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19567230 No.19567230 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth taking a course in creative writing? What are some good online courses I can take?

>> No.19567243

they are probably better for networking/forced practice plus engagement than actually improving your writing.

instead of just saying "write every day and read good shit in order to learn how to write", i will also say that the reasoning behind this is that once you've done it, you'll have a better overview of exactly what a creative writing course could even do for you, then you'll be in a better position to decide. because if you are asking this question you need to read more anyway.

>> No.19567256

I don't know, my mind is a blank. I don't have any creativity.

>> No.19567261

just be urself.

>> No.19567279

that doesn't help

>> No.19567291

>want to write creatively
>decidedly not creative
It was over before it started

>> No.19567293

Stop writing then

>> No.19567334

how can I become creative?
Don't want to, I just want some advice on how to learn to write better.

>> No.19567343


>> No.19567409

Why do want to write fiction? It's probably one of the worst hobbies imaginable.

>> No.19567423

Do you watch movies?

>> No.19567456

I would recommend setting a daily word count or a certain time frame to just write. Start small: 1000 words a day or a half hour - or even 15 mins - to, again, just write. Anyone can write for 15 minutes a day. Even you! Believe me, I know from experience. I just figured out how drafts work.

>> No.19567506

Sure, I watch movies. I read books too.

>> No.19567558
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>frog poster

>> No.19567572

>write better

You don't even know what you're asking for. What have you written? Write what better?

As others have said, these classes are good for forcing one to write. It sounds like this would be good for you, because you say your mind is a blank. It won't teach you creativity or how to be creative because you don't even know what that means. Think of what inspires you, think of what's been rolling around in your mind consistently over the past few months, think of an image, a phrase, a voice, and try to continue generating that and seeing what happens. Writing is pretty much about asking your story questions after you have that base. This scene is happening, where does it go? This character said this sentence, why?

The question is always what comes next, and you have to answer that question over the course of several thousand words to get a short story. Having to present work to others will force you to enter that process, unless you want to show them 10 blank pages from your printer paper.

>> No.19567611

invalid opinion