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File: 23 KB, 291x400, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1959883 No.1959883 [Reply] [Original]

how me stop play mine/starcraft and write instead

>> No.1959885

get willpower

>> No.1959888

don't bother, your writing probably sucks

>> No.1959889

First of all, don't force it. If you feel like playing the vidya, play it. There IS something to be said for making yourself write, but it rarely comes out naturally. But just try to cut down a little by increments and you'll get there.

Also, if you are going to play a game, at least make it one with a good story. Bioshock is called to mind for a more recent one.

>> No.1959891

What's the pic, OP? It's hilarious.

>> No.1959893


Better to play a game where the narrative element won't impede your own ideas. Also. Bioshock BITES.

>> No.1959898


i play starcraft because for me it's like a sport, one to do when i'm not playing soccer (football). minecraft is just addictive.

games like bioshock or portal two are great for story and i play them when they're out, but never through twice.

i have no idea but i wish i knew

>> No.1959904
File: 11 KB, 300x215, schooner-attacking-merchant1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it.


>> No.1959908


but when i try and do that i end up dwelling for hours on a single paragraph and convolute the fuck out of it needlessly :(

>> No.1959911
File: 11 KB, 211x212, 1275426017143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good story

>> No.1959913

Stop being afraid to write shit, that's my problem sometimes. Just write. Do force yourself, waiting for it tends to be bollocks. You'll do 99% crap and maybe 1% with potential and just keep going. I personally find writing a lot more fun and freeing when I stop caring about writing badly.

>> No.1959914

Learn to balance. Reward a few pages for a match or two.

I've had this problem where I was too preoccupied with playing games rather than reading books and writing. Kind lame.

>> No.1959916

Step 1. Get haz hacksaw.
Step 2. Remove nonwriting hand.
Congratulations, OP, you can no longer play Starcraft above the shitty noob leagues, but you can continue to write.

>> No.1959918

this is actually really good advice, too often do i get discouraged from churning out too much shit. thanks.


>reading, writing and videogames acting as distractions for each other

you and i, we are truly nerds.


b-but i'm in platinum now! if i keep practising, maybe i'll get to diamond, or even masters! and one day maybe ill play for a team and get paid! w-wont i? :(

>> No.1959923

It took me hours before I could move on from writing this:

I looked up to see the first rays of light spew over the horizon, lining the building tops with a baroque streak of deep red, from where they took aim and struck my etiolated face.
I cursed, loathing the new day.

And it still sucks and I'll probably re write the whole thing after the next paragraph. Awesome

>> No.1959957

You're playing minecraft? Don't try writing.

>> No.1959961

>if you are going to play a game, at least make it one with a good gameplay
Fixed for you, assclown.

>> No.1959967

did you like ever play an rts before

>> No.1959970


command and conquer when i was like 10

>> No.1959974

I find Minecraft very ludic and inspirational op. Since its a sandbox game your imagination runs rampant.
Try to use it to your advantage.

>> No.1959976

why is minecraft addictive? it seems like shit.

>> No.1959990

>b-but i'm in platinum now! if i keep practising, maybe i'll get to diamond, or even masters! and one day maybe ill play for a team and get paid! w-wont i? :(
By the time you make it to Masters League the guys currently on Masters will be playing on the Korean League.

>> No.1959991

>judging a book by its cover
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.1960000

Writing is a waste of time.
You will never produce anything but insipid shit.

Anyway if you lack motivation you have to turn it into a habit.
Pick a daily timespan in which you force yourself to write, for a week or two.

>> No.1960011


>> No.1960022

then quads i shall follow, and endeavour to produce insipid shit on a scheduled and daily basis. thankyou, o 4chan gods, for your intervention and inspiration.

>> No.1960046
File: 42 KB, 640x489, gorgs_prc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst advice possible, you have to fucking force it.

What you need to do is leave your house. Set a specific time every or every other day when you go to the library. Sit down. Write. Then go home and play minecraft without guilt.