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/lit/ - Literature

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19570065 No.19570065 [Reply] [Original]

This was surprisingly lively and gripping, for a book written 173 years ago. The characters were all vivid, deep and coherent.

Jane was especially likable. When I'll seize power and institute a benevolent tyranny (which, as we can doubtlessly all agree, is the only reasonable way to govern sub 140 IQ cattle), I'll make sure to push our young ladies to imitate her principled, humble and prideful character.

Thinking of completing the trifecta with "Wuthering Heights" and "Agnes Grey". All three novels are from 3 sisters and came out the same year. Will I like them?

>> No.19570142

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is the best Brontë novel.

>> No.19570151

>The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
I generally don't like much epistolary novels. It's a form which grates on my nerves for some reason.

>> No.19570375

Kek. Fuck no.

>> No.19570385

Have you even read it?
Granted I read every other Brontë novel in high school and Wildfell in my 20s.

>> No.19570401

Same. I won’t read that one. Villette and Wuthering Heights are great though. Jane Eyre made me feel like a bitch because i was tearing up every chapter

>> No.19570439

I agree, I loved Jane's character as well. Her self-restraint is admirable, even though it feels frustrating while reading at times.

>> No.19570732

She's so honorable, she respects her principles even when nobody is watching her and would ever know it. She doesn't allow herself even small concessions that anybody would consider insignificant. Like when she leaves Thornfield Hall with basically no possessions, knowing that she'd go hungry, and refrains from taking the pearl necklace that Mr. Rochester gifted her. Or when she desperately wants to stay with Rochester but forces herself to leave him because she realizes that, despite all his justifications and mitigating circumstances, she'd still be his lover, never his legitimate companion, and keenly predicts that he'd come to eventually despise her for it like he despises all his past lovers for being weak.

A real pity tuberculosis killed all three sisters so damn young.

>> No.19570740

>i was tearing up every chapter
She's such a sweet girl. So strong and sweet despite always being mistreated by others.

>> No.19570834
File: 104 KB, 773x533, rooney_accurate_summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the Bronte sisters. A time when women writers were actually worth the paper they stained.

What a difference from le current year.

>> No.19570846
File: 465 KB, 2448x3264, E2190D0E-CA3F-4265-8DEE-463F5E10DE92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ah, the Bronte sisters. A time when women writers were actually worth the paper they stained.

> What a difference from le current year.

>> No.19570873
File: 250 KB, 1303x518, Sally-Rooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rooneyfags in the building.

>> No.19570880
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>> No.19570993

Jane Eyre is one of my favourite novels of all time and a candidate for one of the best books in the English language, IMO. I have no idea why /lit/ doesn’t give this masterpiece more love.

>> No.19571012

girls have cooties

>> No.19571014

>I have no idea why /lit/ doesn’t give this masterpiece more love.
The answer is a lot simpler than you think unfortunately.

>> No.19571384

Aside from the obvious, depressives find happy endings and mutual romance upsetting.

>> No.19571420

I was going to try and make my ranking of the bronte novels just now to help you decide what to read next but they’re honestly all so good. Just finished Agnes Grey recently and it was really nice. The romance was so sweet. I think tenant is great, I read most of it in one night. Villette was more fun than the bronte books usually are, because of the silly characters, but you still got the strong morals, drama, characterization and journey that you can expect from a bronte book. I don’t have to convince you that wuthering is good because even stupid anons often can’t help but like it, despite themselves, so it gets talked about a touch more than the other novels. Basically, you can’t go wrong. Have fun, anon.

>> No.19571434
File: 107 KB, 563x900, 646_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, someone's wife was a mulatta?

>> No.19572324

Did no one else find it strange how much of a side note it was that Rochester kept a woman in a small windowless room for like 10 fucking years?

>> No.19572555

It was a different time. Wives were a cross between kitchen appliances and dutch wives.

>> No.19572578

This book blows. Read Austen instead.

>> No.19573042
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There's an entire book about it. "Wide Sargasso Sea". Apparently it is quite well written, although I've never read it. Also 1960s feminism. Anyone read it?