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/lit/ - Literature

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19559373 No.19559373 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some writers who can be described as literary, but fall under this label?

>De Sade
>Henry Miller
>Anais Nin

>> No.19559408

da fuvk. how could one opinion be so wrong? mans was a radical anti-coomer. he literally wrote his fiances dad a letter about how he had no family feel and hated his life and job and only cared about writing in the same breath as trying to ask her hand in marriage

>> No.19559426


>> No.19559433

what's with all these coomer threads? probably a sign that i should leave this shithole before someone makes me cede to the temptation.

>> No.19559439

the guy gets off on paintings of arrow riddled men and almost every book involves some bizarre description of sexual acts

>> No.19559440

How do i get a gf like that?

>> No.19559442

In his books, the protagonists don’t even do anything and women are throwing themselves at them and fucking right away. I know about his personal life

>> No.19559449

It's the /qa/ fags being incessant about not wanting actual books but just mindless pleasure
You're fine if you just hide their threads, but I wouldn't blame you for leaving here. It's been exceptionally shit lately

>> No.19559476

Yeah he's quite erotic without verging into smut (in my limited experience). His description of women are quite sensual as well.

>> No.19559480

Is Juliette by De Sade worth reading? I’ve never read any of his work and I don’t want gay pedophilia or an innocent young girl get the Candide treatment

>> No.19559554

de sade is very interesting because the philosophy his characters formulate in between boring and overlong sex scenes is really fascinating and ahead of its time. If de sade had written philosophy books instead of scribbling porn on prison walls with his poop he'd have seriously stolen nietzsche's thunder. but he was an autistic coomer (his sex scenes are always just endless lists of everybody's eye- and haircolor and how big everbody's hemorrhoids were etc. instead of anything remotely resembling eroticism) and had to do what he did.

>> No.19559562
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>> No.19559584

Lol. Sounds sorta surreal. Is he more novelist or philosopher? He sounds like the GG Allin of philosophy. Are his books boring overall, or worth it?

>> No.19559616

Coomer threads are far from new, we just went through a lull during the shutdown, still have fewer than we used.

>> No.19559658

>Is he more novelist or philosopher?
I'd classify de sade as an outsider artist instead of using either of those two terms. he's certainly no novelist since his books have hardly any plot and the closest he ever came to creating anything resembling a character was justine and even then her character was just "goody two-shoes suffers her whole life". the philosophy parts are what I found fascinating and what kept me reading. I rather like the GG Allin comparison too, even if nobody ever accused GG of being a philospher.

>> No.19559663

>his characters formulate in between boring and overlong sex scenes is really fascinating and ahead of its ti
Fucking bullshit. Do you wanna know the REAL reason Sade was persecuted and chased down? it was because he REVEALED THE ACTUAL DOINGS OF THE ROYALTY AND THE CHURCH.
This guy actually exposed everything the royals and the pope were doing behind the curtains. All the depravity and evil of their secret sects and religions.
This is literally a historical account of Ancient Pizzagate.
Juliette and Justine are actually MIND BLOWING when you know all this shit was actually happening and that's actually why they wanted to cut Sade's head off.

>> No.19559809

>that's actually why they wanted to cut Sade's head off
why yes, (literally) shitting on the clergy, declaring all morals hypocrisy and laughing at the concept of a god WILL get you into a bit of trouble in 18th century france

>> No.19559830

>shitting on the clergy,
Yeah, but it wasn't just any regular 'shitting on the clergy' thing, it was because he nailed and exposed their criminal and sexual activities. It pissed them off. Kindof like a wikileaks of antiquity.

>> No.19559905

Where to start with De Sade?

>> No.19559928

He only has one relevant book lol, just read it, there's nothing else.

>> No.19559963

He has 2 different books produced by Oxford World Classics and Penguin

>> No.19559978

Justine, or The Misfortunes of the Virtue (1791)


>> No.19559988

Juliette and Justine, check out they must be the original, unedited versions.

>> No.19559994


>> No.19559998

I like seeing cute/pretty/sexy girls because it’s motivating, a sight for sore eyes in a world filled with a lot of ugliness.
Shame the last thread got pruned ;(

>> No.19560265

Have a yacht like that in the Mediterranean.

>> No.19560338

Ian Fleming, kinda

>> No.19560395

That bitch is hot, I want to fuck her from behind and grab her flat titties

>> No.19560416

In that position, and pull out and cum on her soles?

>> No.19560431

In that position, and stay in and nut deep up in her and pull her hair back at the same time and then laugh obnoxiously because I know she didn’t even cum

>> No.19560451

>they must be the original, unedited versions
de sade wrote multiple versions of the justine story, with the final edition being a 10 volume, 4000 page monstrosity. NOT the way to start, obviously. the 1791 one-volume version is just fine for that purpose.

>> No.19560456

What in the goddamn fuck

>> No.19560566

>with the final edition being a 10 volume, 4000 page monstrosity
Honestly never heard of that long ass version. I agree on the 1791

>> No.19560583

Babbie's first taste of Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.19560596

wheres this from

>> No.19560617

post de sade excerpt to judge if he's worthy of coomer

>> No.19560675

>His description of women are quite sensual as well.
No the fuck they are not, lmao

>> No.19560680

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.19560702

Has anyone read Anais Nin? I sampled Delta of Venus, and I would feel a little embarrassed having it displayed. It has a way higher quality than erotica, but it still felt like erotica at the end of the day. All passages would lead to sex scenes. Some were hot. A woman lying naked with 4 men and one nuzzling her mouth his his cock. Lol

>> No.19560727
File: 66 KB, 700x450, Παράξενες-ιστορίες-από-το-κινέζικο-σπουδαστήριο.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This collection is made of 104 out of the original ~500 or so Pu Songling stories, based on the ones selected here by the translator, one would either assume Pu Songling or the Translator himself was a pervert with an obsession with sex, which happens to be the overriding theme of this book page after page, with the occasional few which deviate from the norm. The basic template for the stories contained begins with some rendezvous between a young scholar -nobleman and a lady, succumbs to the charm of said lady with outer-world beauty, which is revealed to be either a fox spirit, ghost, or monster masquerading as a woman (depends on the story), and over the course of a few days of repeated nightly encounters, the man usually slowly dies as he discovers his life essence being siphoned by his new mistress, sometimes willingly continuing until his demise. There is an entire array of spin-off endings/plot lines which follow after the initial meeting, but the majority of the focus is on the seduction between man and a lady spirit.

This degeneracy is renewed as soon as the story ends and the next one begins, with the topic of instant affairs being beaten to death over and over, and fails to provide the reader with any moral lessons-food for thought from reading such stories. This collection of hedonistic stories belongs in the scrap shelf, it fails to provide value aside from its perverted novelty, and is probably good fuel for a bonfire if nothing else.

>> No.19560915

DH Lawrence, Plum in a Golden Vase.

>> No.19561515

OP, I highly suggest you fucking kill yourself

Cumbrains love to ruin literature as well. You are a stain on society, consider suicide.

>> No.19561536

Ihara Saikaku, The Mirror of Male Love
Dumb 4chan-brain. Eroticism has been a staple of art and literature from antiquity.

>> No.19561642

Choke by Palahniuk is basically just smut with no plot.

>> No.19561885


>> No.19561912

>Eroticism has been a staple of art and literature from antiquity.
People have been cringy since then too, still cringe.

>> No.19562151

WS Burroughs

>> No.19562164

Shut the fuck up you tryhard faggot. Choke is a great book.

>> No.19562215
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