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19596558 No.19596558 [Reply] [Original]

There is four things that can destroy the earth
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19596561

Seems pretty clear OP, what are you not understanding?

>> No.19596566
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the four temperaments

>> No.19596568
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No, son. All history is the byproduct of boredom.

>> No.19596573

They are all manifestations of the one true evil...

>> No.19596586
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>the one true evil
is it what I think it is?

>> No.19596590

The hermit says destroy the earth, but this is because he's one of those Cormac characters who believe that the true 'world' dwells in the mind, and that in killing a person you destroy that world. Hence, when he says earth, he's referring to men.
As for the things in question, divided of their meaning, paint a clear picture of what usually destroys people.
doesn't need to be translated, it's a universal. We all probably know someone who's ruined themselves over a girl. Helen of Troy is the quintessential symbol of this.
is a distinctly American and Irish thing, but could refer to any intoxicant. Alcohol has followed man as a vice since its invention, which notably, coincides heavily with the birth of civilization.
can mean currency or riches of any kind. Before dollars, it was precious metals and spices.
Now here's the interesting one. It's a word which has a special place in American history, especially at the time when Blood Meridian is set. How does a 'nigger' destroy a man? You'll notice that the other vices destroy men, but also give reason and justification for their destruction for their obtainment, and also, all have a corrupting effect on men. "Nigger" is the wild man, the man untamed. There is the obvious risk of being killed and raped by the "Nigger" Indians, but the Glanton Gang also kills for the obtainment of niggerhood, of the being untamed, and by their confederation with niggers are themselves corrupted until they are near indiscernible to them. Slavery, which, at the time the book takes place, is soon to be one of the justifications for the Civil War and the final declaration of America as a country, does not necessarily undermine the concept of the untamed men. Are "nigger" slaves men dominated, or untamed men in the process of being tamed? This question is a microcosm of the situation with manifest destiny in America, and can be found expressed in the line:
>His origins are become remote as is his destiny and not again in all the world's turning will there be terrains so wild and barbarous to try whether the stuff of creation may be shaped to man's will or whether his own heart is not another kind of clay.

>> No.19596636

Evidently it meant that he wasn't concerned with grammar.

>> No.19597812

Women and money are destructive becasue they create unbridled desire which causes violence and destruction. Whiskey and niggers are just primal forces of destruction itself, no intermediary.


>> No.19597819

He didn't say this, his character did.

>> No.19597848

>Top left
Women (feminine looking)
>Top right
Money (see nose)
>Bottom left
Niggers (See brow)
>Bottom right
Whiskey (kek, he looks like Cormac)

>> No.19597868

The "negro" stands for racism, which is one of the vilest evils as it turns the common man into a brainless zombie

>> No.19597878

No, he said niggers, not negro and he didn't mean that.

>> No.19597891

Yes he did. The negro, or how ever you wish to spell, is the irrational hatred towards one's fellow man which if taken to its logical conclusion means nuclear war.

>> No.19597904

No, this doesn't make any sense. He said niggers were going to destroy the world, along with women, whiskey and money. Using your logic he also meant misogyny by saying women.

>> No.19597921

Now you're getting it. The devil spoke those lines and means the opposite of what be says, for even though most of what he says are lies, his lies can only ever be a mirror image of the truth.

>> No.19597927

the hermit is the devil?

>> No.19597936

whiskey and money can definitely destroy the world. woman and nigs are destroying the west.

>> No.19598073

How about illiterate pseuds joining the efforts of destroying thousands of years worth tradition of the western civilization art.
Fucking moron whines about women and niggers.

>> No.19598078

>lliterate pseuds
women and niggers are the ones doing that in the current day

>> No.19598843


>> No.19598863

How about a rich niggress shitfaced on whiskey?

>> No.19599951

A character is speaking, one who is illiterate and American. Your point is moot.
>They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.

>> No.19599969

You seem very lost, afraid, and angry. I will pray for you.

>> No.19600119

harold bloom top right

>> No.19600143

>(kek, he looks like Cormac)
he actually does lmao