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/lit/ - Literature

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19569474 No.19569474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Notable Ideas
>Spiritual Racism

Remind me why should we take this faggot and his work seriously again?

>> No.19569490

To trick you into becoming religious and less racist, and ultimately into accepting the Great Reset.

>> No.19569496


Spiritual negroes and aspirational negroes breathe gruffly, like an ape grunting.

Spiritual aristocrats and those who can orate and aspire greatly breath from their mouths. OAM. Because their noses are all clogged. "Uhhhhuhhhhuuuuggggghhhh, I-I'm gonna k-kill all the n-niggers!!!! Aghuhhhuhuhhh!!!" Le voice cracks

>> No.19569500

Spiritual Racism is exactly like the modern gender theory psyop applied to race.

>> No.19569526

spiritual racism means that you hate niggers but only those you meet in your spiritualistic seances

>> No.19569533

Spiritual racism means you get to decide who is white

>> No.19569556

>Not a flaming racist

>> No.19569579

>To be racist in 2021 you have to embrace the ramblings of a schizo fascist wizard faggot
Niggrified in spirit much?

>> No.19569661
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He pushed religion/spirituality as a metapolitical reactive force against Modernity. I would classify him more as Aristocratic Fascism rather than just Fascism; with class hierarchy having further importance than mere national will. This synthesis is what makes him so appealing these days since its further Right than NatSocs.
Personally I find his warrior spirituality/metaphysics to be counterfeit. Contrast with someone like Codreanu, who is authentic.

>> No.19569666

His Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race is an extremely good essay on the racial/ethnic doctrines of different fascist nations. His thesis is that every fascist (naturally healthy, resurgent) nation will inevitably generate a doctrine of "racial" hygiene, tinged with local characteristics, and existing at multiple levels of exoteric vulgarity with a core esoteric truth.

>> No.19569684

>"Modern society has becoming too fixated on religious delusion and had adopted outdated ideological deadends"

>*Precedes to retreat into the forest to worship older religious delusions and even more outdated ideologolical deadends*

Was he actually retarded?

>> No.19569696
File: 143 KB, 675x1200, 6a98647bf03f0c8c9f20da673ff6951c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get to decide who is white
And this specimen for example is absolutely HONORARY

>> No.19569758

>facism was outdated in the early mid 20th century

>> No.19569793

Another brainlet filtered by Evola.

>> No.19570296

would breed

>> No.19570315

All of /pol/ is in denial that they love these asian cuties

>> No.19570338

you shouldn't yet this board's been infested by fascists so we have to pretend their interests have merit and are not just the ramblings of pathetic, alienated men dealing with the fact that their lives have amounted to nothing

>> No.19570353

Threadly reminder: you will never be a kşatriya

>> No.19570812


>> No.19570818
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>the ramblings of pathetic, alienated men dealing with the fact that their lives have amounted to nothing
It's a literature board.

>> No.19570825

The the literary ramblings of pathetic, alienated men dealing with the fact that their lives have amounted to nothing*

>> No.19570976

even /fit/ doesn't have these obvious fascist threads plus they even have minorities with tripcodes.
Remember, the ambassador of certain beliefs will never follow his ideals. But their frustrated dreams of what the subject needs to be
Joseph Goebbels was the chief propagandist for the nazi party

>> No.19570978

>Remind me why should we take this faggot and his work seriously again?
You just said it. Read the first two lines of your post.

>> No.19571024

Why are fascists bad again?

>> No.19571033

Psyop is the right term. And yet verified geniuses fall for it.

>> No.19571034

Racism is shirk

>> No.19571038

The fact you have to ask that question tells me you are not intellectually equipped to have that discussion

>> No.19571050

They're bad because the media and my favorite political e-celeb told me they were bad, and because they don't support my heckin' LGBTQ righterinos and other stuff that sounds bad, therefore we shouldnt ever talk about them because it upsets me, wake up man

>> No.19571057


So... why are they bad?

>> No.19571061


>> No.19571093

You could criticize the economy. You could criticize the lack of individualism and the servitude to the state. But no. Fascism for you is everything you don't like.

I would tell you to kill yourself but your life is already suffering. You look into the mirror and your scalp is balding before your eyes. You have a gross phyisique, your genitals hurt and you will never be a woman.

>> No.19571112

Honestly surprised that no one picked up on that part where he discusses adoption in RATMW and how sometimes this can be result in a spiritual inheritance between father and adopted-son greater than the "merely" biological under the right conditions. Considering how obsessed people are with cucking on this site it seemed like prime bait.

>> No.19571127

So you are after all aware why it is undesirable and were only playing devil's advocate to make a tepid trans joke. I would tell you to kill yourself as it is clear you are a coward that wouldn't ask these questions in real life as it would pose a threat to you. It is however comforting to know you are not a degenerate authoritarian legitimately asking to be entertained.

>> No.19571157

>Remind me why should we take this faggot and his work seriously again?
You shouldn't.

What exactly is "spiritual racism"?

>> No.19571863


>> No.19572134

>I don't know why they're bad, I've never seen or spoken to a fascist irl, so I will just deflect to avoid being challenged

>> No.19572188

I have and they end up agreeing with me.

Post Physique.

>> No.19572200

>Authoritarian bad


If I'm the Authority in the Authoritarian system it's good for me. If you wouldn't admit the same you are the coward here.

>> No.19572257

Classifying people not just based on genetics, but also factoring in merit. To Evola someone can have Jewish blood, but an Aryan soula nd vice versa. Basically he advocates for people to be judged based on their achievements and lifestyle and be given a class in accordance with that. It's like the Chinese social credit thing, but done right.

>> No.19572303

based chad hominem

>> No.19572511

Evola is so stupid he thinks race is a social construct