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19598159 No.19598159 [Reply] [Original]

"Pasolini once wrote that conspiracies make us think crazy thoughts because they free us from the burden of having to face the truth...in fact, if you are convinced that the history of the world is directed by secret societies--be they the Illuminati or the Bilderberg group--that are about to establish a new world order, what do you do? You give up, and you fret and fume. So every conspiracy theory directs the public imagination toward nonexistent dangers and away from genuine threats. As Chomsky once suggested, imagining what was almost a conspiracy of conspiracy theories, those who get the greatest advantage from fantasies about a supposed plot are the very institutions that the conspiracy theory aims to strike."

Eco goes on to strike at the core of those who are ignorant and stupid enough to subscribe to the great many conspiracy theories floating in and around the internet. Tell me, /lit/, are you one of those idiots?

>> No.19598194

>Tell me, /lit/, are you one of those idiots?
Yes, but only aesthetically. In reality, my opinions are basic and in line with major left political formations like the IMCWP.

>> No.19599235

I'm not going to stop theorizing about conspiracies just because other people's theories about them have been proven wrong.
Reminder that Eco didn't think MKULTRA was real.

>> No.19599250
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reality is so grim and obfuscated that it might as well be a conspiracy anyway so fuck umberto eco.

>> No.19600124
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if a thing has always existed and continues to exist, theories about it also need to exist. some of them will be terrible, but eco doesnt seem to be interested in separation by quality.

>> No.19600137
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>everything is normal

>> No.19600149

boomer midwit

>> No.19600162

anyone with this take on conspiracies is straight-up a mouth breather. read Parenti, conspiracy is the primary instrument of class warfare. the booj rely on the working class to continue producing but also need to combat them at numerous points, and so must rely on obscuring their attempts to combat the workers. see walter reuther, fred hampton, malcolm x, operation gladio, gov’t involvement in the drug trade—list goes on. refusing to acknowledge this stuff isn’t avoiding some foolish trap designed to replace the truth—it’s remaining ignorant of an essential aspect of modern history.

>> No.19600222
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Liberal democracy is itself a totalitarian system whose characteristics cannot be discerned from the inside but in retrospect will become as evident as those of the old soviet union.

I mean any idiot could have guessed the edgelords of the industrial counterculture were one degree away from psychological operations people but the real mindfuck is realizing safe lib comedy is the real form of disquieting totalitarian art. norman lear giving the speech to junior all in the family screenwriter paddy chayefsky... the world is a business, mr. beale. bigoted queens patriarch archie bunker is clever but stupid, his son in law a sociologist and his black neighbor an electrician who's studying to be an electrical engineer. you get too close to the source and end up OD'in on speedballs. john stewart and colbert john olivers wife was combat psychiatrists in iraq, the rally to restore sanity and/or fear, a ritual process of structure and anti-structure, were proper morale is about finding the optimum balance of sanity AND fear. Alec Baldwin as president Trump's uncanny doppelganger. SNL's Diversity and Inclusion standards and practices as interoperable devices of high imperial biopolitics, reduced parameters for edgy comedy sign of an unwieldy machinery demanding of high precision. Suddenly its ok to be gay, you can even change your gender, and there are many genders now! but what makes it absurd its the concept of social authority remains a constant.

>> No.19600250
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social media irreversible technology making the invisible threads of sex and power and coercion that hold the system together harder to hide. college humour veteran Adam Ruins Everything tells you sex addiction isn't a thing, science has proven porn is good for you and if you disagree you might be an incel white supremacist russian bot. sex industry lobbyists in academia, NGOs, AI researchthe so called radical left opposition hints to something which is essential to the systems perpetuation, failsafe and deadman's switch mechanisms, its all about ensuring control of key supply chains, and there is a certain supply chain which is essential to the control of all the rest. Television as the ultimate counterinsurgency device. and you wonder if it was always like this, keeping alive the urgency of perversion while answering to the imperative of institutional sublimation. its 1955 and you are questioned by the FBI men, are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party? cold sweat, there is a gun pointed to your head and compromising photographs of you[REDACTED ] your job is to sing the praises of freedom the spontaneous order of the market and the sovereign individual, finding his own truth in the ever shifting images and sounds of the democratic surround- power laws, celular automata, fiery mushromheads, the blind brutality of nature far from being indiferent to humanist pieties is obliged to construct them

>> No.19600286

virgin conspiracy theorist, spends hundreds of dollars on dubious books about JFK and alleged CIA drug trafficking filled with debunked soviet or la roucheist propaganda, not really that different from a Qanon boomer antivaxxer, obsessed with edgy interwar fascist authors like celine or junger, shitty neofolk bands like death in june, the ''comedy'' of million dollar extreme, will deny being a white supremacist(despite not being 'really' white ) and claim he's still a marxist, decidedly neurotic, has likely been radicalized by misinformation produced by foreign powers like russia or china. too much of a coward to actually fight for his country, went to shitty state school, will never write the great american novel

v chad neoliberal ubermensch, blue blooded american ( half WASP half jewish)reads jonathan frazen and ben lerner(how ironically is anybody's guess) MFA from exclusive liberal arts college in new england, spends time off from q clearance beltway job writing papers on shepard fairey's hope posters as prime neoliberal reappropriation of totalitiarian art and the state department's postwar role in consolidating affect theory and the anthropology of gesture as research agendas, chuckles sensibly to NPR approved comicos, and jams to indie rock of the 00s(''fake empire'' by the national bo's campaign song in 08), is proudly and openly Gay, checks his white privilege and rejects toxic masculinity(but is also a combat verteran with over 20 confirmed kills and headshots in the second gulf war) knows marxism is a totalitarian ideology comparable to nazism and conspiracy theories undermine democracy. Believes it is america's world historical destiny to promote proper standards of mental health and intersectional justice everywhere.

>> No.19600291

Listen to me. I'm Italian and I know Eco very well. First of all, his thought there expressed is nothing special. I came up with the same shit when I was 20. Conspiracy theories are indeed, altogether, a conspiracy theory to distract people from what really matters (their own lives, not certainly world's poverty or social ingustice). This, though, does not make them any less true. That kind of reasoning is a fallacy, a logical fallacy. Because they distract people and make you impotent ---> then they're fake. Uh, sorry? No logic consequentiality. Therefore Eco, Chomsky (and Pasolini too, apparently) are absolute retards because not only they feel smart by publishing books with teen-tier ideas, but they also deny the obvious (and the proven) with juvenile philosophical mistakes, non sequitur(s). The fact that freemasonry, Bilderberg and the Davos elite group rule every single section of politics and science is there for all to see, there's enough evidence to pour rivers of ink into books about this subject. Trying to deny this is an insult to the reader's mind. Eco, a fat know-it-all full of himself, was used to see the broad mass as inferior, so there's no wonder if he basically mocks you in that book. Because I stress it, denying that secret societies rule the world is equivalent to mocking the interlocutor. It is the same as saying that the night is not dark. The real question that Eco should have faced, were he not a simpleton in the guise of a smartass, is whether the fact (the FACT) that secret societies rule the world is a good thing or a bad thing. Good ---> why, bad ---> why. You speculate, you formulate hypotheses, and then you try to give rational answers in order to give an interpretation of reality. You don't write a book to make everyone who simply aknowledges FACTS feel like an idiot. Because centuries will tell the truth, regardless of how many political asses you licked, and will expose you as the useless pedantic idiot that you were.

>> No.19600309

This conspiracy theorists are usually white boys who refuse to accept the responsibilities that come with their privileges.

>> No.19600310

>Reminder that Eco didn't think MKULTRA was real.
Lmao how come?

>> No.19600321

You can't even imagine the simpleton he was. So much knowledge, and beneath a really poor fellow.

>> No.19600328

Pretty based how the average soccer mum knows more about the inner workings of the world then Eco ever did. Something so ironic about that.

>> No.19600364

True. The society in which he grew up and worked had precise expectations from intellectuals, and since he preferred fame over honesty he simply conformed to what the cultural establishment wanted to hear from his mouth (or pen). He wasn't certainly an heretic. Just a few years before he became famous there were still religious figures who publicly denounced the Church for being infiltrated by freemasons and shit. They're forgotten now, and a retard like Eco is still pushed by the publishing industry. Guess why? It wouldn't happen to be a... a... conspiracy, would it?!

>> No.19600370

>retard like Eco
rich coming from a pseud on /lit/

>> No.19600378

wow, someone actually came up with this

>> No.19600384

C'mon, it was an hyperbole.

>> No.19600410
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>this used to be the most moderate of the italian elite-sociologists

>> No.19600456
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Few hands, that are beyond the control, weave the web of collective life, and the great mass ignores this simple fact because it does not care.
– Antonio Gramsci

>> No.19600478
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He seems to set up a simplistic contrast between the world being just random, benign policy decisions and their misinterpretation by indolent whackos, when clearly there are incidents of various branches of government engaging in conspiratorial behaviour, the exposure of which by private citizens or other parts of government being the only reason we know about these landmarks of American History (e.g. Watergate, Iran contra, NSA spying) It isn't a simple matter of a coherent conspiracy since the beginning of time against being a good German and taking it all at face value. It also has a snug sort of self-fulfilking veneer of truth, as things that would've been considered baseless conspiracy theories before they were exposed will simply accept them as historical fact once exposed and focus on the unproven conspiracy theories. That's my feeling anyway, but I'm not a learned scholar of semantics or whatever--I'm just a cornfed n' hardoworking Midwestern Christian anti-vaxxer.

>> No.19600491

Don't forget the tedious bore who writes convoluted posts about these two types of people!

>> No.19600501

Yes, conspiracy theories are political masturbation. You can read any conspiracy theorists beliefs and the human desire for pattern recognition and a faceless, all powerful "enemy" to fume against is obviously a construct of the writer's own mind.

That does not mean there are not actual covert groups acting out of self interest in manipulation of the general population; conspiracy or otherwise.

>> No.19600590

He was BTFO by Carroll Quiqley several decades ago.

>> No.19600664

I doubt that. What did he say that "btfo'd him"

>> No.19600677

this is a really dumb sentiment

>> No.19600691

The problem here is that the conspiracy theory community has been infiltrated by the very organisations it is meant to critique. Tales of nano-apocalypses and hidden-in-plain-sight extraterrestrials with superpowers are the sort of soul-crushing totalities that the shadowy cabals would prefer us to focus on, rather than the very mundane crimes and financial networks that actually accomplish their dirty work. Eco would have you believe that, since the wildest conspiracy theories suggest eternal checkmate, we should become uncurious about the criminal behaviour and the black-market evonomics that both enrich a criminal overvlass, while making life incrementally shittier for the rest of us. Such an outlook might be survivable if we weren't facing a global fascist push for total supplication. The truth is that more and more normies are seeing the blind alley they've been lead into, and the only conspiracy theory I see is the idea that somehow these terrible people (yes, homo sapiens people, not hyperspace reptilians in human meat-suits) are going to get away with it.

>> No.19600700

The idea that there are no conspiracies of powerful people is so evidently retarded I cant believe people actually believe it. We know of some of these conspiracies, they obviously exist on lower levels of society why would they just magically not exist at the top levels? Is some law of nature preventing rich and powerful men from meeting up and making plans with each other or what.

>> No.19600707
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this eco guy has caught my attention through a series of exceptionally bad takes and this is one of them.

>> No.19600708

Written by a bot.

>> No.19600860

So it's just a problem of *what* conspiracy theory we embrace? If it's aliens, bad, if it's financial superpower, good? I mean, I agree, but that's not what Eco says. Eco actually simplifies the issue by declaring that all conspiracy theories are fake and idiotic per se, and he embarasses himself quite enough especially when he links the concept of conspiracy theory to the belief that there are secret societies with power (and he means this in the vast majority of cases). So, let's take a step back. What does "conspiracy theory" mean? To put it in a sentence, it is a theory that assumes there is a conspiracy made by someone to the detriment of others. The most classic case, depicted in so many films and novels, is the Medieval/Renaissance scenario where a group of noblemen plot to kill the local king or the feudal lord. This is a conspiracy. BUT, very important to be noticed, it is directed bottom-up. The problem with today's conspiracies is that they are viewed as directed from the top to the bottom, from the highest spheres against the lowest ones. This is exactly what makes them hard to believe. Most people wonder, why should millionaires care about me? Why would they want to harm or rob me or limit my freedom? Can you see the issue? People are lead to see the ruling elite just like the Greeks and in particular Epicurus saw the Olympian gods. Indifferent, unconcerned, imperturbable. This is dramatic, if you think about it. The actual facts show that it's nothing like that. We are in the presence of more or less secret societies that explicitly declare that their mission is to change the world for the better. They're nothing like the ancient-régime kings, who didn't care about the broad mass. Now they explicitly state that their aim is an active aim: to shape societies, countries, the geopolitical map, people's life. We've been hearing this for two years now, with the fucking pandemic. So, can you see where we're getting at? The problem is: this INTENTIONALITY – which is what makes the conspiracy a conspiracy; which is sometimes hidden and sometimes uncovered, more often ambiguous – is good or bad? How do we interpret this undoubted intentionality? Is it good according to our values, or bad? Does the elite have our same values, or does it have different ones? Does it use these values as a pretext for its own good, or there is actually something that we can earn from these changes? Do we actually want these changes? Have we given our consent? The last question is enough to show you the absolute idiocy of Eco. From the very moment that we have never been questioned upon these changes – which means that democracy is dead etcetera etcetera – we have all the rights to call what they're doing "a conspiracy". And one against us.

>> No.19600886

Based schizo

>> No.19601077

I think you guys are right to criticize eco but wrong to go to the other extreme and just assume that there are conspiracies controlling most of the world. I think you definitely have to take a jaundiced eye to either position and make your judgments based on the evidence you have available. It could well be that there are conspiracies, and it could well be that there really aren't. You don't really know, so in a way it's on the safer side to assume that there are, but you also don't want to go full schizo and just start assuming that everything is a government psyop or mind control plot. It's a very delicate balance between being a schizo and a sheep. The possibility of conspiracy should always be at the back of your mind though, which is why Eco is so badly in the wrong here.

Personally i took the vaccine.

>> No.19601095

Ask yourself a question. Will you still believe there is no conspiracy when in 3 years we will still be with masks and blackmailed with boosters?

>> No.19601135

Preach. Mlk, rfk, X wouldn't have died if jfk's killers we brought to justice. The cowardice of those afraid to be called conspiracy theorists has cost the usa everything.

>> No.19601159

Fuck man, I've already been starting to wonder about it. But on the other hand the epidemiologists have been saying for years that it was only a matter of time before a situation like this would arise. I definitely disagree with some of the ways we have been managing it which are clearly experimental and clearly driven by scientistic ideology and money for pharma. On the other hand I don't want to have permanent fucking brain damage from this virus. So what do you do. Build a holdout enclave of resistance boomers? If there is a conspiracy, they've already got us by the balls. Might as well just accept the new regime

>> No.19601171

>permanent brain damage
I mean they might just be making that up

>> No.19601188

What about the Epstein blackmail op being allowed to run a couple decades in the usa, the "suicide", all the dvd's are lost by the fbi, maxwell's fake limited trial. We're losing what was once a great republic to a global bureaucratic dictatorship.

>> No.19601196

That's the thing man, we all found out the power elite are a cabal of pedophiles and guess what. What the fuck can you do? They were mocking us the whole time. They will just find another epstein. Another st. James. Nobody can do shit. And life goes on....

>> No.19601542

Eco was a good g*y

>> No.19601911
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>> No.19601923

They can suck my fucking balls. I have nothing but contempt for them

>> No.19602083

Stai commettendo un errore qua: non è fatto vero che i sovrani del vecchio regime erano indifferenti ai bisogni del popolo. Ovviamente varia da persona a persona, ma ci sono tanti esempi emblematici (tanti Asburgo di Spagna ad esempio) che consideravano un dovere divino assoluto a cui dedicare anima e corpo il miglioramento e la protezione della nazione regnata.
Per il resto ho amato i tuoi messaggi e quelli del tuo interlocutore. Mi rattrista la venerazione diffusa di Eco tra la popolazione italiana

>> No.19602209

Well, no epidemic in history can last so long (assuming it will be four, five or more years), especially a flu epidemic. So in that case I think it would be wise to acknowledge that the permanent changes were a conspiracy all along and then decide to fight it. If the decision of fighting it is missing, we can't consider ourselves worthy of the life we'd want. We would be inferiors.

>> No.19602233

>those who get the greatest advantage from fantasies about a supposed plot are the very institutions that the conspiracy theory aims to strike."
This is wrong though. Hitler had the Protocols mass published under the Third Reich and almost got rid of Jews from Europe, not to mention the Jewish-American debt-based monetary system and the almost complete eradication of Judeo-Bolshevism from Germany. This was the largest and strongest reactions against the conspirators in history. It only failed due to logistical and military failure. Eco is a Jew-sympathizer who thinks lying down and letting pigs enslave previously proud peoples through debt-bondage is somehow "standing up to them." He's clearly a bourgeois coward too fat, lazy and spineless to stand up for anything in the world, and instead hides behind his veneer of erudition and intellectuality, which is likely all an egotistic defense mechanism for the father figure he was never able to live up to.

>> No.19602370

Bit ot, but is Agamben worth a read? I stumbled upon his take on the Ausnahmezustand / state of exception in context with the covid policies and found it quite interesting.

>> No.19602478

The only I ever read from him was this one article about beans. I couldn't stand the writing style or smugness.
90% of the article is just an off topic collection of "look how much trivia I know about medieval history", and the part about beans repeats incorrect nutrition memes like "a nice dish of lentils or split peas has the nutritional value of a thick, juicy steak."
The guy is peak midwit.

>> No.19602507

Of course THIS thread of all threads would be the one to bring out the effort-posters. I would weep for /lit/ if I didn’t remember that this was still 4chan

>> No.19602556

Maxwell is not a US citizen. The real question is what country was allowed to run a blackmail operation for decades in the US.

>> No.19602594

it's fruitless effort though since all posts itt are just seething about eco btfoing an average 4channer's autist bubble

>> No.19602608

>I'm Italian
Post disregarded.
Italians and Indians are the two most insufferable races.

>> No.19602621

To add on to what others already said, there's the issue of mismatched definitions used by the parties involved. Eco and co. use "conspiracy theory" in the sense that "that which differs from the orthodox understanding of the particular issue", or in the sense of "something where people imagine a particular, organized group enacting something nefarious" while the latter either sees it as "that which is unthinkable in a post-WW2 liberal democracy/outside the overton window" or "an understanding of an issue which orthodox authorities dislike/actively persecute". The former considers it something which is too silly to believe in, or something which is the point of origin for "dangerous elements" in post-WW2 liberal democracies, the latter sees the concept of a "conspiracy theory" as a conceptual trojan horse through which the status quo wishes to delegitimize its opponents and legitimize itself as an authority in the eyes of the masses.

>> No.19602662
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okay, but shitloads of conspiracy theories have simply turned out to be true

>> No.19602796

>Eco, a fat know-it-all full of himself, was used to see the broad mass as inferior
This describes very well how I felt about many of his works,even when reading something unrelated to politics,he will just write something simple in the most repulsive way possible.
I just feel like i'm reading a reddit post,but the way you wrote it still fits better

>> No.19603397

ah so it's controlled opposition

>> No.19603514
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Correct answer. Conspiracy is the norm. We're conspiring on an individual level everyday, when books like 'how to win friends and influence people' are bestsellers you know that conspiracies have freed themselves from the constraints of the political sphere and encompass everything. "Life" under the dictatorship of economy and its subsumption of all things is a conspiracy, against itself.

Eco, chomsky, bunch of useless university faggots. The university is a conspiracy against knowledge, the expropriation of it by institutions. That Eco and Chomsky cannot conscientize their class interest is not a testament that conspiracies don't exist. Only a testament of their narrow, bourgeois perspective. Everything there is to know about conspiracies was laid out surgically in Debord's society of the spectacle.

Nations conspire, NGOs conspire, industries conspire. Snowden's revelations provide ample proof that governments, industries, cybernetic agencies conspire beyond the sphere of legislation, with absolutely no regards and respect to the official discourse, laws or agreements. The very fabric of society is conspirational, how could a inorganic web of autoregulated, atomized consumer be held by anything but a conspiracy?

Conspirationism and anti-conspirationism are two sides of the same coin anyways, in that they both admit human will as a historical determinant. It's all false consciousness.

L'anti-complotisme n'est rien d'autre qu'un mépris de classe, médiumnique, en ce qu'il appréhende à priori le déclassement de toute une frange de la population dont les capitaux s'amoindrissent (toutes la frange réac catho en france par exemple, ciblés par les mesures fiscales de Macron, se trouvent dans une situation de merde où ils n'ont aucun alliés. enfin, on ne les pleurera pas) Donc anti-complotisme = haine du déclassé, haine du futur déclassé.

>> No.19603551

Good post. However, can you please clarify what you mean by this claim?
>Conspirationism and anti-conspirationism are two sides of the same coin anyways, in that they both admit human will as a historical determinant. It's all false consciousness.

>> No.19603577

If this bitch gets let off the hook imma lose my mind.
Give me my sacrificial lamb you bohemian grove fucks

>> No.19603777

That's not what conspiracy theories do. Conspiracy theories shifts the blame of your own fuckups towards some unseen Other out there. That way, you never have to take responsibility or ownership for your own mistakes, and can be as much of a hypocritical retard as possible.

It's no wonder it attracts the dumbest and vilest people. If those had to take even an ounce of responsibility for their own actions, they would probably be in the gutter of society, where they belong. Conspiracy theories are the only way for morons and scumfucks to rise to any kind of possible success

>> No.19604117

>secret societies
You can educate yourself about how the world works and how it is governed. There may be secret societies but its not hard to figure out which persons/families have the most wealth, power and influence in the world, and how the various organizational/state government structures work, and then every piece of the puzzle will fall in place. There is really not much more to it.

But I agree that overall too many people are overly educated. A healthy society can't and never has worked like this. Most people simply don't need to now anything substantial about the world they live in.

And I also agree that in the last 5 years or so a lot of bullshit conspiracy theories have been deliberately floated in the scene to distract people from what is important. think christian identity, flat earth, ufos, tartaria, gematria etc.

>> No.19604246
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Now for the limey version:

virgin mark fisherist, pretends to be working class gay and from the north while actually middle class straight and from the south wont shut up about how favorite shite pop music is actually revolutionary, big fan of dr who, post punk band the idles not his cup of tea but the message is good, is taken in by psyops like 'trans rights'. still cant cope with the based right wing views of supposed heroes such as jg ballard and ian curtis

v chad acid thatcherist, john grayist neonihilist can be found checking out obscure books on eugenics and eugenics lore at the london school of economics, formative experiences included eton becoming a woke tyranny, reading domminic cummings' blog, (nick land only talks about US politics baka), listens to dank dark ambient bootleg tapes recorded for ritual usage by something called the the order of nine angles, in awe of the TERF wars as a magnificent example of ballardian engineered psychopathology, wants to rebel against liberal parents (mum works counterterror for MI6 and dad is a creative director for saatchi and saatchi )while also living up to their no doubt very high expectations. near psychotic levels of hatred for dr who and postpunk band the idles.

>> No.19604325

Virgin situationist, zoomer obsessed with obtuse boomer theory, probably an alcoholic, his peers wont hear him out being too absorved by social media identity politics-except for this maghrebi dieudonne stan who cant understand marxism and ends up pinning everything back on jews(and is probably more right than the sutuationist). Descended from peasantry. Couldnt get into any of the grandes ecoles.

Chad macronist gladio cagoulard surhomme, descended from literal aristocrats served with distinction in the parachute corps, PhD in administration from ENA and sciences po, has achieved enlightenment realizing fascism is the same as anti fascism and communism the same as anti communism, is a devout traditionalist roman catholic AND a freemason of the 32th degree, can recite kojeve's hegel lectures from memory, aknows himself to be the wise man at the end of history

>> No.19604511
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>> No.19605304

She's not even being prosecuted for running a blackmail operation for a foreign government which is the real issue. The whole prosecution is fake.

>> No.19605333


>> No.19606340
File: 587 KB, 1200x1803, 1200px-Italiaanse_schrijver_Umberto_Eco,_portret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a man who's so erudite have the most banal opinions? Speaking of which, why do sois love wearing paperboy hats?

>> No.19606447

A bald faggot that is more important than the president of a thirld world country, since he can meet and speak to half of the world leaders, says that we should own nothing and be happy. Another faggot who invented microshart and is also the son of an eugenist says that with vaxxxines we (they) will reduce the world's population. How does this not ring any bells

>> No.19606458

Umberto eco è un ricchionazzo idolatrato dagli npc per quanto mi riguarda

>> No.19607022

>this angers and freightens the /pol/tard

>> No.19607086

Back in my day it was the political left that made a boogeyman of that

>> No.19607107

>"Pasolini once wrote that conspiracies make us think crazy thoughts because they free us from the burden of having to face the truth...
So he'd want me to think he simply got killed by one his male lovers (like the official version says) and not assassinated?

>> No.19607819

I honestly can't believe Pasolini really wrote that, or maybe it was misinterpreted. Italy at the time was literally a mix of conspiracies

>> No.19607836

>Pasolini once wrote that conspiracies make us think crazy thoughts because they free us from the burden of having to face the truth
>if you are convinced that the history of the world is directed by secret societies(...)You give up
This is very retarded. But the thing is, when someone says "conspiracy theory" I assume they mean the ones I like. Maybe they don't. For every conspiracy theory I like, there's probably 10 I think are idiotic.

>> No.19608023

You literally just described the exact point Eco was making, you mouth-breather

>> No.19608032

You’ll never be Debord, you massive pseudointellectual

>> No.19608064
File: 233 KB, 500x500, 1638901841118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basato, Eco is Midwit Supreme, a redditeur ante litteram, all in all, a retard. Because only a midwit could dismiss any obscure observation as conspiracy, and only a retard could call conspiracies fake.

>> No.19608130

70s cattocomunista (champagne socialist / radical chic) fashion. Still used today in imitation of those times. Paperboy hat, dirty long jeans, and most importantly the signature green parka. You can still find thousands of these rats in Bologna and other big cities. Even if you close your eyes, you can recognize them by the smell of unwashed clothes, and occasionally piss. Funniest part about them is that they are in 99% of cases upper middle class, hence the "chic" in the name. I know one of them who has various residences in Rome's rich neighbourhoods.

>> No.19608147
File: 48 KB, 320x500, None Dare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19608219
File: 2.59 MB, 3394x1908, deboonk trust experts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the MSM view of "conspiracy theories" is so far off and outdated from reality it's laughable. I'm sick of seeing this same tiresome argument used over and over again, touted by smug jerkoffs who believe everything the mainstream tells them

The truth is that conspiracy theories arise as a result of both subversive trickery, blatant lies, and condescending bullshit. Doesn't help the very term conspiracy theory was put out there by the CIA and many of the more extreme "conspiracy theorists" are disinfo agents and provocateurs pushing the nuttier views in order to discredit people with legit questions and concerns


>> No.19608793

Ok retard. Coups d'état happen every year, multiple times. Coups are conspiracies. Ergo conspiracies are common enough. Thus conspiracy theories can be true. Therefore you are fucking retard with a high opinion of himself. Nigger.


>> No.19608812

Speaking of conspiracy theories: I believe that OP just pretends to love all that cum he swallows. My theory, is that he faking his lust for cock but I have no evidence to prove it.

>> No.19608835

I mean, I understand what Eco's trying to get at here, but a desire to meet "real" threats in the world is what drives people to "conspiracy theories" in the first place. People don't believe in secret cabals for the hell of it, they believe in them often because they believe these secret societies are making peoples' lives worse. I don't understand what good it does to tell people "stop believing in made up threats and believe in real ones", given that by nature of believing in something, that person will view it as one of the real threats.