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File: 21 KB, 346x340, william_burroughs_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1959125 No.1959125 [Reply] [Original]

Any Bull Lee fans in the building /

>> No.1959132

Yea man, I'm actually almost finished reading "The Soft Machine" right now.

>> No.1959134

Bullies are sinners

>> No.1959137

carbolic soap and rectal mucus

>> No.1959142


>> No.1959144

I like his work but only for the lulz, i don't consider him as a great writer.

>> No.1959152

He ain't the best, but there's worst shit out there like Chuck Palahniuk.

>> No.1959153


I think his writing is great when he writes "straight." By than I mean when he deviates from the cut-up technique. He can evoke some very strong images. The man had a great imagination.

>> No.1959164


I like more stuff like Naked Lunch when you don't understand shit of what he is writing.. I mean, i agree about the strong images, but those full of heroin

>> No.1959166

Being high 24/7 will do that to man.

>> No.1959167

Last night I read a joint interview conducted by Victor Bockris with Terry Southern and WSB.

Southern had been given a large bag of pharmaceuticals from a hipster doctor, and he has brought them for Burroughs to sort through, Drugstore Cowboy style.

No clue where it was first published----I read it in a posthumous collection of unpublished Terry Southern stuff.

>> No.1959170


I think that's shooting a little low; comparing Burroughs to Pahlaniuk.. That's like saying, "Hey, eating pizza's OK, but at least it's not human feces."

I guess that's being a little mean to Pahlaniuk.. I don't think he's that terrible.. For what he is at least...

>> No.1959171


Oh, and here it is, if you want to read it. WSB comes across as querulous and amusing. And quite obviously looking to score.


>> No.1959182


Well yeah, I wasn't saying that I disliked the cut-up parts, I like when he deviates from it in the same book (ex. The Mayan Caper chapter in "The Soft Machine") . Sure I liked "Junky," but I preferred "Naked Lunch."

>> No.1959203

everyone wants to be burroughs after burroughs
he sucks because everyone sucks at being him

>> No.1959216

Maybe that just makes him a complete original?

>> No.1959221

original in that he chose to write

>> No.1959225

Yeah, nobody ever wrote a thing before Burroughs.

Good call.

>> No.1959228
File: 940 KB, 1893x2346, Augusten_Burroughs_by_David_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, what's up

>> No.1961782

Hes P. cool

>> No.1961791 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 370x278, Nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Queer and Junky are better than Naked Lunch but no one ever reads them.

>> No.1961795

I read "Junky" and thought it was pretty good.