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/lit/ - Literature

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19589294 No.19589294 [Reply] [Original]

What drugs are best for reading?

I have a lot of books on my to-read list, and there's basically no way I can drum up the interest and persistence to get through it without chemical help. Essentially, I want to cheat at literature. I want to skip ahead of the queue and arrive at the same place that naturally curious and hard working people end up at. Or maybe just skip ahead of myself.

I've noticed that dopamine reuptake inhibitors like yohimbine tend to produce a "pool" of dopamine, a sense that your interest in something has been dammed up and can hang around for a while longer than usual. But yohimbine is pretty hard on the heart, and if you're prone to panic attacks, it's a bad idea.
Citicoline boosts acetylcholine in the brain, which tends to result in a deeply introspective and persistent state of mind, but I think I've used it too much to get the results I used to. At one point I was taking a gram a day. I developed a stiff neck from excess of cerebrospinal fluid. Kind of scary, to be honest. I became an insomniac and had to listen to bossa nova music to chill out, all the while reminding myself that my thoughts were chemically induced and should not be taken too seriously. But that wasn't even my worst episode of drug induced insomnia.

>> No.19589300

Just drink some coffee

>> No.19589314

If you have put this much time and effort into scrutinizing a drug plan for yourself to manage to read some books, you were never meant to read them in the first place. Give up before you regret further wasting your time

>> No.19589376

On a related note, is there a definitive drug encyclopedia?
I want to know ALL uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... the whole shebang really.

>> No.19589387

literally just take amphetamines

>> No.19589414

Look into modafinil maybe

>> No.19589420

I mostly go off anecdotes on longecity.org and try to corroborate them with papers on pubmed, pirating them from scihub if necessary.

My latest experiment is to use propranolol to cure my social anxiety by disrupting memories of past fears through recollection while under the influence, while unable to experience adrenaline spikes or the fight or flight response. I walk into fearful situations and walk out without having experienced fear, and this undoes trauma. This sounds very specific, but there are multiple papers backing this idea up.

>> No.19589422

I second this. Grow up, OP.

>> No.19589428

Yeah, no. I'm going to rig the game the way I always do.

>> No.19589451

Sounds pretty fucking cool, actually.

>> No.19589468

you are irreversibly damaging your body and mind. stop

>> No.19589481
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Just take ritalin.
Metaphysics + ritalin = creativity.
If you smoke cigarettes already they help.

>> No.19589682

80iq question

>> No.19589698
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The only time I've done this is smoking a joint and reading the part in BotNS regarding time travel. It was my first time reading it and it was quite amazing.

>> No.19589747

I read some of the Iliad after smoking weed and it made some of the similes seem that much more vivid and tangible, other than that I tend to not read while chinked

>> No.19590009

Weed lmao

Shrooms can help you contemplate a good book but you need to read it first

>> No.19590043

Psychonaut, its insanely useful and detailed for most drugs, and links to all the websites with personal experiences/other shit

>> No.19590065

i hope you're joking.

>> No.19590359

Seconding nicotine, but don’t smoke cigarettes OP, try nicotine lozenges instead. They effects last longer and it’s less harmful to you

>> No.19590394

I haven’t found a drug that reliably helps me with reading. Amphetamines work for many, but I get too excitable and horny to do anything but talk to myself or masturbate.

>> No.19590402

Yeah just use ritalin. It's less stimulative.

>> No.19590464

I tried Ritalin and it literally only worked for one day, which I used to clean my house. The next day I went back to 0, and when I tried to increase the dose it just made my heart race. Tried not taking it for over a week and taking another pill, but never got anything out of them ever again. Nothing, what a meme drug lol.

>> No.19590468

And I can't drink caffeine either. Just makes me tired. Tried dexamphetamine also but just made me tired. Can't get adderall here so I don't know what that'd do.

>> No.19590475

>but just made me tired
sorry, I meant that dex just made me agitated. Don't know why I typed tired again. Caffeine is the stuff that makes me tired.

>> No.19590486

I remember a cognitive psych professor explaining this. I usually used meth when I tried

>> No.19590490

Finnegan's Wake and tryptamines is the perfect combination.

>> No.19590564

So just take ritalin at the same consistent time? I'm not sure this article is even reliable; he says tolerance builds up quickly but from what I've seen it takes people a long time before they need more

>> No.19590581

The drug of virgin purity, not yet synthesizable.

>> No.19590592

>The drug of virgin purity
not working for me

>> No.19590593

For me, caffeine is enough.

>> No.19590630

You dk what you're talking about and I'm not taking that "you have adhd so when you smoke meth you literally pass put" shit. It goes right there w contact highs.

Don't dumbass. You turn into a psycho.

I've taken 10mg every day for 8 months straight so. A lot of ppl do but the more stimulative it is ig it's the stimulation that goes down or idk. In any sense I take 10mg every day.

>> No.19590673

I never mentioned anything about ADHD. I think I have a similar problem with processed sugar, too. I can only read 10 pages an hour and I don't know what the fuck to do. Gonna try listening to audiobooks at the same time, but I'm guessing that's gonna ruin the experience. Also already tried reading in the library and no change; might try the beach.
>Dude your physical problems dont exist lol

>> No.19590685

>I think I have a similar problem with processed sugar, too.
Nevermind, I just realised that fucking chocolate caffeine in it. I probably don't have any problem with sugar, it's just fucking caffeine that screws with me.

>> No.19590705

why don't the mods delete dumb shit like this

>> No.19590719
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Mods don't even browse this board, and /lit/'s jannies are the sort of people who'd make these threads

>> No.19590723

you are boring. you will never not be boring.

>> No.19590763

You realize you having problems w caffeine explains nothing of why taking ritalin does nothing for you right? If you have health problems you should get them fixed but you playing grabass w pseudodiagnoses of caffeine sugar and ritalin or we tf they are doesn't make any sense here. That and you type like a manic. Gtfoh, go fix your damned problems.

>> No.19591313

>Gtfoh, go fix your damned problems.
I don't know how to. That's why I have arrived in this thread.

>> No.19591329

If you want to cheat at literature then just read plot summaries/SparkNotes

>> No.19591453

I want to actually form my own opinions. It's just very difficult to start a book, and I often run out of steam after reading to the halfway mark, which is generally after five or six hours of continuous reading. The prospect of running out of steam is itself discouraging, even before I start reading.

>> No.19591462


>> No.19591469

Coffee and nicotine

Back in the day weed and history or poetry was pretty comfy, not smoked for years though

A real ale or two and a novel in the evening is nice, but 3 at most and I just give up and play vidya

>> No.19591479

Summaries aren't opinions (or shouldn't be) but if you're concerned about bias just be sure to read a wide variety of supplementary literature. Still a better use of your time than reading the original.

>> No.19591493


>> No.19591546

There are no new drugs to help you with this. Alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana are the main course. It’s not a one and done thing, you need a regiment of years of these experiences of fascination with literature of all different kinds. If you try to do this in a month or three, it won’t become part of who you are and won’t form a solid foundation to grab ahold of, it will simply be a collection of fond memories from something you experienced once.

This is a very dangerous and stupid way to go about it however. The lesson that would help you more is to believe without cynicism, arrogance, trepidation, the words you read, not in the academic sense, but in the sense of forming with gusto and mild aggression an empathy and appreciation for the writing and the writer, where idiosyncrasies begin to show. Fight your own disdain and continue fighting it. There’s obviously an incredible amount of beauty and wisdom in books, and if you can’t access it, the problem on your end is the belief that you are good enough without needing to read them. You are, technically, but that’s not where you want to be.

>> No.19591581


>> No.19591591
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Chew betel nuts

>> No.19591751

Once tried reading the Odyssey on acid, shit was immersive but i'ts not worth it. You get too distracted. Honestly just stay sober while you read, easier to focus on the book.

>> No.19591818

>I can only read 10 pages an hour

Good. Then read 10 pages an hour. This isn't a contest bro.

>> No.19591863

its insane how good it is. but dont smoke cigs if youre not already on death row. i found out about snus in sweden recently, so fucking good. you probably cant order tobacco snus where you live but you can order nicotine pouch, same shit but no tobacco (the tobacco ones are way better if youre a smoker, in regards to taste, but some still prefer the flavored pouches)

>> No.19591874

>risk diarrhea and liver inflamation
Fuck no. The nutmeg high is too uncomfortable to warrant fucking up your stomach and liver. It also takes too long to kick in.

>> No.19591928

Snus is great, but it's also very addictive. Not that much of a problem, doesn't fuck up your body too much but it's something worth noting.

>> No.19592242
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>other than that I tend to not read while chinked
I have not heard of that term before. Made me lol

>> No.19592252

Kill yourself retard

>> No.19592297
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I am smoking a pipe right now, and for reading, an indoor activity, I recommend nasal snuff or snus. I just got a few cans of snus. I haven't been taken by it yet, though I've been fascinated by it since before I first tried nicotine. Nasal snuff is my real smokeless love. I must agree that it is addictive, more so than pipe tobacco or cigars. However, there are studies that show snus does not cause cancer, see Araghi meta-analysis. It likely does cause gum recession, but that is easily amended these days. As for the I'll effects of nasal snuff, my doctors have no concerns and there isn't any evidence for it being harmful in any way.
I recommend buying from Toque's site for nasal snuff and suggest McChrystal's and Poschl. Stay away from MrSnuff. For snus, all I can say is that my friends and I have had good experiences buying from Snus Direct these days, 3 days shipping from Sweden to Ohio.
As far as pipes go, which us what really got me into tobacco, that's another conversation. And fun fact, PKD was a big snuff fan.

>> No.19592494

for me, it’s kratom

>> No.19592582

Holy shit these people are useless. Watch this post get deleted

>> No.19592664

I smoke spliffs & drink some coffee these days. When I was in uni studying biochem I would mix ephidrine, amphetamine, coffee & ciggies.

>> No.19592891

Coffee, aspirin, nicotine together before a big read.

>> No.19592899

Why aspirin?

>> No.19593219

With caffeine it's unironically euphoric. Ray peat is big on aspirin and coffee.

>> No.19594241

>Good. Then read 10 pages an hour. This isn't a contest bro.
Except that it exhausts me reading so slowly. It brings me physical pain to read the things I'm interested in

>> No.19594256

Lion’s Mane capsules
t. reads and synthesizes like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19594266
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Who the fuck knows... They delete posts and threads that are genuinely interesting and make a point while leaving Reddit shit like this up. Fuck Jannies

>> No.19594754

>Lion’s Mane capsules
Does this actually work?

>> No.19594773

i read on lsd

>> No.19594778

>excess of cerebrospinal fluid
If you mean this genuinely this is very serious and will eventually make you wall-eyed and then blind. If you are overweight or a drinker it should be taken care of sooner rather than later. Everyone worries about blood pressure but intracranial hypertension has similar lifestyle causes and much worse consequences.

>> No.19594784

Amph plus SSRIs for chemical castration = sublimination machine.

>> No.19594792

Don’t fucking take meth, my friend basically died and has a psychopath haunting his corpse even after stopping.