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19597246 No.19597246 [Reply] [Original]

Semi neet here who managed to larp his way into a decent internship that will start in the upcoming months

This is the last chance for my CV, what are some good books that can help me to change my absolute terrible habits until then and help me to establish a productive routine

>> No.19597276

I like reading biographies of mathematicians or scientists or writers who were extreme neets but were very prolific and had insane work schedules. Reading now about Paul Erdos who didn't know how to cook or run a washing machine and probably died a virgin but had double digit working hours.

>> No.19597302

>here who managed to larp his
What did you do?
Lie on your CV? and what?

I am in a similar situation, thats why I ask.

>> No.19597371

>had insane work schedules
My problem is that I waste colossal amount of time online, it's like as soon as I start browsing any resemblance of self control gets thrown out of the window, if I would summaries the hours that I wasted during the last year's online the result would be shocking
>Lie on your CV
Exaggerated my skill level at things like SQL, Excel and power BI
And just watched some basic crash course Videos before the internet
Also added some meme projects that I supposedly have done next to my studies
Honestly the questions were on the interview were just basic stuff

>> No.19597416

No external motivation will ever make you change your habits, because change has to originate from you. If you say you want to change but you still can't, try to think about what the thing you're trying to change is currently giving you that you value. Is it a remedy to loneliness? Does it keep the fear of commitment away? Does it help you not think about your failures? Whatever it might be, it's still something you probably are not willing yet to renounce. Think about it and go see a therapist if you can't make progress.

>> No.19597509

what are your terrible habits? cooming? wasting time playing video games, posting on 4chan, or youtube? procrastinating?

>> No.19597519

you sound like a failed normalfag, nowhere near the levels or NEET autism. I think you'll do fine brother

>> No.19597532

>My problem is that I waste colossal amount of time online

That's a problem everyone has but it affects people differently.
First thing you should do is get tested for ADHD. Adderall or whatever junk they peddle now can make a night and day difference for people with ADHD.

Next thing is to check yourself out for depression, social anxiety, PTSD. These things have severe debilitating effects on your ability to work or study and executive control. Do you struggle to do chores like cleaning and cooking? Do a full blood work lab test and go to a doctor to check for any physical ailments or infections. Thyroid disorder, Lyme disease can all impact your ability to pay attention and not procrastinate.

You're still young, you can change your life and become more productive.

>> No.19597572

Read up on the Pomodoro Technique. Most effective productivity method, and actually quite chill to execute. There’s literally nothing more to it than following the schedule it lays out. The only way to fail is to not even try it out.

>> No.19599360
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>> No.19599386

I'd recommend Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. A book isn't going to solve your habits and make you productive. You need to decide what it is that you truly want and then do what it takes to make that happen. What you need is a change of attitude. I'd recommend you start by spending less time with friends or family that don't have the same goals as you, and more time questioning your low self-worth.

>> No.19599408
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>> No.19599452
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>> No.19599466
File: 98 KB, 1323x828, advice_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19599604
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, Autodidact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19599608
File: 1.37 MB, 1300x1364, These are the books that colleges think every freshman should read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19599637
File: 380 KB, 1351x1054, Guide to Trivium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19599700
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>> No.19599735

Anon, I was diagnosed with social anxiety. The psychiatrist prescribed me schizo meds, but my parents didn't let me take it. How do I fix myself?

>> No.19599861

>Also added some meme projects that I supposedly have done next to my studies
You can lie about your projects and they don't even want a link to your github or anything? Why the fuck do I bother?

>> No.19599873

Or are these the books that college freshmen think everyone should read?