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19571966 No.19571966 [Reply] [Original]

>single-handedly destroys all copes
I can't do it anymore
I've run out

>> No.19572021

I've only found The last Messiah in English. Can you read any of his other works?

>> No.19572318

im learning norwegian for the sole purpose of reading zapffe

>> No.19572341

Translate him for the rest of us

>> No.19572351

lykke til, kis. men ikke glem at skriftspråket har forandret seg noe siden zappfe skrev

>> No.19572352

It must be a pretty bleak existence indeed without faith. It's not too late for you though, anon

>> No.19572446

I wish it was that easy

Reading Zapffe has robbed me of the illusion of faith. It has robbed me of the illusion of everything.

>> No.19572474

just climb some mountains bro

>> No.19572477

Yeah, this is the answer

It's how I'm coping for now

>> No.19572508

How do you know that Zapffe isn't another illusion? Did he know what happens after death?

>> No.19572515

>t. someone under an illusion

>> No.19572522
File: 16 KB, 674x695, 8AD4FDFE-57FA-4077-B999-50ABBE0B7EF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spare me

>> No.19572533

Well, you have a point.

Do you have a personal view for what happens after death?

>> No.19572538

Provide one (1) good argument against materialism. A söijak doesn't do it for me.

>> No.19572543

Do you think it’s like before you were born, like Zapffe? Because before you were born, you were then born

>> No.19572550

Start with the Greeks instead of nitpicking brainlet “philosophers” like Zapffe, Cioran, Ligotti like a total depressed high schooler

>> No.19572598

You didn't exist before you were born

>> No.19572604

Where to start with the Greeks?

>> No.19572666

I wish you were right

>> No.19572686

I've made plenty of threads about him with no replies.
Where can I buy it?

>> No.19573007

>Dude.. what if everything is... le bad!!!
Yawn. Start living.

>> No.19573025

Refuted on page 1.
Next cope in line, please.

>> No.19573036

I don't fear death so I'm immune to pessimism. I would not remove death from the world even if I had the power.

>> No.19574032

he is not a pessimist but a nihilist

>> No.19574040

'Start with the Greeks' is not an argument.

>> No.19574041

And then you did. Yet you still believe death is the end

>> No.19574042

Just read Zarathustra

>> No.19574044

You’re in high school. Wait two years and you’ll be laughing at your self

>> No.19574077

I was a tradcath in high school.

>> No.19574087

Good. One less competitor in the struggle for dominance.

>> No.19574100
File: 32 KB, 446x763, tumblr_d6f0aa89d057207290a378351040f34a_0b075b51_540 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now become a Dark Ecologist and climb mountains or climb the pillars of your university

>> No.19574107

Zapffe was an /out/ chad

>> No.19574113

Materialism doesn’t even make sense from a nihilistic standpoint. It’s a monist position based on rationalistic foundations that presuppose that (1) matter has being (2) matter can be essentialized and (3) matter isn’t an empty category. Just be a better nihilist and stop coping. Not responding btw

>> No.19574126
File: 49 KB, 750x591, tumblr_mkfvf99BX61qzlcoro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Zapffe was a materialist. His only concern was the malignancy of consciousness. He was agnostic about such things.

>Whatever happened? A breach in the very unity of life, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Life had overshot its target, blowing itself apart. A species had been armed too heavily – by spirit made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being. Its weapon was like a sword without hilt or plate, a two-edged blade cleaving everything; but he who is to wield it must grasp the blade and turn the one edge toward himself.

>> No.19574139

>waah waah waah life sucks and I’m sad :(((
Some truly profound stuff right here

>> No.19574159

Class 2 cope. Covered in the text. Next.

>> No.19574185

People around here don’t even understand the basic concept of negation. Lol !

If someone claims x as true, then Show him or her that x isn’t true.

Pessimism based on the idea that consciousness is bad. To refute this, you have to find evidence that shows consciousness isn’t bad.

>> No.19574188

have you ever had sex? it's good.

>> No.19574205

Have you ever try to stay lucid? It's hell.

>> No.19574662

What if I don't read it and I don't care?? What's Zapffe's refutation for this?

>> No.19574677


>By isolation I here mean a fully arbitrary dismissal from consciousness of all disturbing and destructive thought and feeling. (Engström: “One should not think, it is just confusing.”) A perfect and almost brutalising variant is found among certain physicians, who for self-protection will only see the technical aspect of their profession. It can also decay to pure hooliganism, as among petty thugs and medical students, where any sensitivity to the tragic side of life is eradicated by violent means (football played with cadaver heads, and so on.)

>In everyday interaction, isolation is manifested in a general code of mutual silence: primarily toward children, so these are not at once scared senseless by the life they have just begun, but retain their illusions until they can afford to lose them. In return, children are not to bother the adults with untimely reminders of sex, toilet, or death. Among adults there are the rules of ‘tact,’ the mechanism being openly displayed when a man who weeps on the street is removed with police assistance.

>> No.19574725

"Noooo, you're supposed to be paralysed when a child demonstrates a natural inquisitiveness for their age!!" (Oh no, baby needs to potty, there is not beauty in this world aaaaa). Bad shit happens. Not everyone cries about it. If Zapffe is so 'sensitive to the tragic' he's better off finding his kin instead of trying to rope others into his cope.

>> No.19574729

you're a child

>> No.19574748

Last chance. What is significant about the authors philosophy?

>> No.19574752

Just read the text

It's short but know that there's no going back

>> No.19574767

He was an antinatalist Nietzschean after all

>The fourth remedy against panic, sublimation, is a matter of transformation rather than repression. Through stylistic or artistic gifts can the very pain of living at times be converted into valuable experiences. Positive impulses engage the evil and put it to their own ends, fastening onto its pictorial, dramatic, heroic, lyric or even comic aspects.

>Unless the worst sting of suffering is blunted by other means, or denied control of the mind, such utilisation is unlikely, however. (Image: The mountaineer does not enjoy his view of the abyss while choking with vertigo; only when this feeling is more or less overcome does he enjoy it – anchored.) To write a tragedy, one must to some extent free oneself from – betray – the very feeling of tragedy and regard it from an outer, e.g. aesthetic, point of view. Here is, by the way, an opportunity for the wildest round-dancing through ever higher ironic levels, into a most embarrassing circulus vitiosus. Here one can chase one’s ego across numerous habitats, enjoying the capacity of the various layers of consciousness to dispel one another.

>The present essay is a typical attempt at sublimation. The author does not suffer, he is filling pages and is going to be published in a journal.

>The ‘martyrdom’ of lonely ladies also shows a kind of sublimation – they gain in significance thereby.

>Nevertheless, sublimation appears to be the rarest of the protective means mentioned here.

>> No.19574785

Was Zapffe a materialist?

>> No.19574803

You tell me

>Whatever happened? A breach in the very unity of life, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Life had overshot its target, blowing itself apart. A species had been armed too heavily – by spirit made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being. Its weapon was like a sword without hilt or plate, a two-edged blade cleaving everything; but he who is to wield it must grasp the blade and turn the one edge toward himself.

>Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker: Nature answers no more, it performed a miracle with man, but later did not know him. He has lost his right of residence in the universe, has eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and been expelled from Paradise. He is mighty in the near world, but curses his might as purchased with his harmony of soul, his innocence, his inner peace in life’s embrace.


>> No.19574822

I agree with the sentiment that humans consciously repress their consciousness of the tragic but I take issue with being anti-natalist as the solution even though I understand this is the only solution in Zapffe's framework. It is a position I do not think I could ever be convinced of. What if you live your life as if life hadn't overshot its target'? I suppose he would say this is impossible. That said, not trolling anymore, I am interested now. From my point of view, what will I gain from reading this?

>> No.19574835

Why are you unconvinced by antinatalism, anon?

>> No.19574839

>From my point of view, what will I gain from reading this?
To properly understand why you disagree with him. His essay is more nuanced than our interpenetration of it. That's totally fine if you don't agree with his antinatalist thesis but still you will get a lot insight into how humans function. Actually he gave people 4 excellent ways to cope with the burden of consciousness.

>> No.19574850

Because I enjoy life and love too many people and contributions made by other people despite life's flaws. I suppose these would be considered anchors.
>Actually he gave people 4 excellent ways to cope with the burden of consciousness
Nice. I'll add it to the list.

>> No.19574859

This doesn't answer my question

>> No.19575785


We should discuss Zapffe more

>> No.19575918

>Because I enjoy life and love too many people and contributions made by other people despite life's flaws.

Yes, Zapffe would dismiss this as absolute cope

>> No.19575942
File: 224 KB, 1000x666, 1621453181814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't get these!

>> No.19575951

>Lol !

>> No.19575981

Yes but he himself admitted that some copes are excellent like mountain climbing.

I don't get it. What's the deal with these?

>> No.19575989

>I don't get it. What's the deal with these?
The copes I keep in my closet are still hanging there and are not destroyed.

>> No.19575996

So you're a priest?

>> No.19575998

Of a sort. ;)

>> No.19576017

Bases blackpilled priest
Do you read Ecclesiastes and smoke cigarettes?

>> No.19576053

The end of me yes, I don't know what was before my birth, it holds no relation to me

>> No.19576077

>tfw danish so i have easy access to dialectal literature such as ''norwegian''

>> No.19576089
File: 122 KB, 339x438, Zhuangzi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you the only, and I mean *only*, thinker who refutes Zapffe.

>> No.19576090

Are planning to read Zapffe? Did wrote any essays about Deep Ecology?

>> No.19576098

He believed in a good God, that's a cope

>> No.19576107

are you retarded?

>> No.19576119

I have read a quote by him which was something like if the one who has sent here, he must have must chosen for me what is good.

>> No.19576123

provide a source

>> No.19576144

Why are Zapffefags so distinctly melodramatic on here? He is refuted by the most basic of skepticism.

>> No.19576161

"the Creator as a skilled smith". "Where could he send me that would not be all right?"

>> No.19576186

Our instincts are the greatest argument against skepticism. When we drop our pens and go there, eat food, have conversations etc. we go back to normal automatism. We take stairs rather than jumping out from the window.

>The skepticism which fails to contribute to the ruin of our health is merely an intellectual exercise.

Cioran, All Gall is Divided

>> No.19576193

>Dark Ecology
How do I get into it?

>> No.19576194

not even remotely the same as stating that a good god exists. stop coping and wuwei, faggot

>> No.19576197

>the fact that the proposed reality appears coherent means that it should be regarded as true
Logic of a child.

>> No.19576223

If you have read The Last Messiah and agree with then you're already one. Just scream the humans act as a virus to mother nature and we should stop reproducing for the sake or mother nature. There is no more radical take on ecology than this.

“– The life of the worlds is a roaring river, but Earth’s is a pond and a backwater.

– The sign of doom is written on your brows – how long will ye kick against the pin-pricks?

– But there is one conquest and one crown, one redemption and one solution.

– Know yourselves – be infertile and let the earth be silent after ye.”

Skilled smith means a rational creator you dumb cunt. Keep coping

Next time jump from the window rather than taking stairs and reply to some poster on /s4s/ for replying to me to break the dogma

>> No.19576240

>Skilled smith means a rational creator you dumb cunt. Keep coping
Read the passage. Skilled smith is used as a metaphor for the unfailing completion of all that happens in reality, conceptualized as an unseen force. 'All right' is not a positing of a 'good' God, but an acceptance of fate.

>> No.19576242

I think coping is ok

>> No.19576246

>Next time jump from the window rather than taking stairs and reply to some poster on /s4s/ for replying to me to break the dogma
consciously or unconsciously failing to address the point of my post must be very close to an examplar of the behaviour of a coper
god you zapffeswine are insufferably conceited

>> No.19576249

Retarded western take. Fuck off, Toaists have like billion of deities and occult orders.

>> No.19576271

>Inner Chapters = occult Daoism
Even if you had read Zhuangzi and understood how he synoymizes and in innumerable ways attempts to de-reify the Dao, this would be a risible claim. Read some more.

>> No.19576292

Nice intellectual exercise there you have it bro.

I forgot his name but there was one skeptic for which Cioran wrote that he use to keeping talking to the person sitting next to him even if the person sitting next to him has left long ago

Just admit that you're a western copelord. I not sure but i think Frater said that Zhuangzi also wrote other works with supernatural shit which has never been translated into Europeans languages due to western biased behavior.

>> No.19576295

>learning a language to read hundreds of pages that could be summed up in a short essay
I do not dislike zapffe but learning a language specifically to be able to read someone like him is beyond retarded. but something tells me that this is a larp so whatever

>act as a virus to mother nature we should stop reproducing for the sake or mother nature
what is the mother nature and why should we do anything for her

>> No.19576308

>duuh, y-you're coping!
>proceeds to cite a fucking tripfag, while not even being sure of what he said
Alright, nothing to see in this thread. Dime a dozen. This is what happened to this board after the twitterfag invasion.

>> No.19576312
File: 48 KB, 627x632, tumblr_0ac6e39033fda38ea91a57e78b5908bf_0d005721_640 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the mother nature
Where Zapffe use to chill out. Pessimists like Ligotti say that we should blow up this planet from out space no other life could pop up from this shithole. He hates nature but Zapffe had a soft spot for it I think.

>> No.19576316

>Nice intellectual exercise there you have it bro.
not an argument
try again when you become 18

>> No.19576323

quantum mechanics, for starters

>> No.19576326

Also, you should at least try to have an out of body experience and judge what happens yourself, before you sign up for materialism. There are many people that have reported it, and it can be induced

>> No.19576331

Kek, he fucking explicitly mentioned the fucking Creator and you're saying that it is just a metaphor?
Also Frater once mentioned in a thread that he had learned Taoist masters so I would assume he knows quiet a lot about this subject and he also backs up his claims with sources.

>> No.19576332

Have you seen how little capability he has for arguing? He just wants a thread where he can suck off other pessimistanons under the guise of intellectual superiority. His immature deflections of arguments are, funnily enough, material evidence of his own comfortable coping.

>> No.19576341

>out of body experience
I'm sure materialism has some explanations for them

>> No.19576343

Come back when you will take stairs rather than jumping out from a window...oh you're already here because you have been taking stairs.

>> No.19576352

>la natura is where zapffe used to chilled out
what the fuck does it mean? does earth equal nature? or only the parts not inhabited by man? flora and fauna only? then how are nature and man seperate? if they're not, how is it possible for man to act against nature? and why would it be bad? who's to decide?
until you answer these questions it's all poetic preachery based on exactly nothing

>> No.19576359

>Kek, he fucking explicitly mentioned the fucking Creator and you're saying that it is just a metaphor?
See >>19576271
It is a central semantic and philosophical theme of the Inner Chapters that language is severely restrictive, forcing the almost rotational use of synonyms to avoid reification, as stated. I'm convinced that you have not read him.

Have fun with your insincere thread.

>> No.19576365

Please explain what you mean by this

I have been hung up on Zapffe for over a year. I see everything through his lense now

>> No.19576371

prove it

>> No.19576386

Bruh, I am not a deep ecologist and I don't care about nature. And your question are complex. Nature and man are separate in the sense that we could self reflect but nature can. It feels pains but it can't self reflect on it so there is no separation of beings, separation comes with self reflection.

>> No.19576400

This just sounds like he should've picked up stoicism, and like someone who doesn't meditate and is unable to let go of their destructive thoughts, instead wallowing in them. You really create your own world in that way.
There is nothing that has to affect you ultimately; even whatever "terrible" view of consciousness he has, does ultimately not need to affect. You simply PRESUME it has to, and react based on that, rather than there being an actual requirement for any reaction. You are not an unwilling participant in whatever emotion comes your way; you can decide upon them and sort of slip underneath the ones that don't serve you. This sort of "and that's TERRIBLE", emotion-ladden view is very feminine and immature.

Read Seneca and Aurelius, and meditate.


>> No.19576402

I feel like Zapffe is a good example of Max Weber's iron cage of rationality. He's so rational that he argues himself out of the value and meaning of anything in life and he thinks this proves that life in fact is meaningless or valueless when it in reality just means that he is possessed by a demon called reason and he hates intuition, emotion and belief.

In short, Zapffe is the logical conclusion to the project of modernity, a self-defeating anti-natalist rationalism that only ends in nihilism and death.

>> No.19576415

Have it yourself, SEE YOURSELF, materialism doesn't even have explanations for quantum mechanics.

>> No.19576422

it is good that these people aren't having children, for one, they don't have the emotional strength

>> No.19576429

Wow great materialist thinkers you got there lmfao

>> No.19576439

Finally a ZapffeChad thread receiving the attention it's deserving of

Stoicism is a cope, read the four mechanisms against panic

Yes, all civilizations begin with a childish religious delusion and end in cold scientific materialism

>> No.19576441

Neither do you but you try to do it anyway for selfish gain.

>> No.19576449

Cioran and Ligotti aren't even materialists, as far as I know

I don't know about Zapffe

>> No.19576455

>Yes, all civilizations begin with a childish religious delusion and end in cold scientific materialism

But scientific materialism doesn't preclude values, most scientific materialists are secular humanists, which is a perfectly coherent value system, someone like Zapffe just thinks that their axioms suck because he himself doesn't believe in them.

And why would he? He doesn't believe in anything. Even if you could definitively show that the universe had value, or that there was a God, or that nature gave us rights, he wouldn't believe it anyway.

>> No.19576470

>Have it yourself, SEE YOURSELF
for what purpose?

>> No.19576503


No you don't. Stop being an emotional baby, and worshipping another emotional baby.

You do not know me.

>> No.19576532

Zapffe >>19576503
>and worshipping another emotional baby.
For fuck sake, Zapffe was a fucking chad. He married two times, was a successful writer in his country, was a mountain climber, early deep ecologist, he died at 90 and Norway honored him by naming a mountain after his name.

>> No.19576534

>most scientific materialists are secular humanists, which is a perfectly coherent value system


>> No.19576536

I see you do not want to escape your self-destructive worldview at all, this is unsurprising, the brain is good at following patterns, bad at breaking them. Whether you're a miserable Zapffe or a content stoic is really up to your own making, you built your own world

>> No.19576540

Read the rest of the post retard.

>> No.19576548

answer the question

>> No.19576564

Whether someone is a "chad" or not is irrevelant here, he sounds like an emotional baby in this writing you're sharing. If you cannot separate cause from emotional effect, you are barely an adult, no matter how logical and fancy you are

>> No.19576571

So you can know and judge yourself, instead of having it filtered through other people with their own agendas and biases. You cannot know how something like it will actually change your view prior to the fact

>> No.19576586

What emotional baby? Emperor was also weary of world and addicted to opium but I wouldn't call him a bitch boy of a junkie like an ignorant cunt.

Also you should read this essay it's pretty short


>> No.19576605

you stop being a faggot

>> No.19576654

Indeed he wasn't. In many essays he exposes a view close to transcendental realism. he believed the human mind to be limited in perception and understanding.

>> No.19576698

>transcendental realism
Like Philipp Mainländer and Julius Bahnsen?
Are you from Norway? If yes what else he wrote about? What were his philosophical influences? Any interesting facts if his life?

>> No.19576699

I get confused when people start spamming the word 'cope'. If 'coping' means something like 'dealing with a problem' then what is the alternative? Not coping? Not dealing with the problem?

>> No.19576704
File: 87 KB, 742x434, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also know why he took it?
To begin with, you're looking for excuses; nothing you've said has actually attacked my arguments that demanding and expecting something to have this terrible emotional reaction is childish. Children are completely unable to separate themselves from emotion. I have learned how to not let an emotion touch me if I do not want it to touch me, the terribleness is a presumption from the start.

There is nothing that has to force an emotional reaction out of you, you can be an entirely still surface of water, no matter what happens.
Learn to meditate, recognize any feeling as a signal of only as much importance as you give it, rather than a terrible truth. I found it surprisingly easier to do, and it has made me much more content, though I'm still learning.

I have read it; and again, there is nothing in itself that must have an impact on you, you decide, whether you do so consciously or unconsciously. I have a father much like that guy, constantly wallowing, things that barely affect me get him into a rage. Emotions are like living creatures, give them attention as food and they'll become stronger, you'll become more emotional, the next happening will affect you even more because you gave so much attention to the previous; it's all shapable by the conscious and through attention; for not doing that and instead being in this misery, he is childish. Starve it, and it will quiet; it's really relative to you the observer

>> No.19576718

>retard buzzworders cannot into basic english
what did you expect?

>> No.19576722

Not him but imagine is a similar argument to experiencing colors for the first time. You can explain what color is perfectly through materialism but if doesn't compare to experiencing

>> No.19576729

better phrasing than mine >>19576571

>> No.19576732

>emotional reaction
>nothing could affect me me me
>have a father much like that guy
You have some deep rooted insecurities. But I am not here convince you to become a pessimist. Now I know that you're projecting your father onto Zapffe. I am also very cold in real life because unfortunately we live in a cynical age. But I don't like. That's I have been planning to run away and become an ascetic.

>> No.19576810

Sorry to tell you, but my father doesn't affect me very much. Pathologizing your opponent is also a poor debate tactic. I was simply making a case that even when similar situations hit us, the reactions can be entirely different, because I don't feed the outrage animal.

You on the other hand are a great example for people creating their own world; you're unable to refute me on any of my points, cannot even muster a view on this of your own; you simply somehow presume Zapffe's assumptions to be absolute and necessary of emotional impact. This is not adult thinking. You'll be living in a world of misery chosen by your id, like a child.

> I am also very cold in real life
You really don't get it, do you? It's not about "being cold" or even "ignoring emotion", it is to evaluate emotion on your own terms, acknowledge it and let it slip past you without touching you if it doesn't serve you. That is adult thinking; most people are children unfortunately.

Please, at least try to meditate. Focus on the very moment an emotion begins, and actually look at it unlike a child does. Observe how negligible its effect is just by doing that. Emotions are not absolute, they are relative to you and I; the terribleness is a presumption.

>> No.19576842
File: 9 KB, 249x244, 1633990783472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single Sublimation Class Cope in here.
Just Types 1 - 3. Sad!

>> No.19576848

This presumes that emotions are absolute, I've highlighted how they are not. My arguments go deeper than your defenses, as I'm talking about the relativity of emotion. Your (or rather Zapffe's) defenses only work if you presume emotions to be absolute. You seem to suffer from 8th grader syndrome

>> No.19576858

Rule of Copes: For every lesser cope there is always a bigger cope. There is no such thing as not coping. Everybody copes. Lifting is a cope. Sex is a cope. Working is a cope. Writing about coping is a cope as well. Zapfee was coping too. There is no escape.

>> No.19576867

People will only ever get it if they want to get it.

>> No.19576869


>> No.19576879

I'm just amazed at how, even when presented with simple, logical arguments, that a person cannot refute, simply not wanting to accept them makes them not accept them. We really create our own world.

>> No.19576897

If you think life is meaningful then how i could convince you otherwise? I cant the best I can say is that you have looked into the abyss and decided that wallowing in life doesn't worth it so some distance for it is enough because if you get attached to it you will face deception everyday which is ironically what pessimists say.

A child is the height if human spirit, a force of creation and art, without child's spirit we better be dead, life is already fucked and you're taking out the soul of world which makes life sometimes worthwhile. Your Mr. Grown Up™ indifference is way more antilife than me as a pessimist. I secretly crave this indifference because it is cold and dead.

>> No.19576944

Tell us more, wise anon

>> No.19576967

What would that look like?

Posting my masterwork on a Mongolian basket creation forum? No thank you

>> No.19576977

Oh how I dream of being picked apart by crows.

>> No.19576989

I intuited the same conclusion as Zapffe as a teenager.

You realize it and learn to endure the truth or run back to the comfort of coping.

>> No.19576990
File: 140 KB, 368x368, 1633989144001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bravo Class Cope here
>take pictures of small businesses that I like and give them publicity on Google Reviews, then let them know and am happy to see their overjoyed faces
>Delta Class Cope:
>cooking a fantastic meal for your grandmother with dementia that is so good that it pulls her back to reality

none of these are working, bros. do... do I do Gamma?

>> No.19576993

You still don't get it. Emotion is relative. There are so-called grown people that are sad for weeks because a collectible broke. I've met a woman who called the police because the cab driver couldn't give her exchange money in form of bills, and only had it in coins for her. He was holding out the money to her, and she was constantly cursing and then she went and called the police over that. Is that "valid" to you? Is that an example of "being in life"? If you view emotions as absolute, it should be, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

Again, emotions are like animals. That woman fed her outrage emotions for years to get to that point where she would be so outraged by something so minor as to involve the police. They got stronger and stronger, taking more and more of her energy and mind, until they became all-consuming. It is possible to face depression over absolutely anything, no matter how small. It is possible to be absolutely destroyed at the most ridiculous occurence. I am simply chosing that I do not feed emotions like that.

> child is the height if human spirit, a force of creation and art, without child's spirit we better be dead

Now you're romanticizing children. Things like "force of creation and art" have nothing to do with what we're talking about, and as a stoic, you can keep these alive by feeding them and not other things demanding your energy. Children are also comfortable lying, and get upset and angry at the smallest things, perhaps not to the extent of that woman, but you know it's true.

I'm not "taking out the soul", do you even read what I write? I'm simply saying that every man and woman, but particularly man, should have the ability not to feed an emotion with his attention. With that ability perfected, you can be at peace in any circumstance.

I am not talking about indifference either, you can still c h o s e to engage with grief, for instance, but it doesn't h a v e t o dominate you.

There is little more pro-life than being a master over yourself, rather than a plastic bag in the wind.

You can let go of the queasy feeling you get at having to adopt a different worldview after having invested so much time and emotion into it, too.

Read the book "Growth Mindset", too, it's pretty essential.

>> No.19576995

basing your worldview around personal experience is kinda retarded tho plus obviously does not prove materialism "incorrect"

>> No.19577035

This anon is selling me on stoicism, to be honest

Doesn't sound like a bad philosophy to practice

>> No.19577049

You'll grow out of it in a year.

>> No.19577061

It's also not as cringe and gay as the pessimist seething being posted here

Even though I agree with the premise

>> No.19577066

I'm sure your pessimism is more enduring

>> No.19577070

That woman is based, who cares? I am one being like the 100 billion who came before me. All is in flux.

>> No.19577102

Indifference comes and goes like a woman, the underlying pessimism remains faithful like an iron dog.

>> No.19577120

Says the pessimist. The stoic can simply not feed this negativity and will therefore make it.

>> No.19577126

How do I meditate?

>> No.19577133


You're getting BTFO by StoicChad


>> No.19577137

That already presumes that there cannot be a single personal experience that so clearly stands atop everything else as to be life-altering, such as the hyper-reality of an out of body experience.

>> No.19577166

>will therefore make it.
What? His immortality project? Yeah we know he need copes to live.

>> No.19577183

it doesn't matter if it does or doesn't what matters if it shows the correct path

>> No.19577208

I don't know to what extent he engaged in such epistemological questions as did Mainländer and Bahnsen, but their views seem to match. And no, I am not from Norway. He seems to express a view on reality and materiality close to the transcendental realists, there is, the world we see is an interpretation of our modes of perception and we are limited to it; so he wasn't a materialist per se.

>> No.19577216

I got this from a little allegory he wrote in one of the translated essays we have on the internet. Not sure which one it is but should be easy to find.

>> No.19577227

It's about awareness. Start by breathing into the stomach (which is much healthier anyway, you'll get used to doing that pretty quickly), notice when a breath starts and ends, then pay attention to your insides and physical impressions, such as where you're sitting on and what noise is happening around you, but do not consciously engage with them, simply notice them and then let them go again. Then be aware of where and when thoughts, emotions and so on bubble up in the center of your forehead, particularly focus on the location, and time range: where it stops and ends. Whenever you begin to notice something like that, simply let it slip past you. The goal of this is to learn that you, the real you, can be deeper than any thought, emotion or outside influence, and is not necessarily defined by them. It can take a few tries to get a hang of it, but when you do, you'll see rapid improvement. Whenever you find yourself caught in a thought, do not chastise yourself over it or get mad with yourself, becoming aware of this is already improvement. Simply let it go again. This is not about controlling them or ignoring them, but about letting them go.

Do this after waking up and going to bed, and whenever you can throughout the day, and it will surely transform you and actually give you peace of mind while everyone else is outraged. Guided meditations can also help in the beginning, search for them on youtube.

It is important to be consistent, as with all things. Often times, when people's lives do improve with this, they stop meditating and it gets worse again. Be patient; and think about the you/emotion distinction throughout the day.

>> No.19577238

The stoic will make it to become content with his life and death.

>> No.19577247

I have yet to see that person without any copes.

>> No.19577260

You are currently coping about the fact that you've lost the argument. "Cope" is a vague memeword to begin with, if I can be content with my life and death, what else could I possibly want?

>> No.19577267

It's me

>> No.19577271

It shows something, I can't really offer much more beyond that, I'm still undecided on this whole existence thing myself. You should look into quantum mechanics too

>> No.19577272

You have to paralyzed by the idea of death. If you aren't, you're deluded or suppressing it

>> No.19577281

>you HAVE to! I demand that you feel emotion and paralysis just as much as meeeeeeee


>> No.19577288
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>waking off on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is being content with life and death
Distraction is a great cope

>> No.19577297

i have used 10 seconds to write this post and reply to you.

the rest of my day is dedicated to dry fasting, with total sensory deprivation aside from smell, meditating in a closet with elderberry incense.
i am beyond you and everyone else on this board

>> No.19577301

Okay faggot.

>> No.19577305

tfw writing my masterful essay and /lit/ will never see it
haha losers if you saw it you'd kill yourself out of despair

>> No.19577307

And I am the real incarnation of Buddha. Stop wanking faggot.

>> No.19577312

You presume this site is a monolith, it's not. I also never said that I'm as far on that journey as to accept dying tomorrow, if it came down to it, but I'm leagues ahead of where I was a year ago, the thought of possible nonexistence used to paralyze me indeed, it does no longer. What's stopping you from accepting the argument? It's very tiresome debating with people that are emotionally attached to a position this degree

>> No.19577315

it was a joke dude
that's my cope. i'm a jester.

>> No.19577349

nicely said

>> No.19577364

What is an "iron dog"? Is there a bronze dog? Is there a steel-type dog? Is there a tier list for dogs that I don't know about? How is an iron dog made? Are they forged with a dog-mold by a blacksmith? Does the iron dog realize that it's nothing but atoms and that all emotions are fleeting chemical reactions?

This is my impression of a redditor reading your post by the way. Sorry.

>> No.19577396

just adding this for the guy that asked how to meditate, as I have to leave. Godspeed to you anon >>19577126

(also, read Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. It's very fundamental for any significant change you're wanting to make)

>> No.19577431
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>> No.19577441

Let me guess. He's employing the old pessimist cope.

>> No.19577458

How is pessimism a cope, anon? Pessimism is the anti-cope

Nice cope you have there

>> No.19577485

true, but in small doses.

>> No.19577606
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The cope of pessimists is to go "At least I accept reality and I'm so rational" even when it's not true

>> No.19577628


>> No.19577675

What is reality, anon?

Are you free from coping, wise one?

>> No.19577721


>> No.19577806

There's no recovering after reading this text

Warning for anons

>> No.19577896

there is, read the thread

>> No.19577905

idk, give it a shot though

Never said I was free of coping, but that's a useless word anyways

>> No.19578286

Is coping cope?

>> No.19578301

>but that's a useless word anyways

>> No.19578418


>> No.19578490


>> No.19578564


So this is the endgame of philosophy, huh?

>> No.19578568


>> No.19578573

Anon, read Nietzsche. I was like you before reading Nietzsche.

>> No.19578583

zappfe refuted him read tlm

>> No.19578585

Zepffe was an antinatalist Nietzschean see >>19574767

>> No.19578658

How does Zapffe refute Nietzsche in The Last Messiah?

>> No.19578663

What made Zapffe a Nietzschean?

Zapffe is incredibly life-denying

>> No.19578669

I just read through the thread. Point me toward what you consider a solution proposed here?

>> No.19578682

He justified living for aesthetics

>> No.19578821


>> No.19579183

I can respect an aesthetic cope.

>> No.19580273

Yes living face to face with the abyss and shitting out artwork

>> No.19580434
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>Dark Ecology
nah I only do dark academia

>> No.19580733

It's been a while since I've read the piece, but iirc you could make argument for living for aesthetics being any of his four ways of avoiding existential panic right?

>> No.19580743

why is it so trendy here to equate nihilism with materialism? you can be nihilistic no matter what your metaphysical outlook. Christian nihilism even seems possible, how else to explain all the monks with acedia?

>> No.19580792

Yes, but first 3 copes are for cowards plebs. Living face to face with despair converting it into artwork is rarest and meant for the few.

>> No.19580819

It is. You're just too filtered to realize it.

>> No.19581119

Where do I start with the Greeks?

>> No.19581230

Well, if consciousness is separate from the brain there's hope for God, afterlife, etc

It would be dumb to believe in an immaterial source and still be a nihilist

>> No.19581325

>It would be dumb to believe in an immaterial source and still be a nihilist
I don't know what nihilism is but Schopenhauer was a radical idealist and a pessimist. Philosophers like Mainländer, Bahnsen and Michelstaedter created way more radical pessimistic systems and yet none if them were materialists. Right noe the most popular book on Pessimism is the Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Ligotti and even he isn't a materialist.

>> No.19581496

Sublimation is a generative act unlike the rest. Instead of assuaging it with hope and lies or plugging your ears and running, you dive into it and transform an infinite creative source into a material precipitant. Generating beauty may be a futile scream into the void, but aesthetic appreciation is one of the few 'realities' that serve as a palliative to the pain of consciousness. I'd argue others absorb it as a cope and mistake it for the thing itself. Bach and the basilica are massive aesthetic copes for their own sake and attributing any other meaning to to the appreciation of them is a cope.

>> No.19581524

as this anon >>19581325
has just said, there isn't really a connection. and why do you think the possibility of god or an afterlife solves anything? that is a built in assumption everyone seems to have, but no one ever really plays that logic out. if you felt like a video game was shit and pointless, would it suddenly be redeemed if you knew it was created by someone that had particular intentions in mind and that you were forced to play it forever, whether you like it or not? quite the contrary, the possibility of god or an afterlife would make things far MORE horrifying for someone that is pessimistic or even just inclined apathetic towards existence. In the same way that nietzsche's eternal recurrence is not a hopeful, comforting thought for those that feel emptiness about existence, it is supposed to "scare them straight" instead.

>> No.19581615

There's also the fundamental misunderstanding of what constitutes a non-Materialist view of consciousness. One can classify it as emergent and apply a pseudo-buddhist definition of what is and isn't consciousness itself for convenience as those are the only assholes who have done any phenomenological introspective research worth a fuck, and still reach the same conclusions because the scope and nature of consciousness and what of it is independent of the material isn't an immediate because God, QED.

>> No.19581642
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See this

>> No.19581667
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>You are le coping!!!!11!
>No, you are le coping!!!!1!111!
Great thread

>> No.19581684

>has just said, there isn't really a connection. and why do you think the possibility of god or an afterlife solves anything?

People like to boast about that belief in God gives you meaning. But ironically that "meaning" is pretty much useless for material world because what is there for believer to do in this world rather than further solidifying his personal relationship with God and worshipping him? Why should he care about anything? Why should he clings on to the matters of this fallen world? He has filled his void with God, if he is still looking for other places to find meaning for filling the void then he should reevaluate his faith.

>> No.19581835

Christ, I am throwing 'cope' in with the word 'LARP' as another word that has lost all meaning.

>> No.19581847

If that is how you choose to cope, so be it. You'll be back, they always come back.

>> No.19581906


>> No.19581940

Zapffe ended all possibility of coping sincerely

Read the thread

>> No.19581956

I can't, I can only make art for that is all that is left to do.

>> No.19582032

>I am simply choosing that I do not feed emotions like that
Stoicists are huge copers. You don't have free will, and you don't choose your emotions. Kill yourself.

>> No.19582383

seems like you are just building another cope within the cope by assigning the cope a ranking. why does it matter if it is "for the few" and not for the plebs. It is still a cope.

to my mind the only way out of coping is radical awareness and acceptance in the style of sisyphus. but it would also require you to be at least a little bit insane to actually live out your life like that. how do you go to work and shovel the snow out of your driveway like that? I don't think camus ever really gave a compelling argument.

>> No.19582392

Great, another one that hasn't done an ounce of meditation, and can't make an argument to save his life. Why are you even bringing up free will? As for your baseless assumption that we're helpless in the face of the emotions that come our way, that is far from observable reality. If you can't do it, that's unsurprising; you sound miserable, but don't presume others can't. Try meditating a bit at least.

>> No.19582397

Zapffe works under the false premise that emotions are absolute, not relative. We've been over this extensively, stop coping that you lost the debate.

>> No.19582426

You're mistaking me for another anon.

Care to explain?

>> No.19582460

>acceptance in the style of sisyphus.
This isn't possible. Within existence when we're dealing with day to day petty bullshit we can't escape the hoax of hope and only remaining option is cope.

>> No.19582547

Ok, my bad. Here's some context:



>> No.19582555

Really, it's mostly the second comment, the first one is kind of a abrupt

>> No.19582602

I see, appreciate it

Yeah, Zapffe is a great stylist but not everyone feels in conflict with their nature. Better to accept this rather than cry and scream buzzwords

>> No.19582647

>rather than cry and scream buzzwords
Who you're quoting? The guy you're replying to is so retarded(which is contrary to what he is projecting) that he is keeping an eye on the thread for than 24 hours to "refute" anonymous fags in response to his wannabe tuff guy comment that he posted on the Mongolian cartoon forum. If he can't ignore it or let go of stupid bullshit like this thread then you can judge how longer or honestly one can hold on to this larp.

>> No.19582701

I'm quoting most people on the board that use "cope" as an insult. The word doesn't even have meaning.

I also don't understand why Zapffe is treated like some guru that figured everything out and that his ideas shouldn't be challenged.

>> No.19582729
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>no u cope

>no uuuuuuu copeeeeee

>lol cope



So is this the end stage of human communication?

>> No.19582734

Then you don't understand the discourse of /lit/. If this shit makes you seethe then just ignore it.

Regarding Zapffe is that just say "Who cares, kek?" And there, you can refute anything with this phrase.

>> No.19582788

I hang out here a lot, anon.

I know the discourse but I'm still going to seethe over it. I'm going to get arrested if I read "cope" again. No quality discussion on this board

>> No.19582795


>> No.19582873

This Anon Gets It.

>> No.19582893

Does meditation really help?

>> No.19582923
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>> No.19582926


>> No.19582989

Well, I have nothing to lose

>> No.19583050

Why is Zapffe often compared to Wagner?

>> No.19583060

OP here. I made out with a cute girl at a concert yesterday.

I think Zapffe is full of it, now.

>> No.19583076

That's what's up, OP

What band?

>> No.19583117

What about Ligma cope

>> No.19583456


>> No.19583706
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How does one live with this knowledge?

>> No.19583949


>> No.19583978

I read this yesterday because of (I'm assuming your) thread about it. He seems to be saying that the mere knowledge of our own selves and of others as creatures who suffer and die is enough to make our reality a horror but I don't think it is really. It makes it partly darkened, sure, but it doesn't make the entire thing awful. It's really a personal matter how you experience this. He cites all these things people do to escape the horror but they could equally be doing those things simply out of a positive desire to do them, not because they are escaping anything. You could even view those activities as a simple extension and elaboration of the inherent joy of living.

>> No.19584808

You aren't wrong

There's two sides

>> No.19584853

Pessimism does open up another side of things that is closed, and you almost enjoy despair on top of it.

>> No.19584869

Yeah, I get pleasure from living life on hard mode

>> No.19584887

No like the reddit and marty nothing matters, let's go watch some TV feeling. Without purpose, you are free. Radical freedom is too much for some but a blessing to others.

>> No.19584893

That's nihilism, not pessimism

>> No.19584953

The greeks fucking hated Nike

>> No.19585454

Not quite, they aren't yet making monke noises. As far as they use actual words there is a touch of Logos present, however slight.
Though a less recent cuck-a-doodling made me worried that Americans were actually devolving back into cannibalistic savages in animal skins.

>> No.19585698

What you're talking about is nihilism not philosophical pessimism.

Whenever I interact with someone the image of their corpse filled with worms come into my mind, the very dust which I walk I imagine of someone who was a breathing animal just like(107 billion people lived on earth before us), when I watch TV I get goosebumps when I listen to the words of these barbarians filled with utter certainty they're somebody important/eternal and the audacity to differentiate between "reality" and acting in a "drama" like we aren't actors in this stage of universe, I laugh at these walking noisy corpses on street always walking in hurry from somewhere to somewhere because they are afraid of their own being who can't sit in silence or otherwise they would blow their brains out from boredom, whenever I hear someone boasting about their accomplishments they images of all forgotten civilizations come into my mind like how some nameless member of Thule or Heavenly Kingdom who once must have made plans just like us, I am the sole observer of the comedy of my own failings despite knowing the futility the nonhuman in me keep generating endless desires, when I hear someone boasting about their "motherland" I contemplate how before my birth it all felt like an instant to me in that instant countless animals, tress, humans, civilizations came and went yet it all felt like instant why does the sky doesn't fall own shoulder when utter such nonsense?, these do good post-christian messiahs always talk about changing the world for good yet what they don't realize that every war and rebellion in the history humanity was for the "good" and how they littered the street with blood for the "good" of humanity, I contemplate the raw slaughter of billion of years within animal kingdom, countless extinct species and countless planetary disasters when they boast of saving the brutal whore called mother nature etc.

These are few things I think about whenever i try to distract myself when something in speaks that this denial, this is illusion come back and suffer and contemplate vanity that is authenticity of the being. Pessimism deny you the illusions and open you up to the total lucid nightmare of consciousness. The nihilist bullshit of "who cares lol" doesn't work here.

>> No.19585739


You are glorifying your feeling here. Appeal to emotion fallacy.

Thus your conclusion is invalid irrelevant.

You can’t distinguish the diferrence between das sein and das sollen.

Fuck off and stop being edgy to get emotional validation from other anon here.

>> No.19585747

good post anon

>> No.19585790

>emotional validation
Huh? Have you ever tried to remind people of such dark aspects of life from which their eyes are always shut against? You will be alienated or mocked within seconds. Even if they do listen to you for few minutes afterwards there will be a taste of underlying bitterness. Tell them to meditate on death for a without any distraction and they will loose their fucking brains.

>> No.19585993




>> No.19586006

No I pretty clearly described it as reality being bad, not meaningless.

>> No.19586071
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Well that's the paradox if the illusion has been denied to you, you will not go back even if you know how easily you could use ways to escape. Your only option is to seek refuge within same ruins. Most pessimists start with the axiom that to not have been born is the best so there is no "radical freedom", within existence where your very body is your personal torturer, you're a prisoner. Pessimist says death is the only escape. Then comes the question of suicide but what is the answer to pic related? Another contradiction.

>> No.19586193

So egoism but with depression instead of snark.

>> No.19586514

Egoism is one aspect of it. And no this isn't depression. In depression you're too tired to give a shit about anything.

>> No.19586630

It's unfortunate that I ever found this text and read it. After you internalize the argument, everything is ruined. You see right through every cope. What can I read that will at least give me strength to endure this?

>> No.19586779

4th method, Sublimation.

Here an introduction that Cioran wrote for his book "A Short History of Decay", it's from "Rereading..."

>The two students also asked me why I had not stopped writing and publishing. Not everyone has the luck to die young, was my answer. My first book, with its sonorous title — On the Summits of Despair — I wrote in Rumanian at the age of twenty-one, while promising myself never to begin another. Then I committed a second, with the same promise subsequently. The farce has been repeated for over forty years. Why? Because writing, however little, has helped me pass from one year to the next, the expressed obsessions being weakened and — halfway— overcome. To produce is an extraordinary comfort. And to publish, another. To have a book coming out, that is your life, or a part of your life that becomes external to you, that no longer belongs to you, that has ceased to torment you. Expression diminishes you, impoverishes you, lifts weights off you: expression is loss of substance, and liberation. It drains you, hence it saves you, it strips you of an encumbering overflow. When you detest someone to the point of wanting to liquidate him, the best thing is to take a sheet of paper and to write on it any number of times that X is a bastard, a fool, a monster, and you ‘will immediately discover that you hate him less and that you are no longer thinking quite so much about vengeance. This is more or less what I did with regard to myself and the world. The Précis I drew from my lower depths in order to insult life and insult myself. The result? I have endured myself a little better, as I have better endured life. You look after yourself as best you can.

Anathemas and Admirations

>> No.19586865

This is honestly quite based. Thank you, anon

>> No.19587096


He BTFO everyone, even Nietzsche

>> No.19588591

I drop in once in the evening, almost forgot to today. Stoicism and meditation has improved my life greatly, and I seek to share that, and here I actually get to do that. If I can help one random anon here, it's well worth the "investment" to me. You hardened pessimists are a lost cause anyway, but don't you dare try to convince anyone else

>> No.19588629

I would start with the realization that emotion is relative, which Zapffe ignores, and that you can choose not to let an emotion touch you. There is nothing that has to demand an emotional impact from you, and they are like animals, in that if they're fed with attention, they grow stronger, until they entirely consume you and even the smallest things cause outrage and depression. So, choose not to feed emotions that don't serve you, and you'll find they quiet down, because they are relative, not absolute. Look into stoicism and meditation.

>> No.19588677

Glanced over his Wikipedia article. It seems to me like man's psycho-spiritual satisfaction not being achievable purely through the brute 'natural' is no proof that no means of said satisfaction exist. How would he interact with C.S. Lewis' argument form desire? How is it that one can dismiss every appeal to that beyond the natural as pure cope? An appeal to scientific rationalism?

>> No.19588714

What's so confusing about using a word in a sarcastic way? A retarded ritual to momentarily forget a problem is there doesn't count as an effective, definitive solution of said problem.

>> No.19588810

you have no understanding of nihilism

>> No.19588815

>converting it into artwork
literally the worst. people who cope with art are the worst. this is why they kill themselves all the time

>> No.19589129

Mfw I'm a third generation anti-natalist

>> No.19589145

No going back from what? Teenage years? This is juvenile materialist existential dread that every awake person has to make it through at some point in their life.

Like yeah, It sucks, and yeah, you will be startled awake in the middle of the night contemplating the meaninglessness of existence, but you have a will correct? Will yourself towards a meaningful life.

Yes I'm aware this is a cope. If you think that's a bad thing you haven't interpreted the text correctly.

>> No.19589155

How does one make it through?

I'm 21, anon. I'm probably older than you. I've been stuck in the materialistic existential dread for so long.

Still open to reading material, though.

>> No.19589187

Buddy. Im 31 years old. You just make it through or you kill yourself. It really is that simple.

You learn to cope. That's it. Find things to distract yourself. There is no great answer, no great secret. No amount of drilling into the earth or rocketing up into the firmament will net you the answer you want.

>> No.19589211

How do you endure, anon? What have you that's meaningful to you?

I'm an artist and a teacher, have a loving gf. My material circumstances aren't bad but I'm not going to make it if I can't stop thinking like this.

>> No.19589222

Unironically get married and knock her up. This is why zapffe's antinatalism is so odd, the answer to the questions presented is having children, hopefully one day thousands of years from now this evolutionary quirk called "mind" will disappear from humans, or we will evolve the necessary mechanisms for overcoming its negatives.

Go hiking.

>> No.19589225

Like how Sartre learnt Danish to read Kierkegaard

>> No.19590514


>> No.19590590

>the answer to the questions presented is having children
Are you fucking retarded?

Zapffe married two times but stayed child free due to his philosophical commitments. Zapffe's answer is plain and simple it is to stop having children

>> No.19591444

No. That is his vision of a perfect soul, His ubermensch, not the answer. The answer is to distract oneself.

That he never had kids is telling. Women shed a hormone mid-pregnancy that instantiates the nesting instinct in men. This is a legitimately miraculous thing to experience.

And if we bred into a crippling level of consciousness, could we not also breed into the next level? Antinatalism is the answer of the child who is afraid of responsibility for the next generation. We are the stewards of this earth, learn to live with the negatives or kill yourself. Both are noble ends.
Antinatalists are no better than boomers.

>> No.19591455

Reddit author peter weasel zapffe

>> No.19591486

>who is afraid of responsibility for the next generation.
Have fun getting divorced raped. If you're spiritual, Evola said having children in modern world will be biologically yours but not spiritually and that's it. They will have zero commonalities with you, wave of modernity is too strong. Boomers are narcissistic fucking clowns who never gave a thought to next generation and fucked the future. The collapse of civilization is inevitable and energy plus climate crisis is icing in the top. Imagine bringing some poor cunt into this shitshow. It's that antinatalists are afraid of responsibility but they're afraid of bringing a vulnerable being into a world which is fucked beyond repair.

>"In accordance with my conception of life, I have chosen not to bring children into the world. A coin is examined, and only after careful deliberation, given to a beggar, whereas a child is flung out into the cosmic brutality without hesitation."


>> No.19591492

>children in modern world will be biologically yours
>implying Anon won't end up raising Chad Jr.

>> No.19591498


>> No.19591520
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you finally become a woman

>> No.19591529

how does quantum mechanics contradict materialism? Im something of a physicsfag and dont see the contradiction

>> No.19592134

What is your point here? Why should one spend their life meditating on death if they're not capable? We move toward the most probable outcome through evolution without free will, so who cares?

>> No.19592180

Of course it's no big deal when we zoom out but it is at least individually. With no birth you're sparing them of the overburden of consciousness.
Like DFW said, if you have never cried and want to cry, have kids.

>> No.19592262
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What i'm getting from this is that this guy was an emo fag and other emo fags gravitate towards him right?
I guess this is what godlessness gets you. Sad.

>> No.19592270

Does Zapffe provide any proof for his belief that consciousness is an evolutionary fluke.

>> No.19592278

All religions are emo and antihumanist

>> No.19592292

He used Jakob Johann von Uexküll's research

>> No.19593339

It would be a big deal if people followed your line of thinking, or for that matter, mine. But it's not. Why not leave it that? I think zooming out offers perspective on why most people are "ignorant" and why it really doesn't matter whether they are.

>> No.19593368

I think you already have kids. If that's case then there is no point in further discussion.

>> No.19593407

Fortunately for us that's not the case. I'm coming up on 23 and never held hands.

>> No.19593433

I don't know anon. I have been having these kinda discussions from few years now and the result is always the same. Same questions just keep coming back. Just today I was searching the archive and I have stumbled upon the posts that I have wrote in 2019, two and half years ago on Zapffe/Cioran. Reading them gave me such an odd feeling.....I feel like I am not the same person or something or maybe just the same person I don't know

Do you know this feel?

>> No.19593479

Trutfully I don't have the same feeling. I'm just a Finnish semi-neet biology dropout. I never argue on here and just recently got into books. No boubt you've more knowledge than me, but I can very much relate to being a stranger to myself.

>> No.19593622

Anon I would suggest you continue with biology and explore the less explored front of biotech/genetic engineering. Life is a long journey towards death so you have to fill it with something that has a lot of potential to give lots of keks.

Finnish people have this cynical attitude of who cares to life which is good to protect your sanity. But that's another contradiction of pessimism, if everything is doomed then why the fuck I care? In one of Cioran's last interview he said we do things without really believing in them. Like nobody asks "why" on whatever they do, they just do it. I understand that life is largely irrational and instinctual but I don't know, you said who cares, you're right I don't really care in fact I am little misanthropic deep down, I am also an irrational beast who can't sit in silence so I need to yell at clouds because otherwise I couldn't do it. There is certain pride in "lucidity" and obsession with death or to think about those things which "normal" people avoid. We all have our copes.

>"Diversion. On the occasions when I have pondered over men's various activities, the dangers and worries they are exposed to at Court or at war, from which so many quarrels, passions, risky, often ill-conceived actions and so on are born, I have often said that man's unhappiness springs from one thing alone, his incapacity to stay quietly in one room. If a man had enough to live on and if he knew how to stay happily at home, then he would not leave to go to sea, or besiege a town. You only buy a commission in the army, which is so expensive, if you cannot bear being unable to leave town. You only go out of your way to find conversation or card games if you cannot remain happily at home. Etc."

>But when I thought more closely about it, and, having found the cause of all our unhappiness, wanted to discover the reason I found that there was a truly powerful one which lies in the' natural unhappiness of our feeble, mortal condition, so wretched that nothing can console us when we think about it closely.

Pascal, Pensées

>> No.19593683

Thank you for the detailed reply. I actually agree with everything you wrote here. I'm just too self conscious, awkward and egotistical to continue my studies in the current university due to social issues.
Thanks again for an outlet to vent some.

>> No.19593754

Mving from one extreme to another in hormonal tennage revolting passion. Nihilism is just another phase for you. You might end up a pagan larper next after reading Evola or a tranny after reading some Hegel or Land

>> No.19594329

I've already homeschooled one and plan to homeschool the other.

>> No.19594334

Why bring more life to this world to suffer and die?

>> No.19594350

Why not? I'm managing ok. I'm sure my children will as well.

>> No.19595352

who cares lol

>> No.19596019
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>That impatient merit of unworthy takes
How do you know this suffering is not The Good? If this be your only day should you spend it on sorrow, or live what you have deep in fleeting experience?

>> No.19596520

there have been informal studies done interviewing people in end-of-life situations. the vast vast majority of them were glad to have lived. statistically speaking, it seems it would be immoral NOT to have children if you have the resources and can do a decent job raising them.

>> No.19597559
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All these antinatalists and pessimists just need some drugs. Some SSRIs or simply molly, and their philosophy would change. What does it mean for your fundamental truths if they are just some unfortunate brain chemicals?

>> No.19597580

A 5-10g dose of psilo would do the trick.

>> No.19598704

I'm gonna need a bit more than that.

>> No.19599021

So I hear.

>> No.19599112

discord losers

>> No.19599122

Don't do something stupid like this, it will just reaffirm your materialism and despair

Your brain is just a machine, a computer. Taking psychedelics is like pouring coffee on your laptop

>> No.19599303

I've taken many decades ago and am now an animist. Didn't notice any effects with regard to depression, but I wasn't depressed.