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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.06 MB, 1125x1270, shelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19584655 No.19584655 [Reply] [Original]

This is me. Be nice.

>> No.19584664

>here’s your /lit/ gf, bro

>> No.19584697


Is Facebook down?

>> No.19584735

I’m in love

As long as you ship Draco/Hermione it’s all good

>> No.19584749

why would I want to become Michelle Obama

>> No.19584753

>how to spot presidential dick

>> No.19584762
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I'll be rubbing out the finish for at least a month on the shelf.

>> No.19584770
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I've been collecting heritage press books, they have good paper and translations.

>> No.19584771
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As-salaam Alaikum, brothers

>> No.19584815

The presence of that shitty shelf belies the greatness of the books it holds.

>> No.19584830

Chair doesn't look comfy

>> No.19584831

>Boswell's London Journal

>> No.19584849

It shouldn't be. You have a mission. You must read. Comfort exists only within the weakness of your flesh.

>> No.19584871

can't afford nice shelf when Beeke keeps coming out with nice sets. must consoom.

>> No.19585405
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>> No.19585419

What is the difference between shelf and stack threads? Are stacks new additions/currently being read?

>> No.19585434

stacks are stacks of books and shelves are shelves of books

>> No.19585491

That's an ugly man. I'm sorry for your fetish anon. Find Jesus and read the Holy Bible and repent.

>> No.19585608
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It's kind of all over the place because I take any book offered/given to me right now.

>> No.19585740

Stack thread is for stacks of books that anon thinks he might read someday, shelf thread is for anon's collection of books that he bought thinking he'd read but since has lost interest in and now sit on the shelf collecting dust.

>> No.19585853

Hey anons where can I find an affordable mid-sized bookshelf? I'm a poor collegefag, gonna use some money I get this Christmas to buy one though. I have in a mid-sized bedroom but I don't want it taking up too much space.

>> No.19585879

IKEA, unironically. Make a road trip if you have to.

>> No.19585935

the rare literature reader

>> No.19586117

>books that he bought thinking he'd read but since has lost interest in and now sit on the shelf collecting dust.
You're being to generous. Plenty of people buy books never actually expecting to read them if they're honest with themselves, but they buy them for aesthetics or because they feel they should read it even when it has little personal interest to them.

>> No.19586120

*too generous

>> No.19586123
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>gonna wipe my ass with pages from the plague by camus

>> No.19586208

Are those sauces on your shelf?

>> No.19586851
File: 1.74 MB, 2160x3840, PXL_20211217_005002519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got that gibbon too, still mostly wrapped for 60 bucks

You have some good books mingled in with that other stuph

>> No.19586858

My town has an Ikea importer, interior designer, they have most common Ikea things like tables, bookshelves, beds, with a 5 to 10 dollar markup. They also do truck deliveries so people can order together.

>> No.19586948

>stacking books vertically
femoid moment

>> No.19587313

You can store more books, I need to build another shelf, we have 2 full built In shelves, and two smaller ones.

>> No.19589313
File: 2.03 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20211218_002314920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting down and rubbing

>> No.19589494

Are you talking about my taste or the smell of the books?
Thanks, you got a really good deal there. As you can see for mine, the second half is yellowed. I bought that first because I came across it cheap (around £20 if I remember correctly), and I got the first half separately afterwards.

>> No.19589764

That's the hautgout of Montaigne


No, it's shellac, I'm doing it french style, it's be easier to control with condiment dispensers. I have 190 alcohol, shellac at 10 percent, blond and garnet shellac.

>> No.19589775
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That's not onions sauce!

>> No.19589845
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>Not having warehouse-grade shelving and storing your books sideways in deep containers

>> No.19590608
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Getting there

>> No.19590649

Shelf looks good, buddy. I know you've been building it for a while now.

>> No.19591419


>> No.19591428
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This is (not) my shelf.

>> No.19591443
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>> No.19592251

You have some good ones

>> No.19592257

Thanks man, it needs a lot of organizing, my wife will probably double stack some books to put decorative elements on it, she'll use it for zoom meetings

>> No.19592282

Charming as fuck

>> No.19592316

I recently used that Radical Reformation book for a research paper. Sometimes I swear that these reformers were no different than the sectarian shitposters you see on /his/ and /lit/ today.

>> No.19592639
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Yes,the humanists and reformers were more in your face, antagonistic, and edgy than a redditor. Rabelais had to be by disciplined over and over by his superiors for being a subversive edgelord.

Wife moved the desk, a sofa bed will go opposite, and she likes the books, so it might stay like this.

>> No.19593609

bump for shelves!

>> No.19594844


>> No.19595009
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>> No.19595014
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>> No.19595424
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Should I put trim on the bookshelf at the top or bottom of the topmost shelf enclosure that touches the ceiling?

I was thinking about a simple beading profile or a Roman Ogee.

>> No.19595427

That copy of Jayne Eyre comes from a dead relative, the rabbit chewed on it, so I can't get rid of it, just fyi. When we put Olga in a home, it was gifted to me as payment for packing up her house.

>> No.19595433
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Take a bump

>> No.19595443

I like signet classics, and often bought those or ordered them for courses when an undergrad or teaching myself.

>> No.19595456

a woman
>used books
generic /lit/ pseud
very reddit
midwit detected
>onions wars
dont forget your onions supplements today

>> No.19595508

The only new books I have come from publishers looking for a review or friends thanking me for a favor. In my entire career I may have purchased a handful of new books because there was no other option.

When I bought the theory of the four movements by fourier or Sarrasine by Balzac are two of those rare occasions.

>> No.19595522

Don't (you) him.

>> No.19595532
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I've been here since 2012.

>> No.19595546

I've been here since 2008. I'm not proud of it.

>> No.19595549

I kneel.

>> No.19595592

>Hey anons where can I find an affordable mid-sized bookshelf? I'm a poor collegefag, gonna use some money I get this Christmas to buy one though. I have in a mid-sized bedroom but I don't want it taking up too much space.
At least in the USA, cheap melamine covered chip board bookshelves you assemble yourself, are usually readily available at Superstores like Walmart, at home centers like Lowes and Home Depot, and sometimes at large drug stores.
The shelves are sort of shit, but they work, as long as you’re not an idiot, and can manage to assemble them.
Ikea is another option.
The cost for the shelves, whether from Ikea or a home center is usually as cheap or cheaper than buying the lumber to make your own shelves.

>> No.19595616

Why do you have a paperback bible?
Bibles on acid free paper, with sewn bindings are usually readily available, and not that expensive.
One local used bookstore I go to gets so many bibles, they will literally give one to someone if they ask.

>> No.19595619

I’ve read the Motorcycle Diaries and have the Bolivian diaries, what’s the Diary of Che Guevara cover?

>> No.19595624

>pathetic political books for the weak and easily led
>pathetic fiction books for the weak and easily led

>> No.19595669

We're getting rid of our old Ikea bookshelves on Facebook Marketplace for 20 dollars each, we paid like 69.99 for each of them. THey're still in good shape.

My friend/neighbor owns a mill and I get lumber for free for helping out over there.

>> No.19595678

So I guess my intention was to relay that you could find clever ways to get free lumber, but you'd never be able to put them together, square them, and be satisfied without at least $500-$1000 worth the tools and little experience with wood.

You might be able to get predimensioned lumber or glued up panels for relatively inexpesive, or even plywood, but you'd still need a good way to crosscut, rip, clamp, finish and fasten everything.

I made extensive use of the chainsaw, circular saw, table saw and the planer to make my walnut shelves I've been posting.

The chainsaw helped to cut the 12+ foot long boards in half that were 12" wide so that I could handle them more efficiently.

>> No.19595891
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>Why do you have a paperback bible?
It's a nice copy (I think so anyways), and I have quite a few other Bibles.
It is the Bolivian Diaries, but this edition comes with the English text as well as the fascimile of Che's original notebook in Spanish.

>> No.19595935

How come you didn't do this before putting the books in? You're gonna have to remove the books anyway to rub the oil in.

>> No.19596864

Not oil, shellac, and you don't finish until the end because you have to manhandle the wood. Little boxes and plywood things don't need this, but lining up real wood is an ordeal.
You have to bend and hammer to get the trim straight as wood has a tendency to bend along it's radial axis and bow, twist, cup, etc as the weather and humidity change, both indoors and outdoors.

I already sealed under the shelves, won't be doing a fine , hand rubbed finish under the books.

In laws will be here for two weeks and we had to make room in the office for them, so I put all the books up for now.

>> No.19597396

>generic /lit/ pseud
Yeah I'll admit to that. I hope to get past that stage though.

>> No.19598044
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Post your shelf faggot

>> No.19598424

Hi tranny

>> No.19598530
File: 3.93 MB, 2732x1830, rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my life please

>> No.19598604

I really hate this shelf and you

>> No.19599241

retarded imbecile beyond salvation

>> No.19599390

seek christ/10

>> No.19600154

You need the Heike Monogatari.