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/lit/ - Literature

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19561488 No.19561488 [Reply] [Original]

What are your best writing tips?

>> No.19561874

Be brief, don't use words without intention. Be honest and relatable. Be plainspoken, avoid anachronisms. Avoid pretense at all costs. There must be a reason for existence, a wisdom or insight to share. If you can't think of one don't bother. Study the aesthetic properties of prose but don't wallow in it.

>> No.19561881

What do you mean pretense?

>> No.19562033
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>> No.19562051

Here's a few very specific ones I got after intense study of a few classic short stories:

1. Place the conclusion before its evidence to create suspense. Vice versa for an argument.
2. When introducing an important opinion, create contrast by introducing the opposite opinion first
3. Use verbs that can only be imagined one way
4. Once you have raised a question, raise it even higher

>> No.19562055

>be me

>> No.19562058

Words exist for themselves. Be excessive, put as much information on the page as possible, be dense and sprawling simultanously. Punctuation and spelling are a vibe, not rules, this is how the Elizibetheans did it, and they are the best. Always reach beyond your power of articulation, grasp at mighty ideas you struggle to express, never be humble, nothing is more cringe than the fear of being cringe. Words are holy, the more of them there are the more holy your work is. This is what is called The Logos in western thought. The minimalist is a coward, the workshopper a whore. Mass is fertile soil for connection, the more there is the more that connects the more the picture grows. A picture is worth a thousand words, but requires tens of thousands to be born. Contradict yourself and strive for totality. Your build viruses implicit in the spaces, time bombs primed to go off in the minds of the unsuspecting.

>> No.19562178


>> No.19562202

If you write one page every day, in 40 years you'll have less than 16000 pages.

>> No.19562214

We're not bugmen. Life is more complex than robot small habits. You won't get a lot done by that. Find quality and how you work and what you want to write and develop writing style

>> No.19562219
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>> No.19562224

Definitely not this

Definitely this

The only tip is to write

>> No.19562225

Duality of Man

>> No.19562228

Write a lot, write often

>> No.19562298

to be based or not to be based, that is the question. Tis it nobler in the mind to be brief or suffer the embellishing lavishness of utter and total opulence? For if brevity is the soul of wit, doth not this make Shakespeare the least funny of all?

>> No.19562299

Hexter has excellent suggestions in his essay on the day of a historian.

Write with sovereignty. Know your topic better than anyone else in the room.

Make it a blue collar activity. Make "inspiration" and other bourgeois concepts alien to your writing.

Be brutal in your revisions.

You must write in the morning or after waking for the best results. Your brain slows after lunch. That time is for research, socializing, reading, eating, whatever else.

Read every morning for at least an hour, good prose, and then sit down after coffee and write a certain amount of words or pages. Do this everyday.

Read over your former writing before writing new words.

Print out your writing on a regular basis. Go to a cafe, outside, somewhere away from the computer, bring a pen, and tear your writing to pieces. Read it aloud and see if it sounds right to your ear. You must read it aloud to catch little words like articles.

This advice comes from a published academic author and I am often asked to revise or write pieces for people.

>> No.19562419
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>> No.19562528


>> No.19562656

>What are your best writing tips?
No one on /lit/ writes.

>> No.19562718

im struggling with plot; any tips?

>> No.19562765

When describing this picture, Proust noted specifically a "yellow wall" that made a significant impression on him. Which yellow wall is that? I dont see any yellow walls, just brown ones. Surely Proust didnt mistake the ceiling to the right side of the painting for a wall, right? But where else is there yellow here? Please someone tell me

>> No.19562788

the brown walls are in the shade, anon. on the right there is a short illuminated stretch.

>> No.19562793
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I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.19562811

what does the nigger have to do with this?

>> No.19562824

It's the Nigger of the Narcissus, get it?

>> No.19562833

damn bruh you hit it out the park wit dis one on conrad

>> No.19563048

Just take a couple caffeine pills with l theanine and go ham

>> No.19563078

this works only for geniuses, when a regular midwit applies this advice the result is fecal

>> No.19563081

I only understand writing as an intuitive, organic process. I can write a plot twist, but I can't draw you a diagram of it until after it's written. My advice is as useless to the people who plan out their story and character arcs as theirs is to me. That said, a few things.

I can write a ten thousand word short story in a day or a night so it's a sprint or a series of sprints, but longer stories are a marathon. Trying to wait for the perfect moment for your brain to "do the thing" doesn't work. If you sit down and make yourself do it then usually your brain will click into gear. For me sitting and rereading what I already wrote, at least in part, will make it click. Editing when your first draft is completed is necessary, editing before then is a disease that is fatal to writing. Most people start out mimicking the style of writers they like, but you can't really do that forever. It's like having training wheels on a bike. Never taking them off means you never find your voice.

>> No.19563550

1. Synonyms aren't truly interchangeable, hence why you can tell when a kid just learned a new word, or someone is changing their words would with a thesaurus, since it comes off as awkward and unnatural.
2. Rhythm matters even in prose.
3. Regarding the first two, be natural: forcing your rhythm to be like a better author, or forcing your word choice at all compromises your writing. If you pick complex words, they should be authentic. If you start to get a good sentence, let it be your own and not one you aped.
4. Because of three, it's ok to be a shit writer since this is the only way you'll develop a voice and stop being a shit writer. Coming off as mediocre because you don't have your own voice but instead copy those you read is worse long-term. By being awful you can refine and be authentic to yourself. If you don't want to be authentic and write your own story, why even write?

>> No.19564395

>sit down
>start writing

>> No.19564489

Interesting. Can I get some examples?

>> No.19564505

There is no reason such a short post should be seven sentences

>> No.19564539
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>Make "inspiration" and other bourgeois concepts alien to your writing.
Inspiration is bourgeois? What are the other bourgeois concepts?

>Read every morning for at least an hour, good prose, and then sit down after coffee and write a certain amount of words or pages. Do this everyday.
Is this before writing after waking?

>and tear your writing to pieces
Okay, NOW we're bourgeoise fucking LOL

>You must read it aloud to catch little words like articles.
If you're ESL, sure

>This advice comes from a published academic author
Dropped. You should have led off with that.

>> No.19564545

Aristotle's Rhetoric

>> No.19564549

DBC (don’t be cringe)
ABB (always be based)

>> No.19564553

>hence why
>giving writing advice

>> No.19564588

Yeah, I wrote all that while playing Dota2, so what retard?

>> No.19564661

Write a new story everyday.

The excuse you write little because you're doing "quality writing" is poor most of the time. It has been repeteadly shown that plenty of outcome in artistic creations leads to a refinement of it.
I don't remember where I read it, but a experiment of the sort was carried of: Photography classes were divided in two, one half had to take a photograph everyday for a 30-photo albums at the end of the month; the other half had to focus on delivering the most perfect photograph they could take, only one (quality, not quantity). The outcome was that the quantity team produced far better work than the "quality" team. Similar advice is given thus to art students, better to draw many sketched a day than one good drawing.
I picture the same happens in writing. Telling oneself "I'm writing little, but I'm doing quality writing" is an excuse, an ego-defense mechanism to rationalize their not being more productive.
Your skills are likely to develop far more writing regularly than writing little trying to produce quality.

>> No.19565585


>> No.19565601

>Make it a blue collar activity
please explain

>> No.19565977

You go to work 40 hours a week in Blue Collar jobs, right? Normally a set routine?

Go to work writing like it's your job. Start at 6-8, finish between 3-5 and take coffee breaks, lunch breaks, but don't go and fuck around.

You'll be an excellent writer within a month or two if you do this and make a serious effort.

You don't have much to offer in the way of writing tips. Why bother? You're unable to create, construction, or build, huh? It's typical of failed types. They build a wall of negativity to protect themselves from their own shortcomings.

>> No.19565984

>didnt answer

>> No.19566107

nice and based

>> No.19566256


>> No.19566294

What about those of us with jobs?

>> No.19566480

get up early
eat light, nutritious meals so you don't get drowsy
write during lunch/coffee breaks
use restroom breaks to the max
write on days off
read classics every evening
no shenanigans

>> No.19566614

If you cannot be considered a genius than no one gives a shit about your shitty writing, don’t write.

>> No.19567254

then what?

>> No.19567419

Win big
Push it to the limit
Highway to the danger zone

>> No.19567474

Utilize reveal and recognition and make it central to the plot.

>> No.19567483

Don't listen to him you gave good advice.

>> No.19568182

what's that

>> No.19568195

-don't be afraid to kill your children (get rid of what you've written and try it again)
-after you've written something you like, walk away until you forget it, then read it again

>> No.19568244

I like McCarthy's line about it not being writing if you're not writing about life and death.

>> No.19568410

This is why Viper is the greatest rapper of all time

>> No.19568465

you'll cowards don't even write crap

>> No.19569077

then this board should close down

>> No.19569176

Outline your work. Organization helps keep your ideas together. Have a goal for where you want to be after every few chapters or so. Doesn't matter if you end up scrapping, but if you write by the seat of your pants it will show.

Show don't tell. Avoid exposition when you can. Assume nobody gives a shit about your story (which is certainly the case) and the point is to make them care. So rather than describe a bunch of lore or whatever try to weave it into the narrative. You want the audience to know about the king of a land land. Have another character talk about that king and what he does to him like " Damn that king guy, raising my taxes again. Things like that didn't happen with his father!".

Every single decision in the story (either by a character or a direction you're pulling it in) should have a tell/foreshadowing. If Man guy is gonna betray protagonist dude, then you should be bale to vaguely see it coming.

You will not right gold in a fist draft. That's what a second draft is for.

To improve your prose, read more books

Try to make the world believable. If it's a world of magic, try to see how a world like that would go about. How do the animals or monsters play a role? In a world were someone can summon fire, or move water, or summon golems or demons, how does that effect the blue collar worker? Really you should do some heavy worldbuilding before you right your first page. At the same time a good practice you could consider is write the parts of the story that you really want to write (Such as primarily what you envision it at certain parts. A raid on a bandit camp? The death of your hero? etc.) Then when you get to writing it from the ground up, see how you can justify what you wrote previously.

Your first story will most certainly be awful, but every single letter you write is just another step to getting better.

Reread every chapter.

>> No.19569191


>> No.19569264

Fuck off and stop shit posting this same blog post into all the threads along with diff avatar pics.

>> No.19569566

This is kinda cool


>> No.19569622 [DELETED] 
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OP try object writing
get more familiar with abstract & concrete words, use concrete nouns/verbs to describe abstract/mental concept words
practice as much as possible and stream-of-consciousness/automatic writing

just do it often and be sincere in what you want to say

>> No.19569645

the board is for readers of literature, not delusional teens who think they'll become great writers as soon as someone gives them the right piece of self-help guidance

>> No.19569669

this is a good summary of the kind of retarded nonsense that emerges in online communities dedicated to writing. retards playing a game of telephone with something some hack they like said in an interview once, failures repeating advice they've previously heard failures give other failures because it all sounds so reasonable.

you'll have better chances of "making it" if you do the exact opposite of this kind of retard consensus. if you trust it you are 100% dead in the water

>> No.19569685

Wouldn’t the conclusion be better placed before the evidence if going for an argument and the evidence before conclusion if going for suspense? Just thinking

>> No.19569724

Seethe more.

>> No.19569754

Half of it was retarded nonsense
(You) seem triggered. Wonder why…

>> No.19570095

Quote it instead of yelling at the ether like a schizo.

>> No.19570101

Just write man

>> No.19570116


>> No.19570118

None of it's wrong, but as you say, it's a summary of non-writer consensus.

Assuming you're autistic enough to take guiding principles in writing seriously, how do you dynamite them and get past them? For me at least, concepts like naturalism or refusing to describe scenery or subordinating character to plot have just held me back. There are so many traffic regulations that I can't even get the car started, or at least that's the vibe. I'm paralysed by self-awareness, and alcohol just results in goofing off.

>> No.19570415

Just be yourself :)

>> No.19570457

this guy knows the secrets hahaha
freytag was a psyop

>don't be afraid to kill your children (get rid of what you've written and try it again)
How did you butcher Arthur Quiller-Couch's famous quotation AND its meaning lol


>If you here require a practical rule of me, I will present you with this: ‘Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it—whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press. Murder your darlings.

ie kill your purple prose, it's shit, it's always shit

>> No.19570490

I posted the op to see what kind of craziness would come about. Pretty satisfying. Favorite so far was the guy using bourgeoise to describe writing then also recommending "tear your writing to pieces" hahaha

>> No.19570503


This would certainly make you a worse writer. Looks like fanfiction guidelines. And notice the best fanfiction (My Immortal) breaks all of those rules.

>> No.19570512

Hold shift for capital letters

>> No.19570518

None of what he said was wrong though, in its own way.
>outline and organize
>weave your lore into your narrative
>effects have causes
>draft many times
>read more
>have consistency
>write more

>> No.19570523

>draft many times
It says twice LOL

>> No.19570543

Write frequently. It doesn't matter if the initial results are not what you were expecting them to be; you can edit and polish it as many times as you wish. Besides, you will feel fresher once you write down whatever you want to write on the paper. Once written, you can analyze your text more rationally. Then, like I said, it's time to edit and polish it.
Another tip would be to use stronger adjectives rather than long, boring descriptions.
Practice will make you improve I promise. Reading helps but you probably read a lot already. So focus on increasing your writing volume.
Good luck and make it fun.

>> No.19570545

All of this seem like decent advice? What specifically is retarded?

>> No.19570570
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This crystalizes bad ideas. If you can't keep it in your head, it's garbage. Good stuff sticks, period.

>Show don't tell.
You're writing so you're telling. Contradictio in adjecto.

>should have a tell/foreshadowing
This is retarded.

>2nd draft will get it right
Beyond laughable.

>To improve your prose, read more books
Any evidence of this? I believe the typical advice for improving is to write and edit more.

>Try to make the world believable
This whole section is retarded. It's writing advice and you misuse "effect" for "affect"? Nice!

>Your first story will most certainly be awful

>Reread every chapter.
That you wrote? Reread every thing you wrote? What does this mean? Read your second draft one more time?

It's clear that this is for online fanfiction publishing lol

>> No.19570575


>> No.19570598

Writing has to be throughoutly consistent, honest and meaningful. Read some S tier literature and study the writing. Don't take advice from: Reddit, women, boomers, Top 10 writing tips videos/articles, genre writers

S tier writers are naturally good and write more than they read.

>> No.19570947

Make sure to suck Hemingway's dick, and never use adjectives under any circumstances.

>> No.19570954

Spot the time when your prose flows the best. For example I write first thing in the morning for up to an hour while I'm horny, still in bed, in a small notebook, and the story goes where my imagination takes it. Plot structure is for idiots, only prose matters. I'll edit and embellish it later, once I'm done with the initial draft. Strict schedules and word counts are for idiots too, unless you want to become the most boring man in the world by writing airports novels as your full time job (you don't seriously expect to make good dough out of your writing, do you?).

>> No.19571131

Every day, crack the laptop, open Word , and write.

>> No.19571135

You're right. More than half. This is the only part that wasn't retarded:
"To improve your prose, read more books"

"Try to make the world believable. If it's a world of magic, try to see how a world like that would go about. How do the animals or monsters play a role? In a world were someone can summon fire, or move water, or summon golems or demons, how does that effect the blue collar worker?"

>> No.19571210

>heavy worldbuilding before you write your first page
No. That is for D&D game-masters. Good storytellers focus on characters and conflict between them; they make the world fit the central conflict and characters, not the other way around. Instead of worldbuilding, as a writer, you should think of story world.

Also, practically advice, the world takes shape as you write, rewrite, tweak scene list, etc. To have it full fleshed out before the first word hits ink is laughable.

>> No.19571260

Let your creative madness take over and throw you into a frenzy.

>> No.19571534

I wanna read this guy right here. Poast book and I'll poast mine

>> No.19571551

About what?

>> No.19571604

Become as brainrot toward your story as you can. It cured my brainrot for other things and helped me focus on the story from the perspective of a reader. It sounds prideful, but getting as addicted as you can with your own work can bring out some autistic creation power.

>> No.19571609

You mean adverbs.

>> No.19571616

additionally, you may respond to this by saying but what if my idea is garbage, or I am garbage, and the brainrot fuels a terrible bad no good story
well good news
your story would have been poo anyway. Gotta work through the shit before you shit gold bricks. And if shitting gold is never in the cards for you, it isn't like you're going to stop. Because remember you're here forever.

>> No.19571622
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>> No.19571796

>I am garbage
(((You))) said it, not me.

>> No.19573019

Those too. Also make sure to limit your nouns and verbs.

Here's an example of purple prose:
> "Dead baby shoes for sale."
Notice the adjective, the compound noun, the preposition, and the other noun.
We can trim this down.
> "Selling baby shoes."
This avoids unnecessary wallpaper and upholstery. But we can go further.
> "Shoesale."
Here we reach atomic perfection, a story condensed to a single noun. This is masterful. You can learn so much from this. If you have trouble emulating this prose style, try sucking on a lemon while constipated.

>> No.19573039

>Place the conclusion before its evidence to create suspense. Vice versa for an argument.
In other words, you have to show the bomb under the table

>> No.19573061

>"Baby shoes for sale. Never worn."
>"Shoesale. Never worn."
>"Unworn shoesale"
Holy fuck, hand me my Pulitzer

>> No.19573069

All writing is in editing, but if you are writing narrative in particular then you will not know what to edit before you finish the work (and so, as a secondary tip, throw out your preconceptions of an outline or other time-wasting productivity exercises). So bang the whole fucking thing out, first draft, before anything else. This will remove a lot of your incentive to screw around and never get done, and will prevent you from deciding you hate the first 100 pages and never finishing the last 200.
Bang your rough draft out entirely and allow the story to develop itself in your mind, then when you have your completed vision you can begin the heavy editing of cutting or rewriting portions of the text that don't work. Do this before you start doing your line-by-line improvements and rewrites; after all, you don't want to rewrite an entire section of your story just to ultimately decide it needs to be cut.

>> No.19573218

For sale. Baby shoes. Never used.

Come on man at least get it right.

>> No.19573244

>For rent: baby coffin. Deposit required.

>> No.19573261


It was a long jump to the other building and Bob almost made it.
He had gotten up that morning to before his alarm clock even went off....

>> No.19573269

I can't believe you wilfully showcase your pedo affinities any chance you get

>> No.19573323

Can confirm, writing is best done after waking.

>> No.19573364

>Sees pic of kid
>Instantly thinks of pedophilia

Get help, anon

>> No.19573402

anything. if nothing comes then you're doing something. It's called freewriting and it works. It helps if you're pretentious and enjoy philosophizing to yourself, I would know

>> No.19573591

He is literally talking about penetration while posting a pic of an underage girl. or are things only true when explicitly confessed?

>> No.19573693

Sorry, I was too irrationally angry

>> No.19573784
