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/lit/ - Literature

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19578746 No.19578746 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I've spent years collecting the best poems that /lit/ has written and intend to put them in a collection and publish them as my own work

>> No.19578758

this is why i always hold back my good posts and just shitpost instead

>> No.19578760


>> No.19578766

Does it include the poem an anon wrote for me when I asked for help writing a poem for an English assignment?

>> No.19578771
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>work for major publishing firm
>get two nearly identical poems from different collecting agents
>search up poem in plagiarism engine
>nothing comes up
>too suscpicous, google it
>see a near replica on some "achieve"
>have to tell agents to blacklist provider info

>> No.19578782

Big, if true

>> No.19578802

There is an archive that will prove you a fraud. There are several archives, actually.

>> No.19578823

All great artists were frauds

>> No.19578825

>tfw your shitposts were what resonated with the literary community the most
>tfw the literature that you poured your heart and soul into went completely unnoticed
dont pretend like it can't happen

>> No.19578849

No one could prove them frauds quite like they can today.

>> No.19578855

>rearrange a few words and add some synonyms
>call it a transcreation
>mfw uniroincally trans

>> No.19578888

>mfw i am unironically considering writing a gonzo book on le 4chans to hopefully be an amusing read and to help normies understand the chans, basically a non-shit version of Kill All Normies

it would be by Anonymous of course (with the cover designed like a 4chan post)

>> No.19578892

There one was a faggot called anon
who posted all day with a tampon
stuck up his ass
he could never relax
Because he knew he'd not pass as a woman

>> No.19578897

>help normies understand the chans
>help normies
>"the chans"
>cover designed like a 4chan post
please be bait

>> No.19578901

no it would be fun

>> No.19578903

Are any of them mine

>> No.19578908

no, no
fuck you
i hope the universe will punish you for defiling a good thing

>> No.19578910

I'd buy it

>> No.19579108

i hope you understand that 98% of your audience will be other channers who are looking to entertain themselves with your attempt to normiefy the by-definition unnormiefiable chan culture

>> No.19579116

>good at poetry

>> No.19579138

There are a few anons who can write decent poetry. Better than I see in the Boston fucking Review.

But I guess that's because we are hopelessly reactionary in terms of style

>> No.19579165

I'm writing a book that follows two glowies as they investigate, monitor, and eventually get sucked into the lives of several literary shitposters, NEETs, and armchair philosophers on ananonymous online forum (among the characters whose daily lives and interactions are followed are a disgraced anglophilic Chinese literature student, an e-girl turned booktuber, a 40-something year old wine aunt dyke who wants to be a witch, and a down-on-his-luck self-published author who spends all his free time shilling his novel), all this happening against the backdrop of a shadowy conspiracy involving something called 'The Spearlake Institute' and the unhinged schizophrenic who runs it,

>> No.19579233

Would read

>> No.19579243

Little girls make me happy
Little girls make me sad
Little girls are everywhere
How can good things be so bad?

>> No.19579647

Surely... surely you haven't... no you couldn't have taken my giantess inflation epic... all 30000 lines of ballooning latin verse... no... my fame stolen!!!!

>> No.19579715

The novel I'm currently writing is basically just an obfuscated version of 4chan. There's never any explicit mention of course because that would be tacky, but there's enough in it that it will hopefully be the only possible interpretation if the right people ever do a close reading. I think 4chan encapsulates and epitomizes the 21st century experience, and I want to apply a stethoscope to its guttural, screeching howl and attach it to a fucking megaphone.

>> No.19579779

I uhh would like to survey your latin style for uhhh learning reasons

>> No.19580189

Just don't steal "The Tiger" or "Aleppo" that would be cruel

>> No.19580236

Here is my poem, anon.
> Made for BBC,
> She was made for BBC;
> And though I thought:
> I wish she was not
> Made for BBC—
> But instead for you or me—
> She was made for BBC;
> and, I'm sure that you'd agree:
> That if she had to pick
> And from thereon stick
> with some white fool
> or a strong Black BVLL
> She'd pick the BBC—
> and do so naturally;
> And though I'd sigh
> and thence I'd cry;
> I'd ask to watch
> them hug crotch to crotch
> right in front of me,
> as she's pounded gleefully
> and I'd be quite happy,
> that she's made for BBC.
You can share it if you like : )

>> No.19580242

post some of the best you have

>> No.19580251

Haha the funny internet frog is making the bleep bloop man album face

>> No.19580381

Literature is just a citations over citations over...
>wheres the source?
its citations all the way down
Same rule applies to literally every science. Everybody can pick up some long forgotten banner and wave, but only those who acts accordingly to vogue and conjungture, get lucky.

>> No.19580474

God damn it must suck to be an Asian male

>> No.19580480

This always happens, but the problem is if it ever becomes popular in the future it will always be able to be traced back to /lit/ first.

>> No.19580483

Sounds kino.

>> No.19580488

If you want an actual genius who embodies some of that 21st century mentality see Bowden.


>> No.19580503

I would actually read this if it stays true to the schizo 4chan shitpost spirit in some way

>> No.19580504

lol, good luck.

>niggers might be here.

>> No.19580507

conjuncture. unless you mean conjecture.

>> No.19581005

Look at all these retards wanting fame, all relevant authors started composing texts when they were still underage. The best you can achieve is to write a footnote book for some author of you chosings.

>> No.19581140

The I Am one? I wrote that

>> No.19581150

Seethe yt boi, Asian chads will be ruling your nation soon enough. Practice bowing now.

>> No.19581153

Also, be warned that the stylistic differences and ability to search most of them will be an instant reject. Also, poetry books don't give you any fame or $.

>> No.19581154

God knows all. Not a good idea

>> No.19581343

bold of you to assume any of the dogshit posted here is quality enough to be published kek

>> No.19581359

This is unreal

>> No.19581392


>> No.19581507

>>get two nearly identical poems from different collecting agents
The chance of two anons working up a scheme like OP's is passing small, I daresay. And the hypothetical publishing house for the unknown anon-OP would surely be a very small house, not a major publishing firm.

Conclusion: He just might get away with it, thus winning glory and the love of women.

>> No.19581562
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Why azn bois love BLACK men?!

>> No.19581884

>tfw homosexual sadomasochistic vore dogwhistles in all my poems
Congrats on becoming the new Swinburne, anon.

>> No.19581911

Yes, but what is the plot. You've given the setup and characters, but where is the plot? A novel isn't a novel without a plot.

>> No.19582002
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>the love of w*men.
please be bait

>> No.19582017

The only sucking Asian males do BWC

>> No.19583144

kino, shill it here on the future.

>> No.19583252

You don't really need a plot anymore

>> No.19583258

why don't you just post them in this thread

>> No.19583897

Because people will steal them

>> No.19583907

t. spearlake director

>> No.19583917

Please fucking write it anon

>> No.19585472

4chan is as normie as it gets

>> No.19586209

sounds kino but its all about execution. are you planning on referencing 4chan directly or is it just an unnamed imageboard

>> No.19586286

I'm Rick Harrison, son of Old Man.
My son Large Hoss acts as first mate.
I estimate prices, as best as I can.
What we acquire is a matter of fate

>> No.19586489

This is why I NEVER post in those threads. Almost everything on here is a data collection effort be that by glowing niggers or otherwise.

>> No.19586510

Are you that anon that kept posting the tarot poem writing prompt thing? I swear those threads were all a way for some 20 something to publish other peoples work as his own to a built in audience.

>> No.19587005
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You selected what were the best poems to you. If your taste is bad and those poems are no good, then you'll go nowhere. In a way, it's like the selection process itself is a work of art, so you'll know if you're a shit artist regardless.