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/lit/ - Literature

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19567613 No.19567613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

been at Oxford studying English for a year, and it fucking sucks. 90% of the course is YA-obsessed egirls who applied to Oxford for the ~dark academia vibes~ and don't want to read anything without a first person female protagonist and a romance at its centre

>> No.19567633

I need a pseud-dark-academia gf so fucking bad bros

>> No.19567639

visit oxford, they're a dime a dozen here

>> No.19567645

Unfortunately I'm not from the UK but will definetly visit the campus and try to slay some if I visit the country

>> No.19567668

i'm sure whatever old university is nearest to you will have plenty as well

>> No.19567835

Pretty sure you're exaggerating, they wouldn't have got into oxford without displaying knowledge or insight on classic literature

>> No.19567844

You’re a incel with no degree who sits a home all day, be real

>> No.19567886

What do you even get out of studying English and literature? What career paths does it open up?

>> No.19567891

Which college are you at, bro

>> No.19567901

that's just women bro

lawyerings, copywriting, publishing, barista, english teacher (lol), and for the select very lucky, creative writing.

>> No.19567902

Your perception of the university is about 70 years out of date.

>> No.19567904

Oxford has oppressed minorities quotas so not really

>> No.19567917

Proof? I doubt any vapid person could get in when they have to deliver select writings, interviews, references, academic letter and so on

>> No.19567925

Modern Academia is fucked. Everyone is so fucking lazy and genuinely uneducated. All of the genuinely smart/well rounded/life-experienced people I’ve ever met are or were over the age of 70. People can’t do anything well anymore, not a thing. I blame Capitalism.

>> No.19567934

what did capitalism do to academia, we still had capitalism 50 years ago when the people you are talking about went to school

>> No.19567940

Minorities don't make up 90% of the students as claimed by OP

>> No.19567964

OP is a larper

>> No.19567967

Capitalism is just the thing you blame when you want to sound smart

>> No.19567970

i can post a censored student id with timestamp

>> No.19567977

one that's too small for me to comfortably share

>> No.19567981

Technology and short attention spans fucked everything up

>> No.19567985

Do it then

>> No.19567988

>Proof? I doubt any vapid person could get in when they have to deliver select writings, interviews, references, academic letter and so on
Do you know that there's an entire industry of failed writers that exist to coach these kids into getting into good schools?

>> No.19567992

I think we need to bring back slavery, except for these useless classes of people. Useless men and women with useless degrees. Strap them up in chains and send them to pick crops all day.

>> No.19567994
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Your dialect doesn't seem very Oxfordian at all.

>> No.19568005

For me it’s the one on the left

>> No.19568006
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>> No.19568016

i code switch

>> No.19568022

>creative writing
Does a degree really help you get published? Or do you just mean that through all the studying you might get a better understanding of how to write?

>> No.19568029

Bullshit. At most it means you are part of a PPH. I smell larp

>> No.19568033

How can you go to Oxford and not know that it's a "diamond dozen"

>> No.19568039

lmao, suit yourself. don't know what else i can do to prove it besides post bodcard. i'm just paranoid

>> No.19568042

Kek, I’m also at Oxford studying English. What are you reading? (I’m re-reading Paradise Lost and starting on Clarissa for next time).
I go to a small college too. We should meet up somehow. I am fascinated to meet more Oxonian /lit/izens, especially nocturnal ones like me.

>> No.19568049

You can post your college or hall for once. No one is gonna recognise you or care really. There are plenty enough of english literature majors spread around them all, unlike other subjects

>> No.19568050

*term not time sorry, autocorrect

>> No.19568062

reading narcissus and goldmund right now as a break from medieval mystics. i did fuck all last mt so i'm catching up rn. are you course 1 or 2? or not reading english?

>> No.19568089

Wow, those reads sound really cool. I’m doing course 1, hbu?
Also I am really serious about meeting up. I think the best way would be to post an Oxfess about a general Oxford /lit/ meet-up closer to beginning of term, unless you have a better idea?

>> No.19568091

I blame capitalism for everything I don’t like. Would you rather have me blame the Jews? I don’t actually know why things are getting worse, I can only observe and say it has something to do with the internet, the rotten pursuit of efficiency, and the end of boredom. Nothing is deliberate anymore, so life has become truly more hollow in how the modern man lacks agency or the need for it.

It used to be that if you wanted to speak about books, you would have to actually go and seek out like minded individuals. Every action engaged with the world in a multitude of ways which made life uncertain even for those who feared uncertainty.

>> No.19568095
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Glad to know I am not missing anything by studying at a 3rd rate uni, I guess. I want to do my MA or doctorate at an elite institution but I don't know if I'd really find anyone intelligent there either. I just hope. Because if you can't find any smart people there, where do you find the smart people?

>> No.19568096

Would post-graduates from other subjects be invited too

>> No.19568104

good idea anon, ill submit one rn. im course 2 btw :))

>> No.19568106

Nigger how do you think Oxford kept churning out graduates from inbred lines? Oxbridge is about not getting sent down if you're an idiot. If you think of a modern literary genius, they probably got sent down.

>> No.19568110

You clearly don’t know how nepotism and trust fund grifters comprise a significant body of Oxbridge.

>> No.19568115

Why are you wearing a necklace

>> No.19568120

Yeah absolutely, anyone’s invited who wants to come. My current thoughts are meeting Friday 14th January at 7pm by the Rad Cam and we all get a pint or something. But look out for an Oxfess about it closer to the time.

>> No.19568122

Okay, that's pretty good. Nice handwriting too.

>> No.19568127

Oxbridge do not allow for payment as replacement for lack of grades or sufficient knowledge on the material the course is in, unlike at American institutions. They allow for donations, as seen with numerous buildings but not the type that guarantees a student spot.

>> No.19568134

can't tell if you're being sarcastic lmao, i always thought it was shitty

>> No.19568146

No no, I'm being serious. It's very neat. Neater than mine at any rate.

>> No.19568154

and yet there are multigenerational oxbridge families. oxbridge sets you up for a pretty easy life if you go about it the right way, so that by the time your kids are school-age you'll have saved up enough from a cushy job to send them to an oxbridge feeder school- thats where the real nepotism is.

>> No.19568155

Thanks for doing that!
Also, I’m a little paranoid that I might already know you. Without wanting to give too much away, do you have orange hair? If not then I don’t know you.

>> No.19568159

thanks anon :)

>> No.19568166

haha, no i don't, i have a buzzcut at the moment. if it's dyed bright orange i think i might know who mean though... are they a northerner?

>> No.19568173

who you mean*

>> No.19568175

Indeed, although I will say it largely depends. Knew a guy whose great-great grandfather and so on had gone to Oxford from undergrad and all the way up to DPhil including his father. He on the other hand ended up at University of York for his undergrad and came to Oxford for his MPhil and DPhil. Would you count that as multi-generational still?

>> No.19568184

Did he apply and not get in, or did he deliberately choose York because he felt it best suited his intellectual interests, since it clearly helped because he went to Oxford for postgraduate

>> No.19568189

He applied and did not get in

>> No.19568201

Haha yeah, you know who I’m talking about. I’m in the same ‘college’ as her, so you could probably figure out who I am now if you researched enough... Better not post too much more, hope we meet in January though.

>> No.19568208

i sat outside that college with her halloween of first year when she lost her phone lol

>> No.19568210

and yes!! see you over at oxfess hopefully :)

>> No.19568231

In that case, address >>19568006
How much literary knowledge do you need to get into oxford?

>> No.19568250

hard to say, but the standards are way lower than you'd think- probably no higher than any other decent uni. the difference isn't so much the extent of your knowledge, but how you can apply it to a discussion, since that's how most teaching happens at oxford. basically, if you have 2 or 3 "impressive" (for a 16/17 year old, mind) books that you can confidently discuss, know the basics of analysis (since the interviews require you to discuss a piece of unseen prose/poetry) and are a decent conversationalist, you're set.

>> No.19568255

I honestly couldn't say. Many famous published writers didn't have degrees in a related field, and untold more have those degrees and yet weren't published. Certainly the more you read and the more you write the better you get at both composition and analysis, it follows if you spend most of your time doing that it's helpful.

>> No.19568341

Okay so are the discussions/interviews about the 2-3 that you pick? And can this two books be contemporary YA or some 'serious' literature?

Also, what books did you personally discuss that you got you in?

>> No.19568365


He's an English major...at a small college...is biologically male (most Eng majors are women)...and visibly autistic. That narrows it down heavily my dude

>> No.19568390

So get HDs and Honours do a MA and publish real lit crit. How many post structuralists have you finished?

>> No.19568414


Oxford has lower academic standards than modern ivies, at least for admissions. Like they select from the top 5% while ivies select for top 1%. And the difference matters, because the student body has a whole left-half of the distribution which follows from that set point

>> No.19569728

>Oxford has lower academic standards than modern ivies
amerilard cope is always so succulent

>> No.19569743

...anon what do you think foreign students are for?

>> No.19569749
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>I blame capitalism for everything I don’t like. Would you rather have me blame the Jews?

>> No.19569752
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>they wouldn't have got into oxford without displaying knowledge or insight on classic literature
This is not the world your father knew

>> No.19569764

Good one, chump.

>> No.19569772

This. Anyone who wants to speak on the Jews should at least have Culture of Critique first. If you want to argue there's no merit to the JQ then added MacDonald's extensive research instead of acting like a smartass for no reason.

>> No.19569777

Women in the UK just pick some Victorian novels or feminist literature. Not YA of course, but something mediocre propped up by the cultural hegemony.

>> No.19569778

I am absolutely sure this is fact and not the deluded rambling of a barely functioning idiotic NEET

>> No.19569787

You're just a failure. Anon posted sufficient proof and what he's saying is in line with reality. Not only that you're jealous you also simp for a world that no longer exists and in fact hates you if you're a normal white male.

>> No.19569799

Speaking about yourself in the 3rd person is a sign of mental illness OP. Go seek help.

>> No.19570108

every university is now run like a business with customer satisfaction and public relations the #1 focus. When state support for the university was much higher (50 years ago) they didn't feel this pressure to coddle and dumb down. It absolutely is at least partially capitalism's fault, and anyone in academia will readily admit this. My wife works at a state university and they are regularly looking at lowering their standards to let in more students just for the cash flow, but it is a balance because they don't want them to drop out which reflects poorly on them, so standards are lowered, and the race to the bottom continues. This is happening to a varying degree everywhere, even at private institutions which have become so exorbitantly expensive that they are forced to sell themselves as primarily an "experience" and not an education.

>> No.19570811

Yes they do because you need blacks, gays, trannies, mentally ill, physically handicapped, Indian, lesbians, Muslims, and when they say white males it's actually Jews.

>> No.19570866

Quite right, Yale is now an exclusive staycation on par with Saint Tropez, etc

>> No.19570941

It's less prevalent than it is in the US, but you absolutely can get your child into Oxford by making a sufficiently large donation, regardless of what grades they achieved. An absolute moron of a girl in my friend's sixth form was offered a place, despite abysmal GCSEs and A-levels, after her father payed for the restoration of parts of the college library.

>> No.19570961

>to an oxbridge feeder school
There are only two "feeder" schools in the whole country - Eton and Westminster. These are the only schools which consistently have an Oxbridge admission rate of above 50% (well above the national average). Outside of these two schools, you're essentially better off not going to a private school. It will only hurt your chances.

>> No.19570973

This. I work at a small private liberal arts college and it sucks. All four of the poli-sci professors are self-proclaimed liberals who put their pronouns in their email signatures. The administrative staff takes up on of the largest buildings on campus. I did my first year of gen-eds online (the school offers tuition remission for employees) and it was such a disengaging slog dumbed down to such a degree that any chud on the street could have taught a class. The only good thing about it is the library, I learn more there than anywhere else.

It's über-retarded that we keep making colleges into country clubs and then making the college degree a barrier to entry like it's actually worth something.

>> No.19570990

What is the tuition like at these places?

>> No.19570997

$68,244 per year for Eton, apparently

>> No.19571004
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30.000 sterling per annum.

>> No.19571156
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That seems surprisingly affordable, to be honest, especially for a boarding school.
I went to the feeder school for the University of Toronto in Canada. It cost about a third of that but I daresay the University of Toronto is fucking shit compared to Oxbridge despite being the "best" university up here.
The other prestigious historic school in Toronto is about 1.5x the price of ours, but they're absolutely not worth that

>> No.19571174

anyone else here a brasenose bro?

>> No.19571278

How the fuck does U of T require a 'feeder school'? Their admission rates are about equal with every other university up here. Like everything else in this country our universities range from 'meh' to 'pretty good'.

>> No.19571289

You tell me, I did biology and everyone was either a female lab rat or a tranny

>> No.19571302

Many published writers had connections in the publishing industry.

>> No.19571333
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>where do you find the smart people?

The only smart and well-read people of my own age I ever met was when I did my abroad study at Cambridge. (These were largely students from Ivy League schools, and people from Berkeley and UCLA.) At my graduate program ( a top university in the U.S.) people were generally intelligent but not particularly interested in literature, though the program was not a literary one.

>> No.19571393

They don't require one but it's a historical thing, I guess. It does practically guarantee access to the two prestigious colleges that give you yearly stipends and the most elite connections, for what that's worth.

>> No.19571489

Are you talking about the high school school connected to uoft? Like the other anon I didn’t know there was a need for uoft to have feeder schools lol. Are you a current student? I am and this place makes me want to end it

>> No.19571520

I finished my bachelors at UofT right before COVID hit. It's a meat grinder where the bottom 50% of students are crushed in order to fund the top 5% to have excellent opportunities, and everybody in between gets a decent degree.
I had some good opportunities but more than half of them in total didn't pan out, I think I still got lucky though. It was STEM fwiw

>> No.19571542
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have you met based franco girl yet?

>> No.19571575

In bed her nom de spume was Catherine.

>> No.19571591

there are PLENTY more feeders than that, even if they're not as infamous as eton and westminster

>> No.19571597

no, but is it true you guys share ivy wine with lincoln every year as penance?

>> No.19571617

obviously he means late stage capitalism you dum-dum. The problem is that western universities have become obsolete because all labor can be outsourced to cheap foreign markets so universities no longer have to produce professionals that will contribute meaningfully to western society but instead have to cater to the whims of the fickle donor class who currently demand diversity, it wouldn't be impossible to have a diverse student population that is still productive but universities like any other business are going to cut corners to increase their bottom line in the face of no regulation so they are going to choose the easily pleased suburban trust fund babies over putting in the effort to attract genuinely talented students. hack professors and subsidized ya schlock is simply cheaper as long as they can crank some drones through the machines and get daddy's money.

>> No.19571681

I wish you were correct

>> No.19571692

currently 2nd year at a beyond 3rd rate uni and when i listen to my course mates speak it genuinely feels like I'm in the special ed class. though I'm no different really since i ended up here

i know to you its probably nothing but trust me the difference is stark when you know how low it can be. sure, im guessing you went in with a romantic view about education whilst almost everyone else just went in for the degree and the comfy jobs as an oxbridge student.

>> No.19571723

I remember this girl, she had a good twitter account. I saw she got into All Souls, so they can't all be that bad OP

>> No.19571779

Most angsty 4chan posts boil down to :

>everyone is stupid and boring
>why don't I have any friends

Maybe the real reason why you're unhappy isn't everyone else, it's you. It's your shitty attitude. Imagine studying at a top 5 university on the entire planet, living in an extremely advanced 1st world country with a roof over your head, enough food to eat, clothes on your back and STILL finding something to complain and whinge about. Do you have any idea how many people wish they were in your position? You are extremely fortunate to be where you are. Maybe you should try practising some gratitude for where you are at in life.

I'm saying all of this because I was the same angsty teenager who felt like everyone else was the problem. That kept me having to look at myself.

>> No.19571807


How'd you get internet access out where you live?

>> No.19571808

They're everywhere. Plenty of people read books. Plenty of people also browse 4chan (even girls) and plenty of people are non-liberal in a variety of ways. This board is obsessed with acting like it's the underdog against some grand conspiracy. Universities are generally poor however, and a humanities seminar isn't where you have the best conversations

>> No.19571834

I am a STEM major and the amount of vapid bitches in my program is astounding

>> No.19571842
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it's the best word I can think of to describe pathetic posts like these

>> No.19571865

Fucking hate English students, would gladly strangle any one of you bastards

>> No.19571870


They tend to be smarter than the posh retards who usually go.

>> No.19571882

I’m studying law at a university that is pretty second rate and I’m kicking myself for not bothering my arse to study at A-level, I studied for so many of my exams the day before they were due. What a pathetic urchin I was, and now I’m paying for it because I’m sat in a classroom full of vapid sluts who don’t engage in class at all or come out with stupid remarks when they do open their frappucino addled peabrains. It could be worse for you, OP.

I’m hoping to do a masters somewhere better, and I’m on par for getting a 1:1 this year I reckon. Been thinking about Denmark because the tuition is free? I’m a poorfag from a poorfag family.

>> No.19571885

Studying English at a university in California. It is the same here. The only difference is there is a lack of dark academia girls and an abundance of egirls.

>> No.19571902

Don't know what YA and egirls are but
>applied to Oxford for the ~dark academia vibes~ and don't want to read anything without a first person female protagonist and a romance at its centre
this sounds pretty based

>> No.19572008

kek retard
those are the two famous, but many other big ones
Benenden, Whitgift just to name a couple

>> No.19572059

Yeah I know what it means. I also know it's predominantly used by Canadians—and less commonly by Australians—and is therefore generally a mark of someone from a primitive culture.

>> No.19572079

Ah ok so you're a braindead retard, Got it.

>> No.19572083
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It's absolutely pure and reputable Anglo Saxon.

>> No.19572158

LMFAO, it's predominantly used in the United Kingdom you absolute ass clown.

>> No.19572159

Me nuces linge, homo.

>> No.19572195

nigga busted out the em dashes for this one and still fell face first into his own diaper lol

>> No.19572206

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19572214

piss off then

>> No.19572240

its ivy beer but yes. theres a door that links brasenose and lincoln which is raised every year, on what is aptly called Ascension Day, where the colleges join and drink ivy beer

>> No.19572309

Anybody complaining about other people complaining on 4chan is fighting a losing battle
Me? another level down? I'm fighting a battle I always win.
Checkmate gaytheniggers

I go to a top STEM graduate school btw

>> No.19572323


>> No.19572385

>piss off then

Are you a chav?

>> No.19572396

>english major

how is anyone not embarrassed to do this in 2021, i don't care if i'm autodidact english-let for the rest of my life, you wouldn't catch me pissing on a building that teaches english students if it was on fire

>> No.19572597


I had the same experience at king's college London. Just do the work, get a first, and shut up about it

>> No.19572976
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Why study English/literature in general?

I don't get it, I love literature, but I ended up doing computer science, something arguably not quite as interesting to me but still somewhat enjoyable, and because I wanted to get a job.

Is it just to get educated? Sure, but it's easy to just read the books yourself. Or do you have a job in mind? Which one?

>> No.19572992

based illiterate.

>> No.19573267


>> No.19573281

>I don't get it, I love literature, but I ended up doing computer science, something arguably not quite as interesting to me but still somewhat enjoyable, and because I wanted to get a job.
In small pockets of these universities (typically among the Christian / theological sections), they value and revere the classics still.
>Is it just to get educated? Sure, but it's easy to just read the books yourself. Or do you have a job in mind? Which one?
A serious expert / guide through some serious literature can show you levels of depth that you didn't know existed. I highly recommend just doing Coursera though if a work of literature really interests you.

>> No.19574378

Jus get into the English philology program at your main uni. Girls will be the same as if it the UK.

>> No.19574581


>> No.19574593

>they have to deliver select writings, interviews, references, academic letter and so on
You make things sound more profound than they really are. If you summarized your life with such grammatical gumption it would probably sound based.

>> No.19574687

Universities are businesses, you retard. Most of them in Englishspeaking countries exist to make money off international students who don't want to compete in their country's nigh unwinnable exams just to be able to get a decent job.

>> No.19574758

That’s what you get for going to Oxford
t.Cambridge student

>> No.19574798

What the fuck is dark academia?

>> No.19574828
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>tfw Oxford reject
At least I got to interview and it was actually a competitive course (PPE) I suppose...
Ended up at Exeter and having a great time but part of me is still seething.

>> No.19574997

it's the 15th, faggot. gay larp

>> No.19575644

I’m a poorfag from a poorfag family.

Scaramoosh, scaramoosh, can you do the fandango

>> No.19575659

Upper Canada College?

>> No.19575792

Anyone here attend a private school in the UK?

>> No.19575825


OP what College are you and will you invite me to a Guest Dinner during Hilary?

I'm a Scientist in the Anatomy Department.

>> No.19575833

Basically that well-dressed and somber manner associated with mid-20th century academia and literature got co-opted by Zoomers, and they call it "dark academia."

>> No.19575843

no it isn't what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.19575955

>love literature so much you are willing to do anything else except literature

>> No.19577182

University of Toronto Schools
UCC is a sneeder school for business elites who're ruining the country by importing endless Indians cause much gdp

>> No.19577832

The reason for this is that everyone with an IQ above 110 does STEM shit. Why would anyone intelligent study English? So they can get a job making 27k a year when they graduate?

>> No.19578218

>help you get published
IF and only IF you get into a master's program. If you only get a bachelor's, it's fucking worthless. If you aren't pursuing a master's, just take one creative writing workshop as an elective for the experience.

>> No.19578221

Canada was ruined 50 years ago

Luckily it's mostly empty so you can just empty out the spare paki storage facilities (cities) and start over

>> No.19578223


>> No.19579642

And also the entire university isn't stuffed to the brim with diversity hires.

>> No.19580314

Should've gone to Durham, you dumb faggot.