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/lit/ - Literature

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19599683 No.19599683 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy friends! This is a thread for the year-end poll of /lit/'s Favorite Reads. Let it be known that this is not the monthly poll for December, that will be conducted at the end of the month as usual. Now, I know that the year isn't quite out yet, but I decided to conduct the year-end poll half-way through December to avoid the confusion and hassle of conducting two polls simultaneously.
This poll is also not for your favorite books of all time, or for the books which you think are the greatest of all time. This poll is for books you read this year specifically.
Whether it is a poem, play, novel, philosophical treatise or whatever, any work is valid to vote for as long as it was a work you read in the past year. Differing from our monthly polls, there is one extra slot on the ballot, so you may vote for six works rather than the usual five.
The poll will continue to run until Christmas Eve, at which point the votes will be tallied and rendered into a chart featuring two parts. One part will be dedicated to the most-read books of the year, and the other part will be a gallery of honorable mentions featuring underappreciated or underdiscussed books which were nominated by anons.

Finally, thank you to everyone who participated in these polls this year. I had a lot of fun making the charts and your ballots led me to a lot of great recommendations which I'd never heard of before. I had a great year and I hope you all did too. Happy Reading!


>> No.19599687

didnt we already have one this year?

>> No.19599704

I submitted my list :)

That was top books all time, this is top books you read this year

>> No.19599717

/lit/ is a very unimaginative group.

>> No.19599719

> implying I've even read 6 books this year
I'm just going to nominate books I think I'd like/agree with. Fuck (You).

>> No.19599720


>> No.19599733
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Has anyone here read The Revolutionary Phenotype?

>> No.19599834
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That was /lit/s top 100 books 2021
This poll is for the books that you have read exclusively in this year. If you had a book that was your favorite, than you would have voted on Pic rel

>> No.19599839
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And if it didn't make that list, that is why I made Pic rel

>> No.19600318

Why do you prefer the dishonest path in life?

>> No.19600380

How long will the list be?

>> No.19600530

That's to be determined. It depends on how many ballots I get between now and Christmas. It will likely be less than one hundred books between the most-read and the honorable mentions.

>> No.19600679

I think 100 is a good number. Makes it even to compare with the top all time chart.

>> No.19602315


>> No.19602319

Sorry but it's not 2022 yet and I'm still reading.

>> No.19602551

Hurry up then faggot

>> No.19602731
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>> No.19602952

Nice list anon. I read Four Quartets back in January, Little Gidding made me want to go visit in person. What did you think of Woodcutters? My sister bought me a copy for my birthday this year, but I haven't read it yet.

>> No.19603256

Spinoza's Ethics
The Flowers of Evil
Madame Bovary
Story of the Eye
Discipline and Punish
Twilight of the Idols

>> No.19603366

Best and funniest Bernhard. Would make a stronger impression if its your first exposure to his work.

>> No.19603559

The Man Without Qualities and Keeper of Sheep are among my favorites

>> No.19603586

Very nice. Blanchot is a favorite. How was the Bove (I particularly liked My Friends)?

>> No.19603690

my fellow woody allen chads better show up to this poll

>> No.19603731

What are your other favorites?
Great and comfy read. Has some really memorable passages and overall it kept me engaged. Yet to read any other of his work
I like woody's films. What would you consider to be his best, most underrated, and most overrated?

>> No.19604026

It will be my first exposure to his work. My sister had described Woodcutters as 'Wodehouse, but evil.'
I am a fellow woody allen chad, but I won't be voting for his books because I read a lot of good books this year, and his didn't quite crack the top five for me.
Not him, but I'll give you some Woody recs.
I think his best has got to be Manhattan. He never filmed anything which was so visually stunning and beautiful again and the soundtrack is absolutely incredible.
Radio Days is by far his most underrated. It's not a movie which gets brought up a lot in discussions of Allen, but it's a masterpiece which belongs up there with Annie Hall and the rest. It's very comfy and nostalgic. If you like A Christmas Story, you'll love it.
I hesitate to say any of his work is overrated because I think as a filmmaker he is generally underrated in modern times, but if I had to pick, I'd choose Bananas. It's as hilarious as any of his early films, but the pacing isn't great and some of the humor is a bit dated.
Other favorites are Sleeper, Love and Death (watch this if you love Russian lit), Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (watch this if you love Gene Wilder), Hannah and Her Sisters, Bullets Over Broadway, Manhattan Murder Myster, Play It Again, Sam.

>> No.19604048
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>> No.19604128

>What are your other favorites?
these >>19603256 were my favorites this year. I read Keeper of Sheep and TMWQ 2~ years ago. Book of Disquiet is another favorite of mine. Nietzsche has always been an enjoyable read. War and Peace is the one I tell people when they ask me
about my favorite book. I recommend reading Hopscotch if you haven't, it's one of the most stylish books I've read.

>> No.19604191

Not going to formally vote, but my top 5 this year, not including rereads are:

>The Trial by Kafka
>Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller
>The Colossus Of Maroussi by Henry Miller
>Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
>Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

>Discipline And Punish by Foucault
>I made a somewhat successful effort to break into poetry this year, liking Shelley, Yeats, Keats, Whitman, Emily Bronte and Ted Hughes
>Love In The Time Of Cholera by Marquez
>Portnoy’s Complaint by Roth
>Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar
>Mysteries by Hamsun(I’m still reading now and will finish today. It could possibly make it in my top 5. Some profound and inspiring moments

>> No.19604930


>> No.19604963 [DELETED] 

Thinly veiled Call of the Crocodile thread

>> No.19604975

Any chance anyone has this image without the lit tags?

>> No.19605026

Here was my list:
>Murder in the Cathedral
>Darkness at Noon
>Fear and Trembling
>Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
>The Tempest
>The Power and the Glory

>> No.19605106

How'd you like Darkness at Noon? It's one of my favorites.

>> No.19605136

Loved it. My uncle recommended it to me and I reluctantly picked it up for his sake. Best decision I made, was so engaging and I could not put it down. Some of my favorite parts emanated from the conversations between Rubashov and No. 402.

>> No.19605621


>> No.19605784

I've ordered the Bove in French - thanks anon

>> No.19606208


>> No.19606246

>Radio Days
Will check this one out
I saw alot of his work and would say Love and Death is one of my favorites, along with Crimes & Misdemeanors and Hannah & Her Sisters. Would consider Husbands and Wives quite underrated

>> No.19606255

>bhagavad gita under American psycho

What did /lit/ mean by thus

>> No.19606344

the best would either be stardust memories or annie hall. stardust memories for the 4th wall breaking whackiness and cool filmmaking, annie hall for the excellent storytelling and cause its just a classic baby. underrated would be purple rose of cairo, stardust, or interiors which is one of his only attempts at a pure drama and it's really great. overrated would be manhattan. it's good but I have just never seen how people rank it so high. the story just underwhelms me in every way. Shout outs to crimes and misdemeanors, hannah and her sisters, and play it again, sam. those are all comfy and classic

>> No.19606417

How do I learn to pick a book and finish it completely rather than hop to a new one midway through.
Any good infographs of where to start with certain subjects? I need some structure.

>> No.19606466

I honestly can't remember most of what I read this year. I really need to take down a list when I read things...

>> No.19607938

Definitely check it out, it might be my favorite. It's especially comfy at this time of year as it's the closest Woody ever came to making a holiday movie. Haven't seen Crimes & Misdemeanors, but I need to, it seems to be one of his most beloved.

>> No.19607971
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>The Dialogue of Pessimism(Mesopotemian Wisdom)
>The Wisdom of Silenus(Ancient Greek Wisdom)
>A Short History of Decay by Cioran
>The Tenant by Roland Topor
>The Trouble with Being Born by Cioran
>The Cynic's Breviary by Nicolas Chamfort

>> No.19607980

Enjoy. I've seen him described as a mix of Pessoa and Proust, which is fitting I suppose.

>> No.19607983

>The Tenant by Roland Topor
Have you seen the adaptation? How does it compare with the novel?

>> No.19607991

No, I haven't seen the movie. I just saw the trailer where some rat face cunt was playing the lead, I didn't like it. I like my imagination.

>> No.19608838

How did I not know Polanksi directed an adaptation of this?

>> No.19608846

with Adjani too

>> No.19609011

lol started reading it yesterday.

>> No.19609706

Love In The Time Of Cholera


>> No.19610530


>> No.19610946

Kek just do it pussy