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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 293 KB, 767x1180, debernieres_corellismando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19593047 No.19593047 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Great books which have never ever been mentioned on /lit/.

>> No.19593059

William T. Vollmann's books. I try hard to make them a meme but no one on this board reads so it never spreads.

>> No.19593064

Hugely popular meme writer.

>> No.19593333

>OP asks for books which have never ever been mentioned on /lit/.
>Names an author(not a book)of whom there is currently a thread on /lit/.

>> No.19593420
File: 8 KB, 200x252, Maugham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W. Somerset Maugham hardly gets a mention on here despite being one of the all time greats.

>> No.19593639

Not a book.

>> No.19594663

What is your opinion of this book? I've had it on my shelf for years, but have yet to read it.

>> No.19595079

Goddamn, I wasn't expecting anyone on this board to have heard of this book or own it. I thought it was great. It reminded me a bit of Jim Jones's From Here to Eternity, but an issue I've always had with that book is that it is a bit bloated, and I think it would've benefitted from being cut down. De Bernieres writes beautifully and everything just fits, there's no bloat.

>> No.19596191

Big Rock Candy Mountain - Stegner
All the King's Men

>> No.19596243

Walks with Walser by Carl Seelig

>> No.19596255

The Ground Breakers - Ehle. I did mention it earlier today and once a month ago, never seen it talked about here, enjoying it quite a bit.

>> No.19596258

Love this book. Got no interest in watching the film though.

>> No.19596262

Not all that surprising that a man who wrote a 1000 page book about climate change is not well received on 4chan

Same goes for most of the big name 20th century British authors. It's sad because authors like Maugham could easily slip out of the reading conscious entirely as most of the readers who read him when he was popular die off.

>> No.19596651
File: 147 KB, 1200x800, AP_051123020318.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, doesn't pass the physiognomy test.

>> No.19596656
File: 536 KB, 2048x989, 14zVOLLMAN4-superJumbo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, he doesn't pass period...

>> No.19596683

>Big Rock Candy Mountain - Stegner
>All the King's Men
Based. Stegner's work is incredible so it's a mystery that he's been forgotten, though I don't believe he was ever very popular outside of America and Canada. Never seen a thread about him here before.
All the King's Men seems to be well-received by those who have read him around here, but I think this book should be certified /lit/-core.

>> No.19596689

vollman poses for press photos with "serious author face" no thanks at least he's not smoking a cigarette but still corny

>> No.19596715

>press photos
Vollman is the press, I'm pretty sure he took this himself based on what I'm looking at.