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/lit/ - Literature

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1956147 No.1956147 [Reply] [Original]

>on Amazon
>look up one-star reviews of the Diary of Anne Frank for shits and giggles
I know that the holocoust was horrible and something that we do not want to repeat again but Anne Frank is just BORING. im not prejudice and i feel horrible about the holocaust but what i don't get is why is this girl complaining about her life? she had it way better off then some people. And why this diary is even famous. Anyone from the holocaust could have written a diary and be made famous. But a real good diary would explain the holocaust more then her own love life. Anne Frank is the most boring person i have ever seen in my life. When i was in grade 3 i didn't even want to pick up this book but since i was forced to read it for a grade 7 school project....i had no other choice. i admit, there were some holocaust parts but for every PARAGRAPH there was about the holocaust...there were 30 pages about her "peeling potatoes" "feeling depressed" "studying" and "peter". There was no action whatsoever and people say that you could actually feel what she was going through...i mean get a life people. I know it's bad being cooped up and all..but....ughhhhhhhaoiwerualishfd bad book. And also...i can skip like 100 pages of the book and still know whats going on. I mean WHY AM I READING A BOOK THAT TALKS ABOUT HER WANTING TO REACH PUBERTY. seriously. so if you want to read a book about food, and 5 other people, family trees, and useless things that will never come in handy in your life then i urge you to read this book. but serseiouly you will have wasted your time. read some REAL holocaust books

>> No.1956162

can't tell if troll, or just born after 1994............seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.1956212

> Dhalgren
I have read thousands of books in my life, and have only returned four to the shelf unfinished - Dhalgren being among them. Am I missing something? As I read the book I would of course ask questions: What is the nature of this disaster? Why is the sun swollen? Why the two moons? Why does the city burn without being consumed? Why would someone go there? Why would anyone stay? Is there an advantage to living in such a place? Where did the holograms come from and what is their significance? Why is the rest of the world ignoring such an unusual phenomenon? By page three hundred none of these questions had even been touched upon. I had to give up on a story which was little more than the chronicaling of the day-to-day routine of perverted losers who choose to dwell(why?)in a destroyed (why?) city.



>> No.1956228

The only reason I can sleep at night is because I choose to believe people like this are just trolls.

>> No.1956254
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worst piece of hipster garbage i have ever read. it doesn't even deserve the one star i was obligated to give it. i thought it would be more of a story but instead you get the opinions of some old man on crap no one cares about. thought this book would be much different since it was a suggestion based on other books i bought, but i wish i would have saved the 83 cents i paid for this and spent it at taco bell.

>> No.1956261

>Narcissus and Goldmund

I'm a little surprised most people praise this book. In my opinion, the writing was boring at times. I actually glanced over pages. I actually thought the main character was a disgusting, murdering, womanizer. I do see the relevance between the great contrast of good and evil, but I'd rather read Stephen King's "The Stand" over again instead of reading this book.

>I'd like to think that the problem is the translation, as noted by another 1 star review

>> No.1956284


I read Macbeth not too long ago, i really enjoyed it. It was clever, intelligent, thought provoking but a really good story too. So perhaps my expectations were too high, when i came to study Hamlet as a text for GCSE.
It's dull, monotinous, boring. The only way you can get anything out of it is if you over-analyse to such a level that you change the plot of the play completely! I apologise to all Hamlet fans out there, but i really dont see why this play demonstrates Shakespeare as a great British writer.
The soliloquies are perhaps why the play is most famous, and i had to write a 3000 word essay on how they connect Hamlet to the audience. But they don't. Apart from one, "tis now the very witching time of night..." they are all bland and show nothing but Hamlet's idiocy, stupidity, and cowardice.
So there you go, read it if you will. Who knows, it may be a question in a pub quiz, but i just want to warn you that compared to a lot of Shakespeare's other work, this just isnt up to scratch. sorry xxx

>> No.1956304
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>> No.1956333

Are...are you serious?
Do you people actually consider the book to contain any value in regards to anything, INCLUDING "children living in the holocaust"?

>> No.1956336

ps. suck my trips

>> No.1956414

Diary of Anne Frank was boring. Read "Night" instead, it's about the Holocaust AND it's well written.

>> No.1956419

This is not a book faithful Catholics will want to read. Yes, at the time, Endo was reputedly a Catholic. At the end of his life, however, he was writing about reincarnation and Hinduism.
(WARNING--I AM ABOUT TO GIVE AWAY PLOT POINTS). "Silence" tells the story of two Jesuits who travel to Japan although the Japanese have reversed their original welcome and have banned all foreigners.
The persecution of Catholics in Japan can only be described as horrifying. Japanese Catholics and European priests were crucified, slowly roasted alive, beheaded, and tortured to death, sometimes 200 or more at a time. Thousands upon thousands of Japanese converts were martyred because they refused to give up their faith.
Against this real historical background, Endo tells the fictional story of two Jesuits. They both end up renouncing their religion, and living in Japan with their wives. (1/2)

>> No.1956420


It is insulting to the thousands who suffered and died for the Catholic faith to read how baffled Endo's Jesuit priests are when faced with the question of whether it is best to do something evil if a good will result. Gee, all those years in Jesuit universities and they never once heard an answer to that one? Give me a break.
Endo actually has one character state that the Japanese are the most "intelligent" of all the nations in the world. Yet he has these two priests fail for a ploy, a basic moral question, that was old hat by the 2rd century.
I hear that Martin Scorsese is planning to make a film of this book. No surprise there that the man who made the anti-Christian "Last Temptation of Christ" wants to make a movie of this book.
Devout Catholics will want to avoid the movie, too.
And by the way, the truth about Japanese Christians is this: hundreds of thousands of them lived for centuries under threat of being boiled alive or dismembered, and all sorts other cheery practices. Yet they continued to cling to their Catholicism, even without priests or bibles, repeating the same memorized prayers, and continuing to baptize others.
In 1865 Father Petitjean was astounded to meet with Japanese Catholics who had been holding onto the faith for centuries. They had a good background in theology, knew prayers, and could explain the Trinity and recite the 10 commandments. Some of them even had preserved pictures from the early 1600's, pictures of the cross, the stations, and the rosary. These brave people met on Sunday to pray together.
When I think of the vicious persecution these people were willing to suffer, only to be mocked by Endo's entirely fictitious novel, I am sick.

>> No.1956429

samefag, but this review was perhaps one of the craziest reviews I have ever read (wrong about Endo's life, misinterpreting the text, etc). I raged at this

>> No.1956432
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> Journey to the Center of the Earth

I'm a dissapointed ten year old rating this book. Up until the end it
Was probably one of the best books I've ever read. It was full of adventure and excitement, but then I got to the end. The book did not live up to it's name. It would be more appropriately called "Journey Almost to the Centre of the Earth. I recommend this book only to people who like major dissapointments.

>> No.1956576


> future /lit/ poster

>> No.1956659


In this one, the force is strong.

>> No.1956670


So I'm not the only one who thinks that if this started a thread on /lit/, it would get 200 replies no problem?

>> No.1956690

Jeff Magnum would be appalled.