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/lit/ - Literature

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19575009 No.19575009 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is it so hard to find decent credible nonfiction that isn't either made for seniors or toddlers? Is it illegal? Seriously am I breaking some law by learning without paying for college NFT information coins or whatever the fuck it is now??
i feel like all the reference books in my local libraries are same ones from the 90s, but we have every memoir from heroin addicted celebrities!!1 :o
help me someone please

>> No.19575015

why don't he want me man??

>> No.19575018

Well has much changed since 1990 that would require a book?

>> No.19575039
File: 206 KB, 920x757, 1560346788354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's HOW COME he don't want me, man.

I see the multidimensional leftist microchips have already begun to erase our memories of timeless early '90s sitcoms.

>> No.19575048

i would assume the discovery of at least 1000 new plant and aninal species, yes. Military history too. Lots more has been happening other than boomers writing their fucking fantasy essays for a living.

>> No.19575056

libraries near me are just creches for toddlers and computers for the unemployed, no one uses public libraries for books anymore. I worked in a couple on a rota fora few years years as local gov customer service and hardly ever saw anyone take any out. What they do have is just romance novels, YA fiction and like 4 books on any nonfiction topic except history that has 50 books all based on WW2

>> No.19575057

The first two change way too frequently to warrant being recorded in book form. We have online references that way more useful. I agree on history though, I feel simply keeping track of the years would make a good book in a few decades, but the issue is events seem to merge and fade out at such a rate that recording them becomes interesting

>> No.19575063

My state library is: aboriginals fighting on the bottom floor, a daycare and cafe on the second, Africans talking on their phone on the third floor and the archives on the fourth. My city library is a single floor with kids events always going on and a garbage library of books (mainly ya and cooking books)

>> No.19575077

>public library
>not pirating academic books and articles which cost literal hundreds otherwise
NGMI. nigga you have the chance to live in an age where 99% of human knowledge is available at your fingertips for FREE. get yourself an ereader if you haven't already.

>> No.19575081

K well I dont live in harlem thanks.
bullshit we deserve nonfiction at least every 5 or 10 years

you people are all neglectingnOP pic related too go look at any ebook store you cant get handbooks, nothing on any scientific expectation, best you can get is some boomers detailed vacation to some country youve never heard of

>> No.19575083

>stealing school supplies
nigger who? nigger YOU. im talking about reading for fun and im not some communist faggot i pay for things I like thanks.

>> No.19575084

Tfw want to become librarian

>> No.19575087

fucking phone keyboard *scientific experimentation

>> No.19575093
File: 879 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211215-071057_Amazon Shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit
all of these look like something some boomer shat out in there second year of retirement

>> No.19575096
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x2329, Screenshot_20211215-071323_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dean jobb
some harvard art teachers pet project

>> No.19575101
File: 579 KB, 1080x1680, Screenshot_20211215-071454_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scott anderson
thats the fucking author of lawrence in arabia

>> No.19575106

>carol anderson
lets see is she also some sort of credible researcher or travele- NOPE! Retired spinster!
Wow so fucking all three of the top nonfiction books on amazon are arguably fiction.
please ill post my address just come to my house and shoot me in the face i dont want to live in a world where facts and truth is held back as a paid commodity. im sick of fucking fairy fantasy tales i have work to do god damn it

>> No.19575111
File: 978 KB, 1080x2132, Screenshot_20211215-071657_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.19575119

Become a specialist librarian. Apparently the pay is good and you get to work with cool materials and not just books in a public library.

>> No.19575127

Yeah I'm leaning more toward archival work and all that, guess I'll have to do a master's

>> No.19575146
File: 108 KB, 590x777, 1587684685043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you complaining about? that contemporary pop-nonfiction isn't very good? or that no good non-fiction has been produce in the past 30 years? or that your local library does have good contemporary non-fiction?

>> No.19575150

It astonishes me that 5 years of education are required to be a librarian. I suppose I've never looked into what's required but I'm guessing database management is probably one of the units, maybe one on different materials, their breakdown reactions and different archival materials (IE PPE Vs PET and why not to use pvc)

>> No.19575161


>> No.19575169

*looks at author* holy jewish…

>> No.19575179

>anon you dont want to learn about construction or chemistry or medicine noo give me shekels so i can tell you about the big evil nazis like you

>> No.19575188
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1579536135724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuval's stuff isn't terrible and that is contemporary. Graeber's books as well. I've read some decent pop-history too. All of them are/were pretty popular. Kissinger's "world order" and "on china" both recent. If the want more substantive non-fiction, there are still modern-classics being being published in various fields by academic presses. As for your local library, i can't comment. But i don't think non-fiction is dying or even in a poor state.

>> No.19575199

Ok.. thanks I think. I think ironically it has something to do with the low cost of college now and all the students that just never pay tuition. I cant even get into my own fucking colleges library because i havent been there long enough. Can you even imagine something so ridiculous? its only accessible to students with a certain amount of credits and class hours. Thanks fucking /t/

>> No.19575209

Just use libgen and scihub

>> No.19575215

>he supports communist writers with money
Anon I merely apply their own system of ethics to them! Money is the root cause of all evil so that logically means that I should not pay them, to prevent the spread of evil. Besides, I have a great need and little ability to give, so they should be happy I'm downloading their book, they are giving from their own ability after all!

>> No.19575257


>> No.19575275

Do Americans use the term aboriginal? I thought it was Australia, Canada and Japan only

>> No.19575279

thats not how money works, neeto.

>> No.19576217

libgen also applies to ops complaints , its mostly fiction. researchgate would be better for op but ive heard its changed a lot since i used it years ago

>> No.19576329

The answer is libel laws desu. Nobody wants to write about someone living if it means they can be economically ruined.

>> No.19576502

You're looking for local libraries and amazon lists instead of academic writers, ffs what is this thread even. Humanities academics literally have to publish books to get jobs, other academics are dropping off the tenure chasing rat race and writing semi-popular books, expert non-academics experts are writing, more people travel now presumably than ever, etc.
If anything there's more than you could possibly read.

>> No.19576806

Just read academic books, go on, get on fucking libgen and download them, it's not that difficult, no one is telling you to read those shitty non fiction books, why do you even care, just read good books, who gives a fuck what the goodreads bestseller list says, just FUCKING think before you post, it is so painfully obvious that you haven't gone to university, come on, academic books aren't scary, yeah you thought working a "trade" would be more "based", but you can't muster up the courage to download .epubs from libgen, nice, really acquired that skill there. im going to eat some cream cheese now

>> No.19576938

can you even read the projection garble you just spat out? faggot

>> No.19576945

no im pretty sure its

>> No.19577103

just look up curated series e.g. penguin modern-, routledge-, and oxford world classics and go from there

get a kobo and pirate a bunch of shit and see what piques your interest. pretty sure the publishers i listed format their catalogs in epub too

just don't fall for the kindle meme

>> No.19577724

this shitty thread killed my one about alain de benoist

>> No.19577738

It's 90% grant writing, that's half the degree work.

>> No.19577991

What's wrong the Kindle?

>> No.19578008

Just read a textbook. Find a syllabus for a respectable university course on the thing you want to read about, download the textbook, and give it a shot. books is free now, just learn you some science or something