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19560859 No.19560859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about wanting to transition to female? Books about autogynephilia are great too, I already read "Men trapped in mens bodies".

>> No.19560868
File: 2.97 MB, 464x848, 1634855110418.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is u

>> No.19560886

i've started to actually envy these two every time i see this video. at least they have each other. it must feel so good to let the smack was away all their worries and just lie there on the threshold of consciousness in each other's arms. i haven't felt warmth like that in a long time. i like their dresses too

>> No.19560902

I know you're from that tranny discord. Fuck off.


>> No.19561049

Heroin is worse than death. You don't know what you're saying.

>> No.19561084

>Heroin is worse than death.
not in my experience it isn't
>You don't know what you're saying.
oh but i do. the only thing that differentiates me from these trannies is that i don't have a partner to commiserate with. i'm alone in my squalor and addiction. there's nobody out there who'll hold me and tell me it's going to be ok when i wake up sick to my stomach and shaking

>> No.19561102

How are those withdrawals going? Still not there? They will eventually come and you will go through the worse moment of your life.

Good luck to you, and all the best to any family that still cares about you.

>> No.19561103

For fuck's sake, mods do your fucking job.

>> No.19561104

I like how you speak, very genuine. Hopefully you find somebody

>> No.19561116


>> No.19561125

Remember always to dab on trannies

>> No.19561149

He cute, but his voice is fucking awful. Like a straight up fag trying his hardest to sound like a fag. Kills my boner.

>> No.19561170

Have you tried listening to sissy hypno?

>> No.19561198

i've experienced my fair share. yeah it's painful but not painful enough to make me wanna stop
thx anon
i know
i don't think that's going to help

>> No.19561205

I do hope you're truly alone and have no family to call your own.

>> No.19561217

better to have a runny nose. all drugs are for people failing but heroin especially comes to those only afraid of dying to whom nothing comes in this world anymore but this fear.

>> No.19561290

It doesn't have to be this way, friend.

The more you feed into it, the more it grows. If you starve it out and find something meaningful to fill your life with you can reduce these desires to the point where you no longer even register them.

What helped me was embracing traditionalism. Life isn't about atomized personal fulfilment, it's about re-embedding the individual in structures greater than itself such as religion and the extended family. This is what gives life meaning and form. Artificially replacing all the hormones in your body isn't what you were born for. Gender isn't a form of self expression. It's a cultural interpretation of an evolutionary strategy.

>> No.19561309

The worst part of this isn't even that he's a tranny.
It's the fact that his mentality seems to be a product of anime and Discord.
No psychologically healthy person would make this video.

>> No.19561322

Hey, fuck off with that bullshit and be nice to heroinon.

I've met people who came out the other end of where you are now, has the most lovely kids, a lovely wife, good job and really a wonderful life. I wish you the best.

>> No.19561342
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Do leftards really

>> No.19561386

That's not heroin, bro.

>> No.19561551
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>> No.19561662

you are valid. i see you

>> No.19561673

Read some real feminism, loser

They're clearly injecting estrogen

>> No.19561697

le sauce? onegai

>> No.19561702


>> No.19561712

What % of zoomers are based aka trans?

>> No.19561731

All of 'em

>> No.19561747
File: 10 KB, 153x227, 1353_book_item_1353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19561778

estrogen is taken by intramuscular injection, not intravenous. those are junkies

>> No.19561791

You will never be a woman.

>> No.19561799

I have never heard of an actual argument from trannies who give any thought of ontological or epistemological justification for their lifestyle choice, only something along the lines of "no u".

>> No.19561826

True, good for them tho

>> No.19561840

Get off that shit, its the most evil substance devised by nature or man. If you are a spirit that acts with reasons and justifications behinds actions and not just a thing that simply exists as it is and reacts to causation like the rest of the dead stuff in the Universe, you have to stop. What differentiates a man from a corpse is the Will. Use it.

>> No.19561844

Why the fuck would you need ontological or epistemological justification for a "lifestyle choice" lmao

>> No.19561853

>its the most evil substance devised by nature or man.
i can think of like 5 worse drugs off the top of my head
>If you are a spirit that acts with reasons and justifications behinds actions and not just a thing that simply exists as it is and reacts to causation like the rest of the dead stuff in the Universe
lately, i've been increasingly unsure if i am. i believe people are spirit and not matter, but maybe i'm not people

>> No.19561855
File: 1.98 MB, 1169x1736, 1632449710422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're human. They don't have an identity (they have a biologically corrupted cosplay instead), an engaged consciousness, a partner (true, they have a mirror image of
nothingness, which, while comforting, adds rather than detracts from their emptiness), anything at all worth living for except oblivion. They're mutilated living suicides. If you envy that, get your shit together loser... Or at least you're the biggest loser on the planet which is an achievement of sorts. In any case, you're better off.

>> No.19561857

>i can think of like 5 worse drugs off the top of my head
Ooooo which?

>> No.19561902

>vid related
does (s)he have penis pics on the internet? asking for a friend...

>> No.19561914

Is there a single tranny that doesn't?

>> No.19561921

Fentanyl Floyd

>> No.19561947

Men trapped in Men's Bodies is ok but it's not all that relatable to actual autogynephiles, at least it didn't really make me feel anything emotionally
I like referring to the sex with men chapter though, it's pretty fun
I think Nevada is probably the best book about autogynephilia and the desire to transition to female i've ever read

>> No.19561951

I've never listened to it, I don't think it's actually that common although of course it could be way more widespread than people want to admit

>> No.19561987

Oh btw just so we're clear here, I did masturbate to fantasies involving myself getting turned into a girl and seduced by men, essentially turned straight although I am a heterosexual male
This was about the age of 12-13 and it happened after I read a volume of ranma 1/2
Later on I went looking for similar materials, boys who got transformed magically into girls and who suddenly felt a sexual attraction to men that they hadn't ever felt before (or at least weren't conscious of it) and I found a few hentai comics that were like that, I liked that a lot and it was the most incredibly arousing but also exciting and in a way joyful form of pornography I knew as a teenager
So essentially the same root features of sissy pornography are in what I looked at as a teenager, perhaps involving less masochism but ultimately they're the same thing

>> No.19561991

what an incredibly cruel thing to say about two people you've never met. i'll never understand how anyone can look at people in obvious pain and say stuff like this. i don't want to understand either
i mean amongst opiates alone there's a bunch that are stronger and more addictive than heroin. then there's a bunch of weird, lesser known freak things, like this guy in the 80s that tried to make heroin at home and ended up making a toxin that gave a bunch of people late-stage Parkinson's
or bromo-dragonfly, a powerful psychedelic that killed that was mislabeled and sold on the internet and killed a bunch of people in 2009 after long, hellish trips. THAT'S an evil drug

>> No.19562076

Bromo-Dragonfly isn't really too bad all things considered, just very bad when confused for 2c-b-Fly because its very potent and very long lasting and active in something like 200 micrograms while 2c-b-Fly is active around 10 mg. If you want a really awful research chemical, maybe a-PVP fits the bill. When it was legal, I tried it once. It is no more euphoric than similar stimulants but it has the biggest urge to redose of literally any chemical, like a totally a-rational auto-pilot EXTREME compulsion / impulse to take more, completely irrespective of what the actual experience was like. Also its probably nuerotoxic and cardiotoxic.