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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.53 MB, 3000x4000, Ugolino and his sons (Carpeaux).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19568590 No.19568590 [Reply] [Original]

Ugolino and his sons edition

>> No.19568596

previous thread: >>19557908

>> No.19568597

What’s on your mind

>> No.19568599

More like, ugly-lino amirite?

>> No.19568604
File: 967 KB, 1920x1080, falaka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books for this feel?

>> No.19568607

the smoothie im about to make

>> No.19568610
File: 23 KB, 647x644, jykurih1gjc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fellow number-pædos here?

>> No.19568613


>> No.19568620

I literally warned you guys

>> No.19568627
File: 181 KB, 1597x908, 7B0C8B9E-AE7D-4E65-9D42-31AFC4BCFD31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If science could make a man live forever in the matrix of his paradise, would there still be socialites and powerful men in this world? Is their desire to dominate greater than the desire for pleasure from us lowly proles and coffeedrinkers? Or must Satan always find avatars to do his bidding?

My girlfriend keeps giving me attitude and acting cold and I’m not liking it one bit!

>> No.19568634

And I literally asked you not to.


>> No.19568639

What are ubermensch. Ascended masters don’t accept false realities.

>> No.19568646
File: 328 KB, 759x1025, DA17D7CF-D208-4DF3-9C0A-2AD44375519E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will learn to accept the false or be destroyed, between the midnight and the dawn, when the past is all deception and the future, futureless.

>> No.19568651

sugarless coca cola is amazing

>> No.19568652
File: 52 KB, 1200x800, richard_feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread I made, I think you guys would like it. It's just a passage from "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" that I found amusing:

>> No.19568653
File: 95 KB, 372x640, Giambologna_raptodasabina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to escape poverty

>> No.19568656

don't worry butters one day you'll understand

>> No.19568657

Spoken like a true sheeple

>> No.19568658

hows that going? are you down bad?

>> No.19568667 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 513x768, Samson_slaying_a_philistine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got a little money saved, a roof over my head, clothes, food. but im nowhere near where i need to be for someone my age. i cant invest for reasons so im just kind of stuck. working on getting a dl and vehicle currently. also trying to find a workaround so that i can invest

>> No.19568669

I'm in love with an autistic girl.

>> No.19568672
File: 44 KB, 640x640, A3D6089F-E397-40EF-ABAE-A75192CD69E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand rudeness perfectly well.

>> No.19568677

Is she in love with you

>> No.19568687

im starting to develop feelings for the homeless latina sleeping in the alcove of an abandoned insurance office across from the seven eleven near more house. what possible trouble could i be in by letting her suck my dick for cigarettes?

>> No.19568691


>> No.19568694

aw nuts

>> No.19568696

Yeah, it's just very weird.

>> No.19568699

Holy bastinado

>> No.19568702

How so. What are your interactions like? Sex!

>> No.19568705
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A fellow connoisseur ?

>> No.19568719

No sex, it's been 5 weeks.

>How so. What are your interactions like?
She has no filter and struggles to read social cues. Makes for awkward moments but it also means I always understand how she's feeling and it leads to the cutest displays of affection.

>> No.19568723

walk without rhythm and it wont attract the worm

>> No.19568726

Girl you thought he was a man
But he was a muffin
He hung around till you found
That he didn't know nuthin'

>> No.19568755

A very long time ago my brother was studying for a vocabulary quiz and he mentioned that word and definition "beating of the soles of the feet" and I'll never forget it

>> No.19568768

i want to attend a kkk cookout, drink natty lights, and leave with a qt southern tomboy gf

>> No.19568769

God dammit I broke the wine glass.

>> No.19568773

pretending that a pretzel rod is a cigar is still fun

>> No.19568775

first post here, thought this was a good time:

in ancient stone walled corridors
i see undulating horrors
grasping throbbing in the shadows
upon this deathly walk so hallowed
the wall it crumbles under earth
whilst i make dreams of my home hearth
my light finds in terraneous deep
a colored glass, mine eyes to peep
i crawl within this mausoleum
heart is throbbing, nauseum
a decomposed sarcophagus
i open this most cherished chest
and find within, much to my fear
a grasping, sharp, and silver mirror

>> No.19568777

I don't know why but there's something very intriguing about it

>> No.19568794

Have you touched her butt?

>> No.19568799

The only people you’d find at a kkk kookout are old fat retards

>> No.19568800

nothing to do with loving

>> No.19568808

Answer the question

>> No.19568818

I have come to realize that I learned literally nothing in the course of my undergrad degree. It's a shame I had to fail a master's degree class to realize this, but it is what it is. I am taking a semester off to focus on learning what I should have back in undergrad.

>> No.19568822
File: 258 KB, 932x447, i wish i could grind myself up and smoke myself away gradually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol my poem actually made it into the november issue of &amp magazine

>> No.19568824

Rather pathetic.

>> No.19568827

I've picked her up and such so yes.

>> No.19568831

the sheer quantity of self pity you emanate is beyond pathetic. no one cares about your ongoing self pity blog. you're an annoying fly buzzing around this general

>> No.19568836

I am going to feel this in the morning. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I seek temporary pleasure in exchange for later pain that makes me objectively worse at my job? Why is my middle class bullshit life so insufferable that I drink to distract myself? Why do I watch shitty tv from 6-12 when I don’t drink? Why is everything escapism? Why doesn’t anything feel as fun as grad school or undergrad or literally anything? I fucking hate wage slavery. I hate the structure. I hate the obligation. My life is an obligation to work and family and bodily functions. I hate it here. I just want to rip my face off. Anons please help. Ideology solves nothing. I have no power. I don’t want to be okay with this suffering but I don’t see any way to escape it.

>> No.19568837

>&amp magazine
Isn't that just /lit/ self-publishing? How is that any different from using Amazon? Or is it one of those copes?

>> No.19568838

shit my peom is breddy gay and sux huh

>> No.19568842

I'm avoiding taking the steps to go into a master's program for this same reason (and because I have only a little lab experience and only an okay GPA to match). I'm having trouble motivating myself to review consistently, though because I feel I maybe should just redo my undergrad and focus on doing well.
What field are you studying, anon?

>> No.19568844

just made some golden d'or vanilla pudding
all for me

>> No.19568863

it doesn't taste good

>> No.19568872

my stomach hurts

>> No.19568875

Computer Science

>> No.19568903

I made a sandwhich, and noodles, even though staying up late and eating is destroying my life.

>> No.19568920

>mfw when Hasan got banned for anti-white racism of all things
1. I didn't realize one could actually get in trouble for anti-white racism.
2. What do you leftists make of this? Is this the capitalist system silencing a socialist advocate, or is he "not a real communist"?

>> No.19568928


>> No.19568929

its minimizing the ability for white people to claim any sort of victimhood

>> No.19568937

Anybody who tells you they can spell Entrepreneur, Bureaucracy, and Connoisseur altogether without a typo is a liar

>> No.19568938
File: 269 KB, 1280x1407, 1617630180524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/ is dead, so that’s something. I wonder if that explains why many genre fiction threads are being made recently.

>> No.19568946

What are you interested in long-term, if I may ask?

>> No.19568950

The 1970s are to the 1980s as the 17th century is to the 18th century. Both in aesthetic and the leap ahead.

>> No.19568951

>/sffg/ is dead
Is it really?

>> No.19568955

*Damnit I meant as the 18th century is to the 19th century, forgive me

>> No.19568971

Honestly? I'd love to be a researcher in Theoretical Comp Sci and Mathematics. I am quite aware that as of right now, my skills and knowledge are not where they need to be to make that happen. I don't really know how to get to that "dream job" either.

>> No.19568986

>I don't really know how to get to that "dream job" either
Frankly neither do I, but you must have a faculty member who can point you in the right direction, right?
Any topics in particular that interest you?

>> No.19568987

I think it’s funny. I like hassan, but holy shit that’s hilarious. Mainstream narratives always outweigh theory.

>> No.19568991
File: 56 KB, 722x176, 1629391274620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked to a customer service rep earlier, asking for a refund for a subscription i forgot to cancel, the conversation was uneventful, and i received my refund in about 5 minutes.

However, she said something that stuck with me. After we were finished, she said i was the "kindest and most sincere person she has spoken with today", and i was, and still am, kind of shocked with that.
I wasnt being overly nice or anything, i didnt even say much at all. I only told her what my issue was and my information, and thanked her afterwards, thats all! I said maybe 4 sentences at the most!
Im wondering if she actually meant that, or if its just some kind of customer service trick so youll give them 5 stars.

If she actually meant that, then i am astonished at how terrible people are. How disgusting must you be, if me just giving some common courtesy to another makes me kind and sincere!
Anons, please tell me you treat others like actual people, i honestly feel bad for her and others that have to deal with disgusting people on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.19568993

>but you must have a faculty member who can point you in the right direction, right?
I'll be looking for one
>Any topics in particular that interest you?
At my undergrad I did a little research in the field of blockchain theory (network consensus, etc.). I liked the algorithm design and proof aspect of it.

>> No.19569009

go to bed

>> No.19569018

I always hear horror stories from my friends who work in customer service about how awful people are and I try to exhibit some basic decency whenever I correspond with any employee. At restaurants, even if I don't receive good service I leave good tips. Maybe it'll turn around someone's day and give the next customer a better experience.

>> No.19569040

When my Secret Santa gifts me shitty cologne
>Et tu toilette?

>> No.19569052
File: 183 KB, 760x596, A3546D0F-49F0-41EB-94F0-F7C6C62F0D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ask about science fiction and fantasy here is you want

>> No.19569057

trying not to oversleep
need an alarm that dumps water on me or punches me off the bed

>> No.19569068

Are you also interested in leveraging Blockchain technology for personal monetary gain? That would be a nice way to fund private research instead of needing to always appeal to governments and other organizations just to use the skills you were trained in (this is one irritation I'd like to alleviate with my own interests).

>> No.19569069

you gotta sit it on the other end of your room

>> No.19569071

why in gods name would you save and post that completely unfunny comic

>> No.19569075

not him but the other end of the room is like 2 feet from my bed unfortunately

>> No.19569078
File: 34 KB, 400x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am suddenly feeling a powerful urge to order Pizza Hut tomorrow. I want to get a big stuffed crust pizza with extra sauce, extra cheese, pepperoni, and sausage. Maybe just a big meat lovers' stuffed crust pizza. Obviously I can't eat it all myself in one sitting because I'm not THAT much of a fat fuck, but I want to get it anyway. I can just wrap the rest up in foil and eat it a day or two from now.

Pizza Hut feels really underrated for me in general. It's trash but all mainstream pizza chains are trash, and Pizza Hut is the best of the worst.

>> No.19569079

what if there was an alarm app that only shut off once you complete a somewhat long puzzle and if you fail to complete it or idle for too many seconds the alarm starts blaring agian

>> No.19569090

for me, usually i wake up "in the middle of the night" to go piss, get back in bed, check my clock and see it's only 3 minutes til the alarm goes off.

>> No.19569091

There’s a long-standing meme that gets posted here that the comic addresses.
I did not post it in Yhwh’s nor Ilúvatar’s name

>> No.19569101

the perfect response to pair with your unfunny comic

>> No.19569122

It exists, its called Alarmy. Use the photo feature and set it to your bathroom.

>> No.19569147

I can't tell what this is but I just puked it out onto a text file. I guess I'm trying to tell myself to... kill myself. I can't think or anyone else this kind of writing is targeted at. Hopefully I will grow out of this phase soon.
>There are two kinds of people: >Those who have the urge to take from others and those who are scared of the thought of taking from others. It is exclusive to any survival urges. It is not by any divine organization or administration that the people who are willing to take are in the most optimized positions for their method of operation. The rest of us, the meek, are in our own international limbo. We may live full lives or we may die young. In any case, the meek are the ones in the boiling pot, being stirred steadily by the takers, and as long as this method of operation is followed by the meek, they will be tortured in amorphous ways by those who are willing to take from others, for their whole life, from overt and invisible directions permeating every realm of their life and perception. I want to ask you: If you are not willing to take from others, if you are the one in the stirring pot, what do you want to live for? Your method of operation, your method of living, will always be being whipped and frayed by them. Your family will be under the care of a husband, a commanding mind of the house, that is content with living under this omniscient punishment. If you are not willing to step over the edge and reject the so-called "social contract", the demons picking their teeth with the bones of prior generations of your ilk will not just sit there. You will be eaten over and over reincarnation after reincarnation by the people who take. You are eternal livestock. Would you really be of that much less use to others if your body weight was converted to crop fertilizer instead? Which serves more *utility* as you may put it? What is the point of your life? Does the ounce of ego you drape over your little existence like a tragic prince outweigh the tons of misery you cause? Ask yourself these things more often. You don't need to put on a facade when you're staring down a gun barrel.

>> No.19569160

>abrahamic religions
I prefer to live in a hut in the forest and worship the god of fire

>> No.19569181

why worship a god of fire when there's already friendly spirits in the forest

>> No.19569186

little caesar's

>> No.19569193

If I wake up early tomorrow to go the mess and they dont have bacon I am going to have mean and negative thoughts >:(

>> No.19569227

anyone know a good archival blogsite somebody can use if they don't want to be banned?

>> No.19569233

you should repeat the phrase to someone in the mess and then it will make you feel better, logically

>> No.19569237


>> No.19569247

will it? I would just be scared to find cartilage in my egg sponge™

>> No.19569251


>> No.19569257

yea opening up to strangers is good for the soul

>> No.19569698
File: 149 KB, 342x372, 1637369730008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a compass and protractor set and I'm doing euclid constructions https://www.c82.net/euclid/book1

>> No.19569736
File: 177 KB, 900x745, 1623186317493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself quite frequently extremely skeptical of myself, my perspective, and my beliefs; constantly second guessing, thinking about the cons, and thinking about the pros of things that run against the grain of what I typically think and feel. There's certainly no shortage of "grass is greener on the other side" type thoughts, but just as frequently as i fall into doubts, something comes along to pick me up and throw me back on the good path. I still dont think i've "figured everything out" though, for example I know for certain that, especially in the last few years, developing in isolation has been detrimental to the development of my perspective and I absolutely without a doubt need to smooth out the rough edges and integrate everything Ive learned over the years into the context of a normal life for the sake of perhaps one day returning to a normal life and being able to navigate it while holding on to everything that matters to me.

>> No.19569970

I almost killed myself this morning. If I had some good poison , a gun or another viable method there's a very good chance I would have.

>> No.19570034

We’re long overdue for a change of cultural attitudes, 2022 will be the year when us thiccbois will finally be appreciated and desired, and not just by the LGBT+ community.
Thicc women have already been appreciated for years, it’s time for our day in the sun too now.

>> No.19570057
File: 14 KB, 323x326, Ibn_rushd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now have the power to make straight lines equal to a given line in any direction

>> No.19570133

it kind of sucks im sorry but i am glad you got your emotions out

>> No.19570138

the saddest story on /lit/

>> No.19570140

well turns out they had bacon anyway, not sure if it was worth it though, feel like I have a brick in my stomach

>> No.19570289

Any stories of people who were insignificant as a young man but became significant later in life?

>> No.19570317

like in a complete out of nowhere way?

>> No.19570361

It could be in a “out of nowhere way” or in a “was an irrelevant clerk until…” way or anything really.

>> No.19570368

Depends what you mean by young man, but I think most great men weren't noticeably greater than other people of (perhaps) a certain success in their youth. Besides heirs like Alexander and in some arts the rare prodigy (who even then wasn't better early on than all the other, obscure prodigies).

>> No.19570377

Yooooooo my boyssss what's up my dudes haha

>> No.19570378

Nahhh could never be me lool

>> No.19570442

But they often swim in important streams. Alexander was the son of a king. Caesar was a Roman patrician. Napoleon was a military officer. What comes to mind for me are figures like Diocletian, who rose from slave to Emperor, but he had a successful military career which started quite young. I’m looking for people who in young adulthood did nothing particularly interesting or important, if there even are any.

>> No.19570479

>Caesar was a Roman patrician. Napoleon was a military officer.
True, but they were just as irrelevant as all the other patricians or military officers, until a certain point. But I guess you do look for something different.

>> No.19570517

I think my depression might be slowly lifting. A new change I noticed during dinner last night was that food has a new kind of "weight" to it, making it hard to eat quickly. Normally I wolf every meal down in under 5 minutes because it feels kind of weightless and flavorless, but it's suddenly gotten harder to do that in the past couple of days. I guess that could still be placebo effect, maybe I'm not really improving, but I also got into depression through a very slow change, so it would make sense getting cured takes the same amount of time. I hope that's how this is

>> No.19570629

But by virtue of the station, all patricians and military officers deal, in my opinion, with higher level duties than say a banker, a laborer, or in today’s terms, a financial analyst. I’m looking for the stories of the guy who was a laborer until he was 30 and then became something important.

>> No.19570842

My piss is yellow and ridiculously stinks because I barely drank water. I guess it's cos of the cold.

>> No.19570870

These threads should be called /wwoym/.
Are there any programmers or those who code currently present?

>> No.19570884

>Are there any programmers or those who code currently present?
what's up

>> No.19570897

How do you git gud? Other than practice.

>> No.19570902

I don't know, if I knew I would be good

>> No.19571279
File: 1.49 MB, 1837x2278, 1638476363873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that screencap about an anon that has this philosophy of "smugness", where anytime he watches a bad movie at the cinema he walks off with a smug smirk in his face? And he goes on to say that nobody knows anything after all this time in the history of humanity

>> No.19571284

/sffg/ is taken over by the mentally ill.

>> No.19571321

Good morning everyone, how are you enjoying the ugolino and his sons /wwoym/ edition?

>> No.19571348

Someone made a second thread. Probably that mentally ill butterfly.

>> No.19571362

I need to do something more with my life.

>> No.19571426

why more?

>> No.19571433

Got a good laugh out of the absurdity of the situation, especially the part where you pay somebody to finish the job. I think if you continued in that vein it would have made for a good ironic piece ala baudelaire. Though you showed your hand with the last bit and it ruined evrything hence why everybody called you a pathetic pussy, on which I agree

>> No.19571455

I don't want to be alive.
I never asked to be created, how is eternal existence fair?!
I want to opt out!
There is no place to run to, globohomo is truly global, and anyone saying "not hete" is lying to himself.
Nothing makes sense.
I can't identify with the current culture, and I HATE it beyond anything I could previously imagine.
I'm on the verge of murder.
Everything disgusts me, and I can't just unplug, because sooner or later, I have to look.
It will follow me home.
It will intrude on my thoughts.
It will seek me out.
My normie wife doesn't get it and neither do our children.
They practically partake in it.
Sooner or later globohomo finds me.
I hate it.
I hate it!

>> No.19571479
File: 1.91 MB, 1200x1200, 7807CC3A-CE54-4404-B6F6-1680BA750F99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19571517


This post made me reflect on who i am as a person. thank you for posting « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

>> No.19571584

i wrote it while high and submitted it just to see if it would actually make it
when i come up with a retarded idea i like fleshing it out into a finished thing because i think its funny to do so.
in no way is it a poem. just something i wrote in 4 mins in a notepad file while giggling
im glad you got a laugh out of it. cheers

>> No.19571598
File: 82 KB, 680x768, efrs454f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing on my mind, is there supposed to be?

>> No.19571602


>> No.19571621

I’m very unsatisfied with this much. I aspire to more, to be more.

>> No.19571744

God is so loving.

Be patient, little anons. Focus on him and be patient, there is nothing else we can do.

>> No.19571749

Which is the best age to die? I try to think about it but at the same time if I were given the chance to be there watching forever I would gladly watch even the end of the universe. So what is moving me to think about my own death? It is that we decay, we are not in control of ourselves and social interaction is needed in order of being human. Pathetic.

>> No.19571762

Why I love my family and friends, I don't wish for an afterlife or end of the times where we are going to be reunited forever and ever.

>> No.19571790

>See a stupid OP and a stupid thread on this board
>Write up a reply
>Realize that they are deadset in their position and that by posting I am accomplishing nothing
>Close the thread without posting my reply
This seems to be getting more and more common for me

>> No.19571817

What if there are people who know it's retarded but can't articulate why or who are unsure and might be convinced by OP.
Are you perhaps, just averse to conflict? Mind you, I see no reason why you shouldn't be, but you made it sound like that's the only reason you didn't stress the point.

>> No.19571896
File: 43 KB, 300x250, hurt pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lost another argument

>> No.19571950
File: 19 KB, 236x350, donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how in the world do you develop a thicker skin? i try to keep a straight face when i'm faced with disses and insults, but i have to admit that i dwell on what was said to me when i go back to my home and sit alone. maybe i am just a bitch and should an hero after all.

>> No.19571996

>Are you perhaps, just averse to conflict? Mind you, I see no reason why you shouldn't be, but you made it sound like that's the only reason you didn't stress the point.
I'm not averse to conflict, but I don't get into arguments with walls either. Everyone's picked their position already and literally nothing budges anyone.

>> No.19572016

only nords are supposed to be stone faced the furthor south you go and the more stoic you get the change of a sudden heart attackk increases

>> No.19572084

it's called taking a bait, and there's a lot of them these days. there's not an incentive to create a dialogue, it's just noise. it can be sporadically funny if you get into with a trolling mindset, but after a while yeah it becomes tiring.

>> No.19572345
File: 121 KB, 166x145, aegis reflector.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people always advise you to ''be kind to yourself''? if i'm a piece of absolute fucking shit and i justifiably despise myself for it, why in the world should i be nice to this fag who willingly put himself in this position despite being warned time and time again? to me, all it would do is feed a potentially very unhealthy delusion and nurture a deep seated narcissism.
it also plays into the divide between self-love and self-esteem. cheap womanly tactics to exploit a market of vulnerably people i tell ya.

>> No.19572365

I am an idiot and scheduled buying drugs in the middle of the day when there is really no good reason for me to leave the house. What should I tell my parents

>> No.19572407
File: 799 KB, 3840x2160, 1631960606624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone here can advise or help me in any way but I want to tell someone this.

The fire inside me has been extinguished. I wanted to be an artist. I drew but then gave up on that. After that I started reading and writing and I even tried coding and stuff like that. I gave up shortly after starting all of those activities.
Now I just watch the occasional art house movie and browse this place or YouTube. I literally do nothing and have given up on everything.
What am I to do to regain my will for living and doing things?

>> No.19572441

i'm in the same boat. understand why or how i got disillusioned and felt that my work would be futile was a good step forward. i recommend confronting yourself in your diary/journal with some question that dig really deep. good luck man.

>> No.19572453

Thanks for the advice. I'll try that diary thing.

>> No.19572469

why do you have to tell them anything? are you underage?

>> No.19572476

Have a purpose

All the things you're talking about having tried are vehicles for serving some purpose, they aren't purposes in and of themselves. Purpose is what makes some guy shake off how tired he is after his shit job and work all night on proving his mathematical conjecture year after year, instead of saying "it's not reasonable to work into the night, I just want to relax." Purpose is rarely reasonable, that's why it refuses accommodation with an easy lifestyle, and that's why it often reshapes your lifestyle and eventually your entire self. People don't get good at coding because they "want to get good at coding," they get good because they're autistically dedicated to making some video game project nobody gives a shit about because they have some insane conviction they can really make it.

Obviously you have to love the journey too, and if you love the sheer feeling of coding or drawing on a day to day basis that's great too, but there are a lot of great coders and great artists for whom coding and drawing is mostly painful and miserable, most of their time is spent on the hard parts they don't enjoy, like grinding skills and acquiring the parts of the skill they aren't innately good at. Doing the easy parts would just be spinning wheels, showing off, wasting time. The reason some people can endure this is because they have a vision or goal.

You're going through the same slump most young men are, and if you stay here for too long you will end up yet another old guy whose whole inner life is a string of consumerist coping mechanisms. There are points of no return that you really don't want to go past. No amount of self pity or narcissistic excuse-making about how you're a tortured genius can be traded in later to undo the damage you can do to yourself by wasting these years. At the end of the day you have to make that either/or choice, you are already making it by wasting today if you waste it.

Even if you decide you're just a weak faggot with no vision or purpose and all you want from life is comfort and consumer hedonism, you should still suffer for some craft and become a master of it so you can act least guarantee yourself a livelihood.


This is a good video too even if you scoff at Sam Hyde, takes a few minutes to pick up steam

>> No.19572497

I don't have to, but when I leave the house, I usually say where I'm going.

>> No.19572507

cant you just say you are going to the store or walk or a drive or something?

>> No.19572509

Purpose yeah. I didn't mention that in my post but purpose is something that I care a lot about. Don't really know how to find it though. I guess I'm trying to find it through art.

>> No.19572551

It takes longer than those things would take me to do. I might say I'll go meet a friend, but I dont think I've met friends in the afternoon for years now

>> No.19572577

jannies intentionally delete the most interesting threads on this board

>> No.19572692
File: 132 KB, 680x626, 4B957CC0-AFF0-4FAF-914F-A96821523AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link them here

>> No.19572697

just say you're going to get food or something?

>> No.19572717

They are trying to get us to go and read instead of browsing 4chan

>> No.19572822

I just had an interview for an MBA program that went about 15 minutes short. Is that a bad sign?

>> No.19572895

christ you are literally too stupid to be helped. i hope youre buying drugs you can OD on

>> No.19572951

not that anon but can you point out & elaborate on examples of those points of no return that you mentioned? this shit terrifies because i mostly have no clue on how to proceed or where to spot my mistakes. i feel like i'm completely screwing myself over, yet i don't really know why or how.
any bit of guidance would be greatly appreciated. i'll turn 21 very soon if that matters, and i'm a neet.

>> No.19572963

I love farting so much bros... the cool wind massaging my shpincter... the smell... I love it

>> No.19572997

I have a Dominos coupon to redeem a free medium pizza.
You don't.

>> No.19573014

you'll get stronger

>> No.19573071

the cool wind? your body temperature ok?

>> No.19573097

I’m falling back into Kratom addiction and I don’t like it but it’s the only way I can cope with the stress of Uni right now.

I’m probably gonna get diagnosed with ADHD and get on Ritalin. I like the thought and I’ve really tried everything else but I know I would be fine if the modern world wasn’t designed to exploit my response to supernatural stimuli so hard and think the idea of treating an illness and not a person in an environment is fucking retarded.

>> No.19573111

I no longer enjoy being back home. It's crazy how imprisoning and awful your own family home can feel once you have reached maturity and can take care of yourself.

>> No.19573117

pizza hut > papa johns > dominos >>> little caesar

>> No.19573291

i want to go for a walk but everything is encased in ice and it snowed hard so you cant even see the ice and know if its safe to walk normally

>> No.19573310 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 360x360, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm debating what i should blow that free christmas credit from audible on. at 60 hours this looks highly comfy, but idk.

>> No.19573327 [DELETED] 

wait, u have to interview for those mfs? i was looking to apply to some around here cuz my job is offering to pay tuition instead of giving me a cash raise. actually an interview could work in my favor because i'm decent at bullshitting but shitty at studying.

>> No.19573429

you have such terrible taste in women

>> No.19573439
File: 52 KB, 681x567, FAF3BF66-D839-428F-A916-BE05BFA8C282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a wide variety. Who do you like?

>> No.19573446

Couple days ago on weekend, got drunk and started a fight. Have had kinda bad year so it just sorta happened. Now im here thinking about next time when i will be able to go out and get into a fight again. Maybe i can call it my hobby or something.

>> No.19573583
File: 22 KB, 297x394, mergulho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can never get away from yourself. that is the curse. shit.

>> No.19573648

are americans really like this?
i would say little caesars first and i wouldnt even include papa johns or pizza hut in my ranking

>> No.19573651

Very cool, I want to do some with my little siblings when I get back from college. I hope they would be interested...

>> No.19573686
File: 697 KB, 1177x711, B163007F-50E7-468A-9CC4-73EF090831DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said who do you find attractive?

>> No.19573694

not middle aged whores with gray pubes

>> No.19573703

stop posting twitch streamers

>> No.19573713

A man that says he loves a woman without makeup is like a woman saying she loves a man without money or a job.

>> No.19573717
File: 328 KB, 1366x1830, 939528BE-C52B-41CB-8C07-E59C52227706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that where that’s from?
I don’t follow any of them

That’s not an answer

>> No.19573720

But will it fit on a coffee mug?

>> No.19573762

I love New England goth girl but I grew up playing World of Warcraft with one. I miss staying up late talking to her and the gang on Ventrillo. Msdeathmetal, if you are out there, I wanna impregnate you.

>> No.19573801

>double replying
how insecure

>> No.19573819

Little Caesars is actual bottom of the barrel trash. I would rather not eat than eat Little Caesar's. Papa John's is meh, Pizza Hut is the best chain. All of these brands get btfo by any local joint though.

>> No.19573830

they're both pathetic grifters
you're too horny

>> No.19573833

Felt like shit today and I just realized it's probably because the creamer I bought has added sugar in it (accidentally). Lately I've gone without artificial sugar for the past few weeks and it really improved my life. Not sure if it's just a genetic thing or what but I should probably give up artificial sugars permanently now, I really don't ever want to have them again. This is really inconvenient though living in the US. People will cram sugar into anything

>> No.19573836

If someone asked you for extra sauce on something, how much more sauce would you add?
a) 2x
b) 1.7x
c) 1.5x
d) 1.3x

I want everyone to answer(I know you are reading this). We're going to see whos a retard and who isn't.

>> No.19573845

Domination is freedom by another name. If this hypothetical matrix is truly paradise than perhaps there would be no need. However, I very much doubt that is the case. If there is even a slight hint of imperfection everything will follow its natural order yet again.

I’ve recently been reading an old book I bought for $3.00 titled Management and Machiavelli. The strikingly similar parallels he draws between the formation of monarchical governments and modern corporations shocks me to a deeper degree than anticipated. If the claims he makes are true it explains a lot of the confusion I’ve seen in modern media. If his claims are true… either was I think it’s a good perspective.

>> No.19573869


>> No.19573870


>> No.19573871

You debate not to convince your opposition, but the audience watching. Pretty simple logic. Now if you think even the audience watching couldn’t care less, then yea you’re wasting your energy.

>> No.19573875

1.5x. 2x is double sauce which is another thing entirely; 1.3x is too little, and 1.7x is too much.

>> No.19573883

D. Adding 30% more is already a large amount for taste.

>> No.19573886


>> No.19573899

Correct. And if you are going to fuck that up at least make it d (Which makes >>19573883 partially correct)

Burn in hell. Its people like you who have ruined my free pizza and my whole night (>>19572997)

>> No.19573912

Mainly it's when you keep thinking "I'll do X at some point" over and over, then the point hits where you realize there is no "at some point" anymore, because you're past it already and you never did X. This happens in a few phases, and most people are so bewildered and frightened by whatever phase they've just hit, they don't realize the next one is approaching even faster than the last one did. You'd think the wakeup calls would be obvious, but 99% of people will just keep distracting themselves from the problem, trying to burrow even harder into the feeling of still having plenty of time, and one day they wake up old, still feeling like they're 20 in terms of accomplishments and maturity, but now staring down middle age. The gap between 30-40 happens in the same subjectively felt time as 21-23.

When you're young you're literally incapable of seeing time objectively, and your brain runs on "I'll do X some time in the next couple of years" statements as a way of sorting your life plans and managing your anxiety about all the shit you theoretically want to do. Every year feels like a mulligan or do-over because 23 "is basically" 22 and 22 "is basically" 21 and 21 "is basically 20." You also have a fucked up sense of just how long a year is in general. So on an unconscious level you're overestimating both how much time you have, and how much can be done in that time, which makes hitting the series of "how the FUCK am I twenty-whatever already?" walls with nothing to show for it that much more jarring.

You definitely aren't fucked, you could learn any skill or start out any life trajectory and still have plenty of room for changing course and starting over. But if you're like most young guys, you will see 21-25 go by REAL fast, and you'll suddenly be 25, still feeling the same way and asking the same question. Then you'll bury your head in the sand and watch anime for another 3 years and suddenly oops it wasn't 2 years it was actually 4 and you're 29. Some guys ride this all the way to their 40s.

>> No.19573918

To some extent this is unavoidable and just part of the human condition, but there is a right way to grow into it and deal with it, and the people I'm talking about don't do it. In my opinion the right way is
>Have objective goals that are bigger than you and that give structure to your life (it will not be easy to figure these out at first because you're young and stupid, but they will start to become clear through enough failures and groping, and IN HINDSIGHT you will realize they were always there waiting to be developed, and even your earliest failures and groping were on the right track in some way)
>Actively resist your subjective time dilation that makes you think you'll "do X some time in the coming year or two, probably," and go do X NOW
>Get it through your head, until it's instinctive, that anything you excuse yourself from starting today is 98% likely to not be a part of your life in 10 years (working out, playing your instrument, learning that language)
>Constantly expose yourself to new experiences and new challenges, both in general, and related to your overall objective goal(s) in life (don't just play to your strengths or spin your wheels)
>Go out of your way to enter into things related to your goals that impose deadlines/challenges on your skills and expose weaknesses in them

Above all just remember that at some point, whether you like it or not, your consciousness is going to switch over to a subjective feeling of time as a scarce resource, not the vague and endless haze you can wander around in with impunity that it currently feels like. At some point, a year is going to start feeling like a month or two, much more limited, much more requiring conscious distribution, much more punishing if you get depressed and waste half of it beating off. While this is oppressive in a way, it's only horrible for people who never matured by developing themselves into the kind of person who can gratefully spend his time on accomplishing his goals. If all you WANT from time itself is a formless indefinite haze to beat off in, then you're still mentally 20 years old, which is only slightly dangerous and probably even somewhat healthy at 20 actual years old, but a really bad thing to be when you're 26, 29, 35, or 60.

Ancient Romans "felt" it in their bones that age 30-60 was the most honorable and exciting time to be a man, because it was the time when you've matured past your generic youthful adventures and taking your mandatory lumps from the system, and you could enter politics and work your way to the top, get famous, ennoble your family, change the world, etc. We instinctively think 30-60 are the twilight years because our society is so diseased it can only conceive of "peak life" as 20-25 year old carefree partying, and everything else should be graded as a derivation from that peak. Life is about consumption, a 23 year old is just a consumer in his prime, so a 45 year old is just a wrinklier consumer past his prime.

>> No.19573922

But if you're actually ready for that adult consciousness when it finally hits, you can switch your consciousness into Roman mode where you are excited to have 30 well distributed years to devote to your goals with a fully mature mind. A lot of squishy accidental generic crap you did in your 20s because everybody does it in their 20s will fall away, and while this will be tragic for the people who are nothing but progressively older 20 year olds, it will be an exciting thing if you've actually managed to make yourself into a man.

The only way to do that is to have converted all the squishy formless merely passively existing parts of yourself into meaningful, developed parts by then, ideally in harmony but at least in productive tension with each other. This will inevitably be a dialectical progression between following-discovering-following your objective goals and priorities, which will reveal your objective self to you in the process, which will reveal more depth and meaning to your goals, which will reveal new depths to your self, etc. Because the process is dialectical, it has to start with a leap of faith, while you're still a dumbfuck 20 year old who doesn't know shit. Every one of your opinions and thoughts is going to undergo so much reformulation and sublation in the next 5 years, and then again in the next 5 after that, that you will eventually feel about your current self the way you currently feel about your 12 year old self, that he could barely be considered sentient. You can't do anything about that, but what you can do is start applying the "pressure" that will keep the process rolling forward and compounding on itself, and it will eventually break through into self-consciousness.

That's also where just getting off your ass and doing things comes in, which is a really good habit to form NOW. Don't spend 2-4 years dallying and thinking about which of an infinite number of virtual future selves you ideally want to be, go start BEING at least some of them NOW. Better a guitar hobby that subtly changed who you are in a dozen ways even though you eventually discarded it than a million empty forgotten plans to eventually learn an instrument, better a thousand experiences hitting your plateau with bodybuilding than a thousand hours vaguely assuming you will eventually figure out the exact perfect gym routine. If you want to make a place for 4chan style time wasting in your life, it's doable, but start to be insanely critical of any expenditure of your time that adds nothing but hedonism. You're going to want to hang yourself when you think back on your 4000 hours of that game you didn't even really like.

It's all pretty obvious advice I guess but it's what I wish I could tell my younger self. A lot of this should be provided by big brothers and associating with men who are further along but most young people are adrift and atomized so they will just plateau.

>> No.19573943

How can I come back to life and feel vital again?!

>> No.19573957

The thing is, this world only offers a select range of purposes. I don’t want to be the misanthrope but I’m of the opinion that we live in the single most inert and undignified times that has ever existed in recorded history. If making a video game doesn’t stoke the fire, and neither does making money, well, you’re just out of luck.

>> No.19573976


>> No.19574009

I know exactly what you mean, and it was similar conditions that made me realize it. The best way I figured out to explain it to others was like this:
That same feeling you get when you're listening to a song you've heard several times, when you're anticipating a certain verse or measure and can "hear" it in-key and in-time, unlike the normal sense of having a song stuck in your head. Apply that feeling to real-life situations, the thoughts of other people, and their responses to your questions or statements, and you get a really schizo-feeling sense of prescience.

>> No.19574033
File: 704 KB, 1496x1147, A95537D5-FF35-4E27-86F2-F4A19B52731C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I would like an answer
2. I had just found a new Babe with Gun pic I had to share

Like my old anonymous days on /b/, I give them no pennies for their wares.

>> No.19574073

>Be me, 21 going on 22
I feel jolted by these posts. At the same time, I feel like there's little point in doing much because stuff like climate change or a war with China/Russia or economic/political collapse in America will so upend my life that the only thing worth doing is buying a bunker somewhere and waiting the apocalypse out. At the same time my day-to-day life continues, but I'm always waiting for things to fall apart. How do I stop worrying about such things?

>> No.19574122

you regularly wage war on it so frankly dont belong in the presence of beauty

>> No.19574130
File: 3 KB, 800x600, high score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 Days.
I've officially beaten my record for weed sobriety. But what's a record worth if I still have cravings?

I've achieved a high score, and yet it is worth no points. I feel nothing.

>> No.19574138

you should take up fentanyl

>> No.19574167
File: 1.45 MB, 1728x2730, 5B059308-7569-480A-8286-1D7768E0D59D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still not showing his ideal beauty
>Makes false/overwrought accusation
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and my eyes are large

>> No.19574174

Everyone has cravings. Ignoring them is the key to quitting. Then again I'm not one to give advice on this topic. Porn is tempting.

>> No.19574180

In any case, I just finished my first drawing in years. It's trash, but it's something. I've been meaning to get into art.

>> No.19574186

I believe I am an evolutionary dead end
I am a fairly intelligent person, but I seem incapable of thriving in an environment that requires me to participate in cold, abstract systems such as selling my wage labor to a corporation or attending a university

If I were born some time in the past, would I have had success being trained as a craftsman, baker, working as a stableman, or filling some other such role?
I cannot recall feeling an aversion to work done with or in the service of family and friends

maybe some of you feel the same way

>> No.19574194

You can oddly enough and there is plenty of demand for it.

>> No.19574196

its not false in any way

>> No.19574214

I find the same desire fren. It seems like your major issue is that you are seeing the path the heard is taking and worrying that divergence is a wrong move. Trust me when I say it is not. Even if to fulfill your desire of more personal work you must make your own company to do it, it will be worth it. If you want something moderately kino there is a YouTube channel called Homemade Home I like to watch quite a bit. His usual MO is remodeling with his family, but he also occasionally sells farm tables to his local community. Business is everywhere.

>> No.19574431

Comfort is the second edge on the sword of joy. Comfort tends to unconsciousness.

>> No.19574434

Based frogman

>> No.19574507

I don't understand the strange obsession with apex predator beast. We would be much better off if we killed every lion, tiger, wolf, bear, crocodile, and shark on this planet. They compete with us for their prey and sometimes get bold and attack a human directly. If liberals love them so much they can buy their own cordoned off sanctuaries to maintain them, but they must be financially responsible for accidental damages they cause and it should not be payed for by
tax payers. They're already in low enough numbers their effects on ecologies is minimal as is. People think ecologies are these fragile complex webs where if you make one micro adjustment it all collapses, but actually they're incredible robust and self correcting. Removing these apex predators would likely cause no harm to ecologies at all. The little effect they have would be things like there being more deer, more fish, etc for us to hunt or catch. No down side.

>> No.19574529

I'm the anon that made the original post you replied to.

Thank you so much. I'm not sure where to start but I think helping the local union fight for warm meals for workers in my shithole Slavic country and practicing that guitar I have might be a start. Even if I fail at all of those and give up I'll just find something else to try doing. I can't just give up on life like that. As the old people here say "Life is a battle".
Thank you.

>> No.19574550


>> No.19574609

They kill the sick and weak. They're our bros, and they know we're boss, that's why if you roll up on them like you gonna pounce some shit they'll fuck off and leave the prey carcass unattended in case daddy wants first share.
We could do with more aurochs though. We should breed those back from cows, but society is no longer letting us kill our own weak and sick through bull running now, so I don't think we'll get aurochs anytime soon. Still I can dream of the days when a herd going by sounds like a Madness concert.

>> No.19574731
File: 268 KB, 500x465, h2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19574765

I realized that people don't make any qtddtot threads (questions that don't deserve their own thread) on here anymore. Are not wanted anymore? Or can I open one? I think that they are different from this thread because people there would only talk about literature?

Thanks for making me laugh this really made my day I genuinely mean no disrespect

>> No.19574769

Ignore the question mark in the end

>> No.19574786
File: 1.21 MB, 754x1077, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to write something about how much I despised myself and - for the sake of the people I love and the world at large - wished for my complete non-existence, but then I realised that only a bitch would write something like that, and I don't want to be one. I have to play the cards I've been given and do the best I can, suicide would just be a waste of it all.

>> No.19574858
File: 78 KB, 720x480, 1638617797774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ignored my inner voice and now I am experiencing its consequences. Beware of this nonhuman whore lads, she is killing me. My individual personality doesn't matter to her. Socrates called it a Daemon.


>> No.19574874

How do you hear your inner voice?

>> No.19574898

Is waking up early a meme or will it actually help me get things done?

>> No.19574905

I wouldn't take it to an extreme but in my experience waking up at a reasonable hour is the single best thing a human being can do and fucking your sleep schedule is the single worst thing you could do

>> No.19574909

If you scan my brain you will discover an epic pre-christian slavic mandala in my mind

>> No.19574917

Everyone has two fools in them, as Beckett said it. You hear two voices, they always keep arguing. Nonhuman is always interested in continuity, creation, risk, chaos, aggression, sex, evil etc. The other voice is my individual personality which wants to be NEET, comfy, safe, staying indoors, empathic etc.

But you have bargain with nonhuman whore for your personal safety. Now that bitch is demanding from me to work on my art projects like a maniac and move to city, take risks, hit the gym etc. but I have been ignoring all lot its requests because I am pessimist and I know all is nothing so why bother. Now this nonhuman whore is giving me mental and psychical illness but I don't care, I don't want to leave behind absolutely nothing, I am not interested in action. This whore tell me that if you won't do these art projects then you will be just another nobody. But I don't I am already a nobody like 100 billion who came before.

>> No.19574923

What would that reasonable hour be? 5 or 6 am or earlier?

>> No.19574944

I mean it really depends on what your schedule looks like, but in a vacuum I think 6 is the ideal "early" wake up time and 7 is the ideal normal wake up time

>> No.19574946
File: 666 KB, 1152x648, inside_you_there_are_two_wolves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19574948


>> No.19574964

That's not true. One is human and other is nonhuman.

It's all comes down to Schopenhauerian negation or Nietzschean affirmation. Schopenhauer affirmed it for specific things like consuming and creating art. But Nietzsche was a lunatic, he affirmed it on almost every level, nor mercy or guilt.

>> No.19575006

dude theres no way you know any of that without trial and error, i mean like fine i'm not one to be shocked by the thought process. but let me be one to rebuttal a bit: what if when you kill predators, their prey spawns a lot more, thus drawing attention and resources away from human civilization to cull the excessive hoards, when they could have been free from so due to mother nature, yet if not doing so, the endless hoards of animals would otherwise destroy cultivations and arable land elsewhere, also having negative consequences on the economy to a greater extent.

>> No.19575041

But I dont hear either of them. Am I not worthy?

>> No.19575080

My mother is on her deathbed dying of the same thing that James Joyce's mother died from. Isn't that cool? When I first read Portrait I related to him to an uncanny degree---to the degree that I've lived (and probably will continue to live) practically the same life as him, had the same Catholic upbringing, consorted with prostitutes, visions of fire and brimstone, heartfelt confession, subsequent apostasy, the same plans for the future, etc.

>> No.19575088

You will hear her. Sit in silence without any distraction and start thinking. You already unknowingly have it within you which isn't you. If you want to have some control over your life then start negotiating with the whore. I don't listen to her grandiose demands and it is destroying me but I do acknowledge the presence.

Here Cormac McCarthy is talking about it in scientific or materialistic terms

Here Bernardo Kastrup is discussing the Daemon topic in great detail within more nonmaterialistic terms

>> No.19575124

>That's not true. One is human and other is nonhuman.
One is gay and the other is gay

>> No.19575175
File: 122 KB, 1024x988, 1619964154118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is right a reference to a specific piece of ancient text?
(/his/ doesn't have a /qtddtot/, which this general is for me)

>> No.19575184

I can't believe I have been hearing them from a young age. While I am surrounded by artists as well as people making families and stopping themselves from being alone, I always felt those were empty meaningless actions. Right now I publish just to get money. My last publication was a short story were they put the wrong name on it, and I can't give a shit at all, I didnt even bothered about correcting them.

>> No.19575206

The idea of having a purpose is insulting and depressing. Thats what you do with machines, and how you train an animal to serve you. Purpose is a cheap drug, is not even that good but really easy to cling to it. You are just programming yourself until death takes you.

>> No.19575213

Sounds like Herodotus.

>> No.19575246

Having family for an artist is a disaster at least creatively. Art comes from chaos and family is having a balance. If they immersed themselves into that shut too much then their art is going to suffer. If you're already within publishing then I would say do that shit properly. Enemies and hate are good motivators for art. Ligotti is extremely blackpilled but he take it for his advantage and make good shit.

>> No.19575389

I'm the anon you've replied to. Thank you so much, man. This is really putting things into a perspective in a highly lucid way. I hope I can make something good out of this. God bless
And I think you're the one who's been programmed to see life in a, quite frankly, still adolescent spirit and detached from where the reality lies. Funny how it works ain't it?
I suggest doing some more reading on visceral experiences, because this whole purpose is for cattles is one hell of a dead end that never served anybody any good. Think of any great person that has ever lived and transcended the confines of time. Didn't they have a sense of purpose/direction? You really think that focusing on that is what's more miserable than lacking that direction? I believe you're misguided my friend, but hey, that's just my humble opinion.

>> No.19575437

I wasted my day again, /lit/. How do I hold myself accountable? How do I turn my pea brain into massive brain?

>> No.19575445

>Think of any great person that has ever lived and transcended the confines of time.
There is not such a person, everything that last is just the invention of a person who once existed but it doesnt anymore. Their art or works are just products to randomly profit from it, morally, ethically, socially, You call it, but is empty of the nature of the creator or from what make them themselves, their legacy is to be exploited and manipulated as much as the myth of their existence. Purpose is a manufactured concept to keep being productive and serve society.

>> No.19575452

>Cormac McCarthy
Is that Oprah?

>> No.19575471
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KWAAHB (kek what an atomized hollow bitch)

>> No.19575492

u atomized bro?

>> No.19575553
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Is it a curse to be funny? I feel a bit of guilt when i make people laugh nowadays, as if im diverting their attention from more important matters and reinforcing weakness. Plus it really does feel empty and lazy.

>> No.19575562


>> No.19575600

I'm glad someone bothered to read it, brek, kek, kek.

>> No.19575629

You are correct. Humour is inherently an idle, vexing, and befuddling activity. It is best to refrain from it, anon.

>> No.19575657 [DELETED] 

wow sergio aguero had to retire after a previously undiagnosed heart condition surfaced earlier this year. what a bummer. he's only 33.

>> No.19575771

There's no truth or underlying meaning to life, only various schools of interpretations throughout human history on how to navigate existence and awareness. These analyses are esoteric, only relevant to us humans. What's the meaning of existence to animals and plants and inanimate objects? We are biased in trying to speak for them. We, as far as we know, are merely compounding complications of energetic matter. Dress it up all you want but you're only being fanciful.

>> No.19575795

no shit

>> No.19575822

give me a nobel booze prize asshole

>> No.19575861

This but mosquitos

>> No.19575871

A cat kills a mouse and doesnt it it. We call it nature, we let it be knowing the cat would do it again, will do it again. Unless the mouse is our pet and we are afraid of the cat, we still let the feline roam.
A man kill a kid, we call it a crime, we are marvelled about it, afraid as much as curious. We meassure the crime, we give the crime a value: was a violent crime? An accident? Are we afraid the man is going to do it again? And then we make him serve a sentence. Sometimes we let the man roam alongside the cat, sometimes we kill the cat and the man, sometimes we decide to hide our mices and kids because killing the cat or the man is "wrong". Humans are animals adorning their savage behavior with something as flashy as shiny feathers in birds.

>> No.19575884

All of Spengler’s predictions came true exactly as he described…but only if you consider Russia and Eastern Europe as part of “Western” civilization. The so-called “Western” imperium will come out of Russia.

>> No.19575897

>Humans are animals adorning their savage behavior with something as flashy as shiny feathers in birds.
The same way we might "get in a rut", where we spiral dive into a week long mood or mentality (just an example, there are other "happy" ways to get lost), humanity has in the same way lead us to a place that's gotten out of hand. But there's no choice involved in this process. We are already sentenced to hell by being limp witnesses to it all. Even me typing this is written. Me being aware of it while it happens is the greatest comedy or absurdity imaginable.

>> No.19575965

My answer to anon who asked why Bill isn't depressed when his favorite book is The Denial of Death

Becker said that it's not just that people are afraid of death but dying insignificantly. This man is extremely famous and is a saint of liberals. Pascal captured the implications of fame brilliantly:

>Occupations. The sweetness of fame is so great that whatever we pin it to, we love, even death.

Pascal, Pensées

>> No.19576043

I thought getting a trade job would be fulfilling but it's just as hollow as any other gig I've had. Add to that the low pay and physical exertion and it seems like I've been completely duped. Work is for chumps.

>> No.19576094

it was a prank bro. there's cameras all around you. everyone is laughing.

>> No.19576101

Koax koax!

>> No.19576125

*taps the glass* >>19571479
You’ve got to find what you love to do, then do that.
It sucks that it’s always about money. That nightmare won’t stop till people collectively force an alternative way of life that throws the classist bastards into the mud

>> No.19576147

Do you love the "service industry"?

>> No.19576184

It’s not exactly as bad though, is it? If you have any experience working a white collar job, you know how utterly meaningless it is. While you’re right that trades have sunken low as well, they’re in general not quite as meaningless and certainly more tangible. Perhaps you’ve just been misled by the exaltation of the worker and the tradesman, who today, just performs a job. Its rarely a craft or a vocation. Still, it’s less “just a job” than clerical office work. Most business, law, and the like is truly meaningless in every possible sense.

>> No.19576190

Look around you. How can you love what you do? Occupations today are just that, occupations. They exist to occupy you, or someone else, or else for the express purpose of accruing money. Almost nobody actually likes what they do, and even if they did, merely liking your job doesn’t make it purposeful. I like playing video games, but I’d still feel my life as a waste if I played them for a living.

>> No.19576191

Hell no. Looking to escape. If only that alternative were here now.
No, my idealized dream job was filmmaking. But that never materialized.

>> No.19576255

This, you do something tangible, build a house, fix a toilet. What utility it provides requires no thought, so at the very least there is no abstraction required to determine the utterly meaningless value it provides.

>> No.19576258

Did she appear in your dreams?

>> No.19576263

that's unfortunate :(
did you go to film school?
what kind of role in filmmaking?
did you ever have a chance at some sort of job in filmmaking?

>> No.19576322

i can't even tell if this is sincere or not due to how much this website's irony fried my brain.
if it's genuine then i don't know how to not crack a joke and make someone laugh. it's always been how i managed to walk through life.

>> No.19576344

Either reddit has ruined "wholesome" or you guys have ruined "wholesome" by being so high strung. The internet is intentionally filled with demoralising content for its high click rate. Recent Facebook scandal has again underpinned this fact. What's wrong with wanting to surround yourself with uplifting, positive messaging? You senile, cinical, prude party poopers find a way to vilify the utmost frivolously mundane of actions.

>> No.19576358

what's the point when it's artificial and insincere? it's just another silly distraction.

>> No.19576362

>Still, it’s less “just a job”
>do something tangible, build a house, fix a toilet

This is what led to me try various trade jobs, but I get nothing from it. I make less money than I did bartending and there is no fulfilling feeling from building something. I'm on site before sunrise to sunset, I shower eat and go to bed so I can do it again tomorrow. I feel more like an automaton than ever.

>> No.19576392

But you’ve never worked in an office, specifically in an office which has no “field work”, have you?

>> No.19576398

I hear ya

Some film school. Too poor, too shy.

>> No.19576418

> I work from sunrise to sunset, day in, day out
But that’s work, isn’t it? That’s how work’s been for virtually all of known history, at least for those in the peasant class of society. Were your work felt as meaningful, or at least as contributing to some greater than yourself whole, I suspect that you wouldn’t find it as disappointing. Again, it’s not this or that work, or love of specific acts that makes a job unbearable. It’s being devoid of the vocational element, the thing which takes “just a job” and turns it into an offering up of yourself in something bigger than yourself. My guess is you feel yourself as basically a pawn for someone to make money or have luxuries, and in the end, it doesn’t contribute to any greater whole. The problem then is that contribution, not the job itself (not considering the inhuman, computerized, or mechanistic element of modern work which can never be fulfilling). All I can suggest is that you try to turn trade into craft and craft into vocation as best you can. If you feel called to something worthwhile, go for it. Beyond that, we have to deal with the cards we’re dealt.

>> No.19576512

Even when I win something, I still can't feel happy or even stop hating people.

>> No.19576631

No, I've never done office work.
>But that’s work, isn’t it?
I felt alot more freedom to pursue interests while I was bartending. School, even though I eventually dropped out, reading, gym, biking, playing guitar, whatever. When working these trade jobs I go home so tired I can barely do maintenance tasks and maybe read a chapter before I'm asleep.
>feel yourself as basically a pawn for someone to make money or have luxuries
Yeah I can make rent and buy food meanwhile my boss is pulling up in a brand new Raptor and bought himself a big lake property.
>try to turn trade into craft and craft into vocation as best you can
I would love to but this work makes me feel like a slave. It seems like it will take decades before I'm competent enough to quit working for someone else.

>> No.19576637

work on your relationship with your own self.

>> No.19576737
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bronze edition

>> No.19576807
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I don't want to turn this into a /Pol/ thread but... I've been asked to take a booster vaccine and the gov has implemented vaccine passports the same week. When the actual fuck will it end??

>> No.19576812 [DELETED] 

just remember the myocarditis means it's working

>> No.19576818 [DELETED] 

my trans friend's vax passport has her dead name on it and now she has to show it even to buy a cup of coffee.

>> No.19576821

>Fucks thots, takes drugs and eats fastfood but doesnt want to get a stupid booster.

>> No.19576841 [DELETED] 


you thought it was going to end?

>> No.19576857

Unironically do none of those things

>> No.19576881

imagine being shy while promoting epictetus and nietzche
do you even read what you promote
>Too poor
well i hope that turns for the better,you could try streaming while promoting socialism seems like it works

>> No.19576923

wait, you actually fell for the trades meme? if trades are so noble why isn't peter thiel a plumber?

>> No.19576940

I think you’d find office work, especially office work which has no field aspect to the industry, to be even worse.

>> No.19576947

Then go back to bartending. Clearly, you feel that you’re wasting your life and no matter how you shake it, there’s only one thing worse than that and it’s wasting your next life. I don’t think you’re putting that at jeopardy by quitting the trades.

>> No.19576963

Take it anon. I had a mild case of covid but even after 2 months brainfog is still there, my short term memory and concentration are totally fucked, can't read anymore. The vaccinated people that I know had it but they got recovered after ten days

>> No.19576985

Do I really have to say his name? The one whom we must not mention

>> No.19576997


>> No.19577143

> drink a lot of coffee
> stave off hating job just enough to to tolerate it

> don’t drink coffee
> hate job entirely

>> No.19577429

Besides the casino-like algorithmic addictiveness of much of social media it's possible that the anonymity that this same media allows for facilitates a sort of mass psychological transference effect between multitudes at a level obviously never before seen in history, so that the internet itself is the new religion, with which all other religions, but especially the most staid Christian Protestant ones, have an extremely difficult time competing.

Moreover, in the case of the Protestant national religions of northern Europe, in contrast to southern European Catholic folk religiosity and later pentecostalism and charismaticism, "psychological transference" is intentionally repressed on dogmatic and theological grounds, perhaps because of Protestantism's association of (to borrow an anachronistic Freudian term) "psychological transference" with magic and witchcraft, and uninhibited human "powers" and instincts that should strongly, indeed, vehemently be repressed, in order for the work of a more rationalized and efficient practice of religion, politics, and commerce to exist, let alone go forward. So all the old religions, but especially the staid Protestant state churchs, are fighting a losing battle they were never meant to win.

In other words, the technological entrails of the internet is what one might call a high Protestant technology, but the way the internet is largely consumed is very opposite and contrary to its technological/quasi-theological efficiency: as it resembles some sort of Dionysian mystery cult to perpetual sensual stimulation, including, in no small part, the compulsive mesmeric force of "psychological transference" on both a scale and intensity that leaves all other mass "psychological transference" movements in the dust.

Indeed, the teachings and practice of certain ancient religions may be an antidote to the aforementioned unprecedented mass scale and mass efficient Dionysiac effects of the internet, but such religious practices require constant mindfulness that the phenomenon of the internet, as it exists for an absolute majority of its users, is one of sensual disinhibition and sensorial saturation that makes of activity passivity itself, and of mental action the absence of itself, leaving an empty space for dark forces indeed.

So, in short, the unequaled civilizational gains of northern Protestantism are convoked in the internet to, in effect, defeat the storied theological underpinnings and concomitant psycho-spiritual prophylaxes that allowed for their manifestation and materialization in the first place.

>> No.19577649

If he had been writing in 1700 or before, he would’ve said the same about America that he said about Russia. By his time, it was clear that America is part of the fold.

>> No.19577665
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>smoking weed, having sex, and eating mcdonalds is the same as being forced by your government to unwillingly take extremely shady experimental drugs that manipulate your cells

>> No.19577705

I’ve got about $20k cash to rely on and I’m thinking of quitting my job, taking a few months to a year to get the one I think I would do instead.

>> No.19577716

just dont throw yourself out of wack, mess up your sleeping patterns, etc

>> No.19577733

I work from home so they’re already messed up and out of whack.

>> No.19577741

If there is a god, that nigga must be evil because I was born with a penis but wanted a vagina. Fuck god and fuck my life.

>> No.19577742


>> No.19577755

If I had a vagina, my life would be perfect. I’d be able to orgasm thrice in a row.

>> No.19577760

>your life is ruined because you cant live out your coomer fantasy
this is why persecuting you people is perfectly ok

>> No.19577775

Fuck you! You will never understand us.

>> No.19577779

you can orgasm for 8 min straight with a dick if you really wanted too

>> No.19577787

you overestimate yourselves, you are extremely shallow and transparent

>> No.19577804

You are quick to judge what you do understand.

>> No.19577807

Do Not*

>> No.19577809

ive had plenty of time to judge

>> No.19577822
