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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19574993 No.19574993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Hegel a fucking troll?

>> No.19575017

Remember when some guy submited gibberish to a humanities journal and it got published? Imagine if an author's whole work is just that and generations later thousands of pseuds get their doctor's degree on such author's "profound thinking" then his heirs publish his will revealing that he trolled everyone and academia (at least the humanities) is a fraud? That would be funny.

>> No.19575031

That is what I imagine whenever I read almost anything

>> No.19575164
File: 31 KB, 320x500, 41zDXn2EFhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely believe Hegel is a troll, his shit makes absolutely zero sens, its like a schizo sperge out

>> No.19575356

everyone is

>> No.19575365

No, if you work through any of his texts you will end up realizing that he is actually a very precise writer.
That said, the amount of erudition required to get to that point is immense. Hegel wasn't writing for functional illiterates and auto-didacts

>> No.19575370

Both the Sokal and the Sokal2 affairs published only on non-peer reviewed journals, you shouldn't give too much thought to them

>> No.19575412

The style of continental philosophy is very much a gatekeeping mechanism made to allow humanities scholars to function as a social elite in a world that is finding them less useful.

>> No.19575555

Not really, he seem to get lost into his own explanations and uses extremly long and convoluted arguments for simple concepts.
He's either a schizo or a troll

>> No.19575597

i think we should diffrentiate between humanitiespeople using insufferable jargon to say nothing and those who use insufferable jargon to say something. hegel is definitly amongst the later

>> No.19575616

I've studied very closely the Phenomenology and the Encyclopedia, and I'm in the process of closely studying the Science of Logic (I've just finished the doctrine of Being).
I won't tell you that what Hegel said is true (that's a whole other discussion), but I can tell you that his writing is intelligible: he is in fact saying something very precise, and the terminology he uses is well defined and used appropriately. I understand that before having understood the gist of his terminology his texts are downright I comprehensible, but, as someone who has already done it, I can assure you that with enough work his texts can be fully understood. Or to put it more bluntly, he is not writing random obscure words just to bamboozle the reader, he has actual ideas he's genuinely trying to convey.

Also as a general advice, if you're having trouble understanding his big books, read his lectures instead. They can be understood with fairly little background

>> No.19575625

>On May 19, 2017, peer-reviewed journal Cogent Social Sciences published "The conceptual penis as a social construct",[7] which argued that penises are not "male"; rather, they should be analyzed as social constructs instead
>During the initial peer review for its second, and ultimately successful, attempt at publication in Gender, Place & Culture, what the hoaxers called the "Dog Park" paper was praised by the first reviewer as "incredibly innovative, rich in analysis, and extremely well-written and organized".[10] Similar respectful feedback was provided for other accepted papers.

Tell me how I know you're a leftist.

>> No.19575646

Close, he is german

>> No.19575656

Nietzsche tried to warn us about the Germans.

>> No.19575663

Yeah, that's also called the Sokal2 Affair. Check, the journals they sent their papers to were all non-peer reviewed, including Hypatia, since it was in the process of changing their entire editing staff due to the Tuval scandal.
Basically, it's as relevant as those mock papers about midichlorians published by those p2p molecular biology journals

>> No.19575699

It was non-peer reviewed journals and the articles weren't gibberish, they were just offensive. Using dog training techniques to teach men not to rape, rephrasing (really almost to the point of being unrecognizable) Mein Kampf in PC language, etc.

They were still written by PhDs into coherent papers, and they tried to hide the ridiculousness of what they were proposing under obscurantism. It's not really what it seems to be from the headlines. Not to say trash doesn't get published, but this was hardly what you're saying it is.

How much Hegel have you actually read? Introduction to the Philosophy of History is quite straight forward.

The Logic has incredibly complex ideas, there isn't a way around it being hard to explain.

Really, the place this criticism best lands is on the Phenomenology. However, the Phenomenology is brimming with great ideas and had islands of coherence that are readily accessible. More than perhaps any other work of philosophy, it has an affective goal, its therapy. It's also not for everyone. It assumes deep familiarity with contemporary German Idealism, has a God awful style for long stretches, and isn't organized in a standard way. Part of this is Hegel's bad style, part of it is the style being particularly aggregious in PhS because he wrote it by hand at a furious pace and had to send it out right away.

>> No.19575731
File: 154 KB, 500x672, hegel-installed-from-above-by-the-powers-that-be-as-57215693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19575733


>> No.19575768

Daily reminder that Hegel was literally a political dissident, and that the Prussian State actively hired philosophers to discredit him as soon as he died. Schopenhauer, by being mostly apolitical (something he bragged about), was far more complacent to the Prussian monarchy than Hegel ever was

>> No.19575775

Hegel is still a rambling schizo tho

>> No.19575784

The issue with that whole shebang was that the only journals which published those papers were journals which were already not highly respected.