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19581513 No.19581513 [Reply] [Original]

Dualism is what got us expelled from the Garden of Eden. Good and Evil literally don't fucking exist dualistic thinking is a goddamn mind virus that ayyys probably implanted in our primate ancestors minds for shits and giggles. Original sin is literally just the belief that there can be two when there so obviously only is One, God(aka the universe) cursed us for going against our true nature fucking damnit you niggers we need to go back to the forests and set fire to everything we once knew. We must murder Adam to break the curse

>> No.19581520

inconceivably based

>> No.19581542

>evil doesn't reals!
Okay, so what's the problem with our current state then? Why do we need to change anything?

>> No.19581553

He doesn't like the system so he wants to change it. Every "problem" in the world can be boiled down to hurt fee fees

>> No.19581561

>taking desert myths seriously
Take your meds. Now.

>> No.19581569
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>he doesn't take the myths that civilization and society is built upon seriously

>> No.19581608

>civilizations spawned 2000 years ago
>in Rome

>> No.19581669

>society was built on Semitic myth
Yes, yes, good g- uhh good guy, keep up the semito-centricism!! We - I mean Jews are truly the bedrock of history

>> No.19581673

> two when there so obviously only is One, God (aka the universe)
the universe is not God, it’s the appearance of God as duality, God is non-dual precisely because he is beyond duality instead of being identical with the dualistic world

>> No.19581696

Most of the western world was, yes. Indisputable.

>> No.19581698

>Good and Evil literally don't fucking exist

m*nists are a disease

>> No.19581707

You don't do anything because of morals or good/evil, you do it for the feefees. Try to prove me wrong

>> No.19581732


>> No.19581738

Not an argument.

>> No.19581745

>not an argument
Turn on automatic updates.

>> No.19581959

If dualism doesn't exist, why don't you eat your feces? There should be no difference between it and a tasty meal

>> No.19581972

Nigger tier IQ. No, I won't explain it to you.

>> No.19581986

You're saying principle of individuation. Dualism does not equate eating fast food to not eating shit (you may have pissed someone off).
Predicational monism allows individuation in terms of everything being a specific part of the foundation (existence, God etc) from which everything emanates. So think a particular circle of certain size and area of a circle. It's more accurate to reality anyways w overlaps and underlaps etc.

>> No.19582007

Correct. But you are still stuck in the slumber of the One. When you truly realize the absolute state of "Thrown Dasein" as a completely alienated ontology then you will truly despair. All of our attempts to conquer an a-representational space simply fall back into the game of Reason seeking a ground where there is none. There is absolutely no coping mechanism with the Abyss (which cannot even be understood as a pure lack because this again is to "capture" it). And guess what? Quietude is no better! You are called to action from somewhere. Guess that's where faith kicks in and you choose to obey God or not. The more I read the more I realize that severing oneself from the silence of God is pure death.

>> No.19582028

The foundation is the problem. There is no foundation, because the second you definitively determine the indefinite you destroy it. There can be no finitude in the infinite, no ground which can act as a genetic courier. Reality is a text (check out biosemiotics) and every force that constitutes it is nothing other than an ethereal network of signs webbing together and complexifying more and more. The origin is always dis-placed, we cannot think it; ever. The only avenue towards solace is a revelatory absolute which allows us to think the immanence. Because with the idea of a circle, all you get is the question as to where are the bounds and what lies outside? But the answer is that there is no outside and thus no circle. Monism is just a more developed form of dualism, both fall for the same dogmatic trap.

>> No.19582038

Monists murder Adam every cycle thinking it will bring redemption. No, we won't find truth like that, it is too abstract and dry: replace monism with abrahamism and you enter into the poetic.

>> No.19582057

No you can still have a foundation and not know it fully. In fact by comtingency of creation we have signs which point to the foundation. We can't know it deductively and that's true but we have bayesian induction logic etc and other conceptions which help us understand more accurately, even if not deductively, what the more immediate or even ultimate foundation is.

>> No.19582119

So Neetzsch was ”right”?

>> No.19582178

most redpilled thread i've seen in a while

>> No.19582213
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That is why we have to become again like the Adam before the fall (Adam Kadmon), returning to the primordial state.

>> No.19582220

So basically return to monke. Was Kaczynski secretly Kabbalahpilled?

>> No.19582252
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I daresay everything itt was refuted by anno the wise in his eternal masterpiece of philosophical thought under the name of neon genesis evangelion
you may now seethe and cope

>> No.19582280

>return to monke
that is an inversion and therefore satanism, becoming animal-like is the lowest level a human can be, the highest being divine.

>> No.19582292

So basically be aware of the mind virus of black and white but disregard it

>> No.19582312

>maybe it's like this
>but also, it could be like this
Bravo philosophy. Well done. You've really made a difference.

>> No.19582314

Eve was the one who originally sexually selected for "Something".

Shouldnt we murder, or at least subjugate eve?

>> No.19582330


>god is non dual as he is above duality
>the universe is dual

therefore there is again a duality of non dual and dual you absolute buffoon

>> No.19582337

Yeah but you know he meant monist not non dual but that's a good point. Natural language is shit. I still use the words "no", "cold", "darkness" etc

>> No.19582356

>i just gotta extinguish my natural disgust of rape and murder to find god bro
bubblegum m*nists are an absolute cancer

>> No.19582364

even in a monist way of thinking if we divide "all there is" to the creator and the created there is still the dualistic divide of everything. A true monist would accept that everything is god and god is everything.

>> No.19582377

>my anal zit is god bro
bubblegum m*nists are an ABSOLUTE CANCER. imagine acting like some basic bitch spinozist univocity is some profound revelation lmao

>> No.19582388

Yes but how. OOOOOOOOOOOO let my pepo leave the funny and discuss the matters of faith and doctrine.

>> No.19582398

>appeal to nature

>> No.19582406

>reverting to an animalistic wu wei
>not an appeal to nature
kek. don't play this game with me, m*noid. i'll prolapse your bhole to kingdom come

>> No.19582407

In the last eva they jannies evas from their world. Makes one think..
>of puccy

>> No.19582408


No ones anal zit is god by its lonesome mr angry poster. I have no clue as to where your hatred for forms of thinking that differ from yours comes from , and i pray (even though it is futile) that you might cure your stubborn ailment in haste. Also, your minimization of everything that exists and compare it to a zit is extremely telling in any inquiries one might have in regards to your mental capacity and what you give your attention to.

As your literary prescriber i prescribe you to read epictetus and think about why your thinking and rhetoric is wrong

>> No.19582410

No you are looking at monism in a dualist manner creating monism and non monism. Darkness is the absence of light, it is not a thing. There is no duslism there. Biology is a part of chemistry (w the chemicals CHNOPS). It is an asymmetric relationship. You can't have that w dualism.

>> No.19582417

> therefore there is again a duality of non dual and dual you absolute buffoon
You have to acknowledge that duality isnt the same as non-duality in order to speak about the subject of non-duality in any meaningful way. Acknowledging that the dualistic world of phenomena isnt completely identical with the non-dual Absolute isn’t setting up some sort of scheme where reality is constituted by a duality between the two, for the reason that the non-dual Absolute is itself actually what is reality, reality is not a third thing that includes both in a duality.

>> No.19582433

it comes from long study and seeing through your corn syrup-drenched pussy zeitgeist

>sexual sadism is the absence of tenderness

>> No.19582444

>both fall for the same dogmatic trap.
True. Both are of the 'philosophy', an angle that won't yield. Burn all books for they are boomer nonsense that does harm to the soul. Phallosophy, I say.

>> No.19582445

>Acknowledging that the dualistic world of phenomena isnt completely identical with the non-dual Absolute isn’t setting up some sort of scheme where reality is constituted by a duality between the two, for the reason that the non-dual Absolute is itself actually what is reality
In that case your world of phenomena either becomes a limitation upon the Absolute which challenges the latter's status or doesn't exist at all, like not even in the sense of being relative reality but simply as non-being.

>> No.19582473

It's the absence of a healthy loving conception of yourself but in a certsin manner. So is masochism. This helps solve the issue.

>> No.19582475

Bros I don't feel so good.. it seems we are going circles

>> No.19582479

dangerously based

John 12:25:
"Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

>> No.19582485

Face infinity without flinching

>> No.19582508

Eternal recurrence implies the difference: coming of the same when superimposed grants creative space for the subject.

>> No.19582530

but anon aren't there infinite points in a circle?

>> No.19582540

Dualism presupposes the other. When you try to construct dualism as the other you yourself restate dualism but from the 'back door' (cuck). Monism is cucked dualism.

>> No.19582545
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>BTK just didnt love himself bro
holy shit lmao. stop fucking posting retard

>> No.19582549

Finite but it's a spiral.

>> No.19582550

Okay, so you reject dualism.
Go eat your own crap. Come on, do it. What prevents you from doing so?

>> No.19582558

Being arrogant or prideful isn't loving yourself but an idealized form of yourself. You are a human of God's creation. We grow in our conception of ourselves

>> No.19582566

>w dualism you can see crap and be like, i dont want to eat crap then there's no crap
Read >>19581986

>> No.19582567

>proto-liberal "one race, le human race" tripe
cringe worldling. evil is real and it'd cut off your cock & balls and fuck the hole if it could.

>> No.19582574

I will continue to search the most complete aesthetic experience of reality, which involves affirming life.

>> No.19582580

No there's one God of which we are his creation. That's more accurate and explanatory even if we can derive what liberals simply assert and we'll get more development out of it.

>> No.19582583

>saying Yes to life
cringe pseudo-nietzschean tadpole

cringe worldling

>> No.19582587

Christ broke the curse. Have you not heard the good news?

>> No.19582596

>>saying Yes to life
well go fucking kill yourself lol

>> No.19582618

You can only represent the sign that points behind it, every time you glance the target fades away into the void once more. How can one unknowingly (completely a-representationally) "have" anything? In what sense are you using the word "have" here? To appropriate the ground is senseless, to induce the ground is even more absurd. In what way is Creation contingent, and even if it was you simply move the problem backwards. You cannot disclose the ground. Induction is contingent on the finitude of representation, it cannot grasp that which precedes it and makes it possible. Your epistemology is naive and assumes that the fact that we see signs allows us to make the leap to that towards which they point. But the problem lies therein, since the second you even posit a primary signified it already escapes, it is an utterly fruitless endeavor. To fix the ground, to demarcate a domain of the indefinite, to posit the origin and in doing so destroy the a-temporal infinitude which is its mark; none of this leads you anywhere but to a black abyss.

>> No.19582625

>w-well w-why d-don't you g-go kill k-ki
cringe worldling

>> No.19582633

Life and World are not the same friend. Life is an ethereal network, a blue fire. The World is the rigid nexus which captures everything into a spatialized (interior exterior) and paradoxical black hole. Being and Life are allies in their endeavor to break free from the absolutizing nature of the World, as moments of the agonizing pain of separation from the unthought origin that seeks its telos in the negation of the World.

>> No.19582640

it's not 'why don't you', it's an imperative
you either kill yourself or you're a bitchboy cunt on copium who doesn't live up to his philosophy

>> No.19582660

Idk what you're going for but I specifically named ai as an example to show that there is substance in induction and it's not all-or-nothing thing. We definitely know ourselves are created and that means laws of biology of chemistry of physics etc must account for us necessarily even if we know only the part. If we want a smartphone we know that some systems of physics can account for it and others can't. Now the laws of reality may change and we dk that but we do know that to get a smartphone some immediately can account for their creation and some can't. You don't need to know everything to know it must derive some things.

>> No.19582677
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But there is no other way besides asceticism, which is just another way to undo social programming and return to monke.
Dualism quite obviously stems from language and it’s vehicle of symbols.
Without symbols there just is what is.

>> No.19582696

this is furthest thing from m*nism to me

>oh yeah siddhartha? why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.19582699

> In that case your world of phenomena either becomes a limitation upon the Absolute
That would only be true if it was a truly existing 2nd entity, which it’s not.
>which challenges the latter's status or doesn't exist at all, like not even in the sense of being relative reality but simply as non-being.
Wrong, because belonging to the category of falsity means that its a relative and false appearance that doesn’t impose upon or act as a limitation towards the actual non-dual reality (because the false is not real) nor is it total nothingness or non-being (because unlike nothingness it can appear)

>> No.19582726

While the original sin was against god, all the others have been against other humans.

So then you have someone guilty of sinning (“Schuldiger” -> debtor) and also a “creditor” who now because of that sin has the right for retribution.

God then came along and set the ledger on zero, as long as you confide in him. That means he takes the justified right of retribution away from the “creditors” and excuses the “debtors” without any reimbursements.

That is perverse. I could rape your anus until it’s bloody, spit into your face and take your money but as soon as I say “Sorry Lord Jesus, I’ve sinned” I’m good!

This is just a license for the strong to do as they please without any chance of “moral” retribution on part of the damaged.

>> No.19582749

why do people like to imagine themselves as the unshaven epic schizo soijak

>> No.19582763

>That would only be true if it was a truly existing 2nd entity, which it’s not.
You're just doing word games. You presume not "truly existing" is equivalent to "non-existent" when it's convenient to you because that's the only way your dichotomy between relative and absolute existence can be neutralised without your resorting to absolute existence permeating the relative one and consequently acknowledging that the difference between the two doesn't exist. If you were honest with yourself you would call relative existence exactly what it is, i.e relative EXISTENCE, which implies that while it doesn't exist on the same plane of reality as absolute existence it nonetheless exists. Falsity isn't identical to not-reality - it's just a false existence, but a one regardless.

>> No.19582769

>>oh yeah siddhartha? why don't you kill yourself?
I’m not the anon you’re replying to but just needed to get something of my chest.
You’re such a fucking NIGGER.
Only reason Sidharta didn’t off himself is because he too was a fucking NIGGER.
He ran off once it was time to take responsibility for once in his fucking life and not just indulge in meaningless hedonism. He left his wife with a bastard son.
He did all this to search for some deeper “meaning” to life and found it in the metaphysical cope of rebirth, which is unprovable. The only reason he didn’t kill himself then and there during his existential crisis is because of the rebirth cope and “muh bad karma”.
He was literally so shook by “suffering exists” that he threw his life away. Only a pampered fool like him could do something like that.

That being said I do like the effects of meditation on my mental state and it is a pretty good cope, but don’t act like it a not a cope.

>> No.19582782

anything good to read about how sin is debt and gift/reciprocity-of-gift economy et cetera? my intuition is that Christ breaks away from that (economical) machine.

>> No.19582785

sub 21 year old trying to dunk on a buddha. I saw the (you) and was hoping the World/Life guy responded. nope. americans are a disease

>> No.19582806

>>oh yeah siddhartha
he coped with the concept of reincarnation, which is real because.... it just is OKAY?
every fucking religion ever has this sort of cope which is grounded in absolutely nothing, fucking nothing at all, each of them teaches you that le malevolent maya is le bad but you shouldn't kill yourself because you shouldn't. it's the ultimate form of hypocrisy and faggotry.

>> No.19582809

americans are a disease.

>> No.19582825

if I tell you I'm not American you won't believe me anyway, because absolutely everything that constitutes your hollow life is contingent upon predisposed set of blind beliefs which you resort to to make up for your ugliness and weakness. peak slave morality.

>> No.19582826

Well now I just want to listen to Radiohead. Why is Thom Yorke there?

>> No.19582842

I don't give a shit where you were born, you're an american in your soul.

>> No.19582867

haha clever comeback! cope

>> No.19583194


>> No.19583204

Parmenides was right then

>> No.19583216

based retard
>sexual sadism
your fetishes are irrelevant
all bdsm shit is just absence, a void

>> No.19583321

This thread was moved to >>>/his/12494243