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19597644 No.19597644 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop reading so slowly?
I want to read more books, but it's gonna take so fucking long.

>> No.19597689

Delete all pepes
That should work

>> No.19597692

Just get good. Devote more of your time to reading and the speed at which you read will pick up.

>> No.19597717

>I want to read more books, but it's gonna take so fucking long.
Read for enjoyment. Don’t stress yourself out over the amount of books you read. Seek out books that make you forget looking at page numbers, make you forget your reading speed.

>> No.19597719

You should delete yourself

>> No.19597726

There are speed reading training tools out there that show you the text as a scrolling bar & allow you to adjust the speed it moves at

>> No.19597739

And by the way, never force yourself to read any specific book, if you are not feeling it.
- If you’re not enjoying it, you won’t really understand it anyways
- Chances are, eventually you WILL develop a desire to read that specific book. Maybe in a couple months. Until then, there is other books

>> No.19597780

realize you just want to read a lot of books to join the discussion.
After that realize that in that case it isn't actually that important and many of them wont be for you

>> No.19597783

in one of the bookshelf threads i calculated that it's reasonable to expect to read about 1,000 books in 50 years (assuming you are 20 when you start and will be a 70 year old tomber by the time you hit 1k) for the average person. so really, you won't read even a tiny amount of the relevant books in the world, who cares if you read fairly slowly. just be urself.

it is of course easily possible to double this, but if you triple it or more you start having to make sacrifices in other areas of your life to spend time reading. i wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.19597830

I've written the 4 part post before about increasing reading speed from all the books/blogs/videos I've seen on the topic, but I didn't save it and it's not in the archive anymore, so sucks to be you.

The short answer is LITERALLY READ FASTER.
>move eyes faster than comprehension for 15 min day
>build up to audio books at x3+ speed
>stop looking at the edges of the page
>actively remember you are reading and should read faster
>bro your brain gets bored, give it more info, read FASTER
>read more
>did I mention read more, get ur reps in bro
>remember you are trying to read faster, so do it, stop slowing down
>read some more faggot

>> No.19597876
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Wait so you're saying people on goodreads are lying!?

>> No.19597905

they're speedreading genre garbage and wasting their lives in the process. my calculation was fucked up though lol, it's more like 2500 books in 50 years if you read roughly 1 book per week like i do. you could double that but like i said, at that point you start getting into reading large portions of the day. life's too short to be a bookworm cuckold, a man's gotta lift weights and play guitar and go on hikes.

>> No.19597917

Those are clearly groypers, you ignoramus.

>> No.19598299
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This is incredibly relieving to hear actually, thank you. Thread can close now.
Oh man you should have saved it.

>> No.19598313

The other half of my posts was about remembering what you read. And basically it's the feynman technique every few pages and when you set the book down. Think about what you read, connect it with material you already know, think about how you would integrate the information into a conversation with someone who doesn't know the topic at all.

>> No.19598338
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I already had some thoughts about this, it seems I made a proper guess by chance.
I can't help but hold a presentation in front of a class in my head. Fantastic to hear man, thank you.

>> No.19598340

also, a nice thing you can try, read a passage over and over until you stop reading it in your head. I went to a quiet place when i did that to not get disturbed, and i could munch a 200 page book in an hour tops.
>tfw knew how to speedread but then stopped doing it

>> No.19598349

They read lots of novellas, short story collections, poetry collections etc. It makes it seem like they have read loads of books but they have actually read very few pages.

>> No.19598353

thinking of people speedreading poetry makes me wince

>> No.19598382

>build up to audio books at x3+ speed

If you really do this, I hate you.

>> No.19598440

The hell is a "groyper"? Those are obviously easter toads in the pic.

>> No.19598463

I accidentally did this on my commutes. I now average about 2.5 speed regularly. But I know there are some people who's key problem is that they can't process words fast enough and I think audio books as a training mechanism is probably a good idea. I generally listen to non fiction or biographies because fiction loses it's charm in audio book form imo.

>> No.19600164

get a job where you can read during downtime or listen to audiobooks while working. it's what i did in my early 20s and i would read 75 books a year just at work. unfortunately i have a real job now.

it doesn't really matter though since you'll just forget what you read in a decade or so anyways. so who gives a fuck really. just try to find a fulfilling way to spend your time. if you're liking your book and find it stimulating, you've already won, it doesn't matter how long it takes to read.