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File: 409 KB, 1200x1556, Pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19576604 No.19576604 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the "must read" with Pound? Additionaly if you know some nice editions it would help a lot.

>> No.19576615

Honestly, his criticism, and then his poetry. Cantos until the end if you feel like it.

>> No.19576707

I haven't spent a ton of time with his poetry but I am of the same mind as the other anon. His criticism is very useful and very interesting. ABCs of Reading helped me better appreciate poetry and introduced me to a few poets who I might have skipped had I not read his book.

>> No.19576833

His shorter poems, especially the imagist stuff and the Anglo saxon translations. Cantos is largely awful, but has its moments

>> No.19577629

Personae (New Directions, 9780811211208) - you can find these pretty cheap in good shape
The Cantos Of Ezra Pound (New Directions, 9780811203500) - a little more expensive typically but you can search for it and get lucky

>> No.19578642

>His shorter poems
were practice for his magnum opus, The Cantos [ftfy]
>[but some of it is amateurish,] especially his imagist stuff and Anglo-Saxon translations [so you can skip them]
>Cantos is largely [based] ... [and] has its moments [of perfection]

>> No.19578867

Cathay is extremely good

>> No.19579797

This is not bad advice. Pound is eccentric with his prejudices and his judgments but he had an enthusiasm thats infectious.

As fro poetry, well thats harder.
I like some of the Persona, Lustra and whatever collection Δώρια (Doria) is in, but those are hard tor recommend. You may appreciate them if you know the poets he is emulating (martial and browning for the most part) but eve then, they are odd little pieces.

Hugh Selwyn Mauberley is probably what most people read before the Cantos.

>> No.19580171
File: 149 KB, 741x1121, Pound__Pound-Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for a few bucks recently, anyone read it?

>> No.19580231

Thirding his criticisms and prose essays. A Few Don'ts by an Imagiste makes for good rules of thumb

>> No.19580630

ABCs of Reading is a short book on poetry, and particularly about Pound's approach to it. It's a good read even if you don't agree with him entirely.
Read some of his shorter poems, from collections or from the original compilations. Personae has been recommended, but personally I liked Lustra and Umbra a lot.
Do not read the Cantos unless you're prepared. They are long (4–10 pages each), very different from Pound's other poetry. I am about halfway through the Cantos, and while there have been several I've quite enjoyed, many of them have been quite dull (I do not care much about what John Adams and Hamilton thought about loans and interest rates. Certainly not enough to want to read over a hundred pages of free verse poetry about it.)

>> No.19580677

I guess his early works

>> No.19580874
File: 307 KB, 1103x1600, vortograph pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Spirit of Romance
>Guide to Kulchur
>Literary Essays of Ezra Pound
>Selected Prose 1909-1956
>Confucius: The Unwobbling Pivot / The Great Digest / The Analects
These are to be read before The Cantos.
All from New Directions.

>> No.19582478



>> No.19583705

>Right wing guy friend with turbocuck

Why is this so common in history?

>> No.19584426
File: 20 KB, 260x410, 9781931082419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got pic related and it's a very nice edition, includes all the poetry except the Cantos.

>> No.19584637

How can I take advantage of the fact that I look like a young Ezra Pound?

>> No.19584644

Reading the Cantos right now. It's very good, but also very dense and requires (at least for me) reading parallel sources to explain all the allusions.

His disciple Eustace Mullins wrote about central banking, which I'm excited to dive into as well

>> No.19584685

cantos is quite a trip

>> No.19584791


>> No.19585850

You think the Chad and Virgin friend meme wasn't an IRL reference?

>> No.19586181

Prove it

>> No.19586245

I found his "ABCs of reading" very useful and very interesting. I must admit I've read little else of his, but it certainly was not what I was expecting - he was very generous in many ways, from his support of his peers to sort of pedagogical writing.

>> No.19586248

Not sure how I wrote this almost identically to the one below the OP lol

>> No.19586253

His Selected Essays published by Faber and Faber with an introduction by T.S. Eliot are a good starting point.

Parallel to that, find a copy of his Collected Shorter Poems and have a skim through.

>> No.19586255

Correcting this, the title is Literary Essays.

>> No.19586787

Guide to Kulchur, Selected Prose