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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 641x864, 1632856077022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19585755 No.19585755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“When a little girl who is five or five-and-a-half starts undressing you, it's fantastic. It is fantastic because it's a game, an absolutely erotic-manic game." -Green MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit

>> No.19585783

The picture seems like you want to talk about how the wealthy elites behave, but then you make this an inane /pol/ thread. Elites are often pedophiles.

Back to Attali. Getting our numbers down is good for us, but I’d start with their heads, pedophiles and all

>> No.19585787


These threads are started by people who get sexually aroused by discussing the sexual abuse of children.

>> No.19585803
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Yeah, I heard about this guy too. The sexual revolution was very pro-pedophilia, and especially in Europe.
>Cohn-Bendit was born in 1945 in Montauban, France, to German Jewish parents who had fled Nazism in 1933.

>> No.19585824


>> No.19585873
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I never understood pedophilia. Unlike ephebophiles, they want to fuck the intrinsically unsexy child. It's a birth trait, yes, but I can at least understand ephebophilia. I'm addicted to older women, myself. Especially grannies.

>> No.19585884

Graham Greene thought Shirley Temple had a disconcertingly well developed rump.

>> No.19585904
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Men are fundamentally sexually omnivorous. Anything can and will, at least, be appraised as a soft hole. Leftists and rich people are simply less culturally inclined to be indoctrinated to suppress their own sexual versatility, due to the traditionalist social structure relying heavily on controlling men through women with a monopoly on sex.

Leftist-feminists on the other hand are just women (originally christian, mind) that infiltrated leftism to field concerns that male sexual liberation movements would damage their source of social power, hence why on the right you have women that would argue sexbots are an affront to god while on the left you have women who would argue they are an affront to women.

Any existing sexual stigma or lack thereof is simply a cynical, incidental product of the constant power struggle going on by human society. You are literally just a peon scurrying around to meet the criteria of whichever wealthy influencer happened to touch your worldview. Humans are simply too productive, and we already live in a phase of forging artificial scarcity, sexual or otherwise, to prevent the common peons from falling into comfortable lethargy. God gave you the ability to enjoy sex with just about anything, it is the institution of man who told you not to, and never forget which you are worshiping when you deny yourself such intrinsic freedoms.

>> No.19586239
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>God gave you the ability to enjoy sex with just about anything, it is the institution of man who told you not to,

>> No.19586242
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Is there a correlation with J*daism?

>> No.19586247
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>> No.19586250
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Fake picture, jews are usually leftists.

>> No.19586254

>God gave you the ability to enjoy sex with just about anything

Yes, and gave just about anything the ability to suffer from it.

>> No.19586256
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.19586263

Sure and those catholic priests were jewish infiltrators.

>> No.19586264

Ability but not certainty. Weren't rightcucks supposed to be against victim mentality?

>> No.19586273
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"Catholic priests" who happen to be pedophiles are communist agents sent to corrupt it from within and are leftist by nature.

>> No.19586297

Even other christians despise you. Cope harder.

>> No.19586307
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Oy vey

>> No.19586321

So what you're saying is, from the fact that they became priests and molested children and were protected by the pope, that the catholic church was successfully corrupted and therefore should be regarded as a corrupt institution.

>> No.19586325
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Never trust a leftist who is fully aware of what leftism is, let alone a leftist pope.

>> No.19586331

And therefore the teachings of the church failed to stop the spread of this corruption at best, and at worst were instead actively corrupting others. Christians created leftism and then became controlled by leftists. Kino.

>> No.19586342
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Your failure and that of several other to defend the Church created leftism.
At least the jab will rid this world of nonbelievers.

>> No.19586345

This, anti-pedo/hebe hysteria is just a christian, feminist propaganda

>> No.19586351
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>This, anti-pedo/hebe hysteria is just a christian, feminist propaganda

>> No.19586377

It was literally a christian feminist political movement.

Well, more specifically some richfags felt it was a convenient form of social control and so funded the creation of a christian feminist grassroots movement to social engineer acceptance for the idea. Because it's rich pedophiles that rule you that should be deciding when your kids have sex, not you or they.

>> No.19586389

So what I'm hearing is the sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race?

>> No.19586399
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Choose one, not both.
Equality is a satanic concept that seeks to eliminate gender, it is counter nature and antichristian in nature.

>> No.19586405

Have fun finding a church that agrees that doesn't get burned down by the US government upon becoming remotely prominent lol

>> No.19586428

Kek another cathlarper that hasnt read the Bible

>> No.19586434

It's ruling class propaganda. Bible says nothing about age of consent, meanwhile christians will eagerly make up shit to justify it while paying taxes for their bishops and their politicians to build brothels to fuck children in. It's indoctrination to the point of literal backwards thinking. No wonder the entire west is collapsing under the sheer weight of its mass schizophrenia.

>> No.19586439
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Equality comes from freemasonry.

>> No.19586443
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Post nose rabbi.

>> No.19586445


>> No.19586446


Once you start to peel away traditional morality, there is no clear border at which to stop. They just keep going on.

>> No.19586452

Judging from your sick pictures that you've said, I think you should go to a smarter board, /pol/ for example. You are clearly special and in a different league from us.

>> No.19586457
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>> No.19586459

Nietzche was a homosexual who expected masculine qualities (like intellectualism) from his romantic interests. It's no surprise he's familiar with the sexual deficiencies of such women.

>> No.19586462

Traditional morality IS pedophilia though, look St Augustine married a 10 years old, prophet Muhammad married a 7 year old etc. The more feminine society becomes the higher aoc is.

>> No.19586474

And /pol/tards will call heterosexual interest in young or teenage girls gay. Heterosexual is homosexual. Indoctrination is enlightenment. Slavery is freedom. They're genuinely mentally ill. Socially-engineered to be so, but mentally ill nonetheless.

Most importantly one needs to understand it's impossible to reason or work with these people. One can only try to self-improve to rise above the slave caste.

>> No.19586488

They have the right impulses, just lack the knowledge to ground them in any meaningful way, so you get a million of poor takes that look at complex phenomena through "youre either based and redpilled or woke tranny" reductive dichotomy.

>> No.19586508
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marrying =/= having sex .
Marrying means offering the protection of a male.

>> No.19586541

Anti-judaism is judaism.
>"This is precisely why the Jews are the most disastrous people in world history: they have left such a falsified humanity in their wake that even today Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism."

>> No.19586543

>anti-popular revolution
Doomed to fail.

>> No.19586548

bizarre cope

>> No.19586556
File: 9 KB, 225x250, 1611345246989s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching too much porn rots your brain.
People can love each other without having sex.

>> No.19586572

based and foucault-pilled

>> No.19586577

Mental illness doesn't arise from a lack of necessary knowledge, mental illness arises from a broken, illogical response to necessary information. A person with a thoroughly poisoned worldview is permanently crippled, problems of the mind can only be addressed through the mind, but a sufficiently broken mind will no longer receive treatment. They will never have an accurate perception of reality in the same way a man with his nerves severed will never feel his fingers. Even the perpetrators can't fix this type of intellectual lobotomy, which is precisely why western society is descending into a state of mass schizophrenia under the weight of its own self-inflicted information warfare.

>> No.19586620
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>> No.19586642
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Actually it was to prevent people from pimping out their children for easy money.

>> No.19586650

your waifu isn't real, incel

>> No.19586651

Well I didn't specify which form of social control they had in mind. Could well have just been a petty social maneuverability thing like child labor laws, but as federal powers grew and needed the role of world babysitter to justify their increasingly intrusive policies, I think the motive definitely would have changed over time.

>> No.19586740
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>> No.19586765

You're stupid.

>> No.19586802

>50+ posts
>22 posters
>an off topic bait thread that doesn't even pretend to be discussing literature sustained by one angry faggot

Nice. If /lit/ had mentally competent moderators you'd be banned for this but it doesn't

>> No.19586816
File: 229 KB, 1440x1440, 161484350020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /lit/, in case you did not notice.
Go to plebbit where you belong if upsetting truths are things you hate and conformity is something you love.

>> No.19586837

>the angry faggot posting all the images in this thread couldn't resist replying to me
I don't care what you believe or how retarded you are, spamming like this is subhuman behavior. I just think it's healthy to remind anyone who expects /lit/ to discuss literature to get used to crippling disappointment.

Even if I agreed with you on every single point I would never willingly discuss it with you because all you're capable of doing is vomiting buzzwords and posting graphics that were made by your superiors. You'll probably reply to this too, because you think getting the last word on a Mongolian underwater basket weaving discussion board thread is a "victory" for your "cause", so I'll just declare in advance that if you answer or acknowledge this post at all in any way it means you desperately want to get choked on my cock while I fuck your face

>> No.19586876
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>God gave you the ability to enjoy sex with just about anything, it is the institution of man who told you not to