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File: 19 KB, 319x413, images - 2021-12-14T234438.388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19569846 No.19569846 [Reply] [Original]

>I speak for the trees and the animals, and both of them say get against the wall
Human centric bros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.19569857

Good. You shouldn't. I hope you're vegan.

>> No.19571566


>> No.19571626

Who cares what a dumb no-name Indian has to say anyways? We already have Rupi Kapur, the voice of a generation

>> No.19571638

Based retard.

>> No.19571654
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sirs i think you are mistaken

>> No.19571662

Sir, she is a based Hindu LARPer.

>> No.19571665

ok, I rape you next week

>> No.19571667

Sirs it has my attention come that you are nigger

-Sesh Vandeep

>> No.19571677

sir you come to mumbai, i fuckk your mother, serbian son of prostitute

>> No.19571886

I don't think animals have the malice to genocide us tbqh.

>> No.19571920

It's true tho

>> No.19571929

to be frank with you john walls are very cartesian and man centric kidna shooting yourself in the nose there

>> No.19572024
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>> No.19572192
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True vegans are the only persons deserving to hold the world in their arms, and under their wings.

>> No.19572204
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>> No.19572212

She's a Nazi, one can ignore her works as they are verboten

>> No.19572248

even "true" veganism makes no sense although the intentions are good in every way. veganism is clearly a dysfunctional answer to a dsynfunctional situation. it's what I would call an incomplete philosophy: the next step forward is the complete extictintion of humanity. humanity itself by the way it works creates an unsustainable paradigm and increases suffering upon the world. So the "true" vegan should not be a pacifist but some sort of eco-terrorist. But this is also incomplete because once all humans are extinct, the vegan would look upon the world and see that it still perpetuates a circle of horrible suffering. Then the next aim would be the extinction of all life on Earth. And then the Universe. Veganism is just a misguided suicidal instinct, and I say this as an ethical vegetarian; I like the vegan "idea". But it's so carefully balanced on top of the modern situation that it just doesn't hold up as a philosophy in general. How do you not exploit animals and the planet? By simply living you are endorsing the invisible abuse of animals. Every time you take a medicine you are exploiting millions of lab animals who are tortured for the sake of scientific advancement. There are professional figures whose job is torturing animals in creative ways to see what happens, and thanks to those people you have all sort of medication for problems that would be unbearable otherwise. It's just pointless to be a vegan. It's all on a "do what you can" basis, vegans themselves admit it, but then comes a burger who's like "I die if I don't eat fried bacon" and on what grounds you deny that person? Ideally, you shoot him in the head. That's the only logical step if you are in the vegan frame of mind. It's really the only way you can stop people who like killing for pleasure. How do you solve human evil, its tendency for wickedness and sadism, if not by exterminating all people?
It's all so tiring and useless. What you really have to do is accept that this world is inherently evil, filled with evil people that will never go away, and dedicate yourself to Christ or Buddha or whatever you find meaning into, and adopt compassion and mercy for animals as part of your journey toward a better life. Then and only then the idea of not inflicting suffering on animals makes sense.

>> No.19572270

>It's all so tiring and useless. What you really have to do is accept that this world is inherently evil, filled with evil people that will never go away, and dedicate yourself to Christ or Buddha or whatever you find meaning into, and adopt compassion and mercy for animals as part of your journey toward a better life. Then and only then the idea of not inflicting suffering on animals makes sense.

Implying mature vegans don't already do this. Veganism that isn't a consequence of your spirituality is a larp.

>> No.19572284

How do you reconcile this position with the fact that in the Western world, the majority of vegans are either atheist or only loosely religious?

>> No.19572299

By not thinking about them. Vegans who think they're making a difference by not eating tendies make me sick, and I'm vegan.

>> No.19572366

What do you mean with "mature" vegans? Sounds like no true Scotsman to me. Vegans are for the most part heavily urbanized, up-to-date people that are strictly humanist in their views. If they are spiritual they are Buddhist sympathizers or things of the like.
Do you think it's possible to concile veganism with something as simple as having children? I'm pretty sure that it's actually better from the point of view of decreasing the overall suffering score to eat tons of tendies and not reproduce (as the average 4chan sadist, ironically) than it is to be a vegan and spawn another human (whom you cannot force to stay vegan either). Literally, how do you not even kill yourself if you are a vegan. Many people use the argument that vegans end up hating people becaus they're psychopaths, but the truth is that of course you end up hating people, you are fighting uphill in the worst possible way. You are asking people to stop endorsing suffering for one's own pleasure. Not even Jesus Christ, literally God, could say something of such effect as to stop human wickedness. The world's very designs is supportive of wickedness. In a sense having this sort of mental framework is life-denying. I suppose that one can be a vegan on the grounds of "it's the right thing to do" rather than aiming at changing something in the uncheangeable world, but again, as I said, if this thought sprouts from humanist beliefs you're bound to go insane. It needs to be founded on a serious religious drive, something like St. Francis or (actual) Buddhism.

>> No.19572841

She got fucked by the Lorax

>> No.19573104

....human bros... We got too cocky....

>> No.19573208
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>> No.19573552

fucking liberals, he's clearly pinching his cheeks, obviously disapproving whatever stance this guy takes.
Fucking retards.

>> No.19573562
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>> No.19573564
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>> No.19573567
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>> No.19573569
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I had not seen that one before.

>> No.19573574

Damn the Dalai Lama hands the chinese?

>> No.19573585

He met the Queen as diplomat of Chile though.

>> No.19573646
File: 56 KB, 491x625, images - 2021-12-15T142722.256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knew.

>> No.19573756
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>> No.19573783

You're not only insufferable, but also vegan? Holy shit

>> No.19574524

>What do you mean with "mature" vegans?
From Mani to Plutarch to Devi, you're looking at them.

Veganism is life-denying in the best possible way, not in the nietzsche pseudbro kind of sense. No, it hasn't done wonders for my mental health, and that's not because broccoli is turning me into a tranny. Nothing has taught me faster that human beings are damned creatures than getting them to eat a salad, and only a salad.

>whoa.. like.. I ... I can't beli... I mean ... you're not supposed to ... I
give it a rest you faggot high schooler

>> No.19574534

>and both of them say get against the wall
Let the fuckers try, I'll make slippers out of them.

>> No.19574599


>> No.19574618

Devi is exactly the sort of unhinged and hysterical childless woman Hitler warned us about. Perfect bait to get poltards on board with a Schwab-approved diet too. Note that Devi didn't impose veganism on her cats and states in her writings her sympathy with animal life only extends to the Alpha predators, i.e. her cute kitties.

>> No.19574623

>here's why you conveniently shouldn't read dissidents
Doesn't it ever get tiring? Being you?

>> No.19574628

>Doesn't it ever get tiring? Being you?
Nope. Do ever get tired of falling for memes?

>> No.19574629

Are you saying you don't like cats, anon?

>> No.19574632

Do you ever get tired of trying to dunk on books you haven't read?

>> No.19574640

>Are you saying you don't like cats, anon?
I like cats. Catladies, not so much.
>dunk on
chapo tranny alert!
>books you haven't read
I've read three books by Devi: Impeachment of Man, Defiance & And Time Rolls On

>> No.19574641
File: 20 KB, 474x460, hedyg5de6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the trees and the animals either don't want or cannot put as against the wall. Why should we do it ourselves?

>> No.19574642

>Hitler warned us of women
Source now.

>> No.19574644

No, you haven't. Don't larp.

>> No.19574645

Why does this surprise anyone? Dalai Lama used to hang out with people such as Ungern and Ja-lama.

>> No.19574649

>as they are verboten
na und? du verdammte schwuchtel

>> No.19574652

There are a lot of normies here. Not everyone knows what we know.

>> No.19574658

Don't forget Jo Mama.

>> No.19574659

Sure I have. I read them years ago, but remember them quite well. Defiance is the most entertaining of the three. Which have you read?
was referring to this quote:
>Nature wants a woman to be fertile. Many women go slightly off their heads when they don't bear children. Everybody says, of a childless woman: "What a hysterical creature!"

>> No.19574671

Lucky that Nazism isn't a cult of personality. Devi met with and was accepted by Rockwell, Jordan and Gandhi. They endorsed and accepted her ideas. Had she met the Dalai Lama he also would have loved her.

Let's be real. Hysterical people do not learn and master 9+ languages.

>> No.19574676

good morning sirs

>> No.19574680
File: 56 KB, 554x554, images - 2021-12-15T205958.784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19574681

He was also a diplomat in Bulgaria right at the time when the daughter of our communist leader started getting into esotericism(and afterwards was probably filled for it) and shilled indian culture and translations.

>> No.19574684

Eva Braun would likely not have kids even if Hitler lived till his 70s and won the war.

>> No.19574691

That anon is lying about what Devi said. No point engaging with it. It thinks trees and flowers are alpha predators. Shallow arguments made by a shallow person.

>> No.19574722

Wrong again. She said that her allegiance lay with the apex predators in the animal kingdom as her allegiance among people lay with who she believed were Aryans. You completely misunderstand her if you think she's some kind of animal world egalitarian.

>> No.19574741

Bullshit she literally writes word for word that plants are religious beings and that human centric creeds, the idea that humans are greater than non human life is abrahamic never does she specify apex predators although she does write reverence for them. She specifically mentioned trees over and over again stating that man does not care if he kill the tree 'be it the most royal sample of its kind' you're a liar.

You can drop the facade I'm going to start dumping paged from Impeachment right now. It always amazes me how people try and argue by lying knowing full well they haven't read her. 5 minutes I'll dump 10 pages

>> No.19574744


Dipshit pseud.

>> No.19574746
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Page 115/116 deforestation.

>> No.19574753
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Page 117/118 showing extreme empathy towards animals and plants, not specifying apex predators.

>> No.19574754

lol nigger got obliterated. The hate I have for gotchaposting faggot zoom zooms who don't read burns like a fusion core

>> No.19574756

What a fucking weird thread. The human compulsion to venerate the innocence of animals due to their lack of consciousness is really just tiresome.

I approve of any attempts at discovering a spiritual center and satisfying it, but in my experience most people who quit eating animals are doing it out of spite and not because they are truly seeking a way to deepen their connection with God through willful sacrifice. I pray that those of you who fall in the former category are fortunate enough to discover the irony of your hubris.

>> No.19574760
File: 597 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_20211215-213009_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110/111 she quotes hymns by Akhnation about plants being pseudo religious beings and has elaborates on her own beliefs regarding this later.

I do not believe I have to post any more. I hope you realize this is /lit/ and not your troll argument board.

>> No.19574761

I basically see veganism as a form of anti-natalism. It makes me angry that there are pregnant women on vegan diets. They should just hurry up and kill themselves.

>> No.19574764
File: 45 KB, 600x757, E6DoC-NWQAAndxJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I found what I was referring to:
>It was always the same thing: “The poor Jews.” I said, “I couldn’t care less for the poor Jews.” She said, “Yes, but I do. They are human beings. They are living creatures.” I said, “I don’t care for all living creatures. I only care for the four-legged ones, the four-legged ones and the elite of the two-legged ones. The other two-legged ones, I don't care for. They are not the elite.”
Y'see that's what happens when you read a book and years later still remember.
Cope. Seethe.

To understand Devi you must understand what she opposes is the notion that humans > animals. Her hierachy is: Aryans > predators > the rest of animal and mineral life > Jews and Non-whites. She is NOT an animal world egalitarian. As Johnson notes,
>Savitri Devi claims that human beings are part of nature, yet she loads them with moral obligations that no other beings have. For instance, Savitri Devi argues that human beings should be vegetarians, but she does not claim that carnivores, like lions and tigers and bears, ought to be vegetarians.

>> No.19574773
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When you've recovered, I expect an apology.

>> No.19574824

Refer to her writings here for your argument.
And anon in Impeachment she uses the term quadruped, not four legged.
>tl;dr you're completely wrong and know it. Never does she refer to apex predators.

>> No.19574843

>Animals are naturally Nazis. At least the higher animals, the big cats, the felines.
NOOOOO she loves the heckin antelopes just as much as the lion, the mouse just as much the tabby!

I saw this proto-furfag comment while flipping thru the book lol
>Why don't I have four legs and a tail and stripes all over my body and beautiful fur? Why am I not a tigress?
she might be nuts but she is kinda likeable

>> No.19574865

>making up quotes
>denying photos straight from her book
Let it go anon.

>> No.19574913

Get help

>> No.19575022

>the next step forward is the complete extictintion of humanity
ok u first

>> No.19575089

>the next step forward is the complete extictintion of humanity
What happened to you archetypal "ugh I wish everyone would die already" plebbitors towards the vaccine? Shouldn't you be celebrating COVID and begging people to be anti-vax so everyone dies? Fuck you nigger, want to kill all Humans, start with yourself.

>> No.19575099


>> No.19576517

i could totally see her releasing a virus onto mankind just to cull the population numbers, and then releasing a vaccine that doesn't actually work.

>> No.19576562

When did 4channers start believing in esoteric vegan nazism? Racist versions of fat dweebs that get into DnD

>> No.19576565

If snow nigs were elite, why did they wind up worshiping a Jew for 1000+ years?

>> No.19576583

It's another /pol/ psyop, like hating transfolx.

>> No.19576691

It's funny that I checked into this thread and everyone was throwing replies to my post based on a misreading of the first 1-2 sentences. What a fucking braindead board full of braindead children this is.

>> No.19577222
File: 99 KB, 1280x800, kosher slaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosher slaughter is one of the cruelest practices man has ever conceived of, and the holocaust, if it happened, was justified as punishment for that alone.

>> No.19577228
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The suffering we inflict on animals for sandwich filling justifies the extinction of the human race ten times over.

Imagine living and dying to feed some butter troll who jacks off to loli.

>> No.19577240

Go and shit in the woods then you dirty pagan cunt.

>> No.19577248


>> No.19577253

Shitting in the woods is not reserved for pagans
>t. non pagan wood shitter

>> No.19577255

Harming any mammal or bird is bad, but I can't bring myself to be as compassionate to fish. I would prefer all of society to be pescatarian. I don't think fish have mental narratives the way all mammals and birds do.
You can get all of your nutrient requirements easily from cod liver with its oil and salmon with skin.

>> No.19577257

The only vegan I know is also a Buddhist

>> No.19577287

Maybe, maybe not, but if it senses, it feels, and if it feels, it suffers.

>> No.19577296

Placing the suffering of a fish on the level of a mammal or bird does a disservice to the latter two. There are two kinds of suffering: 1) the suffering that involves reflecting on one's memory, one's (proto-)narrative, which exacerbates the pain, 2) simple visceral pain, which I would argue even plants can feel.
Without the capacity of reflection, which renders the pain conscious, is it is 'true' suffering? Have you ever had a numbing itch or pain you didn't recognize until your brought your attention to it, which thereby rendered it conscious? Fish lack this capacity of viewing their pain as existing in relationship to a self. It's why few shed tears when eating fruit or vegetables.

>> No.19577316

I know this is only tangential to the topic... but I'm looking for a few guides on the jew/anglo-germanic split. Specifically keeping the fires of the germanic sein alive today.

>> No.19577326

This is silly, you're using William Lane Cuck's argument that animals don't suffer because they don't experience pain with the "negative valence" of suffering because they lack x, y, and z.

Would you really be comfortable with inflicting extreme pain on a blob of nerves every moment if that pain is immediately forgotten the next moment?

>> No.19577331

>Would you really be comfortable with inflicting extreme pain on a blob of nerves every moment if that pain is immediately forgotten the next moment?
Absolutely, I'd feel nothing. That pain is meaningless.

>> No.19577337

I said all mammals and birds should **not** be eaten.
>Would you really be comfortable with inflicting extreme pain on a blob of nerves every moment if that pain is immediately forgotten the next moment?
Only fish and plants are like that. I don't think any mammal or bird is like that though.

>> No.19577343

For pain to be pain it has to be processed as such. Fish have brains, so we know they process on a rudimentary level.

>> No.19577360

Kek, it's meaningless in TIME, not in the moment. Are you really suggesting pain doesn't exist if it isn't reflexive? What a buffoon.

>> No.19577376

Well, I can tell you for sure that crayfish and crustaceans do not really suffer. Crayfish and lobsters aren't even vertebrates. I have to research fish more. Do you have any good nature documentary on fish to recommend? I will watch it tonight.
Tbh, I'd have to kill a fish to figure this stuff out. I've already killed rats (in a neurobiology lab), crayfish, and shot a black man. I can tell you negative karma is accrued when killing a rat. They are immensely self-aware creatures and all invasive experiments on them should be halted. Crayfish lack self-awareness. Even boiling them alive shouldn't matter.
Black "people" are more like crayfish, so they can be substituted in invasive medical experiments instead of noble rats.

>> No.19577383

It exists, but its meaningless.

>> No.19577387

Cant believe I read this whole post.

>> No.19577388

Maybe fish aren't really like that. IDK what they're like. I do know that crustaceans cannot really suffer though.

>> No.19577390

I'm not here to tell you fish, or even crayfish, are noble, feeling, sensitive creatures. I'm just telling you they aren't rocks, and so when you kill them, something dies in them. That's it.

I agree about rats. Fuck niggers.

>> No.19577392

Doesnt WLC argue that respecting/caring about the pain and suffering of other life is meaningless without theistic justification? If you're an atheist there isnt reason to see pain as anything but dumb suffering

>> No.19577394

Everything is meaningless to fortnite pantshitters like you. Come back in 10 years, kid.

>> No.19577400

Good thing I'm not an atheist, then. Or even a cuckold theist like him.

>the pain and suffering of other life is meaningless without theistic justification

God, cities really were a mistake.

>> No.19577407

Another vegan nonargument

>> No.19577413

You're doing a disservice to your goals by refusing to make a hierarchy. My views are not even as extreme as others since I place all mammals and birds as equal and on the top of the pyramid, meaning they should never be killed.
However, from my experience researching on crayfish and crustaceans, studying their neuroanatomy, watching their behaviors, and etc., it is disputable if they are even sentient like mammals and birds are.
Also, I am retracting my previous claim on fish. I have not spent much time studying their behaviors or even looking into their neuroanatomy. I will find a good documentary on fish to get an idea, to see if they have any form of autobiographical self. Something tells me it's very specific to the kind of species unlike mammals and birds which are all self-aware.

>> No.19577416

Getting butthurt because I think a clump of cells unreflexive pain is meaningless? You need to get a fucking grip.

>> No.19577424

Vegan brainrot.

>> No.19577434

Kek, distress doesn't need to be reflexive to be distress you fucking schlemiel.

Everything suffers, or at least experiences point-instances of pain, everything struggles and dies in this shithole godless nigger void. I take care to not harm any life that I can, besides the life I consume and unintentionally kill. That's my hierarchy. The only """""life"""""" at the bottom are subhuman destroyers of life.

>> No.19577438
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Why did meds do it?

>> No.19577456

There are 107 classes of animals. Every single one should be placed in a hierarchy roughly corresponding whether it is permissible to eat or not eat them.
For example, based on my limited research, perhaps eating snakes is fine? They don't exactly seem self-aware like mammals or birds.
Reinventing culture to be predominantly based on snake cuisine may be for the best. I should be heralded as absolute monarch in the NWO ofc.

>> No.19577457



>> No.19577460

Why do you keep conflating meaning with existence?

>> No.19577469

Shouldn't be surprised you had some pagan bullshit to spread.

>> No.19577477

Prions also exist in the soil. You can get them from gardening.

>> No.19577488

You are legitimately autistic.

>> No.19577491

peepeepoopoo, that's why. I've been vegan for two years now and have never felt better. I don't believe I exist to coomsoom, and the reason why you or those like you do comes down to temperamental differences at the ontological level.

>> No.19577501
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>abstaining from animal products is paganism
I thought it was globohomo leftism. Which is it you fucking clowns?

>> No.19577509

They aren't mutually exclusive, you slime.

>> No.19577513

How is promoting animal welfare tied to political bullshit? Plenty of religious Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, and so forth promote vegetarianism and animal welfare.

>> No.19577516

You've just found new things to consume.

>> No.19577526

>sacrifice 800 pigs every single day
>still lose
Im suuuure it was necessary

>> No.19577547

>we're not so different, you and I
Cope. Stop posting.

>> No.19577551

Americans think eating broccoli is going to turn you into a tranny.

>> No.19577559

No cope, my way will win out. Weirdo losers like you will be the exception always. You can stay in your little corner eating rat shit and rice, I'll keep consuming and die like 2 years earlier than you. Least you've got your 'ontological temperament ay? LOL

>> No.19577561

No, that is seed oils and onions.

>> No.19577562



>> No.19577564

*S O Y

>> No.19577572

Papist trash.

>> No.19577575

I eat delicious food every day. Thanks bro, I will.

>> No.19577583



>> No.19577592


>> No.19577601

Hemp is a better staple crop than onions or corn.

>> No.19577603

>endless posts about philosophy
>thread about ethics comes up
>entire board immediately turns nihilistic materialist like functionally illiterate normalfags

>> No.19577607

If you want to see the future you cannot wait for the moon and the storms for every occasion.extispicy requires blood simple as

>> No.19577619

Funny how that works, almost like talking philosophy and living by that philosophy are two different things