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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 1024x689, Arthur_C._Clarke_1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19579470 No.19579470 [Reply] [Original]

He's the best of the big three by far
>inb4 moralfagging
I don't care, Rendezvous with Rama is better than anything Asimov or Heinlein ever wrote

>> No.19580194

He was a gay pedophile and even worse than that, a pseud

>> No.19580212
File: 30 KB, 385x390, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and even worse than that, a pseud

>> No.19580225

I really enjoy how 3001 is a scientistic atheist circlejerk, where everyone is a soft bugman who literally winces at the name of god. Not because this notion is supposed to embarrass a lack of religion, but rather because I actually like Clarke's vision of the future and that's exactly the sort of world that I would sincerely like to live in.

In the story, the monolith is used to definitively, and once-and-for-all to disprove human conceptions of god. Then Poole is advised to take a trip out to one of Jupiter's moons for some more good atheist sermonizing by some crazy doctor. I forget the details but it's still right-on.

>> No.19580232

Literally what the fuck are you talking about nigga

>> No.19580238
File: 270 KB, 792x1200, 6686C402-3948-4C4E-B541-D0AA57B52479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book.

>> No.19580247

I only read short stories

>> No.19580256


The only thing that would make it better is if they were all capitalists and regularly ground the bones of brown people for no other reason than to upset you.

>> No.19580973

>Rendezvous with Rama
Like a fifth of the book is just describing going up and down a ladder in excruciating detail. Haldeman is better. 2001 was okay but too meandering.

>> No.19581286

Clarke is the worst of the big 3. He does not have Heinleins sense of politics and adventure, nor Asimov's level of influence and ideas (laws of robotics)
The Caves of Steel and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by themselves own Clarke's best stuff.

I really don't get how Clarke is so popular. City and the stars is ok (not great, ending was a bit of a let down) and 2001 is an overrated turd. When it tries to make a bold statement about the dangers of AI (like in the movie) Clarke back tracks and gives the fault to humans for making HAL lie. Thanks to this alls 2001 winds up as is literally (monkey becomes man becomes space baby thanks to invisible aliens). Ironic that a man who was so anti God chooses to have an invisible force bring man into being and then into his next stage of life.

>> No.19581334

He's better than Asimov in terms of books.

>> No.19581687

Disagree. Foundation and Earth is unironically a better space odyssey than 2001.

>> No.19581694

Ah you are that faggot.

>> No.19581774

>that faggot
I only speak the truth in this case.
>ok we are leaving the moon
>look it's the asteroid belt, we aren't doing anything but sending a probe but hey it's the asteroid belt
>look it's Jupiter we aren't doing anything but sending a couple probes but hey its jupiter
>hey look it's Saturn, we aren't doing anything there but there's it's rings
>oh look it's one of it's moons
>whoops now I'm in a space apartment with fake stuff that looks like a hotel room on earth
Meanwhile in Foundation and Earth
>where is earth
>let's hunt for it
>let's go to comporellon and actually land there. Its really cold and people live underground to survive. They have stories about earth
>ok we got coordinates for unknown worlds, maybe one is earth
>aurora - wow we actually landed on the planet. People are gone wild animals are every where, what happened? Theorizing
>solaria- let's go to the next place, oh crap everything is booby trapped. There's freaks with mindpowers who are hermaphrodites that have huge underground estates that never see each others faces
>melpomenia - ah crap teraforming has failed here and there's stuff growing but we got coordinates for another place from a ruined library
>alpha - it rotates about the split star alpha centauri, wow it's new earth, where people went to after earth went to crap. There's very little land and the people are strange and survive via fishing
>earth - ah crap it's radioactive so we can't land, literally it's the first planet this whole time we haven't landed on
>the moon- ah we got our questions answered and no one turned into a space baby
Notice how they actually land places and there's varied stuff going on on each planet. Notice how they are hunting for something and actually discover something instead of
>I am become space baby
2001 is meh at best as is clarke

>> No.19581784

>I am become space baby
>Filtered by Clarke
kek didn't know this shit was possible in a literature board

>> No.19581788

Cope. You know 2001 isn't that good.

>> No.19583500

in rama, after the animal robots he ruins his own mystery. the billion million names of god was good

>> No.19583517

So is there any proof that Clarke was a pedo or is it just a meme because he moved to an island in Asia like alot of pedos do