewis should've taken some of Tolkien's suggestions to heart.

>> No.19602190

There's something to that
I aesthetically appreciate all these component mythologies drawn on by Lewis, but as their own things and in their own contexts

The 1001 Nights or Aladdin, Greek plays or Ovid's poetry,

Wow, Tolkien really puts it so well here, I've always wondered why the Narnia books felt so tacky to me even as a child myself, in comparison to Tolkien's stuff

>> No.19602766

Seethe. Narnia is a beloved classic.

>> No.19602774
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He was a genius

>> No.19602784

Yes. No.

>> No.19602791

It was a holy larp indeed.

>> No.19602883
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>mogs Lewis
>mogs Tolkien
>before they've even written their best works
How did Howard do it?

>> No.19602905

>it was Holy

>> No.19603011
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>> No.19603056

and out come the zoom zoom tradcath larpers.

>> No.19603282
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Tolkien rules.

>> No.19603436
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take the williams pill
this, the space trilogy was great, and williams was a big influence on it

>> No.19603541

How come no one's heard of this guy

>> No.19603664

Both Lewis and Tolkien were geniuses but The Lord of the Rings is far better than The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Silmarillion is slightly better than The Lord of the Rings. Lewis' Space Trilogy is better than the Hobbit, though. Lewis' short fiction is better than Tolkien's and Lewis wrote many interesting short stories and the Screwtape Letters. Lewis' real talent was for nonfiction but I haven't read any of Tolkien's nonfiction. Both writers had their strengths and produced a great many treasures but I think Tolkien surpassed Lewis by a fair bit.

>> No.19603706

Narnia or the Hobbit?

>> No.19603715

Why call it a faun/satyr then? Its like the people who add dragons to stories and don't have them as monsters. They only do that because they cannot invent something to occupy that space on their own.

>> No.19603716

those who have have, those who have not will hear about it from those who have
here's a lecture on his arthurian poetry for your troubles:

>> No.19603753

>Both Lewis and Tolkien were geniuses

>> No.19603895
File: 457 KB, 1951x1193, Jon_Andersons_Guide_to_the_Inklings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the inklings
>listen to yes
anyone else?

>> No.19603900

>Didn't Tolkien basically rip off Norse mythologies (the ring, the dwarves, dragons) and mix them with Christian bullshit about father god, good and evil, the messiah, etc?
Yes, and he ripped off Irish mythology for the elves as well, and Númenor is essentially a riff on the Greek myth of Atlantis. He also has some peoples in Harad which, although left vague, are clearly drawn from the American cryptid legend of the jigaboo. So this is all rank hypocrisy on Toto's part.

>> No.19603940


>> No.19603962

Tolkien was just more elegant about it. He didn't just put fucking Santa Claus together with Feline Jesus, talking rats, satyrs, centaurs, etc in the most kitschy way.

>> No.19603982

This is the same guy who called The Worm Ouroboros unpleasant because it espouses a fundamentally cheerful, masculine philosophy. It's totally unsurprising that he would have some whiny autistic complaint about Narnia too, the only baffling thing is that Lewis somehow thought his judgment was good.

>> No.19604182

>Lewis somehow thought his judgment was good.
Doesn't seem that way since he published Narnia anyway.

>> No.19604223

>Jack had a high opinion of Tolkien’s judgment and was distressed and disconcerted by his harsh response, especially since he himself had little confidence in the merits of his story. Were it not for friends who praised it highly, he might never have published it.
Read the OP, nigeuner.

>> No.19604225

anon, you may want to reread >>19603900
more carefully

>> No.19604961
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>> No.19605498

based Tolkien

>> No.19605614

Surprisingly, I just leafed through a collection of Narnia stories I read as a child! In general, Tolkien is right, Lewis is infinite, his stories are like an awkward collage. But I admit that he tried to develop his universe, it was getting darker and darker. Especially after two books - I still do not understand why he is all this weird shit in the Silver Chair, I thought he imitated science fiction writers of an older audience, maybe Clark Ashton Smith or Dunsany but for small children (and it didn't work). Well, the Last Battle is literally an apocalypse caused by the people of evil colored brown people lol. Even the last king is not a child or a young man, but an adult man.
He has a certain talent, but for me he raises a league of based retards - in the end, Aslan is Jesus, but this is not a smiling hippie guy, no, this Jesus is mystical, inhuman, terrifying infidel. He talks about life, death and the end times. And also sometimes takes Jerusalem and blows up trains.
It's fun.

>> No.19605692
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*hits pipe*
The more I read about Tolkien the higher my opinion of him becomes. He seems incredibly based

>> No.19605717

This post is pretty funny considering all Norse 'mythology' is the result of Christian monks writing it down through their filter.

>> No.19605748

You can tell this person never actually read TLotR.

>> No.19605758

>he called the Powys brothers the "enemy"
Did he say why?

>> No.19605796

>I mean, Gondor and Arnor as Eastern Rome and Western Rome is kind of obvious.
Maybe if you're retarded. In what way at all are they alike? Surely you're not one of those morons who thinks Rome ended in the 5th century? Arnor was completely destroyed and emptied by Angmar, Western Rome carried on largely the same as before as anyone who has read a shred of history will tell you. Try reading less /pol/ and pick up some books, maybe start with the writings of Felix Ennodius who lived at the time.

>Gondor even has a city that spans a river, like Constantinople.
Cities tend to be built around rivers, one could just as easily suggest Osgiliath is a parallel of St. Petersburg.

Your/pol/ inflection is forced and completely artificial.

>> No.19606538

Uuuumm, wheren't fauns Roman and were said to be friendly?

>> No.19606557

Sometimes people just want the image of a human-hybrid and don't necessarily need to be true to every arcane mythological footnote just to feel entitled to call something a faun/satyr/mermaid/whatever

Or you don't want to spend an entire page describing something to name it differently.

>> No.19606624

>Newly released documentation about the 1961’s Nobel Prize for Literature selection process was just released. Among the revelations: that C.S. Lewis nominated his friend and fellow Inkling, J.R.R. Tolkien, for The Lord of the Rings.

>Tolkien’s nomination was rejected by the committee, with one of the committee members stating that Tolkien’s prose “has not in any way measured up to storytelling of the highest quality.” Also rejected for consideration that year were Robert Frost and E.M. Forster.

Yet the guy still nominated him for the Nobel prize. He didn't deserve a friend like that.

>> No.19606632

I don't know how the Romans looked on them but Lewis was definitely drawing on an existing later reinterpretation (very popular in 18th-19th century) where they were more bucolic and harmless, for sure. Tolkien's reaction is typical of literal, genuine autism, picking one interpretation more or less arbitrarily to be the "right" one and then getting mad when people use other ones.

>> No.19606655

It sounds kind of like interpretations of mermaids where there's no definitive "incarnation" of them being dangerous and murderous vs being friendly and helpful and it kind of just depends on each story. Tolkien seems like the type to be skeptical of even later Classical sources on a myth and rejecting entirely any later European reinterpretation outright.

I can see how this type of thinking would be related to autism, but I think it's just Tolkien overacademizing. Autismos can't write as deeply and nuancedly as Tolkien does.

>> No.19606692

>I think it's just Tolkien overacademizing
Nah my man, the academic stance woud be doing the opposite, cataloging the various different variants without really being biased between them, ordering the developments on a timeline, etc.

>> No.19606695

(But yes, your mermaid example is a good analogy, though)

>> No.19607008

>but I think it's just Tolkien overacademizing

>> No.19607072

It makes him a great judge.

>> No.19607104
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Tolkien and Lewis actually were pretty harsh with each other, but it produced good work.

For example, when Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings, Lewis was helping him review and proofread it. There was one particular section of the story where Lewis kept saying, "You can do better, John," and he kept insisting that Tolkien revise it and edit it.

That section? It was the chapter in The Two Towers, "The Voice of Saruman." Which is arguably the best-written part of the entire trilogy. So Lewis did Tolkien some good.

>> No.19608033


>> No.19608319

I read this finally this year.
It's incredibly based
>t. autismo heading slowly back to Christianity

>> No.19608463

Just look at that balding, worthless loser
He is the reason you all suck Disney cock from age 0

>> No.19608603

Tolkien mixed together various different mythologies and changed the nature of for example elves.

>> No.19609265

Ah I remember this. I refuted her argument with ease.

>> No.19609282

He primarily ripped off Wagner. ( the ring of absolute power, the lord of the ring, the curse of the ring).

>> No.19610009

Both are kino

>> No.19610034

Did Zack Snyder write this?

>> No.19610185
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don't forget the book that inspired lewis to write science fiction nf the first place

>> No.19610225


bruh all this stuff is in Plato too (the ring of Gyges), it's not "ripping off" to invoke timeless tropes of the western tradition

>> No.19610253

Meh, disagree. As children's lit, it's peak.

It is an important beautiful thing to read something that opens you as a very young child to imagined worlds, and that you can return to later in life with young relatives or even your own children.

Narnia doesn't have to be LOTR.

>> No.19610264


Tell me you didn't read as a young kid without telling me you didn't read as a young kid.

>> No.19610272

why compare when they had completely different artistic and aesthetic aims?

>> No.19610366

based coomer tolkien

>> No.19610776

basically true. Once you have set up an expensive lifestyle, the quest for money to sustain it rules you. It is a constant balancing act.

>> No.19611404

Wagner's stories are shite.

>> No.19611447

most writers and artists are fucking abysmal personalities.

>> No.19611452

it's true but as you intimate, that doesn't make it any less fun

>> No.19611465

fantasyfaggots never stop bringing the laughs, anon

>> No.19611488

Only the last of the trilogy is worth anything. The first two are way to obviously his thelogical musings contorted into narrative. Smae goes for any of Chestertons fiction.